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The term ³plastic´ encompasses a broad range of materials. In addition, each has its own special
properties and variations when it comes to properties such as hardness, heat tolerance, and
resiliency. Nonetheless, each of them is made of organic condensation or addition polymers and
can be made into fibers, films, or objects.

There are a variety of methods used to process plastic. Each method has its advantages and
disadvantages and are better suited for specific applications. These methods include: injection
molding, blow molding, thermoforming, transfer molding, reaction injection molding,
compression molding, and extrusion.


There are many methods used to classify plastics. The most common method is to classify them
according to their polymer backbone. Plastics can, however, also be classified according to the
glass transition temperature or thermoplastic versus thermoset.

No matter the classification, all plastics are polymers, which is a long chain of atoms that are
bonded to one another. These chains are comprised of monomers, which are repeating molecular
units. Most plastics are made of carbon polymers or carbon polymers combined with nitrogen,
oxygen, sulfur, or chlorine in the backbone, which is the main path linking the units together.
Plastic is then customized by ³hanging´ different molecular groups to the backbone.


Experiments with plastic have been performed for centuries. In fact, even the Old Testament
makes reference to natural materials that were used in the same way as plastic is used today. The
exact year when plastic was first created or discovered, however, is a matter of dispute because
the term ³plastic´ is so loosely defined.

The discovery of ebonite, or hard rubber, in 1851, however, had a major impact on the plastics
industry. Ebonite was the first thermosetting material to be prepared that also involved its own
unique chemical modification of naturally occurring material. Yet, it took several years for
ebonite to be used to its potential.

As rubber technology was further being developed, collodion was also being manufactured.
Collodion is a cellulose solution that is part of an alcohol-ether mixture. Alexander Parkes, an
English inventor, noticed that a solid residue was left after solvent in the collodion evaporated. In
his word, this residue was a ³hard, horny elastic and waterproof substance.´ He later patented the
process in 1856 in order to waterproof woven fabrics.

In 1862, a new formulation was unveiled at the Great Exhibition in London. This early plastic
was created by dissolving cellulose nitrate in a solvent. After being placed on a heated rolling
machine, the mixture could be shaped. The first company to dedicated to manufacturing products
from the material, the Parkesine Company, was established in 1866. The company failed,
however, in 1868. A year later, the Xylonite Company was opened by Daniel Spill, who was an
associate of Parkes. This company also went bankrupt in 1874.

In the United States, plastic compounds were also on the rise. John Wesley Hyatt experimented
with cellulose nitrate in the 1860s. In 1865, he became involved in developing a method for
creating billiard balls with alternative materials. He developed balls made of ivory dust, cloth,
and shellac, which was covered with a collodion coating.

Wyatt and his brother, Isaiah, went on to create a process for producing a material made of
camphor and cellulose nitrate in 1870. By 1872, the term ³celluloid´ had been coined for the
product. The brothers went on to establish the Celluloid Manufacturing Company, which was
later renamed the American Cellulose Chemical Corporation and was ultimately absorbed by the
Celanese Corporation.

By the 1900s, the use of plastic and all of its variations took off. Today, it is the most used
material in the United States industry, with nearly every product containing plastic in one way or



The main method used for processing plastic is injection molding. With this process, the plastic
is placed into a hopper. The hopper then feeds the plastic into a heated injection unit, where it is
pushed through a long chamber with a reciprocating screw. Here, it is softened to a fluid state.

A nozzle is located at the end of the chamber. The fluid plastic is forced through the nozzle into a
cold, closed mold. The halves of the mold are held shut with a system of clamps. When the
plastic is cooled and solidified, the halves open and the finished product is ejected from the

Thermosetting materials usually are not processed with injection molding because they will
soften, they harden to an infusible state. If they are processed with injection molding, they need
to be moved through the heating chamber quickly so they do not set.


Blow molding is used when the plastic item to be created needs to be hollow. A molten tube is
created with blow molding by using compressed air, which blows up the tube and forces it to
conform to the chilled mold. Variations of blow molding include injection, injection-stretch, and
extrusion blow molding.

With injection blow molding uses a perform, which is taken to a blow mold and filled with
compressed air. As a result, it conforms to the interior design of the blow mold. With injection-
stretch blow molding, a the plastic is stretched prior to being formed. Otherwise, it is essentially
the same as the injection process.

With continuous-extrusion, a molten plastic tube is continuously created. At the appropriate

times, the tube is pinched between two mold halves. Then, a needle or a blow pin is inserted into
the tube and blows compressed air up the part in order to force it to conform to the mold interior.
With accumulator-extrusion, the molten plastic material is gathered in the chamber before it is
forced through a die in order to form a tube.


