Living The Naked Life 10 Ways To Expose Your Unlimited Creation Abilities

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Copyright Information

© 2011 by Nadine Sabulsky


All rights reserved

Including the right of reproduction
in whole or in part in any form.

First Edition, 2011

The Naked Life Coach is a trademark of Nadine Sabulsky

All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective

owners, and no relationship expressed or implied, exists between those and
Nadine Sabulsky

Designed by Nadine Sabulsky

Manufactured in the United States of America
Photography by Brian Gilmore

ISBN 978-1466422834


My wonderful daughter, Aryenne Hali

My best friend and life-long love, Joth Andrews
My mom Susan Richards

And to the lovely You, who is reading this…

Copyright Information
~ Favorite Quotes ~
~ Selected Meditations ~
~ The 10 Ways ~
~ Inspiration ~
~ My Background ~
~ Thanks ~

1: Develop Complete Honesty
~ Multiple Layers ~
~ Love or Fear? ~
~ Within & Without ~
Review & Practice

2: Assume Total Responsibility

~ Past Creations ~
~ Present Creations ~
~ Future Creations ~
3: Change Your Perceptions & Expectations
~ Embracing the Multiverse ~
~ Mere Mirror Images ~
~ Unlimited Possibilities ~
4: Discard Your Inhibitions
~ Leave Victim-hood Behind ~
~ Forget About ‘How’ ~
~ Get Out of Your Own Way ~

~ Interlude: Personal Anecdotal Evidence ~

~ The Glass Dildo Story ~
~ The Money Trip ~
~ Permanent Paradigm Shift ~

5: Decide What You Truly Desire

~ Discarding Fear & Focusing on True Desires ~
~ Building Your Creation ~
~ BE-ing First ~

6: Write Your New Codes

~ What Codes? ~
~ New Settings ~
~ Choice Points & Reminders ~
7: Be Constant & Aware of What Your Wishes Are
~ Increase Self-Awareness ~
~ Notice Results ~
~ Accept with Love ~
8: Have an Attitude of Gratitude
~ What is Prayer? ~
~ Remember Your Future ~

9: Recognize Your Creation When It Appears

~ Guess What! ~
~ Take Possession ~
~ Claim Your Desires ~

10: Expand Your Power (Unlimited)

~ What Else? ~
~ Remembering the Ultimate Infinite ~
~ Paradox Doctored ~

Appendix A: Settings I Use


Appendix B: Satoria Nation

~ A New Vision for All ~
~ Leaders of the Past ~
~ The Satoria Nation Project ~
~ A Seven-Stage Plan ~
~ The Satoria Nation Project Conceptual Overview ~

Appendix C: Suggested Study

~ Awakening to the Possibilities ~
~ Health ~
~ Love ~
~ Wealth ~
~ Expand Your Imagination ~
~ Video ~
~ Life and After-Life ~

Appendix D: Super-Hero Quest Game

Thank You
About The Author
~ Favorite Quotes ~

“I reject your reality, and substitute my own!”

- The Dungeonmaster (1984 Movie)
“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The
round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're
not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote
them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can't
do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race
forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the
world, are the ones who do.”
– Apple®
“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate… [but] that we are
powerful beyond measure.”
– Marianne Williamson (emphasis mine)
“Do or Do Not, there is no try.”
– Yoda, Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back
"You can't enslave a free man… the most you can do is kill him" –
Robert A. Heinlein
"Free your mind, the rest will follow" - En Vogue
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not
– Hebrews 11:1 King James Bible
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that
among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
- Thomas Jefferson
The Declaration of Independence 1776
“Happiness is a matter of choice, not chance.”
– Shannon Brunner
“Ask, believing that you have already received”
– Jesus
“Wherever You Go, There You Are.”
– Ancient Proverb
“To be alive to the wonder of the commonplace, that is the very gift of a
wildly generous Creator, who ever invites his creatures to contemplate the
exuberance of his excellent handiwork. There is a deep and abiding joy at
work in this worlds-realm, and we who toil through our lives do often forget
this, or overlook it. But look: it is all around! Ceaseless, unrelenting,
certain as sunrise, and constant as the rhythm of a heartbeat.”
- Pendragon by Stephen R. Lawhead
~ Selected Meditations ~

The universe is reciprocal.

In order to heal anything, we must first see it as whole and existing
perfectly in the now.
Since we are all one, and ultimately everything is love, fear is simply love
contracted. Breathe.
Breathe Fear Out.
Breathe Love In.
Being open and completely honest leads to more complete information
being shared. As information is shared, greater understanding takes place.
The more we understand, the more we can accept. Acceptance allows us to
experience, and love grows out of experience. Be honest first with self, then
you can be honest with others.
When your goals, purposes, and actions are in harmony, everything will
Your feelings, thoughts, words and actions must be congruent for the reality
you desire to come to fruition.
~ The 10 Ways ~

1. Develop Complete Honesty

2. Assume Total Responsibility
3. Change Your Perceptions & Expectations
4. Discard Your Inhibitions
5. Decide What You Truly Desire
6. Write Your New Codes
7. Be Constant & Aware of What Your Wishes Are
8. Have an “Attitude of Gratitude”
9. Recognize Your Creation When it Appears
10. Expand Your Power (Unlimited)
As you may have noticed, each section and chapter has been divided into
three parts for easy digestion. In addition, there are exercises scattered
throughout the material to enhance the learning and application of the
concepts, as well as my own anecdotal evidence in between chapters 5 and
My goal in writing this book is to show and teach as many as possible that
each of us has complete power over ourselves, that nothing and no one can
take that power from us unless we willingly relinquish it, and that when we
consciously claim this power, we are all capable of magic and miracles of
the highest degree.
In addition, my intention is to awaken humanity to the potential of actually
creating heaven on earth, right here, right now. Just as we each can claim
this power for ourselves, so can we combine our forces and literally change
the world, in a very short time frame indeed!
Appendix B contains an outline of a rationally comprehensive plan which is
based on the current knowledge and ability of humanity which we can use,
if we choose, to develop a sustainable utopian society.
~ Inspiration ~

We all know that it is better to “think positive” or “be positive” than it is to

be the opposite, but how do we do that consistently? Through honest
evaluation of the factors that truly worked to aid me in my own growth, as
well as that of my friends and clients, I discerned and concentrated the key
elements that I have found which both open and accelerate the
transformative process.
What you are about to read is a compendium of knowledge that I have
synthesized from a variety of sources including my experience and informal
With a lifelong entrepreneurial background, as well as my studies in neuro-
linguistic programming and quantum physics, my life’s path led me closer
to my passion through in-depth analytical reviews of current and proposed
self-help methods, and exposure to validation of ‘The Law of Attraction’.
Through combining all of this wisdom, I am happy to give you the methods
of a process you can use to develop unwavering faith and completely,
consciously and willfully create your own reality.
Many experiments have shown the power of belief, but regardless of other’s
experience, how do each of us create our reality? Ultimately it is a thing
that can only be proven experientially, because it is only each of us who is
master of his or her own mind and can fully document the process of belief
transforming reality.
Exercise: I recommend that you start and keep a daily thought, action
and manifestation journal so that you can verify, through your recorded
experience, that faith makes all things possible.
In Appendix C you will find a list of recommended materials if you wish to
retrace some of my information gathering. In addition, some of my own
manifestation experiences are included in this volume.
As I write this, most of the world has been going through a
recession/depression state, and it seems even harder to keep a positive
outlook than ever before. We could get caught up in the world’s ‘negative
outlook’ or we could realize that right now we are ready, perhaps more
ready than we have been since the Great Depression, to consciously adopt a
new reality.
The ways contained in this book will increase your awareness through
aiding you in awakening your conscious mind and guiding your
subconscious mind. When you are the master of your own mind, you
become the author of your reality!
Over the past 15 years I have been increasingly aware of a shift in the mass
consciousness, and during the past two years the speed of this shift has
greatly increased. Many predict the ‘end of the world’, ‘Armageddon’ or
‘apocalypse’ or some other form of traumatic change for 2012.
I personally trust there will be major change, but I believe it will be an
Apocalypse in the true meaning of the word – originally Greek for
‘unveiling’. I think that the assorted prophecies herald a mass awakening of
humanity and an end to the old order of things – which to me means an end
to fear and falsehood and an awakening to our own power and abilities as
the children of gods.
The inspiration to write this book came in a flash as soon as I figured out
(with the help of a friend) what my job title should be, i.e. “The Naked Life
Coach”. At the time, I had been “let go” from the place I was working, for,
as I felt, “failing” to conform to the boss’s ideals.
When I first got into this business I had a strong desire to teach people
about manifestation, but I didn’t know what to call my practice. After a few
months of undefined effort, it was suggested that maybe I could help set up
the new Red Ray Temple in Chandler.
The pivotal moment occurred as I was chatting with a friend’s web
developer. We were both naked in the hot tub at the time. “Fergie, I need to
figure out how to better market myself and what I have to offer, any
suggestions?” I asked.
“Well, what do you like to do?” Fergie responded. “Hmmm… I like being
naked!” I responded with a laugh as I glanced down at myself.
“Okay what else?” Fergie queried.
“I like helping people figure out how to get what they want in life.” That is
my truest passion, as I had realized over the last few years.
“There you go – you can be a life coach!” said Fergie.
“I can be a Naked Life Coach!” I cheered. Thus, the title of The Naked Life
Coach was born. I knew even as I said it that I had just manifested my
perfect life path….
Having an ‘official’ title seems like such a small thing, but when I figured
that final part out it was as if something clicked into place. That same night
I came up with the idea to write this book, complete with its title, and I had
never particularly wanted to write any kind of self-help book before.
I shall attempt to squeeze as much of my accumulated wisdom, knowledge,
experience, expertise, and hopes as possible into this tome! Part anecdote,
part how-to, I hope that this volume will inspire you and give you the tools
to become what you’ve always wanted and live a happier, more fulfilled life
than ever before. And, oh yeah, GET NAKED!
~ My Background ~

If I wrote my life story that would be another 10 books (at least!) so I’ll
stick to the basics here.
I was raised in a conservative Christian (Seventh-Day Adventist) household
in small-town southwest Michigan. I was the oldest, having 3 brothers, all
approximately 2 years apart in age. I remember my childhood as being very
My mom gave us all lots of love. She was always optimistic and caring. She
would take us on nature walks and teach us about everything (she was 4
credits shy of a teaching degree, before she decided to stay home and raise
us kids). I learned a lot of valuable lessons from her. My dad was self-
employed with a construction business, and sometimes would take us on the
job and have us help with clean-up.
We were fairly poor. We had a nice house, thanks to my grandparents
financing help and my dad’s construction skills (he refurbished a burned out
4 bedroom home they found for about $20,000 in 1982). Aside from that,
we were cash poor and on and off state welfare programs throughout my
Somehow, despite our general lack of funds, we did manage to take road
trips almost every year; to the grandparent’s homes in upstate New York,
great grandma’s farm in Pennsylvania, and the grandparent’s winter home
in Florida. Those trips engendered a lifelong love of travel in me.
My mom was a homemaker until she and my dad separated when I was 9,
ultimately divorcing. Then she became an entrepreneur as well, selling
Avon, jewelry, and once even frozen treats (I think we kids ate up the profit
on that venture!).
Even though neither of my parents ever became wealthy, their examples of
self-leadership led me to a lifetime of entrepreneurship as well.
Both my parents were college educated, dad as a minister, and mom as a
teacher. I too have attended to college from time to time, majoring first in
computer science, and then in business management.
While I enjoy learning I have never had a true desire to get a degree, and
am largely self-educated in an omnivorous renaissance fashion, studying
everything that interests me rather than a narrow path to a certain specialty.
I have been an entrepreneur since childhood, when I made jewelry and sold
it door-to-door, and since then I have owned and operated many businesses
spanning multiple fields, including; cleaning, graphic design, entertainment,
sales, software design, financial services, retail, and I now bring all that
diverse experience to my Naked Life Coaching practice.
I have led an unconventional life. Growing up I had never wanted to be a
wife or mother, although now I am a single mother of an amazing 17 year
old daughter. She provided quite an impetus for me to develop my sense of
responsibility! I sometimes say that without her I would probably have
ended up living on a hippie bus, and who knows, I may do that at some
point in the future.
I have a wide variety of interests. One of my goals is to be a lounge singer
in Las Vegas (just for a month!) and another is to completely restructure the
world (see Appendix B). I like to keep things interesting. I love to sing,
dance, paint, and make spreadsheets!
My first introduction to considering possible alternative ways of life came
when I was 10 and discovered the great author Robert Anson Heinlein in
the library.
The first indication I had that we create our own reality came when I was
thirteen, when I found that how I felt about how I looked had an effect on
From age 13 to 15, I studied Wicca. I gradually came to realize that spells
and rituals, and in fact, any belief set, are simply tools to allow our mind to
accept that we can create whatever it is that we want to create.
As a young mother I read The Celestine Prophecy, and that added a new
dimension to my knowledge of the creative power, and opened up a field of
study that has become my passion. Since then I have been studying
quantum physics, the ‘Law of Attraction’, neuro-linguistic programming
(NLP), and whatever I find on the power of the human mind.
For the past few years I have been working intently on myself, on changing
my mental patterns to create the reality I want. Throughout this book there
will be anecdotes about that particular journey.
~ Thanks ~

