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com Skull May 18, 2004

1. Which cranial bones are paired?

A) ethmoid
B) parietal
C) temporal
D) b and c

2. The G in the positioning line GML stands for:

A) gonion
B) glabella
C) greater wing
D) greater trochanter

3. The CR location for a townes method is:

A) 1.5 inches above glabella

B) 2 inches above glabella
C) 2.5 inches below glabella
D) 2.5 inches above glabella

4. The CR enters 2 inches superior to the EAM for which position?

A) lateral skull
B) caldwell method
C) townes method

5. The tube angles that can be used for a townes method are 30 and 35 degrees.

A) True
B) False

6. If the OML is perpendicular on a townes method, the CR is:

A) 37 degrees caudad
B) 30 degrees caudad
C) 37 degrees cephalic
D) 30 degrees caudad

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7. The inion is located on the temporal bone.

A) True
B) False

8. The petrous ridges are part of the temporal bone.

A) True
B) False

9. The foramen magnum is formed by the joining of the temperal bones.

A) True
B) False

10. The sella turcica is part of the sphenoid bones.

A) True
B) False

11. Which skull shape is known by a 40 degree angle of the petrous pyramids?

A) mesocephalic
B) bradycephalic
C) brachycephalic
D) dolichocephalic

12. Which is not a part of the sphenoid bone?

A) greater wing
B) sella turcica
C) clivus
D) crista galli

13. The occipital bone is best demonstrated with what two skull positions?

A) haas and townes

B) caldwell and townes
C) AP and haas
D) PA and townes

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14. The anterior clinoid is found on the ethmoid bone.

A) True
B) False

15. There are 8 cranial bones and 12 facial bones.

A) True
B) False

16. The CR is angled ________ degrees ________ for a caldwell method.

A) 30, caudad
B) 15, cephalic
C) 15, caudad
D) 30, cephalic

17. Which of the following is not a cranial bone?

A) vomer
B) frontal
C) ethmoid
D) sphenoid

18. The submentovertical projection is known as the haas method.

A) True
B) False

19. The greater and lesser wings are part of the sphenoid bone.

A) True
B) False

20. The CR location for a caldwell method is the nasion.

A) True
B) False

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Help build an online radiology directory at Page 4 Skull May 18, 2004

Answer Key -- Skull

1. D b and c
2. B glabella
3. D 2.5 inches above glabella
4. A lateral skull
5. B False
6. B 30 degrees caudad
7. B False
8. A True
9. B False
10. A True
11. D dolichocephalic
12. D crista galli
13. A haas and townes
14. B False
15. B False
16. C 15, caudad
17. A vomer
18. B False
19. A True
20. A True

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