Thermoforming uses a plastic sheet, which is formed with the mold by applying air or through
mechanical assistance. The air pressure used can be nearly zero psi, or several hundred psi. At 14
psi, which is equivalent to atmospheric pressure, the pressure is created by evacuating the space
between the mold and the sheet. This is known as vacuum forming.


Transfer molding is generally used only for forming thermosetting plastics. It is similar to
compression molding because the plastic is cured into an infusible state through pressure and
heat. Unlike compression molding, however, transfer molding involves heating the plastic to a
point of plasticity prior to being placed into the mold. The mold is then forced closed with a
hydraulically operated plunger.

Transfer molding was initially developed as a method for molding intricate products, such as
those with many metal inserts or with small, deep holes. This is because compression molding
sometimes disturbed the position of the metal inserts and the holes of these types of products.
With transfer molding, on the other hand, the liquefied plastic easily flows around the metal parts
without causing them to change position.


Reaction injection molding, or RIM, is one of the newer processes used in the plastics industry.
It differs from liquid casting in that the liquid components are mixed together in a chamber at a
lower temperature of only about 75 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit before it is injected into a closed
mold. Here, an exothermic reaction occurs. As a result, RIM requires less energy than other
injection molding systems. Reinforced RIM, or R-RIM, involves adding materials such as milled
or chopped glass fiber in the mixture in order to increase the stiffness.


Compression molding is the most common process used with thermosetting materials and is
usually not used for thermoplastics. With this process, the material is squeezed into its desired
shape with the help of pressure and heat. Plastic molding powder and other materials are added
to the mix in order to create special qualities or to strengthen the final product. When the mold is
closed and heated, the material goes through a chemical change that causes it to harden into its
desired shape. The amount temperature, amount of pressure, and length of time utilized during
the process depends on the desired outcome.


The process of extrusion is usually used to make products such as film, continuous sheeting,
tubes, profile shapes, rods, coat wire, filaments, cords, and cables. As with injection molding, dry
plastic material is placed into a hopper and fed into a long heating chamber. At the end of the
chamber, however, the material is forced out of a small opening or a die in the shape of the
desired finished product. As the plastic exits the die, it is placed on a conveyor belt where it is
allowed to cool. Blowers are sometimes used to aid in this process, or the product may be
immersed in water to help it cool.

Plastic has benefited our society in a number of ways. In fact, plastic has helped aeronautics
technology take giant steps forward over the past 50 years, including advancements in satellites,
shuttles, aircraft, and missiles. As a result, civilian air travel has improved, as well as military air
power and space exploration. In addition, the building and construction, electronics, packaging,
and transportation industries have all benefited greatly from plastic.



Plastics were first introduced to the world of aerospace during World War II, mostly because
other materials were limited. During the war, plastic slowly started to be used as a substitute for
rubber in items such as fliers' boots and fuel-tank linings. Eventually, it became the preferred
material for these applications. Plastic was then used with airborne radar systems and viewed as
a significant advancement in this technology because it allowed waves to pass through with
minimal loss.

The fact that plastic was able to withstand heat also lead to its being recognized as an important
material in aerospace technology. Today, plastics are used in the solid fuel boosters form rockets
and in the ablative shields for reentry of space shuttles.

Plastic materials are also used in the making of helicopters because they are rigid and durable,
yet flexible enough to withstand the vibrations made by helicopters. The fact that plastic is both
lightweight and strong also has its advantages in the field of aerospace because the weight of the
aircraft can be reduced by using plastic. This results in improved aerodynamics, which leads to
improved fuel efficiency and performance. In fact, reducing the weight of a jetliner by just one
pound saves $1,000 in fuel during the liner's lifetime.



Plastics play a significant role in the building and construction industry as well. In fact, the
industry is the second largest consumer of plastic, followed only by the packaging industry. In
the construction industry, plastics are used for items such as pipes and valves. They are also used
for decorative elements and heavy-duty uses because they are so easy to handle, are durable, and
are attractive. Some decorative places plastics are commonly found include bathroom units,
plumbing fixtures, flooring, siding, panels, insulation, windows, doors, gratings, glazing, and

Within piping and valves, plastics are highly used because of their superior resistance to
corrosion. In fact, they can be used for everything from freshwater to saltwater, from crude oil to
laboratory waste. In addition, they are much lighter than other materials and easier to install.
They are also less expensive.