(Mostly) By order of first appearance in my life experience

My Mother: Susan Marie Richards for unconditional love, teaching me
optimism, and the creation of my first 4 settings (which I developed in
rebellion to hers!)
My Father: Allen Louis Sabulsky for being an entrepreneur and helping
me learn independence.
Robert Anson Heinlein for showing that there is a better, more rational
way we can live as a species, and for holding such optimism for our future.
My Daughter: Aryenne Hali McCarver for teaching me responsibility,
loving me, and for listening to me talk about the same stuff to so many
James Redfield for packaging the knowledge of energy dynamics into such
a fun adventure story.
Jess Stearn for investigating and writing about The Power of Alpha
Dave Johnson for helping me do so much, and more, and for just being a
really cool cat.
Jonathan ‘Joth’ Livingston Andrews for loving me, teaching me about
PFM, creating the Super Hero Quest for us, and holding my hand as I
struggled to stop struggling.
“The Secret” Team & Cast for creating a phenomenal video and bringing
the “Law of Attraction” to the masses.
Richard Bach for Illusions, a nicely packaged guide to being a master of
Neale Donald Walsh for writing such amazing books, especially
Conversations with God Volume 3, which really expanded my belief limits.
“Ritual” David Douglas for letting me bounce ideas off him, sharing his
wisdom, championing Satoria Nation (once I finally convinced him!), and
teaching people about the power of settings.
Brent the Robert out of Swan for sharing knowledge, being a crusader,
assisting with Satoria Nation and helping read and edit my books.
Timothy Ferriss for the 4-Hour Work Week and demonstrating what living
‘the good life’ really means.
Richard Bandler for believing that change can be quick and easy, and
proceeding to demonstrate just that, then providing a nice set of tools to
facilitate the endeavor.
Nygyl Bryyn for pointing out the incongruence in my money paradigms.
Xious Sonnenberg for supporting me for seven months, and contributing
all sorts of esoteric knowledge, from ancient gaming systems to chaos
magic, to marketing, publishing, engineering, the list goes on.
Clinton Roman Eastwood-Crews for jokes, good conversation, and
contributing his knowledge of all things quantum. R.I.P. Clint, I’ll miss our
Robert Barker for taking me where I needed to go, and for getting me a
keyboard when mine broke. This book could not have been finished without
Additional thanks to:
My Soul Sisters; Bobbi Bender, Gypsy Lynn Iyata, Kelly Barker, Shantih
Schmidt, Celeste Cooper, Shana Silva Dominguez, Alison Lindner, Dani
Danger, Delilah Devi Ma, Sophia, Janie Michael, Fuchsia Girl, Kimberly
Joi McGinty, Leila Swan, Rebecca McLarkey, Sophol Hean, and all the
other powerful, talented, beautiful, vivacious and inspiring Goddesses in
my life!
My camping buds and all my friends; who’ve been there and listened to my
outrageous impossible dreams and schemes.
And… to all the people I have partied with, finally ending up naked in the
hot tub having those long intellectual debates which have sharpened my
own reality creation skills and ability to communicate these ideas.
And… to the hundreds of good friends in the Phoenix Fetish community
and the S.C.A., for being free and bringing it wherever they go, even out ‘in
Anonymous: The ‘Persian Photographer’ on the patio, for saying some key
words that helped my shift my reality.
To all my Facebook friends who read the first posts and commented, thank
you for your helpful feedback.
My Editorial Team: Brian Gilmore, Brent Swan, Shana Dominguez,
Andrew Norman, and David Rogers. I appreciate all your help in reading
and offering suggestions to make this book better. Any mistakes remaining
are mine.
To all the wonderful beings out there right now busily consciously creating
your desired destiny… keep on being the best you in the world!
Last, but not least, thank you, the person for whom I am writing, for reading
what I have to say!
“Be careful what you wish for, you may get it” is an ancient saying, with
equivalents all over the world. I believe we all create our own reality, all the
Neale Donald Walsh aptly summarized that we have three choices: to let
our subconscious create our reality, to subscribe to the group realities of
whichever groups we happen to class ourselves with, or to take control and
actively create our own reality on a conscious basis. I believe we should be
conscious that there is a fourth choice; which is for a group of active,
conscious creators to come together and consciously create a group reality
The true power and ability of our minds is an esoteric subject. Most of us
have heard homilies all our lives, such as “attitude is the key to success”
and similar sentiments. When we realize the powerful truth contained in
these statements, there really are no limits to our creative powers.
While I am not religious, I do believe that Jesus was a fully conscious
human being and that he was trying to wake up humanity to our full
potential over 2000 years ago. He sought to remove the blinders created by
centuries of dogmatic adherence to tradition.
The message that Jesus, the Buddha, and many others throughout history
have brought to the world is that we, each one of us, have the power
ourselves to create our own versions of heaven or hell, and that we truly
possess the abilities of mind over matter.
I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have
been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am
going to the Father. - John 14:14 NIV
As we become conscious of our own power, we can choose what kind of
reality we actually want to create. Released from limitations, with the
knowledge that anything is possible, we will begin to create some newly
spectacular experiences for ourselves. The only limitations of our creative
power are the limits we imagine, thereby actually creating those limits for
ourselves. Throughout this book we will be learning to stretch our
There have been several studies done that reveal the effect of belief, faith,
and intent. Many studies have been made on the power of faith and/or
prayer in helping the sick to heal[i]. There is a study documenting what
effect teachers’ expectations have on their students’ success[ii]. In other
demonstrations, practitioners of TM-Sidhi have meditated on affecting
various areas and have actually caused crime rates and other unwanted
variables such as car accidents in those cities to drop. This is called the
Maharishi Effect[iii].
Looking to anyone else’s experience can not be a guide for our own unless
we know truly all the thoughts and patterns that such person has in their
own mind.
While we can see the results of some scientific experiments, ultimately,
reality creation is a deeply personal experience and can only be proven
conclusively on an experiential basis, through faith and honest
experimentation. This book is a guide for making such an experiment in
your own life.
Although we share a reality which allows us to communicate; for example,
we can agree that “this object is a tree, that object is a fence, etc.”
ultimately we each have our own reality bubble. The reality of a
stockbroker on Wall Street is immensely different from that of a football
player, which differs from a disabled homeless person, which differs from a
supermarket cashier… and on and on.
We are all on our journey of developing and expressing the divinity within.
In this volume, I will share my personal experiences of creating reality and
the processes that have helped me. I hope this will help you to awaken more
fully to your divine nature.
“On the chance that the mind can control the body and other
material objects in some esoteric fashion… is the idea any more
marvelous than the fact that you can cause your hand to scratch your
head? We haven’t any more idea of the actual workings of volition
on matter in one case than in the other.” - R. A. Heinlein,
Lost Legacy
“Physical Science has resolved matter into molecules, molecules
into atoms, atoms into energy, and it has remained for Sir Ambrose
Fleming, in an address before the Royal Institution, to resolve this
energy into mind. He says: “In its ultimate essence, energy may be
incomprehensible to us except as an exhibition of the direct
operation of that which we call Mind or Will.”
“Every thought is a cause, and every condition an effect; for this
reason it is absolutely essential that you control your thoughts so as
to bring forth only desirable conditions.”
“The world within is the cause, the world without, the effect, to
change the effect you must change the cause. You will at once see
that this is a radically new and different idea; most men try to
change effects by working with effects. They fail to see that this is
simply changing one form of distress for another.”
- Charles Haanel “The Master Key System”
We have all our lives been taught that an action (x) will likely cause a
reaction (y) to happen, but up until very recently science left out studying
the most important part of the equation; the effect that consciousness plays.
Now quantum physics has demonstrated that expectations play a role in any
The tools of science aren’t very well-suited (yet) to make inclusion of the
scientists’ beliefs, thoughts and expectations to the scientific data collected,
but there are ways we can infer at least some of their thoughts and biases by
showing conflicting studies of the same subject. Bottom line, what holds
true is something told to humanity long, long ago: “Seek and ye shall find,
ask and ye will be answered, knock and the door will open.”
I contend that we create our own reality all the time. This applies to all
factors of our experience, including such concepts as ‘natural laws’.
Eventually, when we have developed our own powers, individually and as a
species, we too will be able to do such miraculous things as walk on water,
turn water into wine, and even conquer death itself. Everything and
anything that our imagination can conceive we can achieve – limitlessly and
In order to experience the causality of yourself, you perhaps would like
some tools, which is why you brought this book into your life. Even more
important, begin using the assumption that maybe, just maybe, you do
create your own reality.
“Alice laughed. ‘There’s no use trying,’ she said: ‘one can’t believe
impossible things.’
‘I dare say you haven’t had much practice,’ said the White Queen.
‘When I was your age I always did it for half an hour a day. Why,
sometimes I’ve been able to believe as many as six impossible
things before breakfast!’ ”
Lewis Carroll “Through the Looking Glass”
Living the Naked Life

Being Naked is about more than just the discarding of clothing. It is about
discarding the need for protection of any kind, physical or conceptual. It is
about reframing our lives around the knowledge that there is complete
harmony in the universe! It is about embracing the abundance that is our
birthright. It is about accessing our own divinity. It is about living with
complete freedom and enjoying every moment of the experience.
1: Develop Complete Honesty
Each of these 10 Ways are part of a greater whole, in other words, rather
than step one leading to step two and so forth, they all flow together and are
equally important and integral to the intention of consciously creating our
reality. Thus the numbers are solely for ease of reference.
One of the most important goals on our path to full awareness and
conscious creation is to become completely honest, first with ourselves,
then with the world around us.
What do you most want right now? What have you wanted in the past? Did
you receive it or fail to get it? Perhaps this is your first attempt at being
consciously introspective! Most of us are never taught to examine our own
motivations and biases, let alone those of others! Instead, we are trained to
complete our actions systematically, following rules, guidelines and
traditions without thought, quickly moving on to the next engagement.
Life appears to be a series of examinations. Take a test, pass or fail, and
move on to the next subject. Pick a career, get trained, look for work and try
to answer all the questions correctly. If we fail, we simply go to the next
job. Even our relationships with others are a matter of learned patterns. We
build up an idea in our minds sometimes wholly based on subconscious
beliefs about life.
Some few of us are trained to evaluate causation because that is the nature
of our work, or we become partially aware of another’s motivations,
because they may explain themselves to us. We may seek a fuller
understanding, but if we improperly evaluate the causation or seek
justification in other’s motives, our partial or invalid conclusions may result
in depression or giving up and returning to placidity.
The object of this study is to take control of our own power. Taking a stance
of complete honesty is not initially an effortless path; however, with
dedication, practice, and awareness of truth’s effects, living in this new
harmonious state of mind soon becomes automatic and natural.
Honesty is the foundation of wisdom. When we are completely honest, both
with ourselves and others, it aids our total creative abilities by allowing us
to see ourselves and others clearly, as well as deciphering what we truly
want to create in our reality.
As we become more introspective and aware of our own minds workings,
we begin to be more tolerant and thoughtful of others as well, overall
creating a drastic improvement in our entire life.
As you become more honest with yourself, you will be able to project and
receive honesty with others.
~ Multiple Layers ~

When we are completely honest with ourselves, we will understand that

every thought we have and choice we make is both based on and affects
multiple layers of conscious and subconscious patterns.
Our ability to recognize anything, be it an object, an opportunity, or a
choice, is based on pattern recognition. We develop many patterns of
thought, behavior and expectations; usually unconsciously, throughout our
Our goal in this chapter is to begin paying attention to ourselves, in order to
become fully aware of what those patterns are, and consciously choose
whether to keep them intact, modify or discard them in whole or part and/or
substitute a different pattern.
Although we often credit or blame others for our choices in life, ultimately
the decision is completely ours, whether we realize it or not. Let’s examine
and evaluate the contents of choice.
Every decision and action we make or refrain from is based upon multiple
factors, including:
· Memories
· Subconscious controls
· Biases
· Societal or cultural programming
· Current body condition
· Current emotional state
· Others opinions; known or perceived
· Energy from those around you
· Current perceptions
· Expectations
· Overall outlook
· Desires and fears
· Primary thought processes and “instincts”
Recognition of the existence of these factors in our own mind allows us
opportunity to analyze them consciously, and then reassign or discard their
importance to us. This awareness is the nucleus of making more informed,
rational choices which serve our best interest in totality.
Let’s explore each of these factors with an example for clarity:
Each experience of a past choice (whether yours or absorbed from
observing or hearing about another’s experiences) becomes part of our
programmed response and affects all interrelated choices in the future, until
something else changes that pattern. Our subconscious is a non-selective
recorder – any experience, whether we judge it good or bad for us, quickly
becomes part of our psyche whether we are conscious of the pattern it
creates or not.
For example, I was taught several strategies by my mother to avoid harming
others. “Wait, and count to ten if you’re angry before you do something”
she advised. “Never say something when you’re angry that you’ll regret
later.” As a result, I was always careful to only say what I truly felt, even
when angry or upset with another person.
An unintended result of this learning was that I expected everyone else to
know that too. So when a fight came with a lover and he said very hurtful
and insulting things, I believed he was saying what he really felt about me,
because I did not recognize that he had not had the same mental training
that I had.
Memories make patterns of thought and behavior, but those patterns will
vary for each person. If your parents habitually said “We can’t afford it”
when you desired a new toy as a child, then perhaps now, even though you
make plenty of money, you don’t treat yourself to new “toys” because the
program of “We can’t afford it” is installed on your subconscious if not
your conscious mind.
You may have the opposite, rebellious reaction of becoming spendthrift
with your money and only buying toys instead of necessities. Either way,
recognizing why you are the way you are, and why you do the things you
do, is a first step to consciously changing yourself to be the person you truly
want to be and have the life of your dreams.
Times of elevated emotional states or traumatic events can shape new
patterns instantaneously, as in the case of a phobia forming. Exposure to the
new or unexpected can also “open our eyes” to other types of patterns and
options. Even watching a movie or a stranger’s interactions can impact our
mind and form new patterns.
The patterns formed then create a belief, which in turn will recreate that
experience over and over in our lives. Each same experience implants the
pattern deeper into our subconscious, until we start to accept it as an
unquestioned fact.
Exercise: Recall a memory of this type, and question it. Using the
above example, you might try to remember ways in which your parents
‘treated’ themselves to “toys” or perhaps recall an alternate experience
that nullifies that memory, such as a rich uncle who would swoop in and
bring you presents.
You always have alternatives to using any particular memory as a
baseline for your choices in the present. Consciously give your mind
other options to choose from. Later on we’ll talk about substituting and
reframing memories.
From now on, make it a goal to create a habit of consciously choosing what
patterns your subconscious records. We’ll discuss ways to do that in later
Subconscious Controls
Deeply rooted beliefs become subconscious controls, and though the belief
is something we may verbalize, we are saying it practically in an
unconscious state.
For example: “I weigh too much” is a statement we may make about
ourselves, whether or not it has a factual basis (obesity) or a perceptual
basis (anorexia) has become a control. That statement IS now creating a
reality – in the case of the obese it is creating the reality of excess weight, in
the case of the anorexic, it is creating the reality of the desire to continue to
Exercise: Start to pay attention to the actual words that are coming out
of your mouth. If possible, record one or several of your normal
conversations with friends or coworkers. Listen to the recordings and
start making a list in your journal of some of your subconscious
controls, exactly as you verbalize them when telling a friend.
Here are some examples of subconscious controls*:
“I never know what’s going to happen next.”
“You have to work hard for money”
“It isn’t easy being cheesy”
“Life is just like that”
“No matter what I do, something always happens to derail my plans.”
“I am polite, it is everyone else who is rude”
*All of these statements are subjective.
Later on, we’ll expand that list to include any type of limitation you
currently accept as real, and we’ll use that list to create new settings.
A bias is any preference given regularly when choice is concerned. For
example, I have a bias for white cars – the last 5 cars I’ve owned have been
white. When purchasing, I’m more likely to choose the white vehicle,
without taking other factors into consideration.
A bias may be a seemingly small thing, however if unexamined can prove
harmful. Since becoming aware of this bias, I make certain to first check all
other factors that interest me in a vehicle, such as; age, condition, installed
options, mileage, etc. A car color bias, even though seemingly small, could
lead to a incorrect choice (for me) if I allow it to over-rule factors which are
really more important to my actual enjoyment of the vehicle.
Some examples of biases would be a tendency to like someone solely
because they have the same color skin as yourself, even though you dislike
everything else about that person (racial bias). Or you may distrust someone
solely because they worship at a different church (religious bias).
There are many types of cultural biases, which we’ll examine more fully in
the societal programming section.
It is beneficial to become conscious of and re-examine any biases we have
and evaluate anew whether it would benefit us to change those biases. At
the least, when you are aware of your biases you can make choices that are
more informed by remembering to consider other, more important, factors
Societal Programming
Throughout our lives we are programmed with multiple data sources,
factual or not. First, in childhood with our parents’ projected beliefs,
whether conscious or unconscious, then into our early formative years, in
school, later on the job and from communities we belong to or classify
ourselves with, and throughout our lives from the mass media outlets and
the people we surround ourselves with.
Societal programs are very subtle. To illustrate how pervasive they are,
think of a fish, and the water in which it swims as the societal programs. Is
the fish any more aware of the water itself than we are of the air which we
breath? Most people never get outside of their normal social paradigm and
see the “water” for what it is, simply a collection of shared beliefs.
In many cases when we do encounter what is outside our social program we
fear and/or destroy it, as when the “civilization” of Europe first made
contact with the “savages” of the Americas. In reading accounts of
Columbus’s terrorization and enslavement of the native population, one has
to wonder, which society was really the “savage” one?
In many accounts of “civilized” man coming into contact with indigenous
peoples, one sees the term “naked savage” or something similar. Its funny
how the wearing of clothing has sheltered so much other barbaric behavior.
There seems to be an attitude of “it’s ok to kill everyone who isn’t like us,
because we wear clothing”. I find this strange.
“Pardon him, Theodotus, he is a barbarian, and thinks that the
customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.” - George
Bernard Shaw “Man and Superman”
In America it may be considered rude to refuse a handshake, while in Japan
it is traditionally very rude to offer a handshake. This is just the tip of the
iceberg when considering what social programs we have and whether they
serve our best interests or not.
Most of what we consider to be “natural” or “normal” is in fact societal
programming, which is based on cultural biases and the surrounding
worldview. Often we don’t wake up to what our social programming is
unless we have some shocking experience of “otherness”. Let’s go through
a slightly shocking exercise to awaken our minds.
Exercise: Consider this cultural bias – the taboo against incest. Do you
feel disgust at the idea of incest? This may be because you are not
attracted to anyone in your family, or perhaps you are strongly attracted
yet your societal programming makes that idea repulsive.
Throughout history there have been cultures where incest was
considered ‘normal & natural’. In ancient Egypt the rulers were brother
and sister, married to each other. For centuries the British Royals
intermarried, in fact, being related was a requirement for marriage. In a
biblical account, Lot’s daughters seduced him when they were stranded
in the desert, so as to carry on the family line.
Take the logical analysis of this cultural ban a step further. One of the
primary reasons espoused for the taboo is the probabilities of genetic
damage to any children the incestual union might produce.
Now, with modern methods of birth control and artificial insemination,
reproduction is easily controlled and is no longer a reason for that
societal bias. Yet, we still have an ingrained disgust for the idea.
The cultural taboo against incest may not be a societal program you want to
change within yourself. But it is helpful to be aware that it is a cultural bias,
and to realize that many of our responses to life are programmed, not
‘normal’, ‘natural’ or ‘instinctive’.
I used the incest taboo as an example because a good test to discover our
societal programming is to examine closely those ideas which we normally
shy away from in revulsion. The sense of revulsion we feel is an indicator
of just how strong societal programming can be.
Any belief we fervently hold, any belief which elicits such strong feelings,
should be examined rationally to allow us to have complete control of our
own mind.
Your Current Bodily Condition
Your current bodily condition is everything that has to do with your body
and what you think about your body. Are you healthy? Are you good-
looking? Are you in good shape? Are these factors important to you or not,
and why?
Our bodily condition often influences our beliefs and decisions. And just as
importantly, our decisions and beliefs influence our body. Ever stayed home
from something you didn’t really want to do because you actually
developed a headache? Or called in “sick”, only to actually get sick?
Our physical condition influences our choices more often then not, and we
should be aware of exactly what our body feels like, in order to change that
reality, and to create a condition of perfect health from now on.
Our subconscious controls our physical health, and it may currently be
influenced by many factors. The good news is that we do have complete
control over our minds. Our conscious mind can instruct the subconscious
mind, and install new programs to produce only health and vitality within
us. Here are a few examples of how our bodily condition can affect our
A woman’s body during menstruation is working harder than at other times.
Her uterus is contracting and is located near her belly. This feels very
similar bodily to the tightness in the belly area that is often experienced
during stress. So, if consciousness about this similarity raised, she can then
be aware that she is not actually under stress, and can choose to react
differently than she would normally react to stress.
Our body, mind, heart and spirit are intimately connected. Changes in one
produce changes in the others. This topic alone is worthy of a book! For
now, let’s just be aware that our bodily condition plays a part in our
decision making process and we can choose how big of a part it really plays
when we are conscious of that effect.
Current Emotional State
Mood is a temporary state of mind or feeling. Every thought and feeling we
have, whether of happiness or sadness, joy or despair, creates a chemical
and physical state in the body.
We often let our moods dictate our choices. We all have done something
when we were in one mood that we would have never done when in a
different mood. For example, when in a ‘bad’ mood you might yell at
someone whom you love, and later regret it when your mood has improved.
We sometimes think of moods as transitory states that come and go without
our volition. This is an incorrect assumption. Just as the body reflects the
state of mind, the mind reflects the state of the body.
Have you ever noticed how when you’re in a good mood you stand or sit
straighter, hold your head higher, and smile?
Have you also noticed that when you’re in a bad mood you tend to slump,
droop your head, and scowl? Now, try those two postures for a couple
minutes each (I’d recommend starting with the bad mood posturing first),
and see how each posture actually starts to infect your mood for bad or
Be aware that we become physically addicted and mentally habituated to
our moods and emotions! Every change in mood experienced produces a
chemical combination in the brain and body, and vice-versa the chemicals
in the brain and body can produce our moods. That is why, for example,
people get runners’ high. It may also be a cause of post-partum depression
(visualize the new mother’s posture as she feeds the baby).
Contrary to popular belief, your choice of moods is within your control.
You have the power to choose your moods and emotions, and develop an
addiction to a new, better mood. Part of the process of mastering your mind
is to decide to consciously choose your moods.
Any habit can be started as a matter of conscious choice to begin, but we
can’t make a conscious choice without awareness that there is a choice to be
made. Thus, happiness, peace, joy and bliss as habitual states are a matter of
choice, not chance.
Exercise: Here’s a quick mood lifter. When we smile there are two physical
mood ‘buttons’ on each side of our mouth which get pressed and cause the
brain to release a combination of serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. So
smiling literally does make you happier, and, once those chemicals hit you
will keep smiling.
If you find it hard to smile you can use the pen trick: take a pen and,
holding it horizontally with both hands at the ends, place the center of it in
your mouth, as far back as you can hold it, on the edge of discomfort. Like

