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Name: Jastine C.

Course & Section: BSA 1A
Date Accomplished: June 01,2021

Act. 5 Give five (5) actors of Globalization and explain how they were able to contribute in the
development of the county’s economic growth.

1. International Economic and Financial Organizations - provide the structure and funding
for many unilateral and multilateral development projects.

International Economic And Financial Organizations were able to contribute in the

development of the country's economic growth in such a way of supporting financial
markets by providing funds to be allotted for developing the world as a whole. It is their
goal to promote sustainability to either private and public sectors. Under this actor of
globalization is the Bretton Woods Institutions which composes of IMF or International
Monetary Fund who has a goal to help countries that don't have any source of funds
such as the victims of terrorism , by this way , it helps countries to bounce back and
develop once again. Another one is the International Bank For Reconstruction and the
Development or World Bank that has a goal to reduce or eradicate poverty. It offers long
term loans to the less developed countries which is a big help in approaching
development. There are countries who are less fortunate with the resources and often
encounter less possibility of development. The World Bank opened an opportunity to
provide long term loans to countries to use it for long term development as well. And the
last is the GATT or General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade which has a goal to reduce
or eliminate trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas . According to its preamble, its
purpose was the "substantial reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers and the
elimination of preferences, on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis.'' So
basically , it opens opportunities for a few trades all across the world. All in all
International Economic and Financial Organizations contribute by a way of supporting
development and eliminating barriers and restrictions for more openness.

2. International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) - IGOs have international membership,

scope and presence. Their primary members consist of sovereign states. These
organizations bring member states together to cooperate on a particular theme or issues
that have global impacts and implications such as human rights, trade, development,
poverty, gender or migration.

IGOs contribute to the development of the country's economic growth by focusing on

global issues that have global effects. It is when sovereign states come together to
eradicate or to make an action towards global issues that affect the global economy. It's
goal is to give solution to problems or issues that may cause long term complications to
the growth of economy.Under the IGOs is the World Trade Organization or WTO that
facilitates trade in goods, services and intellectual property among participating countries
by providing a framework for negotiating trade agreements, which usually aim to reduce
or eliminate tariffs, quotas, and other restrictions(Wikipedia)

Just like the GATT it's main goal is to reduce or eliminate the tariffs or barriers and
restrictions to trade to much more openness. WTO is the replacement of GATT.

3. Media- As the world becomes ever more complex and interconnected, access to
information must play an increasingly central role in every problem facing development
specialists. At the individual level, access to information allows people to make informed
choices—to decide how to vote, to educate themselves on critical health issues, to get
the market data they need to sell their products, and ultimately to participate in the global

Media contributes to the development of the country's economic growth by being a

medium of information and access. As to the role of globalization to promote
interconnection and interdependence , the media allows different platforms for easier
access and a much more convenient way of communication.

4. Multilateral development banks are international financial institutions owned by

countries. In addition to the World Bank Group, there are four regional multilateral
development banks: the Inter-American Development Bank, the African Development
Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development. These institutions provide loans, grants, guarantee, private equity and
technical assistance to public and private sector projects in developing countries.

It's contribution focuses as well to development of countries. It offers loans and grants
and guarantees to assist development to a country who is less developed. It's quite the
same as the purpose of the International Economic and Financial Organizations goal.

5. Nation-states refer to a certain form of state that derives its political legitimacy from
serving as a sovereign entity for a nation within its sovereign territorial space. The state
is a political and geopolitical entity while the nation is a cultural and/or ethnic entity The
term "nation-state" implies that the two geographically coincide, and this distinguishes
the nation state from the other types of state, which historically preceded it.

Nation states could contribute in such a way that it could help with the barriers In
international commerce and communication. With all the sovereignty and power of a
certain nation it could aid a more globalized world because of openness and thus it will
improve economic growth.

Act. 6 Comprehensively define the Modern World System.


It is a capitalist world-economy which is the geohistorical system in which we live.
Immanuel Wallerstein’s Modern World-System theory is a structural approach to analyse
social change. In response to the liberal theory, which differentiated three social spheres
(the market, the state, and the civil society) operating according to different logics
Modern World-System theory states that politics and economics cannot be viewed as
distinct social spheres, they are two interrelated fields of study (Wallerstein, 2004).
It is characterized by a capitalist world-economy including a single division of labor but
multiple polities and cultures (interstate system).

Modern world systems are simply the division of labors which divides the world into core
countries. It results in increasing interdependence of cultures of ecosystems. In the
modern world systems we have the core countries and the periphery countries .The core
countries concentrate on higher-skill, capital-intensive industry, while the rest of the
world concentrates on low-skill, labor-intensive industry and raw material extraction. The
core countries' power is constantly reinforced as a result of this. Nonetheless, the
system is dynamic, in part due to advances in transportation technology, and individual
states can gain or lose their core.

In the modern world system we can say that countries belonging to the periphery are
dependent on the core countries. Just like in the phrase " When America sneezes, the
world catches a flu". America is one of the core countries and thus, it is in Concentration
with the higher skills of labor , and if these core countries will have a problem the rest of
the world will also be affected. Simply, because of increasing interconnection between
nations , distance is no longer a barrier to most countries. As we experienced freedom in
trade and communication we are part of the world system that is interconnected to each

Act. 7 Differentiate IMF and WB.