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Plastics are used with electronic devices for a wide number of purposes. Due to the thermal and
insulating properties of plastic, it is ideal for use in house wiring. In fact, nearly all modern
homes use plastic electrical connectors, switches, and receptacles.

Small appliances also take advantage of plastic. Plastic is durable, yet lightweight and attractive.
Therefore, it is great for making small appliances such as can openers, food processors,
microwave ovens, mixers, coffee makers, shavers, irons, and hair dryers. Even refrigerators use a
special plastic foam for insulation purposes, while the interior is made from plastic that is
durable and easy to clean. Without plastic, these products would last about half as long and
would use 25-30% more energy.

Computers as we know them today would probably not exist without plastic. Plastic made
smaller computers possible by being able to house all of the electronics necessary within a dust
free and well-insulated environment. Components such as circuit boards and computer chips are
able to be miniaturized without losing their abilities - or while also improving their performance
- thanks to the use of plastic.

Of course, plastic has also made it possible to introduce electronics to children at younger ages.
Even newborns can enjoy electronic toys to stimulate and entertain them as they grow. Thanks to
plastic, these toys can be made to be safe and durable.


Plastic is so versatile, it can be used for a variety of packaging purposes. If the product needs to
be well protected, the plastic can be rigid and tough. If, on the other hand, the packaging needs to
be convenient to carry, the plastic can be flexible. Or, a combination of the two can be achieved.
Furthermore, the packaging can be designed into any shape or size desired and it can be clear or
any color imaginable.
Plastic packaging helps keep people, the earth, and animals healthy in a number of ways. For
example, plastic packaging is used by medical facilities to dispose of needles and other items that
may be contaminated. Similarly, fragile medical devices are often shipped in plastic containers
because they can be precisely designed to prevent them from being damaged during shipping.
Intravenous bags are also made with special see-through plastic to help the medical staff monitor
the flow and intake of important nutrients and medicines.

Plastic is also used to store a variety of goods commonly found in the home. By creating
shatterproof bottles with plastic, family members are protected from harm if the product should
accidentally fall. Leak proof and child-resistant packaging can also be created with plastic.



Plastic is a popular choice when making modes of transportation because it is tough, resistant to
corrosion, durable, lightweight, and easy to color. For these reasons, plastic is found in the
fenders, bumpers, trunk lids, housings for headlights and sideveiw mirrors, grilles, hoods, doors,
and wheel covers.

Through the use of plastic, the average passenger car has lost 145 pounds since 1988. The lighter
weight translates to better fuel efficiency and has saved approximately 21 million barrels of oil.

Trains and busses also take advantage of plastic. Modern designs use plastic in the window and
door frames and in the seating. Subway cars use plastic for the seats, the seat covers, in making
the carpeting, in creating the handles, in the interior panels, and even in the polycarbonate

Of course, other means of transportation, such as bicycles, roller skates, kayaks, canoes,
skateboards, snowboards, surfboards, motorcycles, and even some athletic shoes take full
advantage of plastic in their creation.

Plastic has become increasingly important in our every day lives. With so many different types
of plastics, products meeting a broad range of consumer needs are available. For the most part,
plastics are organic high polymers, which means they are made of large chainlike molecules that
contain carbon. These polymers are changed into a plastic state either as they transition from a
small-molecule chemical to a solid, or shortly after. Basically, large chainlike molecules are
created by hooking together short-chain molecules. The precise process used to created this
change, however, results in different types of plastics3?


Plastic materials are divided into two basic groups: thermoplatics and thermosets. Thermoplastic
materials are made of long molecules with side chains or with groups that are not attached to the
other molecules. As a result, thermoplastics can be repeatedly melted and solidified through
heating and cooling without a chemical change taking place. This means scraps created when
processing thermoplastics can be reused. Thermoplastics are generally supplied to manufacturers
in pellet form in order to be melted down and used.

Thermosets, however, cannot be reprocessed because they form crosslinked structures during
processing. Scrap created when thermoset plastics are processed, therefore, must be discarded or
used as a filler in other products. Thermoset plastics are supplied to manufacturers in liquid form
or a solid molding powder that has been partially polymerized. They can be formed into their
desired shape with or without pressure and heat or chemicals can be used to polymerize them.

Oddly enough, the line is not clearly drawn between thermoplastics and thermosets. In fact, some
types of plastic are made as a combination of the two.

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Over the years, India has made significant progress in the industrial world with healthy economic
growth. On purchase power parity basis, it is one of the top five global economics and is
expected to be the third largest by the turn of this decade. Plastics, one of the fastest growing
industries in India, have a vital role to play. Indian Plastics Industry is expanding at a
phenomenal pace. Major international companies from various sectors such as automobiles,
electronics, telecommunications, food processing, packing, healthcare etc. have set-up large
manufacturing bases in India.