It doesn’t look pretty, and it may even be slightly uncomfortable. The

effects are worth it! Hold it there for a couple minutes, and enjoy your all-
natural chemical high. Also, don’t worry about someone walking in and
finding you looking like an idiot!
Keep smiling to keep the good chemicals flowing through your body and
boosting your enjoyment, which in turn helps you to continually create a
reality experience you will enjoy!
Research has shown that on average, it takes ninety seconds for the
chemical reaction necessary to change a mood to spread completely through
the mind and body. This is great news! It means that we can quickly change
our emotional state at will. It also means we have a good window of time to
interrupt any mood that is forming if it is not how we want to feel!
Others Opinions
Almost all information we have, whether from others or ourselves, is based
on opinions. The nature of reality is such that, quite literally, no such thing
exists as a “fact”. Now, I know this goes contrary to everything you have
ever been taught in school, but even science is a constantly evolving set of
opinions. The scientific method is a way to attempt to establish opinions as
facts, but even those are subject to later analysis and are restructured over
time. Before airplanes were flown, it was a scientific “fact” that it was
impossible to fly.
"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person
doing it."
- Chinese proverb
We may know a person all of our lives and never really know what they
think; others quite obviously make every opinion known down to the very
Taking any statements made by others and applying them to ourselves, thus
thinking we know their opinion about our choice is making an assumption.
Unless we straight-forwardly ask their opinion on a specific choice, we will
never know whether we are correct or woefully wrong and even so, the
choice to consider other’s opinions may not serve our highest aspirations.
Regardless of another’s opinion, real or imagined, we need to decide if that
opinion is important enough to base our choices on, since normally and
ultimately our choice will affect our lives, not theirs.
Exercise: Decide to ask someone you know for their opinion on a
choice that is important to you.
First, be aware that you have the choice of whether or not to include
another’s opinion in your decision-making process.
Next, decide how much value you want to give that opinion source.
Then ask them in a straight forward and open manner for their opinion,
making it clear that you value their opinion but are not relying
completely on that factor to make your decision. If you like, when
asking, you may want to outline the other factors you are including.
Finally, after you’ve received that opinion, you will examine it to see
how well it fits with what you are moving toward.
Often we receive many unsolicited opinions that we need to consciously
examine as well. Recognizing that it is just their opinion and is based on all
of their conscious or subconscious controls allows us to be discerning about
what ideas we adopt into our reality.
Energy of Those Around You
We are all connected on the level of origin, we are part of an infinite energy
field, and consciousness and intent are the mechanisms controlling this
energy field. We all acknowledge this on some level; if you’ve ever used
the word “vibe” in conversation then you have experienced what I am
describing here.
Our energy can be constructive or destructive.
For example, when everyone at a concert is paying attention to the band and
grooving on the music; that focus is creating a very constructive vibe,
especially for the band who are receiving all that good energy. In contrast,
when a crowd goes wild and starts to riot, that can be a very destructive
vibe for the people and property concerned.
It is a common misperception that animals sense each other more than
people are capable of. Learning to use our other senses is a question more
of discernment than ability.
We perceive much more than we realize on a conscious level, often even
having telepathic communications with each other. This ability is seldom
recognized, partially due to all the other factors in this list clouding our
perception, and partly due to a lack of follow-through or verification.
I have often practiced improving my telepathic abilities and have been able
to elicit entire conversations with people who answered my mental
questions verbally because they were not aware that I wasn’t actually
speaking. We often do have unspoken communication with each other,
when we are not paying attention with our conscious mind. The goal is to
be conscious that we do this, so that we can do it consciously!
Telepathic communication also often occurs through technology, such as
replying to a text message before the sender actually sent it, and while
Instant Messaging, as typing out an answer prior to receiving the question.
Sometimes we call this intuition, empathy or even just attribute it to the fact
that we know our friends. It doesn’t really matter what label we put on it, it
is simply accessing the consciousness of a form of connection that we all
always share.
On an individual level, we are both giving off and absorbing vibes all the
time. Although these are generally more subtle than the vibe at a concert or
in a riot, all vibes have the potential to influence our decisions.
Exercise: Think back to a time when you did something even better
because you were getting vibes of appreciation. In contrast, remember a
time when you didn’t do something that really would have benefited
you because you were getting vibes of disapproval.
A good step to deal with vibes objectively is to take it impersonally. Realize
that a person’s vibe toward you or your choices is simply a result of all
these layers of motivation in their own lives and that they are unconscious
of what they are projecting and have no idea of its effect on you.
There are a several ways you can handle the vibes of others. Be aware of
the effects of their influence, and make conscious decisions whether to
allow the effect. Moreover, beam a loving vibe to everyone you come in
contact with – in most cases people are reciprocal to vibes, and this will
benefit both you and them.
Your Perception
The dictionary gives us several definitions of what perception is. All of
these definitions are important to consider as we begin to understand our
own minds.
1. The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the
As: the normal limits to human perception
2. The state of being or process of becoming aware of something in
such a way
As: the perception of pain
3. A way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a
mental impression
As: we need to challenge many popular perceptions of old age
4. Intuitive understanding and insight
As: He would have loved that!” said my mother with perception
5. The neurophysiological processes, including memory, by which an
organism becomes aware of and interprets external stimuli
It is really simple to figure out what your current perception is. Just stating
whatever you currently believe about something. That then is your
perception of it. Where it gets complex is the full comprehension that
perceptions create the reality you experience.
Objective reality is an illusion. All form and experience of form is created
from individual perception. It is impossible to be completely objective; we
are all locked into our individual perceptions. As the saying goes, ‘beauty is
in the eye of the beholder’. That statement is true, and we can substitute any
noun or adjective for the word beauty and the statement will still be true.
Take, for example, a perception of heat or cold. Given a group of people in
a room, the temperature as measured by thermometer will be the same, let’s
say 72° F. In addition, it is known that people’s body temperatures are
generally the same, at 98.6° F. Yet in that room, one person will be too hot
for comfort, one too cold, one just right. Each perceives the temperature yet
relates it to his or her own comfort – which is a different level for each
person. Taking it further, a false image of snow outside will make the room
seem warmer or colder to the individual perception.
When making a choice, identify what your perception is, then realize that is
just your current observation, understand that there are other possible
perceptions and possible realities and decide whether to keep or change
your perception, and how serious you want to make that particular
perception. Let’s take another example. Say you meet someone who is dirty,
unkempt, wears well-worn clothing, and to your perception looks like a
street bum. The next day someone else starts talking about that person and
mentions having been to the guy’s beautiful mansion which is located in the
best neighborhood in town. Well, that conversation just altered your
perception of who that person is, didn’t it?
Our perceptions literally define every experience of our reality, including
time, space, and our interpretation of meaning. Its fun to play with our
perceptions and changing them ultimately affects our reality. Just the idea
that you create your own reality is a powerful perception to have!
Your Expectations
An expectation is a strong belief that something will happen or be the case
in the future. For example, we expect as the world turns toward night each
day that we will see the sun again tomorrow. We have many different
expectations of what may happen, whether in the very next moment or in
the most distant future. Start to become conscious of expectations.
What are your expectations of the world around you? Do you view the
world as a beautiful place or a trap? Do you generally expect to encounter
nice people or evil people? What kind of service do you expect to get when
you go out to eat? How about what you expect the weather to be like? What
do you expect to feel like when you wake up? Do you expect to dream or
remember your dream? Do you feel healthy and happy, or sick and
During the polishing of this book one of my editors had a very strong
negative reaction to the word expectation. Her definition of the word was
that an expectation is something that only leads to disappointment, and that
it is better to be without expectations. We had already talked about defining
each of these factors at the beginning of each subsection. Her reaction to
this particular word demonstrated one of her subconscious controls.
If any of these subjects raises your alarms, or if it contradicts something
you have a strong opinion of, I encourage you to make a note of the
reaction, and examine that thought pattern to see how rational it is and
whether or not it serves you well.
As quantum physics has demonstrated, the observer’s expectations actually
affect and change what is being perceived. So, with that in mind, wouldn’t
it benefit you to expect only the best, all the time?
Exercise: Think of some experience that you usually find annoying or
bothersome. Now, think of what you would like to experience instead.
Hold the thought of what you do want to experience, and the next time
you encounter the particulars of that experience, you will see how your
different expectation both changes your reaction and changes the
Your Overall Outlook
All of the above factors go into making up your overall outlook. Unlike
perception which may be momentary and specific, based on what you
currently understand about a person, place or thing, your overall outlook is
a broader world view.
Do you think the world is basically friendly or evil? In fact, what do you
think of when you think of the word “world”? Do you think of our planet,
or our solar system, or a collection of countries, or your general
neighborhood? How big is your world?
A familiar question to discover your overall outlook is “How do you
perceive the glass of water, as half full or half empty?” Many times we tend
to think of such things in terms of either/or. Another change of perspective
you may want to incorporate is that there is always a third or more options.
For this example, you could simply say: ‘I have water and I am content.’
Exercise: Call to mind some ideas that you consider to be either/or, and
play with them, considering many options, no matter how ‘impossible’.
This is good mental exercise to stretch your overall outlook. We’ll be
going over deciphering and changing perceptions and expectations in
depth in chapter 3.
What You Desire
Just what is it you really want, anyway? What are you passionate about?
Many of us think we know what we want, however, that initial desire may
simply be the way we think we need to go to get some deeper want
fulfilled. In other words, we have an ultimate goal and we have a
programmed idea of how we can get to that goal, the steps we need to take.
We tend to get lost in the steps and forget about the ultimate goal.
Oftentimes we even hide, deny, discard or reshape our desire because we
fear that it cannot happen.
Advertising is a good example of this. A beer commercial shows us a group
of friends having fun. Subconsciously what we really want may be the
camaraderie shown in the advertisement, but in our conscious mind we
think “I want a beer.”
Here’s another example; we may want to have a job, but really what we
want is to have the money we make at the job, and really it’s not the money
we want but what we can get with the money, for example, a car, and really
it’s not the car that we want, but the ability to travel from place to place
with greater convenience.
So ultimately, in this example, we want to be able to travel conveniently,
and all the other wants; the job, the money, the car, are only piled on top of
that desire because we think that those are the steps we need to take in order
to get what we want.
Now, let’s take the limited example above and ask ourselves, if we innately
had the ability to travel conveniently, would we still want all those other
Perhaps we could learn to teleport. If such is the case, then would you go
take teleportation lessons, or keep on going after the job to get the money to
get the car? Yes, I used an ‘impossible’ solution here… but who says it’s
impossible? Maybe we just don’t know how to do it!
It’s all about getting out of the “box” that we have conditioned ourselves to
be in all of our lives. Later on we’ll talk about what is really possible when
you have the consciousness of true creative power. Science is now starting
to confirm what spiritual geniuses have known to be true for millennia.
Perhaps you’ve heard of the Gordian Knot and it’s solution? As the story
goes, it was prophesied that whoever untied the knot would rule all of Asia.
Nobody could untie the knot, until one day Alexander (The Great) came
along and solved the problem. Upon seeing that there were no loose ends
and that the puzzle could not be solved by ordinary means, he drew his
sword and cut through the knot, thus fulfilling the requirement of the knot
being “undone”.
Often we can “cut through” a lot of steps and more immediately attain our
desire when we know what it truly is.
Using the above example, we may be able to go even further. What is the
purpose for which we want to travel? Say the purpose is to go hang out with
our friends at a club. What is the purpose of that? To enjoy each other’s
company. Why? Because it makes us feel loved.
So then the real desire is to feel loved. Now that you know the base desire,
you can make adjustments in your overall outlook, or elsewhere, to begin
making the choices that lead to fulfilling that desire. It is a great aid to the
creative process to know what you truly want, past all the surface desires.
Exercise: Choose one of your current desires and then ask yourself why
you want that, and keep going until you hit the very base level of your
desire. This is the place from which we will build the new reality we
want to create.
Exercise: Another great tool to find out what our true desires are is to
simply complete the sentence: “If I were not afraid, I would
__________.” Complete this sentence over and over, until you cannot
think of anything else.
If possible, simply state it out loud and record it, or have a friend listen
and write them down. Then take a look at the written list and see how
many desires are similar in nature, so spotting clues that may point the
way to help you acknowledge even deeper desires.
As human beings, I believe that one true desire we all have in common is to
be unconditionally loved.
What You Fear
Our fears influence our choices as much as desires. Sometimes we are
motivated to move toward our desires, other times we move away from our
fears. This is commonly referred to as “the carrot and the stick” form of
Understanding what you fear and why you fear it can be just as important as
understanding what and why you desire.
There can be many levels of fear originating from one basic fear.
Fears may be conscious or unconscious, and can lead us to mistakenly
move away from something that we really want to move toward!
In addition, we may have conscious fears that are not rational, such as
phobias. Even those who think they have no fears may have subconscious
fears that inhibit their creative abilities. Some people may fear to make a
choice more than they fear the choices!
Using the same example we talked about above, you may want the job to
get the money to get the car to travel conveniently to hang out with your
friends at the club because you fear not being loved.
Perhaps you fear that if you can’t make it to the club your friends will think
you don’t care? Again, this is a really simple example. In the next section
we will be examining the duality of motivation more closely.
As I have become more conscious and aware of my fears, is has become
easier to discard them and move forward. During the writing of this book I
had a few weeks where I was experiencing what may be called “writers
block”. I was unable to make myself sit down and write. One day I was in
the hot tub, and suddenly the fear that I had bubbled up into my conscious
mind (excuse the pun). As soon as I realized that I was afraid of finishing
the book because I didn’t know what to do after that, the fear disappeared
and I was able to write again.
Your Primal Processes or “Instincts”
In addition to understanding how all the above factors play a part in our
decision-making processes, understanding how our physical mind works
will also aid us in making changes. Your primary thought processes are the
ways in which your mind functions to receive in or block out information,
and how you incorporate that data.
In particular, our mind stores data in its own fashion, using many ways to
correlate the information, including sense-based storage, association to
existing memories, presumed relevancy, and our subconsciously
programmed ideas of what our mind is capable of.
For example; ever hear somebody say that they’re bad with names? That is
a mental program which will actually cause them to forget names on a
regular basis.
Later on we’ll discuss some therapeutic techniques and processes for
changing programs we don’t want and installing new, more beneficial
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) methods provide many useful tools
to aid us in managing and modifying our mental processes. I’ve included
some here, and in Appendix C I list materials for further study of the topic.
Exercise: To begin to understand how your sense-based storage works,
consider what is actually happening in your mind when you think about
something. In what fashion are you thinking, and what is your habitual
method of thinking?
Are you seeing images? Are they moving or still? Do you remember
things from a first or third-person perspective? (Visual)
Do you hear voices, imagine conversations, and/or talk to yourself as
your method of thinking? (Auditory)
Do your memories involve feeling, tasting or smelling something
physically when you think? (Kinesthetic)
Or perhaps you think very emotionally, so that each thought produces an
associated feeling? (Feeling)
Does your thinking habitually involve all six of those factors, or more?
Most of us tend to use one or two types of thinking as our primary method.
Another way to discover your modalities is to become aware of statements
you habitually make to others. Phrases such as “I hear you”, “I see what
you mean”, “That stinks”, or “I feel that” can be clues to your primary
thought processes.
Understanding how our minds correlate (or have correlated) data can help;
both to recognize our subconscious choices, our biases and our patterns, and
to help us consciously choose correlations to use for creative purposes.
Ever smell something that brought back a pleasant memory of childhood, in
fact, the memory was so strong it just took you right back there for a
moment? That’s how correlated memory works.
Ever just instantly recoil from a new acquaintance, for no reason that you
could understand? That would be another example of correlation – in this
case perhaps a subconscious association with a past bad experience was
made, to both our and the other’s loss.
These information correlations are also a form of pattern recognition. Often,
instead of acting in response to a new experience, we subconsciously
correlate it to an old experience and re-enact the same behavior, without
recognizing that the current experience is different.
We may call it instinct, but usually it’s some form of subconscious
programming. Our subconscious is very strong. It completely manages the
functions of our body and to a great extent the creation of our reality – if we
let it!
What we call our instincts are often not “natural” as we presume, but in fact
a combination of all the factors of our experience, which trains our
subconscious to perform in a certain way.
Our subconscious is the greatest tool we can use in aid of our reality
creation, once we’ve cleaned it out and reprogrammed it with our
conscious, honest choices. It is the part of us that’s plugged into the
Universal Mind all the time, or, if you prefer, in communion with God.
Presumed relevancy
Another area of brain function that may be either a conscious choice or
subconscious program is how much relevance we decide give to the data we
We actually perceive far more information than we are consciously aware
of. Our minds automatically sort this information and store it for us. Under
hypnosis we are able to recall many things that we may not be able to
remember consciously.
The new car is a good example of this. Often, when we purchase a new
vehicle, we suddenly become conscious of the number of times we see the
same make and model on the road. Did many people decide to purchase the
same model vehicle at the same time you did? In actuality, you now have a
reason to make remembering these sightings relevant in a different way
than they were before.
When our minds process information, as well as being correlated to our
existing memories, the data is automatically assigned to permanent, semi-
permanent, or wipe-daily sections of our minds.
We can consciously choose to make existing information relevant to us in
new ways. Bringing this function into conscious coordination, at least as
long as it takes to build new and better habits, will aid you greatly.
Now that you understand the contents of your choices, you can begin to
recognize how much of your decision process is based on unconscious
assumptions rather than fact. Now, instead of being guided by these
assumptions, you have the power to make new, honest, and rational
assessments. This is key to creating and experiencing the reality you desire.
So let’s drag those unconscious assumptions out into the clear light of day
so we can consciously choose what to allow in our reality! How do we do
this? Start by paying conscious attention to the actual words you use when
talking, both to yourself and, especially, when vocalizing to another.
The reason this is so important is easy to understand. All matter is a form of
condensed energy, vibrating at lower and lower frequencies; it is the
frequency of vibration which creates the density of the matter. The lower
the frequency, the denser the matter will be.
Every thought is energy vibrating at a very high frequency. Vocalized
thought turns that energy into the lower and denser vibrations of sound,
bringing it closer to actual matter. Writing your thoughts down converts
them into matter.
What types of statements do you habitually make? Another thing to be
aware of in the functioning of the mind is that our brains actually discard
any negative contained in a statement. So any word such as; don’t, can’t,
won’t, doesn’t, not, or never is instantly discarded, and the mind only
records the rest of the statement.
For example, if you make a statement such as “I don’t want to be late” the
mind only records “I want to be late”, and then you will find yourself
creating the reality of being late on a regular basis.
Pay attention to your habitual ‘Don’t’ statements, and start converting them
to ‘Do’ statements. Using the previous example, you would convert the
statement to: “I want to be on time”. We will continue using this strategy in
chapter 6 as we write our new codes.
Exercise: As of now, start to pay attention to all the statements you are
making. As you train your awareness you will also start noticing how
often others are making ‘Do’ or ‘Don’t’ statements, but for now keep
the focus solely on your own statements.
Exercise: Another tool to aid you in developing complete honesty is to
start converting your “Can’t” statements, such as “I really can’t help you
with that project” to “I don’t want to” statements. Then you may start to
honestly examine the reasons that you don’t want to do something, and
be more honest internally about it, which opens the door to making
constructive change.
I’m not suggesting that you should change to want to “help with the
project”, only that you become more completely honest in all ways and
all aspects of your life. Being completely honest is the keystone to
assuming full responsibility over your entire life and thus taking your
control into your own power.
Another editor shared one of his life-altering learning experiences with me.
In college, a professor had said to him “Don’t say you forgot. Our brain
never loses any of the information that comes in, so it would be more
honest to say “I chose not to remember.”
Honest communication with our selves and others is a fundamental key to
exposing your greatest creative abilities, and itself aids all the other factors
in this book.
Many people may go to therapists to make these kinds of discoveries about
themselves, but it is eminently possible and helpful to begin on your own. If
talking about it helps you to clarify the ideas in your mind, verbalizing to a
friend, or even writing your thoughts out on paper (another transformation
into matter) can be an aid to the process. There are exercises at the end of
the chapter to get you started.
Now, put this book down and take a break. Allow your mind to absorb the
massive amount of information just presented.
~ Love or Fear? ~