● International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created in 1945, the institution was designed to
monitor the system of pegged or fixed exchange rates.The Role of IMF, is to promote
global monetary cooperation and international financial stability.To provide short-term
loans to prevent devaluation and retain the state's fixed exchange rates. It Facilitate the
expansion and
balanced growth of international trade.The IMF also lends to countries with balance of
payments difficulties, to provide temporary financing and to support policies aimed at
correcting the underlying problems; loans to low-income countries are also aimed
especially at poverty reduction.

While the World Bank functions as an international organization that fights poverty by
offering developmental assistance to middle-income and low-income countries.
By giving loans and offering advice and training in both the private and public sectors,
the World Bank aims to eliminate poverty by helping people help themselves. Under the
World Bank Group (WBG), there are complementary institutions that aid in its goals to
provide assistance.

Act. 8 Identify three (3) attributes of Global Corporations.

1. Network of branches

- Multinational companies maintain production and marketing operations in different


Because of interdependence and openness of different countries we can experience

marketing operations all over the world. We can have an exportation and importation of
markets or products. Just like with the big companies and markets all over the world ,we
can tell that they are branching out and is developing not just with their country but all
over the world. Just like the Jollibee here in the Philippines. Because of its quality
products it is given a chance to be branched out to some of the countries. And same
here in the Philippines , not all establishments here are all Filipino's owned , some are
just branches of markets from the other countries.

2. Sophisticated technology

- When a company goes global, they need to make sure that their investment will grow

One major result of globalization is the rise of sophisticated technologies that were just
once not real. And now it is a major concern if the company has this sophisticated
technology to operate. That is why owners and managers put investment in developing
good technologies to grow substantially.

3. Good quality products

- By the use of capital-intensive technology, they are able to produce top-of-the-line

Because of high class technologies, we can experience good quality products. And in
this factor , we can clearly tell how technology aids us in every way. Compared to the
time many years ago where products were limited and not as it's best because they don't
have that tool to make it the best one. Unlike now, where products were close to
perfection. And that's because of the technologies.
Act. 9 Explain the negative and positive effects of Globalization to the Government.

● Globalization has brought different changes in many aspects and one of them is it's
effects on the government. Globalization promotes interdependence and interconnection
among countries to create one global community. And because of this leaders were able
to communicate with different leaders across the world. One example of this is the
ASEAN summit. In this event , countries from SouthEast Asia were gathered and held
together to talk about issues and concerns for more development and improvement. One
advantage as well is the peace and unity of different countries. Countries were often
united because of globalization and it is a great help to the government as well.
Countries can also provide or receive support with all the other countries. Just like in the
case of the Philippines where we are mostly victims of calamities, other countries
provide support that could aid our countries to bounce back once again and that is also a
great help to the government.

But it has as well as the disadvantages, such as it is not impossible that it may cause
dependency. Countries can be dependent on one country and it will affect the freedom
of the dependent country. Also, the government is easily influenced by the governance
of leaders from all over the world. And this could be an advantage or not.

Act. 10 Identify five (5) institutions that govern international relations and give at least one (1) or
two (2) activities under them. Describe the activities and give reasons why they must be under
these following institutions.


The activities under the United Nations is to support Sustainable Development and Climate
Action. In this activity the United Nations assured that the countries under the organization are
approaching development and are improving to the best of their ability. And as well it is also a
major concern of the organization to address global issues and one of them is climate change. It
is important to have these activities to ensure development and solution to world issues.
Another activity is to Maintain International Peace and Security. In this activity the United
Nations assured that countries are at peace and are in unity. This is important because it
assures security among countries.


One of the activities of the World Bank is to provide financial assistance. As we all know, the
World Bank Offers loans to countries to invest in development and to be used for certain issues.
It is important to have this activity so that countries who are less developed could have a
chance to develop themselves by having loans or financial assistance from the World Bank.


The activities under the IMF is to reduce poverty among countries by the means of lending or
providing financial assistance. It is more likely to have the same role in the World Bank. And as
well this is important because it could open opportunities for a certain country to develop. And
also it encourages International trade. The IMF aims to promote global markets and more
access to free trade across different countries. It is important to have this activity so that
countries will experience freedom in trade and also has the chance to trade.


One of the activities of the World Trade Organization is negotiating the reduction or elimination
of obstacles to trade (import tariffs, other barriers to trade) It focuses on free access with the
aim to complete no barriers to trade without restrictions. It is important to have this because it
will give great help to free access and easy trade all over the world.


The activities under the World Health Organization is education concerning prevailing health
problems and the methods of preventing and controlling them. It is their responsibility to combat
prevalent health issues that could cause destruction of lives. This is important because as we
face the global issue of this COVID 19 virus , we can count on WHO to have solutions to
combat this pandemic. The other activity is the promotion of food supply and proper nutrition.
One major concern of the world is malnutrition. And hence, WHO is finding ways to eliminate
malnutrition all over the world and this is a great help to address global issues that are affecting
not just one country but a multitude of countries.


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