ACCT2285 Assignment Semester 2 2021

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RMIT Classification: Trusted

ACCT 2285
Wealth Creation and Estate Planning

Assessment name: Assessment Task 2: Case study report

Weight: 40%

Assignment due date: Week 10 [Friday 1st October 2021, 11.30pm


Length: Maximum 4000 words

Feedback mode: 

Feedback will be provided on the submitted document using Turtitin's marking

tools and general comments. There are variety of tools when marking
assignments through Turnitin, so please be aware. This may include marked
feedback, short comments and detailed suggestion on how to improve the work
in the future.

Assessment Declaration:

I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood
and agree to the content and expectations of the Assessment declaration.

Learning Objectives Assessed:

This assignment assesses Learning Objectives CLO2, CLO3, CLO4, CLO5, CLO6 and

Graduate Outcomes supported: 

This assessment supports the following Graduate Outcomes:

 Apply a broad theoretical and technical knowledge of business practice in

diverse contexts
 Apply theoretical and technical knowledge to provide in-depth specialist
and professional advice related to financial markets, investments,
superannuation, retirement planning, insurance and social planning
 Critically analyse and synthesise information to formulate effective
business and financial decisions
RMIT Classification: Trusted

 Apply reasoned judgements to solve problems in a variety of business

contexts with reference to ethical, regulatory and global perspectives
 Reflect on performance feedback to identify and action strategies for
 Communicate business data and concepts to professionals and non-
professionals in diverse contexts


Case Study Assignment (Instructions)

Case study

See the Client Data Form in the Assignment folder.

Your task is to take the role of an adviser and provide Norman and Jennifer with
a report that addresses the following:

1. Assess their goals and objectives and personal circumstances (3 marks)

2. Recommend a savings and investment plan that best meets their goals
and objectives. (5 marks)
3. A detailed assessment of the client’s risk profile (including an
interpretation of their answers to the risk profile questions in the Client
Data Form) and asset allocation that is suitable for them. (10 marks)
4. Select and recommend a product with explanation (4 marks).  You are
going to select one product from Russel Investment Fund and one
product from Vanguard as their investment for comparison.

5. You are required to analyse two products (10 marks).  You will choose
two products in task 4 and here provide a table which compares the costs
and features, including the investment objectives and styles. (This table
and any narrative should be included as an attachment to the client
RMIT Classification: Trusted

report.) Make it explicitly clear which of two products you recommend

and why.
6. Advise the clients on whether gearing is suitable for them (4 marks).
Justify this recommendation and what level of gearing you would
recommend. You need to explain to the clients in detail the risks and
benefits associated with gearing.
7. Provide the clients with projections (4 marks).  You can use the
MoneySmart managed fund calculator and/or the savings and investment
calculator to model their outcome. These calculators can be found at

 The word limit for your report is 4000 words – you can include
 You are not required to provide a Statement of Advice (SOA). However,
your report needs to be presented in a professional, clear and concise
manner that a retail client would be able to easily read and understand.
 Remember that clients do not always provide all relevant information.
You may be required to make some assumptions in your report. This is
fine, so long as it is clearly noted in the body of the report or in a
 Client’s circumstances may be incompatible with their expressed goals. If
this is the case an advisor must point this out to the clients and suggest
more realistic or achievable goals.

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