Reading really well-written fiction can be used as an aid to discerning your

own motivations more clearly. A good writer usually manages to flesh out
the character so well that you are living in that person’s head for the
duration of the story.
Once you’ve lived in a few other characters’ heads for a bit, coming back
into your own is like returning home after a long vacation, things don’t
always look or feel the same, and maybe we see our ‘old familiar home’ in
‘a new light’, so to speak. Try out a few other lives that are wildly different
from your own, and see what you think.
Throughout this book we will be examining ways to clarify and modify our
motives, for now just let yourself be aware that all of your choices, actions
and reactions are based on many different and sometimes conflicting
What we will be working toward is creating congruency throughout our
mind, body, and spirit, so that each of our creations is then developed more
consciously, fully and quickly.
Now that you have a better idea than ever before of all the factors that go
into each choice that we make, which in turn makes up the entire reality we
create for ourselves, let’s develop a habit of using a simple tool to help us
figure out what the best choice for us really is at any given moment.
That tool is simply to ask ourselves – on each factor and/or overall – am I
basing this thought, this choice, or this action on fear or love?
Simply asking our mind a question puts it to work to answer. The question
becomes the fulcrum by which we can shift the universe.
We tend to get into habits of thought, and most of our society has become
habituated to thinking thoughts of what we don’t want, what we fear. “I
don’t want to be late.” “I don’t want to be sick.” I don’t want my lover to
leave me.” “I don’t want, I don’t want, I don’t want…” It is important to
develop a pattern of thinking only of what we DO want.
Exercise: To decipher quickly if you are habituated to the “don’t”
pattern, pay attention to your emotions, and whenever you start feeling
“bad”, make it a habit to stop, and say to yourself “I must be thinking
thoughts about what I don’t want or what I fear, which is making me
feel bad.”
Then ask yourself: “What is it that I DO want? What is it that I love?”
Again, your mind will go to work to answer this question and the
process will serve to make you immediately feel better, and to begin to
create the reality you DO want.
Start making it a habit, and eventually your habit will be to think only with
thoughts of love. When you fall in love with the universe, with life, with
yourself, with others, then the fun really begins, and amazing things
In truth, ultimately everything returns to love; even fear is just an
expression of love when you look at it from the other side. When your focus
is on love; on feeling, expressing, and living in love, the entire universe
opens up to you and miracles will occur.
~ Within & Without ~

We can only love each other to the degree we are capable of loving
ourselves. And we can arrive at the greatest love for ourselves through
acknowledging that everything, every experience we’ve had, and every
thing we’ve thought or done, all is a part of us. It is neither good nor bad,
just simply a part of us. It may serve us, or it may detriment us, but
ultimately it is part of ourselves, and the more we try to hide, the more we
are dishonest with ourselves about all the parts within us, the more we
ultimately harm ourselves.
In order to become completely congruent, we need to accept ourselves fully,
even the things that we may have thought were bad about ourselves, even
the things we may have been criticized by others for, or shamed ourselves
about. Everything is a part of our selves, and acceptance ultimately leads to
love and healing within.
We know that people fear what they don’t understand. Here is a progression
of how honesty leads to love:
1. Increased honesty leads to a greater sharing of truthful information.
2. The more truthful information that is shared, the more understanding
can occur.
3. As our understanding grows, our acceptance widens.
4. Acceptance allows us to have a great experience.
5. Great experiences ultimately show us how to love.
When we make our choices based on love we are expanding our abilities
exponentially to infinity.
This concept applies first to you. The more truthful information you share
with yourself, through conscious honest self-reflection, the more
understanding you can be toward yourself. As you are more understanding
you will begin to accept yourself for who you truly are. As you begin to
accept yourself, you will begin to truly experience yourself as you never
have before. As you experience yourself you can’t help but begin to love
yourself. As you truly grow to love yourself, you can then begin to love
As you share more honest information with others, they will better
understand you, and reciprocate by sharing more truthful information with
you. Then you and they will begin to understand each other better. As you
understand each other, acceptance of each other will occur. As your mutual
acceptance grows, so too will grow your love for each other.
Love is like a muscle. The more we exercise it, the stronger it will grow.
Love is like dancing, the more you practice with a partner the better your
teamwork becomes. Love recognizes that we are all one, so we treat each
other as we would wish to be treated. We must first love ourselves before
we can love another. When we love ourselves fully and then love each other
as we love ourselves, the whole world will live in harmony.
And it’s all possible with complete honesty.
Review & Practice
1. Pick an important decision you made in the past, and analyze it in
writing on a separate piece of paper, taking into account exactly what
factors went into deciding that choice. Remember to include; prior
memories which influenced the choice, subconscious controls, un-
examined biases, societal programming, your current bodily
condition, your current mood, the vibes you pick up from others, your
current perception, your overall outlook, what you desired, and what
you feared.
Weighing all those factors, was the choice you made based primarily
on fear or love?
2. Determine what type of thinking you habitually do; visual, auditory,
kinetic (list touch, taste, and/or smell), and/or feeling.
3. Write down 3 statements you habitually make about yourself or your
4. Write down 3 goals you have for yourself.
5. What is your favorite exercise from this chapter?
6. List one idea you’ve always considered to be either/or, and then list
at least 3 other options – no matter how ‘impossible’ those options
may seem. For example: “night or day, and dusk, dawn, noon”.
7. Using the analysis from question 1 above and the knowledge you
now have, list which factors have changed and which have stayed the
same. Analyze each factor and decide which factors you now want to
consciously change. Write down some alternatives to each choice.
2: Assume Total Responsibility
We create our own reality all the time. This concept covers every factor of
our experience, both on an individual and a group level. There are no
exceptions to this rule.
Quantum physics has demonstrated that ‘you can’t have a universe without
mind entering into it’. From the minute and inconsequential, to major
‘earth-shattering’ life-changing events, we are always in control of what we
experience. Nothing ‘just happens’.
I want to extend that, and make it clear that I fully believe in mind over
matter. Is there any completely objective reality? No. However, there are
rules that we all agree to maintain, and those rules govern our lives as long
as we agree to them.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that the laws of physics don’t
exist. What I am asking you to wrap your mind around is the idea that we
literally make up reality as we go along. We make up all the rules by which
we live, and we can individually or collectively modify those rules as they
apply to us.
I believe that levitation by mental will power is possible, and that it has
been done. As my friend Joth Andrews pointed out ‘If we were raised in a
society where we were expected to levitate by age 5, we’d all be flying
around right now.’
You may not believe that such things are possible. In any case, please use
this idea to stretch your imagination. The point is, anything is possible, we
just haven’t figured out the correct tools to allow our mind to accept the
ability. And of course, from childhood on we are actively trained to limit
our beliefs.
I hereby challenge you to challenge all your assumptions! I believe that
when we come into awareness of, and start exercising, our true power, we
can literally create anything we would like out of the pure energy that is the
basis of all that is.
Perhaps that day is far in the future, perhaps it is tomorrow. What is the
speed of your belief? The speed of thought is the fastest known constant in
the scientific universe.
Of course, in order to experience the causality of your thoughts, it is
necessary to start thinking and acting on the basis that maybe, just maybe,
the idea is true. I deem that any system of beliefs, whether it is the rituals of
magic, or the new diet, the exercise program, the resume, even this book,
are all just tools we have created to allow our minds to accept that we can
create the results we desire.
In this volume, I’ve tried to limit the actual work needed, and skip straight
to the reality creation part. I will be constantly reminding you that you are
in charge! This book is dedicated to giving you the insights I’ve had into
how this process has worked for me, and the concepts that I’ve found to be
The quickest path, in truth, is simply to have unwavering faith that ‘all is
well, all is well, and all manner of things are well’. But most of us still want
to be convinced of this!
Although I was raised in a very conservative religious home, I do not
consider myself to be religious. While I don’t subscribe to Christian dogma,
I do think that Jesus was a fully awakened human being. He said that
everything he did, we also could do. He said that if we had faith the ‘size of
a mustard seed’ we could tell the mountain to move and it would.
I started out with faith considerably smaller than a mustard seed. And I
must admit I still haven’t moved any mountains (although I really don’t
have any reason or desire to move mountains!). I am working each and
every day on cultivating and exercising my faith as an ability of the mind.
The problem with religious dogmatism is that it asks you to have faith in
something outside ourselves – which leads right back to the idea that things
somehow ‘just happen’ or are ‘God’s will’ – again placing responsibility
outside of ourselves. That idea is an easy out, as most of us don’t want to
accept total and unwavering responsibility for everything that has happened
in our lives.
Taking complete and utter responsibility for every aspect of our lives is a
huge step, isn’t it? It may be especially difficult for someone who has
perhaps been ‘abused’ or been the ‘victim’ of an ‘accident’.
When you do take that responsibility, over your past and extending
infinitely into your future, THEN you have freed yourself for the most
exhilarating and exciting journey imaginable – crafting your life exactly the
way you want it from now on!
The possibilities are infinite. You can make new ‘discoveries’ and learn to
do the ‘impossible’. You can create anything you can imagine, once the
basic principle of complete responsibility has been accepted.
It is simple. I don’t claim it’s easy. We have been programmed from birth to
believe the opposite, to believe in our limitations.
Our challenge now is to reprogram our minds to revel in the infinite.
‘Babies must crawl before they can walk’ is the accepted truism. However,
your limitations are only the limitations you choose to accept, and I believe
that baby can first learn to walk, and then learn to fly!
So let’s get busy learning how to fly (or whatever other ‘impossible’ you’d
like to enjoy). ‘But wait!’ You exclaim. ‘There’s an objective reality. What
about… (name off all the things you don’t enjoy on the planet; illness,
accidents, death, aging, lack, limitations, etc.)’.
Yes, I agree that those things have happened, are happening, and will be
happening, at least until a major shift in consciousness has occurred in the
critical mass of humanity. As more and more people awaken to their innate
power, we can come to make new agreements among ourselves and affect a
positive reality shift more swiftly.
So, it’s true that all these ‘negative things’ exist, however, the fact of their
existence is all that we actually know, not their causality. At present there is
no way to know exactly what thoughts each person has had or will have that
is creating that specific reality on an individual and group level.
The only complete evidence we currently can have of how mind affects
matter is the subjective evaluation of our own thoughts and correlating
experiences. At least until someone develops a telepathic recording device –
which would make writing this book so much quicker!
To reiterate: one of the largest changes we can make to assist us in the goal
of developing our creative power is to become completely honest with
ourselves. In chapter 1 we discussed how you can use awareness to develop
that honesty in yourself.
In this chapter we will examine how to use honesty in order to take
complete control over our reality, which is to assume full responsibility for
our creations, past, present, and future.
~ Past Creations ~

Assuming total responsibility for our past is a huge step! Especially for
anyone who has ever suffered abuse at the hands of another, been in an
accident, had a serious illness, or lived with a lot of negativity in their life.
Ultimately, we all choose our life and our experiences on some level,
whether we do it consciously or unconsciously.
In fact, I believe our consciousness extends before birth and after death, and
before we are even born into this dimension we have selected the type of
experience we want to have, this time.
Why, then, would anyone choose to have a horrible life? Choose to be born
with deformities, or get cancer at age five, or be in an accident? Or any of
the horrible lives it is possible to have?
Let me use an analogy put forth by Richard Bach in Illusions… What kind
of movies do you enjoy watching? Have you ever watched a horror movie?
Did you enjoy that horror film during the time it took for you to watch it?
I believe that we choose the experiences of our lives before birth, just as we
pick out what movie we want to watch today. The only difference is the
length and intimacy of the experience. And while we may have picked out
that movie or life, at any time we can hit the stop button and choose a
different experience.
Growing up, as I said in the introduction, my mother was a source of
optimism for the most part. Yet, as I entered my teens I started to observe
how she was creating reality out of her fears. For example, she always was
worried about her car breaking down. As a consequence, her car did break
down quite often.
My first act of conscious creation was a rebellion to my mother. She
worried about people stealing her inventory, and people stole from her. She
worried about her health, and she was always getting sick.
As a consequence, I created settings for myself that ‘my cars always run
great’ – and they do, that ‘people leave my stuff alone’ – and they do, that ‘I
am always young, fit and healthy’ – and I am.
So, people don’t always choose their reality consciously, but any pattern of
thought or belief will tend to create the object or circumstances for you to
experience that belief. In essence, whatever you believe will become a ‘self-
fulfilling prophecy’ and create or bring into your experience more objects
or circumstances that tend to reinforce that belief.
I call these ‘reality settings’. Any belief that we hold on to very strongly can
become a setting. I call them settings because, rather than an affirmation,
which we may think of as ‘just words’, it is a powerful new way to think.
To believe that, like turning the knob on the radio to a new setting, we can
change the channel and choose a new reality setting just as easily.
The fun part is recognizing your current settings, and then creating new
ones, which we’ll discuss in chapter 6. The settings that I created due to my
observations of my mother are some of my oldest and strongest settings.
The setting that ‘my cars always run great’ is so powerful that it actually
fixed the broken air conditioner in a car I bought, and fixed my alignment
when I ‘accidentally’ ran into a curb. In fifteen years, through four vehicles,
aside from general maintenance such as oil changes, brakes and tires, I have
had to replace one serpentine belt and one distributor cap.
Here’s another example: I have a setting that ‘I am always safe’. It has been
over 10 years since I was in a car accident, and in that accident I was
completely unharmed (oh, I had one scratch on my ankle, so I couldn’t say I
got out of it without a scratch!).
A friend of mine recently told me his fear of driving, because he has been in
something like eight accidents over the last two years. His fear keeps
bringing more accidents! After an accident I had been in about thirteen
years ago, I too had started to develop that fear, but through a conscious
exercise of will I put the fear aside and decided to hold to the belief that ‘I
am always safe’.
Exercise: Review your past, and see if you can pinpoint the settings you
had, or still have, which created those experiences. Take a few minutes
with your journal, and write down some of the things you currently and
frequently both think, and say, about yourself, your life, and your
circumstances. Be completely honest. Now is the time to become aware
of your creative power.
Exercise: Looking back through your life, can you remember some
specific events that were created from your fears? And now think of
some experiences that had worked out just as you had hoped they
would. Perhaps you visualized or thought of something very specific
that actually came to be carried out ‘live’.
Can you start to accept the idea that you and you alone, have total
responsibility for every aspect of your life, good or bad?
Let’s extend this and get a bit more specific. What are your views on other
people? Knowing what you understand now about vibes, how people
respond to our expectations, and how we create our own reality, how do you
NOW choose to think about others?
Exercise: Try an experiment tomorrow: Go to sleep tonight with the
idea firmly set in your mind that ‘I always meet great people’. Remind
yourself throughout the day tomorrow, saying, “I always meet great
people” both to yourself and to others. Smile and be grateful for all the
wonderful people who are part of your life. Write down what happens.
Regardless of what has happened in your past, all of those experiences have
led you to become the person you are now, and to this exact moment in
which you hold in your hands the key to shaping your future exactly the
way you want it to be. With that in mind, can you begin, if not to believe
that you chose those experiences, to at least forgive them and move forward
with complete responsibility?
Forgiveness is a powerful tool. Forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean that
we want a person who has “done us wrong” to be right in what they did, but
it does mean that we will no longer cause ourselves to suffer with the
thoughts of hurt that we have held onto until now. Forgiveness means
letting go of hurt, letting go of fear, and letting go of anger. All of these
emotions ultimately harm only ourselves.
A key to forgiveness lies in recognizing that at all times every single one of
us is doing the best we know how to do. That doesn’t mean it’s the best that
we are capable of. But it is the very best that we know to do. Also, every
single action throughout history that we might consider “bad” or “evil” was
based on people doing the best they knew how to do. In addition, those
“evil” actions were often a reaction to fear-based ideas.
~ Present Creations ~

