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School of Gradute Studies and Research

G. Alban Street, Guinobatan , Albay

Subject : Educ. 203 (Educational Management)

Topic : Clinical Supervision
Name : Raymart N. Naag
Professor : Dr. Telesforo Inumerable



1. Prepare an explanation of the 5 phases of Clinical Supervision, What

does the cycle means of no less than 200 – word.

  Clinical supervision is a process that enhances growth and increases skills in a

given profession, while building a trusting relationship between a supervisor and a
supervisee. It is important to know that the clinical supervisor is an experienced and
licensed/credentialed professional that oversees a supervisee who is working towards
their own professional licensing after completing educational and internship
requirements. There are five phases in clinical supervision.
The first is the planning conference or pre-conference, involving the supervisor
and teacher. This session focuses on:
 the reason and purpose for the observation,
 the focus of the observation,
 the method and form of observation to be used,
 the time of observation,
 the time for post-conference.
The second phase of the clinical supervision cycle is the actual observation of
the teacher in the classroom. During this time, data is collected based on what the
supervisor decided he/she would observe. Once the data is collected, analyses and
interpretations are made. This is the third phase, which also involves deciding what
approaches are to be used in Phase 4; this is, post-conferencing.
The fourth phase focuses on reviewing the results of the observation session and
formulating plans which will aid in improving future teacher instruction. In addition, this
exercise is intended to train the teacher in self-supervision techniques.
In the final stage of the cycle, post-conferencing critique takes place. Both the
supervisor and teacher analyze the first four phases of clinical supervision, and make
adjustments where necessary, before the cycle begins again. This conference, though
not necessarily a formal one, examines questions such as, what was valuable in what
we did? What changes in strategies can be made?
In addition, the supervisor’s own skills and techniques come under the
microscope, as the observation exercise is a learning experience for not only the
teacher but the supervisor as well. The supervisor must constantly revise or change
strategies when dealing with professional teachers. Interpersonal skills have to be
renewed and reviewed if the observation exercise is to be productive. After the entire
cycle of clinical supervision has been completed, the teacher, in collaboration with the
supervisor, is expected to put a plan of action into place to continue the process of
improvement of instruction and personal development.

2. Compare the Clinical Supervision between Traditional Supervision,

considering on the given values?



AIM Evaluation Instruction To help improve instruction
BASIS Observer’s rating Classroom data
FOCUS Broad general concerns Limited specific concerns
FREQUENCY Based on policy Based on need
PHILOSOPHY Promotes dependence Promotes independence
PROCESS Linear Cyclic
RESPONSIBILITY Supervisor’s responsibility Shared between teacher and

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