Therefore, demand for plastics is rapidly increasing and soon India will emerge as one of the
fastest growing markets in the world. The next two decades are expected to offer
unprecedented opportunities for the plastic industry in India. This would necessitate industry
initiatives to foster investments, grow the market, upgrade quality standards, enhance global
participation, encourage Indian industry, to adopt and adapt to world class technology and
manufacturing practices

Despite instability in International prices of polymer materials in 2006 - 07, plastics industry in
the country has consolidated its performance by consuming about 5.0 million tonnes of
polymers, as compared to Chinese consumption of about 30 million tonnes in 2007. Indian
plastics industries are enthusiastic about the acceleration of the growth engine in the next 3 to 5
years due to capacity expansion of existing petrochemical complexes and setting up of new
crackers in the country currently.

Reliance Industries Ltd., (RIL) has about 75% share of Indian Petrochemical Cracker capacity,
followed by medium sized capacity of Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL) and Haldia
Petrochemicals Ltd., (HPL). RIL has ambitious plan of augmenting its PP capacity from 1010
KT to 2600 KT by the year 2010. Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) has also planned an 800 K
tonnes naphtha cracker at Panipat at an investment of Rs.6300 crores to produce 800 KT of PE
and PP each at Panipat.

IOC would also be setting up a production capacity 150 KT PP at Chennai by year 2009 as well
as styrene, which is not being produced in India. These positive factors of availability of
polymeric materials would infallibly be harbinger in accelerating the growth of plastics sector in
the near future.
? ?
TABLE 1- Current Indian Petrochemicals Capacities (in KT)

Producer & Location PP HDPE LDPE HD/LL PTA PS PVC

RIL, Hazira 350 - - 400 - - 300
RIL, Jamnagar 600 - - - 800 - -
RIL Patalganga 60 - - - 300 - -
IPCL, Nagothane 60 - 80 220 - - -
IPCL, Vadodara 75 - 80 - - - 55
IPCL, Gandhar - 160 - - - - -
GAIL, Auriya - 100 - 160 - - 150
HPL, Haldia 210 200 - 260 - - -
Finolex, Pisranpar - - - - - - 130
LG Poly, Vizag - - - - - 80 -
Supreme, Mumbai - - - - - 240 -
Chem Plast, Metturdam - - - - - - 60
DCW, Sahupuram - - - - - - 60
DCM, Shriram, Kota - - - - 400 - 35
RPRL, Abu - - - - - 16 -
BASF Styrenics, Bharuch - - - - - 60 -
TOTAL 1355 460 160 1040 1500 360 790

Grand Total º º

Typical Polymer consumption pattern of different polymers

Polymer KT
LLDPE 550 1745
HDPE 920
PP 1300
PVC 1000
PS 225
PET Film 135
Bottle 100 235
Polyamide 35
Polycarbonate 72
Polyacetal 8 125
Others 3
Thermoset 100
Total 4820
To manufacture finished products, polymers are processed through various types of techniques
namely extrusion, injection moulding, blow moulding and rotomoulding. Various products
manufactured through these processes are highlighted in the following exhibit3?
Classification of Plastic Products by Type of process used

Films and Sheets, Fibre and Filaments Pipes,

Conduits and profiles, Miscellaneous applications
Industrial Injection Moulding, Household Injection
Injection Moulding
Plastic Products Moulding and Thermo-ware/ Moulded luggage
Blow Moulding Bottles, containers, Toys and Housewares
Roto moulding Large circular tanks such as water tanks

The polymer consumption in India according to various processes is provided as follows :

Process (%) Share in Total consumption in India

Extrusion 60.0
Injection Moulding 25.0
Blow Moulding / Stretch Moulding 06.0
Rotomoulding 01.0
Other Processes 08.00

The Indian plastic processing industry is highly fragmented and comprises 25,000 firms. Barring
10% - 15% of the firms, which can be classified as medium scale operations, all the units operate
on a small-scale basis.

The top 100 players account for just 20% of the industry turnover. The total number of players in
the sector is more than 25,000. However, the degree of fragmentation, worldwide, is a large and
despite the small size of operations of the players, they are able to operate profitably. Further, the
high growth in demand ensures that the market is able to absorb the excess capacity in quick
time. Overall, the degree of competition can be considered high in the Indian plastic processing

The sector has a significant presence of the unorganised sector, which accounts for more than
70% of the industry turnover. More than 95% of the firms in the industry are partnership,
proprietorship or private limited companies. Further, these small companies get significant
advantages in taxes. These firms thus provide significant level of competition to the organised
sector companies, which combined together are making losses.
The organised sector companies thus need to build up significant brand image to survive against
the competition from the unorganised sector. The key organised sector players include Nilkamal
Plastics Limited and Supreme Industries Limited.