It is important to recognize that your present circumstances are simply an

extension of your past thoughts which are now creating the reality you
inhabit. So changing your present is as simple as changing your perception
of it, and the new thoughts you implement today are now the thoughts
which create your present and your future.
If we start getting into time theory, there really is no such thing as time, and
everything that could possibly happen, has happened, or is happening is all
wrapped up in one eternal moment. Additionally, taking the multi-verse
theory into account, we could choose from a variety of alternate realities
that have stemmed from any possible choice we could ever make. Have fun
with this!
This moment is the moment of change. Enjoy it.
As we become more and more powerful through exercising our creative
will honestly and consciously, we will start to manifest more quickly and
accurately exactly what we desire. As we become more aware of exactly
what we manifest, we will choose more carefully what we desire.
I’ve found that casual desires are more likely to manifest quickly, because
we are not so “involved” in their fulfillment. For example: I once
manifested receiving a pumpkin muffin with cream cheese filling within
five seconds of wondering what it tasted like, and I wasn’t even hungry!
Perhaps it manifested so instantaneously because I wasn’t hungry.
So be aware that you can manifest instantly anything you desire in the
present moment. It is simply a matter of conscious will applied skillfully.
Developing this consciousness and the skill to wield it is similar to
developing any other habit – keep doing it until you have made it a good
habit; it then becomes an automatic function of your life.
~ Future Creations ~

“Whatever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can
– Dr. Napoleon Hill Think & Grow Rich
Someday I believe that we will create anything we desire from pure thought
exerted upon pure energy. We will no longer have to laboriously build
things ‘by hand’ or use machines; we will be able to do everything with our
minds and wills alone. In a sense, our technological, material developments
are “training wheels” for our minds.
As individuals, we are creating our future with every thought about it, every
imagining is a possibility. The imaginings we have most strongly and most
consistently are most likely to become our reality.
For instance, I imagine finishing this book, then making a movie out of it,
and going on a world speaking tour in which I get whole stadiums of people
Naked! Now, having imagined it, I will keep on imagining it, I start telling
others about it and taking action towards creating that reality as I write this.
It is important for all of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, expectations, words,
and actions to be congruent. When every facet of ourselves is in harmony
we more perfectly and quickly manifest exactly and only what we desire.
When we have incongruent desires, or a mix of desires and fears, we will
manifest both. Often these manifestations come together in one single
The way to create that solid self-congruency is to become completely
honest with ourselves, take full responsibility, and begin to discard the
elements of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, expectations, words and actions
that are out of harmony with our true desires.
Any thoughts containing elements of lack, limitation or fear should be
discarded immediately, so that we can manifest quickly and powerfully
whatever we desire.
Here’s an example of incongruent manifestation: Tom wants to buy a house.
He wants to buy this home as a way of providing for his family, but at the
same time he feels apprehensive because he knows that a house will be
expensive to maintain, and is a big responsibility.
His desire to provide for his family is exactly balanced against his
apprehensions about the increased responsibility. As a consequence,
everything about the process of making this purchase seems to be in
conflict. He has trouble finding a lender, then trouble with getting a loan.
Paperwork gets lost and needs to be redone on several occasions. He goes
through several different realtors as they each become unreliable. It is
difficult for him to settle on a house, and the whole family goes through the
process, looking at many houses over a course of months.
When the house is finally decided upon, the offer and acceptance process
takes as long as it can possibly take under the contract’s terms. Tom has
asked for some concessions including work to be finished on the house, and
the work takes longer to complete than it should. In short, due to the inner
conflict Tom had, almost every step of this process was a hassle and took
more work and effort.
Whenever you have such an inner conflict between what you desire and
what you fear, it is important to take the time to sit down with yourself and
iron out the differences. Decide what your highest ideal for the creation you
desire is, and then turn around any competing thoughts immediately.
You can make things easy or hard on yourself, you decide. Ultimately, it is
simply a matter of changing your perceptions.

Comic Relief

“An electrical engineer, a theoretical physicist, and a spiritual guru

walk into a bar... They start talking about God. The engineer draws
up a diagram to show how God is possible. The physicist debates
how God can exist and not exist at the same time. The guru finally
starts laughing and says, ‘Why didn't you ask me, I'm already
– Clinton Roman Eastwood-Crews
3: Change Your Perceptions & Expectations
Complete honesty and total responsibility are the true access to our power.
But you can be completely honest and responsible, yet still have a miserable
life. If that is your choice, that’s ok, but I’m guessing you are reading this
book because you do want to improve your life in some way. The next
seven chapters will give you a plethora of tools that you can apply to make
those improvements.
“Old Newtonian physics claimed that things have an objective
reality separate from our perception of them. Quantum physics, and
particularly Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, reveal that, as our
perception of an object changes, the object itself literally changes.”
- Marianne Williamson “A Return to Love: Reflections on the
Principles of A Course in Miracles”
We create our reality on many levels. Everything that exists in our lives, the
people, the events, the day-to-day routines, the ‘surprises’, and the
experiences we have are all part of what we create. So does everyone else,
and then as groups we decide and create even larger realities.
This doesn’t mean that the people around you don’t have free will for
themselves, but if they are in your life to any degree it is because you
attracted them to you due to your base beliefs, your desires and
expectations, and your perceptions.
When you are fully honest and accept total responsibility for your life, part
of the process of unlocking your creation abilities is to take control over
your perceptions. We create our own reality both on an actual physical level
and a cognitive level.
Your perceptions shape your experience of reality to a great degree. Start
perceiving only good, only what you desire, and any negative remnants
quickly fall away from your reality.
What is perception, and how do we change it? A good way to help you
become more aware of what your perceptions are is the understanding that
we all perceive things differently.
We all know that if twenty people witness a car accident, they will give
twenty different stories to the investigating officer. Integrate this
understanding into your awareness, and start to become more aware that
what you think about what you witness or experience is shaped by your
Words are tools that shape our thinking. It is important to realize how much
our thinking is colored by words, in order to consciously change our
perceptions. The words we use have different connotations to different
Become aware of what you personally feel about a word versus what that
word actually means. Take, for example, the word relationship. The actual
meaning of the word is simply saying that a connection exists between two
or more things. But you may have either a positive or negative view of
Words are used in marketing, in news, and even by ourselves to influence
others or ourselves to achieve the results we desire. It is important to
recognize this, so that we can consciously choose to agree or disagree with
the ideas being put forth.
A current example of that is to look at a word that has been used frequently
in the media when covering news of the United States war in Iraq. The
news media consistently refers to the people who are resisting the United
States as ‘insurgents’.
Now, if you look the word ‘insurgent’ up in the dictionary, it has the exact
same meaning as the word ‘rebel’, however, in the United States the word
‘rebel’ has very positive connotations, and would make people who hear
that word feel sympathetic toward the opposition.
Sympathy for the other side is undesirable, so instead they use the word
‘insurgent’ which is a foreign and somewhat mean-sounding word, and
creates instead sympathy for our part in this war.
The connotations of words change over time as well. For example, the
phrase “making love” today means something totally different than it did
less than 80 years ago. In Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell,
published in 1936, the heroine of the tale, Scarlett O’Hara, is being
effusively complimented by one of her suitors. “Oh, stop making love to
me!” she exclaims. Today we use that expression to mean actually having
sex in a particular way.
We are constantly being exposed to others opinions. We all can benefit from
a greater awareness of the words that are being used and how they can
guide our thoughts if we are not aware of the effect of word connotations.
Exercise: Do you watch TV, listen to the radio, read the newspaper or
magazines? Try going without any of those influences for three weeks,
and instead, watch movies, play music, and read books (in other words,
expose yourself only to ideas that you are consciously choosing). After
that time period, expose yourself once again to the media that you
previously used, and see how your perceptions of what is being put forth
have changed.
Another facet of communication to be aware of is the different ways we’re
treated based on our gender. As John Gray pointed out in his book ‘Men are
from Mars, Women are from Venus’, in our current culture men and women
are raised completely differently, and we have distinct differences in our
communication styles. By themselves, these differences are neutral, but
when these styles are misunderstood the communication differences which
arise can cause unintentional conflicts.
If miscommunication ever occurs, it is important to remember that we each
perceive things differently, based on all the factors discussed in chapter 1,
and that by examining our perceptions we can put all differences aside and
come to agreement, with ourselves and each other, to create a better reality
in the here and now.
~ Embracing the Multiverse ~

Language can reveal a lot about a culture. For instance, Eskimos have over
50 words for snow. In our current western culture, we have a lot of words
for duality and many of our questions are structured around the idea of
duality. It is important to pay attention to the questions we ask. Discovering
the best question to ask is key to finding the answers that serve us best.
In my life coaching practice one of the biggest things that I do is to ask the
right questions of and for my client. The answer to the question often leads
us right to the experience we need. Once a friend of mine was having
doubts about his healing abilities. I simply asked, “What would it take for
you to firmly believe in your abilities?” He had done a lot of internal
healing work on people, such as treating cancer with hypnotherapy. So,
while he intellectually knew that healing had taken place, as confirmed by
lab tests, he had never witnessed it for himself. He answered, “Seeing a
wound heal up right in front of me.”
Sure enough, the very next weekend an opportunity arose for this to
happen. A friend of ours showed up to an event with severe “road rash”
from a motorcycle accident. It was scabbed over, but we could all see that
in places it was green and looked infected. As we all watched, he worked
on healing her. First the wounds all turned from green to a healthier red.
Then new skin began to grow, albeit slowly. He asked for a pen or
something to mark the line of the wound with, and we did. We could then
actually see that new skin was growing beyond the mark that we made.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and
the door will be opened to you.”
- Matthew 7:7, NIV Bible
You may remember in chapter 1 I brought up the old tried and true
personality test of optimism/pessimism (another duality); the question
‘There is a glass of water, is it half full, or half empty?’ is one well-known
example. This question itself shows us the either/or type of thinking that is
very prevalent in our culture.
I think that this either/or, black & white mentality is adopted by our culture
partially because it is ‘easy’. If you only have 2 options, it’s not that hard to
choose. Also influencing this societal program is the Judeo/Christian
tradition of good vs. evil. Even if you were not raised in a religious
household, this ideology pervades our culture to a great degree.
Yes, duality does exist, and given our natures of male and female sexes, and
observing such obvious opposites as of day and night, sun and moon, it is
easy to see why we have this concept. However, the more discerning will
notice that for every duality, there really are many more options that are
being ignored because they don’t fit into this dual world-view.
In the turning of the world we are experiencing a constant shift of light,
high noon and middle night are just two extremes. We have late afternoon,
early morning, sunset and dawn, twilight, and all different types of light in
In sexuality, we now know that not only should we consider male/female
pairings, but also gay and lesbian. More recently, trans-gender, gender
dysphoric, and asexual people are now an acknowledged part of the
Let’s also include hermaphrodites, who I think of as being naturally a third
sex, and making the permutations even more expressive of reality, let’s add
the concepts of butch and femme lesbians, and masculine and flaming gays,
and if you want to get really creative add in all the different aspects of
consensual BDSM and D/s relationships. (BDSM is the standard
abbreviation for Bondage, Domination, Sado-Masochism. D/s is an
abbreviation for Dominant/submissive relationships)
Wow, so now when we think of sexuality, it’s not so much an either/or
choice anymore, is it?
When I was 18 it was a presidential election year (1994), and I went to vote
for the first time. Imagine my surprise to see not just Democrat and
Republican candidates, but, as I recall, at least five other parties who had
candidates on the ballot.
Nowadays we are more aware of the so-called ‘third parties’, but at that
time I had never even heard of these other parties. And we still don’t hear
much about them, because of this inane focus, this either/or mentality that
has been programmed into our society on every level.
Another example is from an ethics seminar: the question posed being about
a train, two tracks, and a switch. You are the conductor. On one track is
your child, on the other track is another train holding 300 people and
headed your way. Do you switch the train to hit the one child, or the 300
I would postulate that there is a third option. Blow the whistle! The child
will move and you switch to the now cleared track. The point is, there are
always more options than we imagine or ‘know’ about. If you’re a Star Trek
fan, you will remember how Kirk beat the Kobayashi-Maru test by going
outside the normal formula of failure.
The trick is to shift your perceptions enough to start looking for those
additional options. This is also commonly referred to as ‘thinking outside
the box’.
So, next time somebody asks you if the glass is half full or half empty, try
just saying ‘I have water and I am content. And when I have drunk this
water, I will refill this glass’.
When we overcome our societal programming of this concept of duality and
realize that there are multiple options, it allows us to become more
completely honest. As we accept full responsibility for our own reality, the
‘devil’ disappears. We realize that by taking full responsibility we no longer
need or want a scapegoat.
One cannot be a victim without consent at some level. Realize that consent
can be as subtle as having the belief that there are such things as
“accidents” or “illness” or that we can be harmed by anything. The plan is
to change our perceptions; from the subconscious programming that we
could be victims to the conscious awareness that we really do create our
own reality in all aspects of our lives. As we begin to shift our perceptions
our awareness of our own part in our creations begins to be apparent.
I recently read an article about a “victim” who turned the tables on his
mugger. He had just gotten off the train and was on his way to a favorite
restaurant when a young man threatened him with a knife and demanded his
wallet. Our putative “victim” handed the wallet over without a struggle. As
the mugger was walking away he called out to him, and offered him his
jacket. The kid stared in confusion. Then he offered his attacker a meal. The
mugger went to dinner with him. At the conclusion of the meal he said
“Well, I would like to treat you to dinner, but you have my wallet.” The
young man, slightly embarrassed, returned his wallet, and he paid for
dinner, as well as giving the young man some money and an offer of
assistance .
This story perfectly illustrates how we can choose or choose not to be
victims, and how love can transform our experience as well as the lives of
those around us, even those who might do us harm.
~ Mere Mirror Images ~

