Work Permit: Establish Your Policy

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Establish Your Policy

• Emphasize the importance of a work permit (it’s easier to

implement a policy when employees understand why it’s
• Specify that a work permit will be needed for all high risk work
• Identify the person or the team who will manage the process.

Identify Hazards, Assess Risk and Determine Needs

• Identify work activities requiring a work permit and the type of

permit needed. One way is to do a job hazard analysis of all
critical tasks.
• Review legislative requirements, codes and standards, and industry
• Assess risks based on severity of hazards and number of people exposed.
• Prioritize work permit needs based on this assessment.
• Identify the resources needed to set up and maintain the system.

Implement a Plan to Address Identified Needs

• Develop and implement a strategy to successfully achieve the required control.

• Define responsibilities, accountabilities, timelines and milestones for the Work
Permit system.

Develop Procedures

• Clearly identify the kinds of jobs requiring work permits.

• Explain how the permit system works, for example:
 When to apply for a permit (how many hours before the work is started?)
 Where to get a permit.
 How to fill it out.
 How many copies are needed.
 Who gets copies.
 Who must be informed of the work.
 What to do with the permit when work is stopped or completed.

• Define responsibilities, for example:

 Who fills out the form.
 Who identifies hazards.
 Who ensures precautions have been taken.
 Who is authorized to issue/ revoke permits.
 Who supervises the work.
 Who ensures work is completed.

General Information to Include in Your Work Permit

• Exact work locations.

• Work to be done.
• Date and time the work is to start and end Hazards.
Correct sequence of work procedures.
• Personal protective equipment required.
• Emergency equipment needed.
• Signature of authorized person(s).
• The precautions to be taken.
• Date and time the permit is issued.
• Preparatory requirements, such as testing, equipment and machinery
to be shut down/locked out, ventilation, etc.

Provide Training

• No matter how well designed your work permit system is, it will only
succeed if your staff understand how to comply with it.
• Identify all employees who need training and the training content (See
Training Program Content Guidelines for suggestions on what your
training program should cover).
• Provide training, preferably as a group, to all possible users and staff involved in
the system.

Safety Tips: Nitrogen Environment

9 Nitrogen Gas should be vented to outdoors or to a system designated to safely

receive nitrogen.
9 Oxygen concentration should not drop below safe level in the premises where
nitrogen is used.
9 Ensure that that all Nitrogen pipes are clearly labeled in the plant to avoid mix-
9 Regularly inspect and do not use a leaky hose used in Nitrogen service.
9 Measure oxygen concentration inside confined space before every entry.
9 Make sure that the ventilation systems in the plant are in good health.

Impact of Oxygen Deficiency on the Human Body

% Oxygen Impact
20.9 Normal
19.5 Minimum concentration required for
Human Being
15-19.5 Circulatory problem : Decrease in ability to
12-15 Increase in pulse rate and respiration
10-12 Raising in pulse & respiration, giddiness
8-10 Unconsciousness
6-8 Exposure for 6 minutes :- 50% fatalities,
if more than 8 minutes :- 100 fatalities
Less than 6 Coma in 40 Seconds & death

9 Always use BIS-approved 9 Check that the cylinder 9 Always keep the cylinder 9 Keep the cylinder away
appliances from authentic has the company seal and in upright position at from other sources of heat
sources safety cap intact ground level in a well 9 Never keep kerosene or
9 If you are not sure about ventilated place other stoves on the floor
9 Obtain BIS-approved LPG safe use of LPG, ask the 9 Always keep the gas where an LPG cylinder is in
regulators and Suraksha delivery person for a stove on a platform use.
rubber tubes from demonstration above the cylinder level
authorized LPG distributors 9 Do not keep the cylinder
only in a cabinet or in a pit
below floor level


9 Check the cylinder valve to 9 Retain safety cap with 9 Shelves or storage 9 Strike match first, then
ensure that the rubber '0' nylon thread attached to cabinets should not be open burner knob
ring is present inside the cylinder. Fix the cap placed above the hot 9 Always use cotton clothes
9 Use only soap solution to on to the valve to stop plate -reaching out to and cotton apron while
check gas leaks; never use leak, if any containers could cause cooking;
lighted match-sticks for 9 Do not store inflammable accidents. 9 never use synthetic
checking leaks material like rubber mats, 9 Do not have curtains on clothes like silk, chiffon,
9 coir, etc., inside the the windows near the etc.
kitchen or above the gas stove. 9 Clothing is for wearing,
stove. not panhandling. Use only
9 pot holders

9 Never leave vessels 9 Turn "off' the regulator 9 Always keep rubber tube 9 Get your gas appliances
unattended on burners in knob and then the stove uncovered and visible serviced per.iodically
operation - the contents knob before retiring to 9 Check rubber tube 9 Self-repair is unsafe. Call
may overflow, extinguishing bed. regularly for cracks; distributor's mechanic.
the flame and causing gas 9 Alwa1s keep the regulator change rubber tube at
leakage knob in 'off' position when least once in two years
9 Do not keep electrical the cylinder is not in use 9
appliances like refrigerators 9 Empty cylinders must be
inside the kitchen; power stored in a cool and well
fluctuations in them can act ventilated place with the
as a source of fire in case safety cap put on
of leakage
9 Do not panic 9 Do not operate electrical 9 Open all doors & 9 Call your distributor or
9 Close regulator and burner switches or appliances in windows for emergency service cell for
knobs the room ventilation help
9 Isolate the main 9 Put off all flames, 9 LPG being heavier than air,
electrical supply from lamps, incense sticks, tends to settle at the ground
the outside only etc. level on leakage.
9 Put the safety cap on If LPG leakage is noticed,
the cylinder use all available ventilation
to disperse the gas.





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