Indian Plastic Industries ±Current Scenario.

Major Raw Material Producers 15 Nos.

Processing Units 25,000 Nos.
Turnover (Processing Industry) Rs.85,000 Crores
Capital Asset (Polymer Industry) Rs.55,000 Crores
Raw Material Produced approx 5.3 MMT
Raw Material Consumed approx 5.1 MMT
Employed Direct/Indirect 3.3 Million
Export Value approx US $ 1.90 Billion
Revenue to Government approx. Rs.7300 Crores

Nanotechnology is an exciting technological advancement that has the potential to contribute
significantly to the future of plastic. Through nanotechnology, special nanocomposites can be
created that will be more dent, heat, and scratch resistant. Yet, the thermoplastic resins used to
create the plastic can still be processed with the same equipment currently used to process resins.

Through the use of nanotechnology, the plastics industry hopes to achieve several amazing new
accomplishments. For example, it may be possible to create auto body paints that are completely
scratch-resistant. Or, many materials and products currently in use can be reduced further in size
while improving efficiency. Memory chips the size of a postage stamp, yet capable of holding
the data equivalent to 25 DVD's, is also on the horizon through the use of nanotechnology.
Similarly, solar panels that can be manufactured at a much lower cost then they currently are
may be able to be produced with nanotechnology.

Currently, nanotechnology is used in the creation of numerous materials. Materials reinforced

through nanotechnology are used in thermoplastics, as they are capable of resisting heat, are
flame retardant, provide dimensional stability, and are capable of conducting electricity. These
nanocomposites are used in such places as the body side molding of vehicles, automotive parties,
and fuel-line components. They are also used with hard drives in order to make them more

Plastic nanotubes are also being created with nanotechnology. These nanocomposites are
generally 50 to 150 nanometers in diameter and are used to conduct electricity. While these
nanotubes have the current carrying capacity of copper, they are extremely flexible. They are
also very lightweight and durable. This technology is expected to be able to lead to the creation
of conductive paints, caulks, coatings, sealants, fibers, and adhesives. The thick sheets and tubes
are also considered to be potentially valuable to the automotive, aerospace, and chemical

Finally, special nanocomposite foams have already been created. Over time, these foams will
likely replace solid plastic because they are much lighter, yet look the same as solid plastics.
Potential uses for these foam nanocomposites include coffee cups, fast food containers, home
insulation, carpet padding, disposable diapers, seat cushions, and packaging material.

Plastic recycling is becoming an increasingly large business. In fact, just in the period from 1990
to 1999, the number of plastic recycling plants grew from 923 to 1,677 - an amazing 81%
increase. Currently, the largest number of plastic recycling facilities are in the Midwest, with the
second largest concentration being in the Southern United States. In addition, plastic recycling is
a relatively simple process after the various types of plastic have been separated from one

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    is a special manufacturing technique used to make parts from plastic
materials. In order to accomplish this, the molten plastic is injected into a mold at a high
pressure. The mold it is injected into is the inverse design of the desired shape in order to
produce the shape in the way it needs to be designed.

The mold used in the injection molding process is made from a moldmaker, or toolmaker.
The mold itself is made of metal, which is usually either aluminum or steel. It is then
precision-machined in order to create all of the features needed to form the part in the way it
is needed. This process is used to create very tiny components for items such as cell phones
to large items, such as the entire body panel used for a car. Other common items made with
injection molding include outdoor furniture and bottle caps.

The raw material used in injection molding is called resin. Usually, it is in pellet form first
and is melted by force and heat before it is injected into the mold. The plastic then flows
toward the chamber and solidifies. This forms what is known as the attached frame. The
frame is made of the sprue and runners. The sprue is the main channel the plastic flowed
through from its molten resin reservoir. The runners are used to transport the molten resin to
the gates, which are the points of injection. The sprue and runner is cut off and thrown away
after the product is produced. Some molds are even designed Injection Molding. 