I read something a long time ago that has stuck with me and really changed
my perceptions. The basic idea is that we can never completely see another
person objectively; that anything we like or dislike about another is
something that we like or dislike about ourselves.
This realization was a powerful one. It caused me to question myself
whenever I came into contact with some one I didn’t like, or with someone
who I really admired. It made me much more open and accepting of
everyone I came in contact with.
Since the universe is reciprocal, others became more accepting of me. In
effect, it helped me to take my ego out of the equation, and really try to see
others for who they are, not who I think they are.
Often we tend to judge others by what we would choose to do, or how we
would choose to act. We may use phrases such as “he lacks common sense”
or “she’s a real idiot for doing that” or even the slightly more honest “If I
were them, I’d (fill in choice here)” We can never know all of the factors
that go into making up another’s choice. Heck, it’s enough of a challenge to
figure out all of the factors that go into our own choices!
Judging another’s actions is really silly! If we all made the same choices all
the time we would be a pack of robots, not human beings! In addition to
being silly, it can even be unhealthy or damaging to our selves to try to
guess others motivations or to do what we think or others think we “should”
do. The word “should” is one of the worst things we can inflict on ourselves
or others. Make it fun. Stop “shoulding” on yourself!
If in doubt about other’s motivations or actions ask a straightforward
question. “Why did you do that? It’s not what I would have done, and I’m
really curious about how you think.” Whether you ask or not, in order to
access your creative power it is necessary to release judgment about others
and move into the realization that every one of us is always doing the best
that we know how with the tools that we have.
“Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and choice,
is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has
rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim.”
- Aristotle
When we judge our selves or another being without taking the time to truly
understand them, we cost ourselves a great opportunity to learn a new
perspective. We become so busy holding up our mirror to the person and
comparing it, we miss out on the deeper, hidden parts of their lives.
Being honestly curious about others opens us up to developing our
imaginative faculties that aid in creation. We are all here in this dimension
of reality by choice; we came here for the experience of being in a material
form. We have created the reality we wished to experience, now that we are
conscious of that, we know that we can change that experience at any time.
Another mirror that we often judge the present by is our past experiences.
Good, bad, or indifferent, sometimes we don’t see what is now before us,
because we are blinded by our past. All vision is learned pattern
We learn from childhood ‘what’ things are. That is a tree; this is a table, and
there is a car. Depending on our teacher’s personal proclivities and our own
interests, we will learn more discernment about certain objects, for
example, rather than just learning to identify cars, trucks, etc, we will learn
‘that is a 1972 Chevy Nova’ or ‘that is a 2010 Jeep Cherokee’.
Similarly, we learn patterns of acting and reacting. We learn patterns of
relationships. We learn patterns of work, patterns of health, patterns of
judgment, patterns of stress or peace. We learn patterns that govern every
area of our lives. Depending on the pattern we originally learned, we tend to
judge all occurrences in our lives by it, thereby blinding us to what is true
and good now.
“We cheat ourselves unnecessarily out of joy in the present moment
just because we choose to utilize old programming that skews our
perception and leaves us with negative judgments about our current
reality. What is needed is to adjust our perception so that we might
see and appreciate the joy that has been overlooked through our
limited thinking and past programming.”
– Andrew Norman
The key to altering our perceptions lies in recognizing what we want,
choosing what is good, and then picking out the elements of our current
experience that reinforce that belief. This is called reframing.
A famous example of reframing is what Thomas Edison, said of the process
of inventing a better light bulb, ‘I have not failed, I have learned 99 ways
how not to make a better light bulb’.
When I was seventeen, I dated a man who was insecure and therefore
jealous. He would actually get mad at ME if someone complimented me.
After I left him I had to learn to reframe any compliments that I heard. In
essence, I had to teach myself again that I deserved to be told I am pretty, or
nice, or any good thing that someone wanted to say to me. I had to reframe
that the people who were complimenting me were doing it because they
were sincere in admiring me, that they were not “just saying” those things
because they wanted to have sex with me.
We can learn to reframe our own lives.
Exercise: Remember that old cliché, “Every cloud has a silver lining”.
Take something in the past that bothered you or hurt your feelings. Now,
think of all the positive things you can say about this event. You may
find it helpful to complete the sentence “At least _________”. This may
be one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to do, but as you do it you
will begin to realize how much better you now feel about that incident.
Successful and happy people do this process all the time, subconsciously.
Somehow they learned when they were young how to do that. And now you
can too.
~ Unlimited Possibilities ~

Telepathy? Teleportation? Levitation? As far as science has been able to

determine, below the level of the atomic particle everything is one constant
energy field. In essence we are all connected, and all one. Every person,
animal, plant, and object we observe is all connected in this energy field.
When we realize that we are all one, then the possibilities really open up to
our perception. Since we are all connected, such an experience as telepathy
becomes not only possible, but impossible that it doesn’t happen. Our
mental processes are energy based. Each thought is relayed through our
neuro-transmitters by electrical impulses, which themselves are part of the
energy field.
Learning to be telepathic then is simply a matter of fine-tuning our
perception to pick up and interpret those signals correctly. I am still learning
how to do this, and my goal is to achieve complete mind-to-mind rapport
with another individual.
In order to fine-tune our perceptions, it is helpful to have a partner who is
completely honest, then you can practice projecting and receiving your
thoughts, and can confirm for each other whether your reception was
This energy field is a giant storage facility for everything known and
unknown (as yet) to humanity. A friend calls connecting with this
information network ‘Calling up the Universal Internet.’
It has often been documented that several people around the world who
were not in contact with each other will simultaneously come up with the
same idea. In truth they are all connected to that energy field and searching
for the same answers.
Our final goal with changing our perceptions is to change our minds about
what is ‘possible’ or ‘impossible’. In this infinite universe, everything is
possible. Time travel, telepathy, teleportation, levitation, anything we can
dream of is eminently possible, we just have to learn to do it.
Learning to access these possibilities involves letting go of our current
perception of limitations, in other words, discarding our inhibitions.
4: Discard Your Inhibitions
What does the word inhibitions conjure in your mind? Usually, when we
think about inhibitions we think about the synonyms for inhibition: shyness,
reserve, restraint, hang-up, modesty, nervousness, reticence, self-
consciousness, timidity, diffidence, bashfulness, mental blockage,
But what does inhibition really mean? Let’s look at the root word: inhibit.
A web search reveals that there are a surprising number of definitions for
the word inhibit. Here’s a sample from Google™ Dictionary:
in•hib•it (verb)
1. Hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or process)
As: cold inhibits plant growth
2. Prevent or prohibit (someone) from doing something
As: the earnings rule inhibited some retired people from working
3. Voluntarily or involuntarily restrain the direct expression of (an
instinctive impulse).
4. (chiefly of a drug or other substance) Slow down or prevent (a
process, reaction, or function) or reduce the activity of (an enzyme or
other agent)
5. Make (someone) self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and
natural way
It seems that the definition really is all about preventing or stopping
Discarding inhibitions means more than just getting physically naked! It is
letting go of anything that prevents or stops you from fully experiencing
your creative power. When you are completely honest, much of what
inhibits you will become clearer.
Although most inhibitions may be based on fear, some inhibitions are based
on love. Fear or love may keep us from harming each other, for example.
However, there are many ways in which we inhibit ourselves to our own
detriment. Let’s take a look at a few of the less-obvious.
~ Leave Victim-hood Behind ~

How many times throughout your life have you felt you were a victim; of
circumstance, of others, or even of your own self-sabotage? When we take
conscious control of our reality creation processes, we realize that we never
were and never can be a victim.
At some level, we consent to everything in our lives, the good, bad or ugly,
even if it is only by acknowledging that such exists and that it could happen
to us.
I realize that this is probably the hardest lesson to absorb in this book. On
one level it may seem I’m saying ‘the victim asked for it’. Let me clarify
further. I’m not saying that anyone really ‘wants’ to have ‘bad’ experiences.
Since we do create our reality, by even accepting the idea that bad exists,
we draw it into our lives.
Exercise: Take illness for example. You may have had a bad cold in the
past. Now think back to when you ‘caught’ that cold.
What were the circumstances? Were you around another ill person?
Did you think to yourself something like ‘I hope I don’t catch that
This is an example of a type of thought that would be allowing the
illness to take root in your body, because it is a fear-based perception.
Now think of all the nurses and doctors who deal with very ill people all
day long, yet stay healthy themselves. How do they do it? You have one
encounter with one sick person and blam! you’ve caught cold.
Now, think about a person you know who has been in car accidents over
and over. And recall another person you know who has never had a
single car accident. Is it luck, good or bad? Or is something else going
The answer is found in what we consistently tell ourselves about our lives.
It may be hard to accept the idea that we or others have ‘chosen’ to be
victims, even on a subconscious level.
All our lives we have been taught to attribute cause and effect solely to
material means. But, when you are fully honest, when you accept complete
responsibility for your life, when you shift your perceptions, you will
realize that you have made a choice, even at a subconscious level, to have
the experience you have had.
Now you can choose to make your choices consciously, and choosing
consciously, can create a better reality for yourself.
So, if your thoughts include the possibility that you could be a victim in any
way – whether it is getting sick, being attacked, being in an ‘accident’ or
sabotaging yourself, realize that you are giving access for such things to
occur in your experience.
As I discussed earlier, in rebellion of my mother’s fears I created settings
that ‘My cars always run great’ and ‘People leave my stuff alone.’
How has this worked out for me? In 15 years and six vehicles, aside from
normal maintenance such as oil changes and replacing brakes and tires
occasionally, I have had to replace one serpentine belt and one distributor
cap (the cap was on a car I just purchased).
The setting works so well that my car has actually recovered from problems
on its own – I purchased a car about a year and a half ago that didn’t have a
working air conditioner. I knew it was bad when I bought it, and so I never
turned it on. About 6 months after buying the car, I loaned it to a friend for
a couple hours. He didn’t “know” that the AC was broken, and brought the
car back with it running fine.
“People leave my stuff alone” is such a powerful setting that, when I lived
in a trailer park a couple years ago I left my computer outside all day, in full
view of the street, and it was still there 10 hours later.
I was an exotic dancer for over 12 years, and rarely locked my bag or put it
in a locker. Co-workers bags on either side of mine would be pilfered
occasionally, but ‘people left my stuff alone’. I rarely ever lock my house or
my car.
Is this crazy behavior in today’s society? On an outward level, it may seem
so. But this is how faith works. If you truly believe that you are safe no
matter what, then you can never and will never be a victim again. This is an
exercise of faith, and can only be proven through experience.
We’ll explore how to craft efficient and effective reality settings in chapter
Now, perhaps your past experience tells you that you can be a victim. The
thing about our experience is that it is completely subject to our
expectations. So, if reality is created by our expectations, why not start
expecting the best?!
But what about children, you ask? What about children who are abused,
become ill, or go through an accident? At some level, even in the youngest,
choice still exists. I truly believe we choose our lives and the circumstances
into which we are born.
Again, the reason some might choose such a ‘horrible’ reality is the same
reason we might sometimes choose to watch a horror movie: we enjoy the
experience. The only difference is the length and intimacy of the
experience. Realize that nothing can really harm you or anyone, that we are
energy manifesting in order to have a material experience, and that energy
can neither be created nor destroyed.
This is a challenging thought if you were abused as a child or have suffered
through traumatic life experiences. The most important advice I can offer
to help you change your life now, is to remember or acknowledge that at
some level you chose that experience, and the best choice you can make
now is to forgive, and in fact, if possible, come to thank those who helped
you in that experience. If you had not gone through those experiences, all of
them, you would not now be the person who you are.
Ultimately, we define ourselves as victims or not, and we define what
“abuse” is, or not… and we have a choice of what we now want to do with
those past experiences. We can choose to be fearful of repetition, or we can
choose that from now on we are only going to accept love into our reality.
It’s funny what we may or may not consider abuse and how those ideas
change over time as well. As children, we are accustomed to whatever
happens in our family. We consider that the “norm” and if we even think of
it, we think that everyone has lives just like us.
As we become aware that there are differences, we then begin to compare
how we live to our ideas of how others live. Through making comparisons
we are able to say what we like or think we would like better.
In my childhood my parents by today’s standards might have been
considered abusive. We were paddled with metal and wooden spoons, we
were grabbed by our ears and made to march quick to be punished. Of
course, by comparison with others who wind up almost dead in the hospital
this is not “abuse”.
Even worse than physical scars, are mental scars. The mother who tells her
daughter she is “stupid” is harming her far more than a physical blow ever
could. The feeling of insecurity created with physical abuse is far more
damaging than the bruise or broken bone. Of course, all these are invisible
scars, and since they aren’t seen they often aren’t healed.
Healing the mental scars of past trauma is not easy, but if not healed we will
tend to consistently recreate situations where we feel abused or victimized
in some way, whether that is objectively true or not. Again, forgiveness is
the path to healing, and assuming full responsibility is the key to taking
control of our future in all ways, so that we will create a different present
and future.
Our culture in the United States has become accustomed to the idea of
victim hood. Look at the woman who spilled coffee on herself, through her
own choice to carry the cup between her legs while driving, and then sued
the restaurant who sold it to her. That is one person blaming someone or
something else for her own irresponsibility. The alarming fact is that this
type of thinking has become the norm, so much so that the court actually
did pass a judgment against the restaurant!
We have all chosen our experiences and when we take full responsibility for
that, we are freeing ourselves and others from it, to begin to create more
consciously from now on.
There is so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it hardly behooves any of us
To talk about the rest of us.
- Edward Wallis Hoch
Does this mean we shouldn’t try to help others out of bad situations because
they have ‘chosen’ it? Not at all! I feel that part of what we are doing on
this plane of existence is to wake up to the fact that we can and do choose
our own reality, and with that knowledge we will begin making better and
more exciting choices than ever before!
We can only help others in the ways and to the degree that they are willing
to be helped, but when we change ourselves we radiate that new
consciousness out to every thing in the universe, and that does make a
difference. Share this knowledge, and together we can all create a different
~ Forget About ‘How’ ~

Another example of inhibiting factors is our insistence on figuring out

‘how’ things will work. So often we limit our choices because we think we
have to figure out a way to make it happen. However, the universe, when
we let it, can deliver whatever we want and in better ways than we can
Forgetting about how things could or should happen is still something I’m
working on in my own life. But, whenever I remind myself that it doesn’t
matter how, I open up the door for miracle to come into my life. The key
here is to focus on the end result.
For example, a friend of a friend needed a new home furnace. She asked
him to help her manifest the $1,200.00 needed to purchase the appliance.
He reminded her that she didn’t need the money, she needed the furnace.
Sure enough, she ended up getting the furnace in a way that didn’t involve
that amount of money.
Another limitation we often place on ourselves is the ‘how’ long it will take
factor. How often have you said to yourself ‘I’ll be able to get or do that in
about x weeks when … x happens’?
Just to be clear; there is a difference in setting a goal to have/do something
by a certain time, and limiting it to not be able to happen until a certain
time. The difference is the feeling we have about it.
If we’re setting our sights on something and feeling like we can’t have it
until a certain time, then that feeling creates an unnecessary limitation. It is
better to focus on the goal of having or doing within a specified timeframe,
with the realization that it could come at any moment.
Getting deeper into metaphysical truth, there is no actual time. Time is a
perception, and in the giant energy field that is the universe, all that ever
was, ever could be, is, and ever will be is happening in one eternal moment
of now.
If we focus only on the end result, and allow that it can happen
instantaneously, we open ourselves up to truly manifest whatever we want,
right now! In fact, I’ve had many experiences where what I wanted had
already been delivered prior to me making that wish known to myself. I just
didn’t realize that it had already happened!
~ Get Out of Your Own Way ~

Aside from the idea of being a victim or the constraints of how and how
long, another inhibition is the limitations we frequently place on ourselves.
“Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually
- Henry Ford
“Ask a kindergarten class, “How many of you can draw, sing, dance,
act, play music, write poetry and all hands shoot up, the answer is
Yes! Over and over again, Yes! The children are confident in spirit,
infinite in resources, and eager to learn. Everything is still possible.
Try those same questions on a college audience. A small percentage
of the students will raise their hands when asked if they draw or
dance or sing or paint or act or play an instrument. Not infrequently,
those who do raise their hands will want to qualify their response
with their limitations: “I only play piano, I only draw horses, I only
dance to rock and roll, I only sing in the shower.”
When asked why the limitations, college students answer they do not
have talent, are not majoring in the subject, or have not done any of
these things since about third grade, or worse, that they are
embarrassed for others to see them sing or dance or act. You can
imagine the response to the same questions asked of an older
audience. The answer: No, none of the above.’
- Robert Fulghum “Yes, I Can!”
(first paragraph modified)
So what happened to us between kindergarten and college? Why do we
limit ourselves in so many ways? Over time we gradually absorb ideas. We
all differently learn ways that we are limited. Part of letting go of these false
limitations is to get back in touch with that childlike spirit of joy, of
adventure and experimentation.
Much of our reality is created by our subconscious programs. For example,
at some point when you were young, you learned how to walk. Now you
probably don’t remember ‘how’ you learned to walk, you just get up and
The act of walking is voluntary, but managed on a subconscious level. We
learn patterns that govern all of our behavior, from the relationships we
form, to our beliefs about what we are capable of. Sometimes we learn
these patterns in an instant! Then, we forget how we learned, and we just
act from that ‘knowing’.
Unfortunately, many times we are told by others (a parent, a teacher, a
friend) we are ‘no good’ at something, and so we just stop doing it. Take
back the power you gave that person to dictate what you should or
shouldn’t allow yourself to do! We are infinite creatures and we can do
anything we desire!
The result of letting go of any limitation is to change what you ‘know’.
How would you act if you ‘knew’ you could sing? Would you get up on
stage in front of millions and sing your heart out if you knew you could?
Here’s an example: When I was a teen-ager one of my friends criticized my
singing, saying I wasn’t ‘on key’. For years I didn’t sing! Then a good
friend of mine took me to karaoke.
For the last 3 years or more I have been singing on a fairly regular basis.
About a year ago, my karaoke host told me he had noticed how much my
voice had improved since I first started. What’s funny is that I had noticed
how much better he had gotten as well!
Another limitation we place on ourselves is how long it will take us to get
good at what we want to do. This little limitation has many guises, such as;
‘I’m a slow learner’, I’m bad at remembering people’s names’, or ‘I always
get lost, I have no sense of direction’.
Exercise: Take some time over the next few days and list in your
journal any limiting statements you habitually make about yourself.
Then, start making new statements that are the reverse of whatever it is.
This is part of making settings, which we’ll cover in depth in chapter 6.
No matter what limitations you have placed on yourself, or submitted to, in
the past, you can change and open yourself to the true infinite potential of
the universe, starting now!
Its funny, the limitations we place on ourselves! The more you do
something, no matter what it is, the better you will become.
~ Interlude: Personal Anecdotal Evidence ~
When our thoughts, feelings, words and actions are completely congruent,
magic and miracles can and do happen on a frequent and almost
instantaneous basis.
Science doesn’t currently have the tools to measure the results of how mind
affects matter. The only evidence is personal experience, which is
I recommend you keep a journal of your own experiences using these
techniques as a method both of proof and reinforcement, as well as a record
of personal growth. Here are several examples from my own personal
Let me begin by telling you my glass dildo story…
~ The Glass Dildo Story ~

