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Débora Raquel Ajuchán Valor:

Nimacachí 100 Puntos Liceo Científico

Catedrático (a):
Tercer Typing

Datos del alumno:
Clave: 3 1er. Apellido: Ramirez
Grado: 2o. Apellido: Upún
Sexto Fecha:
Sección: 1er. Nombre: Amarilis Día Mes Año
“A” 2o. Nombre: Maribel 10 8 2021
6º. Secretariado Bilingüe
(español-inglés) VARIABLE
2a. Calle 1-73 zona “A”
Tel: 78391176



It is natural, at this point in your preparation for a secre-

tarial career, to think that it may be some time before you will
Be secretary to one of these high-level executives just described.
But you have to look to the future now; there is much you can and
must do if you expect one day to become the ideal secretary every
business executive wants.
It would be much easier if there were a recipe or a formula
follow to prepare yourself for the ideal job. But there is no
hard and fast set rules that will assure success for everyone.
right now, the important thing for you to remember is that execu-
tives attach great importance to the qualities previously
Give your own qualities time to grow. Of course, you now
possess some of these qualities and others will be acquired in
school and on the job. One of the purposes of this course is to
help you develop a secretarial personality. As you follow-through
on the many activities and projects in this course you qualitie
will continue to grow and to mature. This will be true, however,
only to the extent that you recognize your weaknesses and attempt
to overcome them. Your instructor will help you to direct your
attention to self-improvement.
If you start now to practice tact in dealing with your in-
structors, your classmates, your friends, and members of your
it will become a habit that will carry over into business. And
certainly you can learn to safeguard every confidence and respect
others´ feelings by keeping to yourself a harmful bit of gossip.
The manner in which you go about doing your work has a great
deal to do with the development of those desirable work habits
characterize the efficient secretary. Since habits are results
of repetitive practice you might well ask yourself these
In my daily work am I consistently doing those things that will
become good job habits? What study habits am I Forming? Do I
write down instructions and assignments carefully?




Guatemala Nov. 29 9:00
Madrid Dec. 3 14:00
Paris Dec. 7 5:00
Inglaterra Nov. 15 6:00
Paris July. 2 5:30
Suiza Dec. 22 8:10
Dubai Febr. 5 4:10
New York Nov. 6 1:00
Chicago July. 10 2:00
Guatemala Dec. 11 5:36
Guatemala Febr. 16 6:30
Miami Nov. 14 6:00
Madrid July. 8 3:50

August 10, 2021


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Britan is the best country in Europe to see the effect of iron age man on the
countryside and, providing you know whath you are looking for, the sings are ever


1. Until recently historian could not understand how the gun which was, they thought,
invented in China in 1280 came to Europe a mere 47 years later in 1327. This spread of the
gun astonished the experts until Dr. Joseph Needham, director of the East Asian history of
science library at Cambridge University, found fresh evidence which showed that the gun
had been invented as early as 1128. Dr. Needham found a stone carving in a cave in south
west China in Europe as a bombard and in china as an ox-jar.

2. As the world´s supplies of fossilesed fuels, oil in particular, appear to be running out the
race is on find alternative energy sources. That racem urgent thought it is, will probably
have longer to run than was thought just a few years ago. Since the oil crisis therre has been
a dramatic move throught the world to conserve that energy we have. Equipment is now
designed to use smaller quantities of energy, electricy in particular, cars are designed to run
further on each unit of petrol while homes are insulated to conserve heat. These and other
measures will ensure that existing energy supplies will last longer.
3. Until recently historian could not understand how the gun which was, they thought,
invented in China in 1280 came to Europe a mere 47 years later in 1327. This spread of the
gun astonished the experts until Dr. Joseph Needham, director of the East Asian history of
science library at Cambridge University, found fresh evidence which showed that the gun
had been invented as early as 1128. Dr. Needham found a stone carving in a cave in south
west China in Europe as a bombard and in china as an ox-jar.

4. Until recently historian could not understand how the gun which was, they thought,
invented in China in 1280 came to Europe a mere 47 years later in 1327. This spread of the
gun astonished the experts until Dr. Joseph Needham, director of the East Asian history of
science library at Cambridge University, found fresh evidence which showed that the gun
had been invented as early as 1128. Dr. Needham found a stone carving in a cave in south
west China in Europe as a bombard and in china as an ox-jar.

5. Until recently historian could not understand how the gun which was, they thought,
invented in China in 1280 came to Europe a mere 47 years later in 1327. This spread of the
gun astonished the experts until Dr. Joseph Needham, director of the East Asian history of
science library at Cambridge University, found fresh evidence which showed that the gun
had been invented as early as 1128. Dr. Needham found a stone carving in a cave in south
west China in Europe as a bombard and in china as an ox-jar.