Supply Chain
The plastics industry value chain can be divided into broad segments:

who supply the petrochemical and chemical feedstocks and additives

who manufacture the different types of plastic resins

who prepare plastic formulations by mixing or/and blending polymers and additives into process
ready pellets


who manufacture the machinery used in the industry


Who form the plastic resins and compounds into finished products


OEM manufacturers, retailers etc who put plastic products onto the market

 ! ! 
Waste management companies, recyclers and energy-from-waste operators

Human Resource
Machine setters, machine operator, and tender have the responsibility of setting up and
tending to the machines that transform plastic compounds, such as pellets, powder, and
syrup, inot products such as auto parts, toys, and tubing. Although a variety of methods can
be utilized to change the plastic into a useful product, injection molding is the most
commonly used method.

A typical injection molding machine has about 25 different controls, all of which can be
adjusted. The machine setter is responsible for setting up these machines before they are
used to ensure all settings are where they need to be. The setter is also usually responsible
for repairing any problems the machinery may have.

After the machine has been set up by the machine setter, the machine operator monitors the
gauges. He or she is responsible for making any adjustments that may be necessary to
maintain quality, such as changing the inputs, the speeds, and the pressures. After the
product has been created and cooled within the injection-molding machine, the tender
removes the product and loads it into its packaging.

The majority of workers in the plastic molding industry must wear earplugs and safety
glasses to protect themselves from the loud noises created by the machines and from flying
pieces of plastic. Most modern machines, however, are enclosed. This minimizes the
employee¶s exposure to noise and dust. Despite the modern machinery, some workers in the
plastic molding industry also must were face masks or special self-contained breathing
apparati if the plastic they work with emits dangerous fumes.

PVC, Polypropylene, Polyethylene, Polystyrene, ABS, Polyester Chips, Urea / Phenol
Formaldehyde, Masterbatches, Additives, etc

PP / HDPE Woven Sacks / Bags / Fabrics, Poly-lined jute goods, Box strapping, BOPP
Tapes, a range of plastic sheeting / films (of PVC, PP, HDPE, Nylon, FRP, PTFE, Acrylic,
etc.), pouches, crates, bottles, containers, barrels, cans, carboys, shopping / carrier / garbage
Polyester Film, BOPP Film, Mesh, Metallised / Multilayer Films, Photo Films.

Toothbrushes, cleaning brushes, hair brushes, nail / cosmetic brushes, combs, moulded
furniture (chairs, tables, etc.) houseware, kitchenware, insulated moulded houseware,
microwave re-heatable containers, mats and mattresses, water bottles, gifts and novelties, a
range of stationery items like files, folders, mathematical instruments, etc.

Pens, ball pens, markers, sign pens, refills, etc.

Moulded luggage, soft luggage, a range of bags like school bags / ladies handbags, wallets,

#Ô Ôp#(  p##Ô Ô#((p(Ô'&$

Vinyl floor coverings and linoleums

(()$) &('$*$Ô$ p( ('Ô'$  Ô$+  Ô

Made of PVC, HDPE, PP, FRP, Nylon

"Ô$(&Ô'%$(*$')&Ô$Ô'&'ÔÔ'& #$p$
Auto components, parts for various machinery / equipment in telecommunications, railways,
electronics, etc.

Ô#Ôpp#ppÔ$$(Ô$  &  ()Yp$

Safety helmets / equipment, pipes, storage tanks, etc.

Cisterns, toilet seats, bathroom fittings, etc.

PVC profiles, doors, windows, etc.

 Y#'$#'Ô$$ 'Ô$ $ '&#'Ô$p()&Ô ( Ô$ 

Lenses, spectacle frames, goggles, etc.
? ?

 c c c  Ë

Maharashtra Polybutenes Ltd

Maharashtra Polybutenes Ltd was formerly known as Herdillia Polymers Ltd. The company was
formed in 1988 and has been manufacturing Polybutenes since 1994.

Maharashtra Polybutenes Ltd (MPL) brings you international quality µHERMAVIS¶ polybutenes
from its plant located in Navi Mumbai. The plant is based on technology from FINA
TECHNOLOGY Inc, USA. The location of plant close to major consumers in and around Navi
Mumbai makes it ideal for the users.

The plant can produce up to 9000 MTPA of various grades of polybutenes. MPL polybutenes are
marketed under brand name of ³HERMAVIS´.

HERMAVIS polybutenes are available in wide varieties of Viscosity and Molecular Weights.

Astral Polytechnik Ltd

Astral Polytechnik Limited is the first licencee of Lubrizol of USA (formerly known as BF
Goodrich a fortune 500 company) and have equity joint venture with Specialty Process LLC of
USA (manufacturing CPVC plumbing system since 25 years) to manufacture and market the
most advanced CPVC plumbing system for the first time in India.