I like to start the story that way; it really gets people’s attention! As I stated
in the introduction and preface, I have been working on myself for many
years, and most intently during the past six years.
On September 11-13 2009 I went on a camping trip with some friends. That
Saturday evening, after every one had gone to sleep, I did some deep
meditation for about 20 minutes.
I was trying to discern the difference between the things that I had been
manifesting almost effortlessly, and the things I was still having trouble
with, in order that I might apply those changes and manifest the ‘difficult’
things just as easily.
During this meditation, I considered several things I had manifested over
the course of the summer. The first of these was a glass dildo.
I had wanted to get a glass dildo for years. Yet, on Tuesday June 9th, as I
was cleaning up my bedroom, I replaced my vibrator in the bedside table
drawer, and as I did so I had a fleeting thought, ‘I really need to get a glass
dildo soon’. That was all I thought.
Then, on Saturday June 13th, I went to a friend’s annual party. At the party
they were having a bikini contest, and one of the prizes was a glass dildo. I
entered the contest, knowing that the prize was going to be mine! I won it.
The second manifestation I considered during my meditation occurred a
month later, in early July.
At the time I was working as an exotic dancer (my stand-by income for 12
years), and I was in the dressing room curling my hair. I had a passing
thought ‘I really want to travel; I haven’t gone anywhere in so long’.
At the time these happened, my financial situation had gotten pretty bad,
two of my businesses were pretty much dying, and even the dancing gig
wasn’t making me much money. My car had been repossessed that January,
so for 7 months I hadn’t even had a vehicle, whereas before I had taken
regular mini-road trips and occasional long road trips.
So, I thought longingly but briefly about taking a trip, and then my thoughts
shifted to other ‘more practical’ matters.
Two hours later, I was walking around the club, and my attention was
snagged by a trio of gentlemen being seated by one of the waitresses. My
usual protocol when working at a club was to wait until the customers had
been seated and served and (usually) consumed their first drink, as my long
experience was that in general guys will wait at least until having a drink
before they will purchase a lap dance.
In this case, for some reason, I broke my protocol and approached them
immediately, joining them as they were still sitting down. I ended up having
a great conversation with ‘Jerry’. We talked about the meaning of life and
all the philosophical stuff I love to talk about.
0He never got a dance, but he tipped me a hundred as he was leaving, and
told me if I ever wanted to visit San Francisco, he’d fly me up there for a
weekend and show me around town. I took his number and took him up on
it, visiting during the last weekend of July, and had an awesome time!
The next manifestation I considered during my meditation began happening
around the end of August. I had a disconnect notice for my electricity, and
needed to come up with $400 to keep my power on. Again, I was at work,
and it was a very slow day.
A few of the girls were chatting, and one of them mentioned being lucky to
have a sugar-daddy. So we were all talking about that, and I decided that
since I was single, I might as well try to get a sugar-daddy for a while. It
really would be nice to be taken care of by someone for a little while, as
I’ve been an entrepreneur and single mother for 15 years!
One of the girls had mentioned some websites, so when I got home that day
I signed up and created profiles. I then looked through some sugar-daddy
profiles, and emailed five whom I found interesting.
Within 2 days one of the men I had emailed called me up, and took me out
to dinner that evening. My electricity was due to be disconnected the next
day. We really clicked and had a great time at dinner,. He gave me the
money I needed to keep my electricity on, plus an extra hundred just for
spending money.
He assured me that he would take care of my monthly expenses (around
$1200/month for rent, electricity, phone, internet, and groceries), and he
would also get me some form of transportation and give me money to
purchase inventory for my business (at the time I was also marketing
electronic cigarettes) so that I could go around town selling those and get
that business going.
To top it all off, this guy was a very handsome 35 year old Greek
gentleman! In other words, the situation was pretty perfect all around.
During our date, another instantaneous manifestation also took place. After
dinner, we went to Starbucks for coffee. I was so full from the fabulous
Italian meal we had just eaten, I only ordered a frappucino.
As I was waiting for it to be prepared, I idly gazed into the glass display
case, and my eye was caught by a ‘pumpkin muffin with cream cheese
filling’. “Mmm, that looks good,” I thought, “I wonder what that tastes
Now, I was completely full, not even room for dessert, didn’t even want to
order it, but that idle thought still manifested. Not even five seconds later,
after handing me my drink, the cashier reached into the display case,
brought out the plate of muffins, and said, “would you like a pumpkin
muffin with cream cheese filling?’
And she gave it to me! You know, they don’t just give away stuff at
Starbucks! That is an example of what my friend Joth calls ‘PFM’ (Pure
Fucking Magic).
On with the story... So far I’ve manifested positively; a glass dildo, an all-
expense-paid trip to San Francisco, a sexy sugar-daddy, money to pay my
electric bill, extra spending money, and a pumpkin muffin with cream
cheese filling.
You’d think that life would just be beautiful from then on, right? But sadly,
I fell through on the deal.
I paid the electric company – and at this time my rent was already overdue.
I don’t know why, but I hadn’t asked him for the rent money too. I think I
mentioned it, but he said he’d have to get it to me the next day because of
ATM withdrawal limits.
At the time, my rent had a five day grace period, and the electric shut-off
was for the fourth of the month (now we’re into September). So my date
was on the 2nd, I paid the bill on the 3rd, and there were still two days to go
before rent absolutely had to be paid to avoid late fees.
One of the programs I had been working on changing in my mind was my
money program. Because I grew up ‘poor’, there were several thoughts
about money that became part of my subconscious reality creation.
Thoughts like; ‘We don’t have enough for that’, and ‘You have to work hard
for money’, ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees’, and so on.
When I first started dancing, in 1997, I was making more money than I’d
ever imagined making, between $200-500 per night, and so I had actually
reprogrammed myself and was confident of making money.
Then I dated someone for seven years who actually started worrying about
my money for me, and unfortunately I reprogrammed myself with that kind
of thinking. Since 2008 I had been consciously working on changing my
program about money.
Now, after paying the electric bill, I still had $100 left, which I spent on
treating myself to dinner with a friend, and a new outfit. At that point I was
happy to spend this money which I had magically attracted into my life.
The next day, with rent ‘late’ two days away, I slipped back into the old
pattern of worry. I think I started thinking something like ‘this is too good
to be real’. And fear took over. I waited for him to call, fearing that he
When he didn’t call me by the next day, I text messaged him, and he said he
was sick. So I sent a get well soon message. Then he said I should just
contact him through the sugar-daddy site.
I emailed him through the website, and heard back once that he was still
sick, and then never had contact with him again. So my fears had put me
right back where I started… broke and no way to pay my immediate bills.
As all this was going on I was conscious of an upcoming camping trip that
had been planned for September 11-13. I wanted to be able to go on the trip
worry-free about my rent. Now I manifested that!
I had been renting there for two years, and been late on my rent at least six
times. On every occasion when I was late, on the sixth day of the month I
would get a notice saying that eviction proceedings would begin if rent plus
late fees was not paid by the thirteenth of the month.
This time, I got the letter, and it was changed! I had to pay rent by the
fifteenth! An extra two days, and I could go on my trip and not worry about
So, I went camping. And I meditated. And I thought about all these
manifestations; the dildo, the San Francisco trip, the sugar-daddy and the
electric bill, the extra cash for a treat, the pumpkin muffin, the sugar-daddy
disappearing, the new due date… And I started putting together some
First, all the ‘good’ things I manifested were just casual thoughts, the only
actions I took were, entering the contest, making a phone call to accept the
trip, and making a profile and emailing a few people.
The thoughts themselves were all carefree, and spontaneous. When I
manifested getting the muffin, I wasn’t even hungry! I simply wondered
what it tasted like. I didn’t sit down and worry what would happen if I
didn’t get a glass dildo!
On the ‘negative manifestation’ of losing the sugar-daddy, that is exactly
what I did, I worried that it wouldn’t happen. I specifically thought ‘This is
too good to be real’.
The second thing all these manifestations had in common is that I didn’t
specify where or how I would get these things. Sure, I signed up on a
website dedicated to attracting one of them, but for all the rest I didn’t limit
how they could come into my life in any way. Even in the case of the sugar
daddy, I wasn’t limiting my options to getting one from that site.
When I wished for the glass dildo or the travel, I could have limited it as I
had done so many times in the past and instead of just thinking ‘I want
that’, I could have thought ‘I need to save up some money and buy a glass
dildo’ or ‘I need to save up some money so I can take a trip’. In the case of
the muffin, I might have thought ‘Mmm, that looks good, I’ll have to come
back and try that sometime’.
I realized that I had let go of any inhibitions I might have otherwise put into
the thought.
In the case of the sugar-daddy, I should clarify more of my thought
processes. Although I truly enjoy sex, and I enjoy making money, I have
never been a prostitute, and never felt comfortable with the idea of myself
exchanging sex for money, although as an exotic dancer you may be sure I
had more than ample opportunities to do so!
As a consequence, in my inner-most thoughts I was hoping to meet
someone to whom I would be very attracted, to the point where I would (if
that was the case) want to sleep with him anyway. And I did meet a quite
attractive sexy man.
Bringing in the factor of complete honesty, I must admit the possibility that
I was subconsciously disturbed, having an idea that I might on some level
be becoming a prostitute, and that caused those other thoughts, the fearful
conscious thoughts that actually dissipated the situation.
Being completely honest with myself, I have to give that possibility a
chance of about 50%. I want to clarify further and say that I believe
prostitution is an honorable path, and should be legalized; however, I
personally just want to have sex for the new-fashioned reasons of chemical,
physical, and mental and emotional attraction only.
If there is any form of exchange I would rather it be spiritual in nature. But,
again, that is my personal hang-up, and who says money isn’t a spiritual
form of exchange? In a way it has become so abstract it almost is!
The third thing I realized during this meditation is that I remembered what I
asked for, I was aware of my wish, and recognized my creation it when it
came my way. This is so important!
The ONLY reason I took ‘Jerry’ up on that San Francisco trip is because,
when he offered it to me, I remembered that just a couple hours ago I had
said ‘I want to travel’ to myself. If I had not remembered that, then, as nice
as he was, because of where I met him and the circumstances (being an
exotic dancer asked to travel by a customer I just met) I probably would not
have gone.
I would have been suspicious and worried. But, since I did remember, I
recognized his offer as a gift from the universe, bringing me exactly what I
had just been wishing for, and so I accepted the gift, went on the trip and
had a great time with a perfect gentleman.
To recap the realizations from the meditation: I had already had the process
of being completely honest with myself and with others (chapter 1), taking
full responsibility for every aspect of my life (chapter 2), and being aware
of and shifting my perceptions (chapter 3).
This meditation now brought me to a higher awareness of how to let go of
any inhibitions (I thought I was pretty uninhibited but this took it to a whole
new level!)
Specifically it taught me the rule: Forget about How, and made me realize
that another important key is to be constant and aware of what your wishes
actually are. In chapter 4 we discussed letting go of inhibitions, and in
chapters 7 and 9 we’ll talk about being aware of what we wish for and
recognizing our creations. Just as a quick reminder, here is the complete list
10 Ways to Expose Your Unlimited Creation Abilities

1. Develop Complete Honesty

2. Assume Total Responsibility
3. Change Your Perceptions & Expectations
4. Discard Your Inhibitions
5. Decide What You Truly Desire
6. Write Your New Codes
7. Be Constant & Aware of What Your Wishes Are
8. Have an “Attitude of Gratitude”
9. Recognize Your Creation When it Appears
10. Expand Your Power (Unlimited)
After my meditation that evening I immediately wrote down my new
insights in my journal.
On Sunday the 13th I returned home around 5:00 pm, feeling completely
refreshed, revitalized, happy and peaceful. I went to bed, very early for me,
around 10:00 pm and slept soundly. On Monday the 14th I went right back
into my money-worry pattern!
I awoke Monday with the knowledge that I only had 2 days to come up with
$560 for rent and I went into a slight panic. I knew I couldn’t make that
amount in two days at the club anymore and I didn’t have the resources to
purchase enough inventory to sell in order to make that amount in two days
“My only hope”, I thought, “is to find another sugar-daddy.”
So I got on the sugar-daddy website, and began feverishly looking up
profiles and emailing guys. My only internet access was my little Helio
Ocean cell phone, in two hours I was able to email 10 people.
I was frantic. Then, something inside me said, “Stop. Wait. What did I just
teach myself this weekend? Remember, I don’t have to control where this
money comes from. It could come from anywhere. Do I care where it
comes from? Do I care if it comes from my business or my work or a sugar-
daddy, or from some completely unexpected source?”
I answered myself “Why no, as a matter of fact, you’re right! The money
CAN come from anywhere. I DON’T have to care or control where it
comes from. You know what, I think, just to show how little I care where it
comes from, that I am going to QUIT WORRYING about it and go take a
So I lie down on the sofa and shut my eyes. Not more than half an hour
after I lay down, my phone rang. Guess what? It was a man I occasionally
did work for, offering me a gig – on the 16th – for $300. Yea! Money
coming from the universe!
So on to my next problem; the final due date is the 15th, and this gig is a
day late and $260 short of what I need.
I think to myself “maybe if I tell the landlady that I have this money coming
in, she’ll work out a deal with me to pay that and take payments on the
remainder.” Within five minutes of this thought, my landlady phones, and
asks if I am going to be able to pay the rent by the 15th.
Understand, I have been late multiple times over the past two years. Once I
actually got taken to court for eviction, but we worked out a payment
arrangement after I was formally evicted.
At the time we had gone to court (which was approximately a year prior to
this), she had said that if anything like this happens in the future I should
contact them ahead of time and they would work with me. However, on two
occasions since then I had tried to work out payment arrangements and she
said they couldn’t make payment arrangements with me at all because of
that prior eviction!
All in all, normally when I talked with this woman she was very ‘crusty’
and if not actually mean, very stern and forbidding. But this day, when she
called, she was actually being nice! I mean, her whole tone of voice was
Maybe mine was too, I don’t know, but I’m sure it was since I was now in
such a peaceful and hopeful state of mind.
So I told her about the gig, and that it was the 16th, and how much I’d be
making, and I asked if they would take that amount and make some
payment arrangements with me to pay the rest. She said she would have to
call the property owner to see what he’d be willing do, and she would call
me back.
When she called back ten minutes later, it got even better. She said that I
could have until the 25th to pay – not the total including late fees, but the
rent and the late fees to this date (late fees would continue to accrue on the
total until I paid it), and that they would roll the other half of the late fees
into next month for me.
Now, not only did I have to come up with about $60 less than I thought I
needed, but I also had an additional 10 days to get it.
I got everything that I asked for or thought of, almost immediately upon
those thoughts. This is the quick, absolute and amazing power of
~ The Money Trip ~