6. Until recently historian could not understand how the gun which was, they thought,
invented in China in 1280 came to Europe a mere 47 years later in 1327. This spread of the
gun astonished the experts until Dr. Joseph Needham, director of the East Asian history of
science library at Cambridge University, found fresh evidence which showed that the gun
had been invented as early as 1128. Dr. Needham found a stone carving in a cave in south
west China in Europe as a bombard and in china as an ox-jar.

7. Until recently historian could not understand how the gun which was, they thought,
invented in China in 1280 came to Europe a mere 47 years later in 1327. This spread of the
gun astonished the experts until Dr. Joseph Needham, director of the East Asian history of
science library at Cambridge University, found fresh evidence which showed that the gun
had been invented as early as 1128. Dr. Needham found a stone carving in a cave in south
west China in Europe as a bombard and in china as an ox-jar.

8. Until recently historian could not understand how the gun which was, they thought,
invented in China in 1280 came to Europe a mere 47 years later in 1327. This spread of the
gun astonished the experts until Dr. Joseph Needham, director of the East Asian history of
science library at Cambridge University, found fresh evidence which showed that the gun
had been invented as early as 1128. Dr. Needham found a stone carving in a cave in south
west China in Europe as a bombard and in china as an ox-jar.

9. Until recently historian could not understand how the gun which was, they thought,
invented in China in 1280 came to Europe a mere 47 years later in 1327. This spread of the
gun astonished the experts until Dr. Joseph Needham, director of the East Asian history of
science library at Cambridge University, found fresh evidence which showed that the gun
had been invented as early as 1128. Dr. Needham found a stone carving in a cave in south
west China in Europe as a bombard and in china as an ox-jar.
10. As the world´s supplies of fossilesed fuels, oil in particular, appear to be running out the
race is on find alternative energy sources. That racem urgent thought it is, will probably
have longer to run than was thought just a few years ago. Since the oil crisis therre has been
a dramatic move throught the world to conserve that energy we have. Equipment is now
designed to use smaller quantities of energy, electricy in particular, cars are designed to run
further on each unit of petrol while homes are insulated to conserve heat. These and other
measures will ensure that existing energy supplies will last longer.

11. As the world´s supplies of fossilesed fuels, oil in particular, appear to be running out the
race is on find alternative energy sources. That racem urgent thought it is, will probably
have longer to run than was thought just a few years ago. Since the oil crisis therre has been
a dramatic move throught the world to conserve that energy we have. Equipment is now
designed to use smaller quantities of energy, electricy in particular, cars are designed to run
further on each unit of petrol while homes are insulated to conserve heat. These and other
measures will ensure that existing energy supplies will last longer.

12. As the world´s supplies of fossilesed fuels, oil in particular, appear to be running out the
race is on find alternative energy sources. That racem urgent thought it is, will probably
have longer to run than was thought just a few years ago. Since the oil crisis therre has been
a dramatic move throught the world to conserve that energy we have. Equipment is now
designed to use smaller quantities of energy, electricy in particular, cars are designed to run
further on each unit of petrol while homes are insulated to conserve heat. These and other
measures will ensure that existing energy supplies will last longer.

13. As the world´s supplies of fossilesed fuels, oil in particular, appear to be running out the
race is on find alternative energy sources. That racem urgent thought it is, will probably
have longer to run than was thought just a few years ago. Since the oil crisis therre has been
a dramatic move throught the world to conserve that energy we have. Equipment is now
designed to use smaller quantities of energy, electricy in particular, cars are designed to run
further on each unit of petrol while homes are insulated to conserve heat. These and other
measures will ensure that existing energy supplies will last longer.

14. As the world´s supplies of fossilesed fuels, oil in particular, appear to be running out the
race is on find alternative energy sources. That racem urgent thought it is, will probably
have longer to run than was thought just a few years ago. Since the oil crisis therre has been
a dramatic move throught the world to conserve that energy we have. Equipment is now
designed to use smaller quantities of energy, electricy in particular, cars are designed to run
further on each unit of petrol while homes are insulated to conserve heat. These and other
measures will ensure that existing energy supplies will last longer.

15. As the world´s supplies of fossilesed fuels, oil in particular, appear to be running out the
race is on find alternative energy sources. That racem urgent thought it is, will probably
have longer to run than was thought just a few years ago. Since the oil crisis therre has been
a dramatic move throught the world to conserve that energy we have. Equipment is now
designed to use smaller quantities of energy, electricy in particular, cars are designed to run
further on each unit of petrol while homes are insulated to conserve heat. These and other
measures will ensure that existing energy supplies will last longer.

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