Astral Polytechnik Limited was established in 1999 with a single minded purpose to manufacture
absolutely the best plumbing system in India. Astral today manufactures CPVC plumbing
systems for both residential and industrial applications, and also ASTM solvent weld lead free
PVC plumbing system.

Astral Polytechnik Limited is equipped with state of art production facilities at Ahmedabad and
Himachal Pradesh to manufacture plumbing systems from ½´ to 6´ with all kinds of necessary
fittings. The company has tie up with Specialty Process LLC of USA to incorporate latest
technology and quality control programs which are widely accepted at global level and to
develop CPVC plumbing systems as per Indian plumbing market.
Kemrock Industries & Exports Limited
A leader in the field of fibre reinforced composites, Kemrock delivers standard as well as
customised Composite Solutions from its state-of-the-art facility located close to Vadodara in the
western part of India. The provision of high-quality engineered advanced composite solutions
and reliable, quality services, complying with customer own specifications as well as the highest
national and international standards ensure the complete package from design through to

Established in 1981, Kemrock is a single point destination in the concept design, prototype
development, product testing, manufacturing, quality management, logistical support, installation
and after sales service of composite materials.

Kemrock manufactures in-house the resin systems, non-crimp technical fabrics and carbon fibre
used in the production of an extensive range of composite products. Produced using a wide range
of manufacturing techniques, Kemrock serves major industrial sectors such as:

¦? Water and Waste Treatment

¦? Chemical Processing
¦? Wind Energy
¦? Oil and Gas
¦? Construction
¦? Mass Transportation
¦? Telecommunications
¦? Aerospace


Last few years have been tumultuous for plastics and petrochemical sector due to steep rise in oil
prices, which has adversely affected the global economies. However, considering the feed stock
advantage and abundance of oil reserves newer petrochemical complexes are being established in
Middle-east countries. i.e. Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc.

It is projected that by the end of 2010, Ethylene capacity in Middle-East would reach to about 35
million tons per annum and Polypropylene (PP) capacity to touch about 7 million tonnes per

The US Petrochemical sector may lose Export competitiveness as most of the Ethylene
capacities in USA are Ethane based, which are not cost competitive and are capable to produce
only Polyethylene (PE). Similarly, the revamping of European Petrochemical Complexes would
be imperative as they are based on old and expensive technology and are not cost competitive
with the Middle-East companies having the biggest advantage of raw material at their door-step.
China, Middle-East and India would be the major global players, where expansion and
augmentation of existing petrochemical capacity would take place in the next 5 years.
Worldwide Plastics Industry witnessed a steady growth in the year 2007 which is reflected in the
increased consumption figures of all types of Plastics materials.

Asia has been world¶s largest plastics consumer for several years, accounting for about 30% of
the global consumption excluding Japan, which has share of about 6.5%. Next to Asia is North
America with 26% share, then Western Europe with 23% share in the global market.

The key growth segment remains ³Packaging´ which accounted for over 35% of the global
consumption. Amongst the individual Plastics Materials, Polyolefin accounted for 53% of the
total consumption, (PE with 33.5%, PP with 19.5%) followed by PVC ± 16.5%, PS-8.5%, PET
& PU - 5.5%, Styrene copolymers (ABS, SAN, etc) ± 3.5% other engineering & high
performance & speciality plastics, blends, alloys, thermosetting plastics ± 13%.

In recent years, significant aspect of plastics material growth globally has been the innovation of
newer application areas for plastics such as increasing plastics applications in automotive field,
rail, transport, defence & aerospace, medical and healthcare, electrical & electronics,
telecommunication, building & infrastructure, furniture, etc.

Plastics have become the key drivers of innovations & application development. Polymer-
Electronics is one such area which has opened up new avenues for plastics; from organic light
emitting diodes to electro-optical and bio-electrical complements, from low-cost plastic chips to
flexible solar cells. New plastics can conduct electricity and emit light.
While polymers will not replace silicon as semiconductors, they do offer completely new
opportunities for low-priced mass-manufactured products. Radio-frequency identification
(RFID) tags in smartcards for identification and access control, payment and ticket systems,
price labels, product tracking systems in the logistics chain or packaging that monitors product
quality ± many things are in offing. Growth-trend of plastics has proved that there has been a
quiet ³Plastics ± revolution´ taking place in the material ± sector.

Global Per capita consumption of Plastics is ( in Kgs)

World Average 26
North America 90
West Europe 65
East Europe 10
China 12
India 5.0
South East Asia 10
L. America 18

World-wide, the plastics and polymer consumption will have an average growth rate of 5% and it
will touch a figure of 227 million tons by 2015. Globally, it is projected that PET (Bottle grade)
will have the highest growth rate of about 11% AAGR(Annual Average Growth Rate) amongst
all polymers, followed by PP, PE, PVC and PS in the descending order, as depicted in the Figure.

