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Countable Uncountable Both

Noun Noun (Uncountable/ Plural Noun)
+ Singular Noun a great/good deal of some, any, none (of), no
each (of), every an amount of neither, either (of)
+ Plural Noun (a) little, less a lot of/ a plenty of
(a) few, fewer much (of) a majority/ minority of
several, both (of) all, most, half (of)
many (of) enough
out of (36 students)
Rule 1: + singular Verb (V + s/es, has, doesn’t, is, was)
★ Uncountable Nouns: advice (lời khuyên), anger (sự tức giận), air (không khí), bread (bánh mì), chaos (sự hỗn loạn), childhood
(tuổi thơ), clothing (quần áo), courage (lòng can đảm), enthusiasm (sự nhiệt tình), equipment (trang thiết bị), fear (nỗi sợ hãi),
food, furniture (đồ đạc trong nhà), garbage = rubbish/ litter (rác), happiness, homework, housework, information, knowledge,
money, motivation (động cơ), patience (sự kiên nhẫn), pollution (sự ô nhiễm), progress (sự tiến bộ), rain, rice, sand (cát), sleep,
smoke, stress, sugar (đường), sunshine (tia nắng), time, transportation (giao thông), violence (bạo lực), water, weather, wheat
(bột mì), wildlife (động vật hoang dã)…
★ Some subjects, diseases or countries with ‘s’: news (bản tin), physics (môn lý), ecnomics (kinh tế học), mathematics (toán),
politics (chính trị học), athletes (môn điền kinh), meales (bệnh sởi), mumps (bệnh quai bị), the Philipines (nước Phi), the USA,
the UK, the Maldives…
★ Every, everyone, everything, someone, something, anyone, anything, no one, nothing ...
★ An amount of time, money, distance …
Ex: Eight hours of sleep is enough.
Twenty dollars is too much to pay.
★ Noun Clause, Gerund, To Infinitive functioning as a Subject.
Ex: Learning English is difficult.
What he told was interesting.
To fly in the space is her dream.
Rule 2: + plural Verb (V, have, are, were, don’t)
★ Plural Nouns
★ Collective Nouns:
○ people, police, cattle, children … Ex: The police have arrested the thieves.
○ the + Adj = Adj people (the young = young people, the rich = rich people, the English = English people ...)
Ex: The rich are not always happy.
○ committee, team, family, army, ...
★ No
All, Most/ Half/ Some/ Any/ None/ (of) +N+ V
A lot/ lots/ plenty (of)
Ex: No two days are the same.
Most of us like Kpop.
None of the pens work.
★ There + be + N
★ The number of + plural N + singular V
A number of + plural N + plural V
Ex: The number of visitors has increased twofold since last month.
A number of environmental problems have arisen.

★ Either or
Neither S1 nor S2 + V Ex: Not only my brother but also my sisters are here.
Not only but also

(along) with
together with
★ N1, accompanied with N2 + V Ex: The man with his dogs is walking in the street.
as well as

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