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The A/B Personality Test

While our personalities are as varied as the different shades and
gradients of colors, certain traits are common among us. This is
the basis for personality tests, one of which you will answer
now. This is a shorter version of the Type A/B Test. The rules
are simple: think carefully about the question and be honest
with your answer.

 When you are facing an unfamiliar problem, what do you usually do?
a. Address the problem at once
b. Think carefully about what to do, then perform the action
c. Sit back and allow things to unfold and work out on its own

 Compared with other students, how quickly do you complete your class works?
a. I am usually finished before everyone else does
b. I accomplish the task right on time
c. I frequently turn in assignments late

 During normal conversation, how quickly do you speak?

a. I speak faster than most people
b. I talk at an average pace
c. I converse in a slower pace

 How often do you finish other people’s sentences when they talk or speak too slowly?
a. I do this frequently
b. I only do it most of the time
c. I never do that

 When you are playing a game, how important is it for you to win?
a. It is very important
b. It is sometimes important
c. It is not important at all

 You have numerous home works but your closest friends instead threw a party (actual
or virtual). What do you do?
a. I finish all of my home works and miss the party.
b. I will do some home works and join the party.
c. I will immediately join the party.

 Do you keep a daily or weekly schedule or calendar of your plans?

a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. No, never

 When you are in a group situation (e.g. completing a school work), how do you usually act?
a. I take charge of things
b. I act as a dependable member of the team
c. I rarely participate

Adapted from Personality Type A/B (You may visit this source for the complete test:

Personality Preferences according to MBTI

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or MBTI is one of the best-known and
widely-used personality tests. Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isobel
Briggs Myers developed this test, which indicates that each one of us has a
preference between a pair of characteristics. This reflects which approach we
consider mostly in our lifetime.

Extrovert (E) & Introvert (I). These are the options as to where you direct
your energy. Extroverts’ energy is primarily outward, directed towards
people and other elements in the environment. They are naturally active,
expressive, and social. Meanwhile, introverts focus inward towards their own
thoughts and reactions. They are more reserved, cautious, and focused.

Sensor (S) & Intuitive (N). In terms of information that people take notice
and retain, sensors regard facts, details, and realities of the world. It makes
them look into the world with a more practical and sensible approach. If you
are an intuitive, you are more concerned with the connections and
relationships between facts and meanings. They are more imaginative and
creative in nature.

Thinkers (T) & Feelers (F). Thinkers decide or conclude based on

objective and impersonal criteria. Their friend is logic. On the other hand,
feelers decide using personal values and how they feel about their choice.
While thinkers are considered analytical, feelers are more empathetic.

Judgers (J) & Perceivers (P). These two have different preferences in
terms of environment they are more comfortable in. Judgers prefer the
structured and orderly process and perceivers bank on experience and non-
comforming options.
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