Furthermore, the grades of PE(HDPE, LLDPE, LDPE) are expected to grow about GDP growth
annually up to 2020. The forecast about global polyethylene demand is as follows:

‡ Global polyethylene demand is estimated to grow an average 4.4% annually through 2020. This
is about 1% above the expected global GDP growth.

‡ LLDPE is expected to experience the fastest growth, with an average annual growth rate of 6.2
percent. This comes at the expense of LDPE, which is expected to grow only 1.8% during the
same period.

‡ HDPE growth is estimated to average 4.6 percent.

The Global PE Demand in terms of1000 tons per year upto 2020 is projected. ???????????

Similarly, Polyethylene (PE) dominates the future capacity addition amongst different polymers
by 2008, which is evident from the Global Commodity Polymer Capacity Additions between
2004 ± 2008.

c c

By 2011 - 12

Demand Potential 12.5 MMT

Additional Employment 4.0 Million
Investment Potential Rs.84,000 Crores

VISION 2015 ± Indian Plastics Industry:

Consumption of Polymers @ 15% CARG 18.9 Million tonnes

Turnover of plastics Industries Rs.1,33,245 crores
Additional Employment Generation 7 Million
Requirement of Additional
68113 Nos
Plastics Processing Machines
Additional Capital Investment
Rs.45,000 crores
In Machines (2004-2015)



The economy affects the plastic industry in many areas. You can find plastic in almost every
industry from automotive to medical devices. Even the price of gas can shape the plastic
industry. Over the next three years the top three areas that will increase are food containers,
consumer electronics, and medical devices. While others areas such as automotive, housing, and
packaging will decrease somewhat. The decrease is due impart of Asia¶s cheep labor and a weak
US dollar. The US is in competition with China to build faster and cheaper injection molds. If
this does not change the suppliers could be phased out here in the US.

General Environment

Over the next three years the plastic industry will increase slightly in a few areas. The top three
areas include food containers, consumer electronics, and medical devices. The spike in
petroleum, that produces plastic resin, has driven the cost of products up in all areas. This factor
will continue to increase thru 2010. The food industries US demand for plastic containers will
rise about five percent annually thru 2010. According to, ³Items such
as plastic bottle and jars will be dominate plastic container type thru 2010´. Consumer
Electronics will increase tremendously over the next three years. In 2007 the Fourth quarter sales
hit a record breaking $48.1 billion dollars. That is a 7% increase from 2006. The large increase is
due to the holiday season. ³Consumer electronics will be the shining star of holiday retail
sales, accounting for 22% of all gifts given,´ says CEA economist Shawn DuBravac. ³Two of
the top five items on adults¶ holiday wish lists are consumer electronics, and four of the top
five items on the teen list are CE devices. Holiday sales will be particularly jolly for the video
game category (hardware and software), laptop computers etc.


The likelihood of new entry in this industry is high.

More and more industries trying to enter in this due to high demand in plastic
Government policies in this industry facilitates new entry

Existing brands in plastic industry like sintex, reliance, IOC etc have high loyalty

Existing firms may react aggressively to new entrants

Existing firms like sintex, reliance etc have strong control on supplies.


The stronger the power of buyers in an industry the more likely it is that they will be able to
force down prices and reduce the profits of firms that provide the product.

Buyer power will be higher in plastic industry if:

Sintex industries have limited big buyers so each one is very important to firm

So buyers can easily switch over to sintex¶s competitors if sintex¶s price is high


The stronger the power of suppliers in an industry the more difficult it is for firms within that
sector to make a profit because suppliers can determine the terms and conditions on which
business is conducted.

Suppliers are not that powerful :

As more number of suppliers in this industry so can easily switch over to others

Switching to another suppliers is not that difficult


This measures the degree of competition between existing firms. The higher the degree of rivalry
the more difficult it is for existing firms to generate high profits.

High rivalry as high number of similar sized firms

Plastic industry requires high investment so cost of leaving the industry is high

High capacity utilization by this industry so competitive in nature

The market is shrinking so firms are fighting for their share of falling sales

Brand loyalty in this industry is low so customers can easily switch over to others

This measures the ease with which buyers can switch to another product that does the same
thing. The ease of switching depends on what costs would be involved and how similar
customers perceive the alternatives to be.

In this industry customers can easily switch over to others and perceived effect is same not much

So substitute threat is high in this industry.


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