I will confess, even at the time of this writing I have still been working on
changing my money paradigm. I’m getting better and better, and we’ll
discuss this more in chapter 6 when we talk about settings. For now, let me
say that I still tend to go back and forth between the new setting and my old
worries, but I’m getting better at instantly releasing the worries and
replanting the new setting.
Part of the reason it is hard for me to change this setting may be my
perception that it is hard. Part is simply the number of years those old
neural pathways and programs grew strong.
Another part of the issue is that, at the same time I’m trying to attract
money into my life (at least for survival), I am also working on creating a
new society that completely eliminates money from the paradigm – see
Appendix B: Satoria Nation. So I am not completely congruent in my
thoughts about money.
I’m still working out how to create a setting that is completely congruent
both with the now and the future I’m striving for.
However, in the last year I have become increasingly better at consistently
changing my setting. In July 2010 I had accepted two homeless people into
my life, and then a lot of drama ensued. I again was on the verge of
eviction. There were many other factors involved in this thought, but I
caught myself thinking, ‘I’d almost rather be homeless than deal with this
situation any longer’.
Sure enough, because of this limiting thought, I was unable to raise the
funds necessary to keep my home, and I got evicted and repossessed (I was
purchasing a mobile home, so both the loan got foreclosed and I got evicted
from the park where I rented the space).
As soon as that happened I switched thought patterns immediately. I started
saying internally, “something will happen, I will have a place to live and my
bills will be taken care of.” Sure enough, within 2 days of the court hearing,
I got a sugar-daddy who helped me get a new place to live and took care of
my bills for seven months.
Then my thoughts shifted again. While my bills were being taken care of, I
realized that I really didn’t enjoy having to ask anybody else for money
whenever I needed to purchase something.
Changing desires are part of the process, part of the learning of
manifestation. It is also one of the reasons for the saying ‘beware of what
you wish’. As each wish is fulfilled, we learn more fully what we do truly
Sometimes these shifts happen over time, sometimes they happen
instantaneously. Part of the process is being aware of and using this shift to
our advantage, rather than thinking that ‘things just happen’.
I was aware of the gradual shift. Then, as I was writing the glass dildo story
here, I said to myself, “Oh yeah! (smacks forehead) I have to just focus on
the end result. Ok, universe. I would like to have enough money to pay my
bills for a year, get a car again, and get my Happiness Jewelry line started.”
Throughout my career as an entrepreneur, there have always been two
warring factors; on the one hand, I have these grand sweeping ambitions of
what I would like to accomplish, on the other hand is what I have to do
now, today, to make sure the bills get paid and I have survival.
There never seemed to be enough money or time (which money would buy)
to do both. Now I recognize this pattern in myself.
The underlying desire in this wish is the desire to have time and freedom
from worrying about how the bills are going to get paid so I can just be
productive, finish my book and start the jewelry line.
Also present in my thinking is the idea that the universe will come up with
far better ways to deliver this to me than I can think of on my own. So I
made that desire known to myself and let it go out as an order being placed
for fulfillment.
Since time doesn’t exist except as a function of perception, I had actually
gotten an email a day or two before I made this wish. Someone had emailed
me on Facebook, saying she was interested in having me on her TV show.
Her profile said who she worked for, but when I looked up her employer it
was actually a network and on their profile it said all the channels they own,
but nothing about any specific shows.
I had emailed her back saying I was interested in finding out what the show
was about, and giving her my contact information. She had called and left
me a message, and I had called her back and left a message.
The day after making this wish known, we finally connected. Now let me
give you a little background to show just how much the universe works in
our favor when we let it. Even though I am a Naked Life Coach, and love
nudity, I also absolutely love clothing and dressing up to go out is one of
my favorite things to do.
Even though I’ve been an entertainer, I rarely wear makeup, and don’t
really like wearing makeup, but I would still like to learn how to use it
better when I do choose to wear it.
I had also been thinking of getting a new hair style for some time. It had
been approximately two years since I went to hairstylist, due to lack of
It turns out the show is called ‘How Do I Look?’ and it is a fashion show.
Not only will I learn the knowledge I would like in that area, I will get paid
more than the amount I need for bills for a year. Plus I’ll get a whole new
wardrobe from top designers!
Wow, this is sounding better and better. Thank you Universe! The money I
requested, plus a bunch of other things that I like! Not to mention the
opportunity to go on national television and promote myself and my book!
I’m telling you, the universe can deliver bigger and better and more
efficiently than we can think of doing for ourselves. If I had to come up
with a way to satisfy all those desires I certainly would have split them up
into different parts which I had to do separately, if at all.
The story gets better. We set up an online audition using Skype. The
internet is such an amazing resource! In the past I might have had to travel
to Los Angeles to do this. Now keep in mind, the universe is completely
responsive to our thoughts. So I started thinking, “Well, I really want to be
done with my book before I go on that show.”
On the day of the audition, there was failure! I had not tested my equipment
prior to the audition time, and yes I will admit I was having some doubts
about it. So, naturally, my webcam wasn’t installed correctly, and I had to
reschedule the audition.
I could have started saying to myself ‘Oh, damn! I blew it!’ But instead I
chose to think, ‘Ok, everything that happens has a purpose and that purpose
serves me, so this must have happened for a good reason.’
Sure enough, when I called her to reschedule, after setting up the new date
and time we were chatting a bit. She was saying how much she wanted me
on the show and I was saying how I was looking forward to it. I confessed
my manifestation to her, that I had wanted enough money to; pay my bills
for a year, get a car, and get my happiness jewelry line started.
She said that the show’s producers had been looking for someone who
wanted to start their own jewelry line! Now that was the reason for the
delay (the good reason I created to surprise myself with)!
The day of the audition came. I confidently signed on, and went through the
process. After it was over, the person who auditioned me said I did
everything ‘perfectly’.
She then went on to say that they were busy filming another 24 episode
segment and she wasn’t sure when they would be done with it, perhaps in
June or July (the audition was in February). So, yet another wish granted,
time to finish my book before going on the show.
Next I have to come up with money to cover my bills in the meantime. I
decided to get a job. So, I went on Craigslist and applied for several
positions, and got hired the next day at a telemarketing job.
I started on Thursday. The first day on the telemarketing job, I found out
what the commission structure was and wasn’t satisfied with it. That night
on the bus home I met a man who worked at another telemarketing job, and
told me the commission structure there was much better.
So the next day I went and applied there and got hired, to start on Tuesday.
So I worked out my three days at the first company, then quit and went to
work at the second company. The first three days there were short. So at the
beginning of the third day I asked what time I would be getting off work for
the fourth day.
The manager replied. ‘Here’s how it works. When you come in we clock
you in, and then if you haven’t sold anything after two hours we clock you
out. Then you can stay and keep selling and as long as you sell 3 units you
get clocked in and earn minimum wage’.
His reply sent me into a bit of a tizzy! I thought ‘well this job isn’t even
worth it to come all the way down here to make a guaranteed $15!’ (during
the 2 days of training so far I hadn’t even come close to selling 3 units per
Then I made myself relax. I said, once again to myself, “I don’t have to
control where money comes from, it can come from anywhere.” Sure
enough, within a half-hour, I got a phone call, this time from an ad I’d
placed over 3 years ago for a service business.
I didn’t have the website and wasn’t promoting that business anymore, but I
still had one ad out on a conglomerate site, and that is what this person had
seen. So I got a gig and a gig for two of my friends, making $300 each for 3
hours hanging out at a pool party!
Needless to say, I quit the job and refocused myself on manifesting.
Using the techniques outlined in this book, I manifested having the money
to pay my bills up through July of this year (which manifestation included
getting evicted (again!), getting about $600 extra on my tax refund (with the
help of a genius friend), and finding a cheaper and better place to live.
I used that additional tax return money to pay a couple months rent in
advance, and negotiated to get the third month free), which give me the
freedom I wanted to finish my book while not worrying about bills.
Next step, travel the world giving Naked Life Coaching seminars, getting
whole stadiums of people naked, and asking people to co-create Satoria
Nation! (Appendix B)
~ Permanent Paradigm Shift ~

As mentioned in the introduction, I have studied many disciplines through-

out my life, including success and entrepreneurialism, energy dynamics,
quantum physics (from a lay person’s perspective, I shy away from getting
too involved with all that higher math which doesn’t really interest me), and
the mechanics of using the “Law of Attraction” concisely and effectively.
I truly believe we have the power of mind over matter, and the ways
outlined in this book are a result of what I have learned and found to be
effective tools in creating what I want in my own life.
In these illustrations I have tried to show how the principles have worked
for me in action. One of the most effective tools that I have experienced is
the paradigm shift.
A paradigm shift can be anything. The paradigm I am going to talk about
here is shifting into BEING first. We’ll talk more about this shift in chapter
5. For now I’ll tell you of my personal paradigm shift experience.
Neale Donald Walsh said it best in Conversations with God; most of us
have the BE, DO, HAVE paradigm backward.
We think we need to DO what we have to do, in order to get what we want
to HAVE, in order to BE what we want to be, whether that is ‘happy’ or
‘successful’ or ‘secure’ or whatever we want to achieve.
The truth is, we need to BE whatever state we desire first, and from that
state of BEING, the actions of doing and the state of having will flow
naturally and easily.
To put this idea in different words, the successful business person acts and
gets from the place of being a successful business person. A street person
acts and gets from the place of being a street person. Having been in or
close to both situations, I speak from personal experience!
A few years ago I had a really dramatic paradigm shift to fully BEING. As I
said before, for most of my life I have had a conflict between the grand
visions I want to create in my life, and the here/now reality of having to put
bread on the table everyday. My state of being was basically “hope for the
future but dissatisfaction with the now”.
I knew intellectually about this paradigm shift, and for a couple years I had
been saying “Oh my God, I LOVE MY LIFE!” The thing is, I was saying
that when everything was wonderful. Getting oral sex on the side of a hot-
tub at sunrise while being fed grapes, in that kind of awesome moment, it
was easy to say that and feel it and believe it.
But in between fully awesome moments, I wasn’t so certain. I was still
struggling to be happy the rest of the time, especially when my financial
situation was worse than it had ever been before! In early March 2010 I
finally had a complete paradigm shift. Here’s what happened:
I had gotten a job doing telemarketing. After 2 months I was fired in mid-
February, basically due to a personality conflict with the boss. I had retired
from dancing the former September, but now I needed some way to make
immediate money, so I reluctantly returned to working at a club.
A couple weeks into that, still not having found a new job, my friend David
called me up, on a Monday night, and asked what I was doing. “Well, I was
planning on going to work” I replied, “I need to make some money. Why,
what are you doing?”
As I asked him that I noted my tonality shift, from sounding bored and
frustrated with my plan to sounding alive and interested when I asked what
he was doing. Internally I thought ‘Whatever it is, it’s sure to be more
interesting than what I was planning!’
He told me that he and some of the ‘Temple people’ were going to the
HiLiter (another gentlemen’s club) to watch a mutual friend of ours, Gypsy,
I said that sounded like far more fun than what I was planning, and even
though I needed to make money, I thought I’d join them. He said that
maybe he would be able to set me up with a private show, since “the
Temple people have money”.
After I got off the phone I experienced a flash of fear/guilt. I thought, ‘you
really should go to work, you do need the money’. Instantly I reminded
myself, “wait, what have I been teaching myself? Money can come from
anywhere, I don’t have to control where it comes from”.
I made up my mind to go out and have a good time and let the money I
needed come into my life, quickly and easily.
I reached the club but David and his group wasn’t there yet. I met up with
Gypsy and we went outside on the patio to smoke. Then she was called to
the stage and I remained outside.
I noticed a couple of guys speaking another language, so I asked what
language they were speaking and found it was Persian. We struck up a
conversation, and the younger one asked me if I had ever modeled.
“Well”, I thought, “maybe this is a sign; maybe I’ll get a modeling gig.”
This was the second time in a week someone had asked me that, and the
universe gives us answers in many forms to our questions and desires.
I responded that I had done some modeling in the past, but had never
pursued it as a career. He told me he worked for Victoria’s secret, and that if
I was hired they would fly me to New York for a five day photo shoot, and I
would make $1,800. This sounded good to me! When I was a teenager one
of my goals had been to be a lingerie model, and I told him so.
He asked how much money I usually made, and I told him that when I used
to dance I usually made around $2,000 per week, but I had just returned to
dancing after being retired, and I didn’t know what my average is now,
since the economy had changed so drastically.
I showed him my photo portfolio on my phone, and we talked for a good 20
minutes about the possibilities. Then he asked what I was doing. I told him
I was meeting a friend and we were going to hang out and watch our friend
dance, and asked if he would like to do something after that.
He said yes, and I asked what he would like to do. He said he wanted to go
back to his room (in a hotel). Well, my ‘red flags’ went up, and I responded
that I didn’t know him well enough to go to his hotel room with him.
I realize that perhaps if I hadn’t let my fear control me to respond in such a
way, I would have gotten that modeling gig. I would have instead said,
‘would you like to get together another time?’ and suggested some neutral
meeting ground as an alternative. But, I basically got fearful that he was
trying to get me ‘on the casting couch’ and threw away that opportunity.
However, because of my fearful reaction, he said the perfect words to me at
the perfect time. Remember, the universe works always in all ways to bring
us what we want. He started trying to convince me that I really wanted this
job, all to no avail.
He finally said “Think how happy you would be, going to New York, doing
5 easy short days of modeling work, and making $1,800.”
In that moment, I stood up, I looked him in the eyes, and I said ‘You know
what? I AM HAPPY. I LOVE MY LIFE!’ And as I said that, I felt every
cell in my body resonate in perfect harmony and agreement with that
That night my true paradigm shift happened. And now, every time I say
that, I feel it inside, cell-deep, a resounding YES!
Immediately after I experienced that powerful paradigm shift, things began
to happen. I had unleashed potent forces to work on my behalf.
As I said, I’ve been working intently on learning and applying the
principles in this book. The more I learned the more I talked about it with
my friends and family. For approximately six months prior to this event, I
had been experiencing a growing desire.
“Why can’t I just do this for work?” I thought. And correspondingly I
would start trying to figure out HOW.
As we discussed in chapter 4 this is actually counter-productive – the best
results are gotten by focusing on the end result, and when we let go of the
limiting idea of ‘how’ then results can be achieved faster than ever.
Just after I made this paradigm shift, David showed up. As we were talking,
I made an amazing discovery. You see, I had known for a while that the
Temple existed (The Phoenix Goddess Temple) and I had been somewhat
curious as to what it was about, but not curious enough to go to any real
effort to find out.
But the ‘temple people’, as he called them, didn’t come with David, so just
he & I were talking, and apparently he had been hanging around the Temple
for a while now. Remembering my curiosity, I asked him what they do
there. He started telling me. I don’t remember now exactly what it was he
said, I think it was something about energy work, and tantra, and healing
and so on.
Then he said that they needed more practitioners as a bunch of them had
just left for some (now unremembered) reason. “Why, that sounds like what
I want to do” I said excitedly. “I’m going to apply!” So that night, after the
club, David, Gypsy and I went down to the Temple. I met someone who
gave me an overview of the Temple, and Gypsy and I both got applications.
I knew I wanted to teach people what I had learned about manifesting our
reality. The Naked Life Coach concept came later, as told in the
Introduction. But, from that paradigm shift I had now found the ‘how’ to do
what I was longing to do.
Good things continued to manifest. There exists a device called the SCIO
that is used for healing, and I had wanted to see one of those in operation
and try it out for over five years. Guess what? There was a SCIO
practitioner at the temple.
For about a week straight all kinds of things I had wanted were literally
poured into my life.
Since the paradigm shift I have had incredibly high energy and been
manifesting more and better ideas and realities for myself. Now, with the
next part of this book, let’s focus on how to create such a powerful
paradigm shift in your own life.
5: Decide What You Truly Desire
All of the ways taught in this book flow and work together. It is not really a
linear, step-by-step way to learn how to create the reality you desire.
As you move into the practice, I would suggest that you keep a journal of
what you think about and what manifests. Journaling will help you to keep
track of the progress you make.
One of the key elements to consciously create your reality is to actually
understand and decide what it is you really want. Greater honesty, increased
responsibility, changed perceptions, and releasing of inhibitions all aid in
finally discovering what we want for ourselves.
~ Discarding Fear & Focusing on True Desires ~

Often times, we’re not fully honest, either with ourselves or with others,
about what it is we truly want. The reason we have so much trouble being
honest about it is fear. This fear may be based on many self-limiting ideas
and programs running in our subconscious minds. Our fears may be so
engrained they can actually make us ill.
Let’s take a look at our current society. In our society, we have made it
almost unacceptable to say no to what we don’t want to do. This is
reinforced in our family commitments, in our jobs, and in groups. Illness
has become the only acceptable reason to not do something.
Think about it. Nobody expects you to be at your peak performance, to
show up for your job, or church, or the family reunion, if you’re ill. Think
about it: how often you have felt like staying home from work and
convinced yourself into an actual illness? Illness has in a sense become a
‘safety valve’ for society.
What are the fears that would lead us to do actual harm to our bodies in
order to not do something we don’t want to do?
Some reasons may be; fear of losing a job, fear of being condemned by
others, fear of being seen as ‘selfish’, and even fear of appearing foolish.
This is by no means an exhaustive list, but you can see how fear can keep
you from being honest with yourself and others and actually block you from
creating the reality you desire.
It’s time now to discard those fears. Realize that many of us spend the
majority of our time thinking about what we don’t want. Start paying
attention to the words you use.
We say things to or about ourselves, statements like; ‘I don’t want to be
late, I don’t want to be overweight, I don’t want to get sick, I don’t want…”
Now, if I may quote Neale Donald Walsh again, “The only answer the
universe has is ‘Yes’. So no matter what it is we are focused on, no matter
the intent of our focus, we will attract and create that in our life.
Start focusing only on what you DO want.
Often, we don’t think about what we really want because of our fears, and
those fears all say one thing ‘You can’t have what you want’, in various
Exercise: A simple trick to quickly discard fears and figure out what we
really want is this:
Whenever you’re feeling less than fantastic, stop yourself, and say to
yourself, “I must be feeling this way because I’m thinking about what I
don’t want again. So, what is that I DO want?”
This works instantaneously and both shifts your mood and helps you figure
out what it is that you want. The reason it works so well is because our
mind is our servant.
Often when we’re feeling down we start asking ourselves why we’re feeling
so crappy. The brain, like the good servant that it is, starts delivering all the
answers it can as to why we feel bad. The answers to that question will just
intensify the bad mood.
When we ask the mind a new question, such as “what do I really want?” it
goes busily to work with just as much vigor to answer that question. The
answers in this case will actually be constructive and make you feel good.
We want to discover what our true desires are. These are what our
individual soul longs for. Not what we’re told we should want by our
parents, our peers, or society at large. Not what we’ve focused on because
we think that’s what we have to DO… What’s on your “If I were not afraid,
I would _______” list? What do you daydream about?
~ Building Your Creation ~

Once you have gotten some answers to the question “What do I really
want?” it’s time to start building that reality. Visualization and Imagination
are the keys successful creation. But perhaps those words don’t resonate
with you… I know that I thought for a long time that I didn’t have the
ability to visualize something. But actually, we all have these abilities; in
fact they are most commonly called something else. Daydreams.
The way we build our next creation is through what are often called
daydreams. I think of this process as ‘remembering my current future’.
Keep in mind that reality is eminently malleable and mutable, so make sure
your daydreams are always and only about what you really want. If it is not,
stop the daydream immediately and replace it with something you want.
To give you an example, when I drive I sometimes daydream about being
pulled over. The daydream usually involves talking myself out of a ticket or
convincing the officer to let me go with a warning, sometimes it involves
telling someone else of successfully completing those actions.
When I have this type of daydream I stop and switch it immediately to
arriving quickly and safely, getting straight to my destination. I don’t
actually want to get pulled over even if I don’t get in trouble, do I? So I
switch to what it is that I do want – one quick uninterrupted trip to wherever
I’m going.
It is very important to focus only on the end result, remembering to let go of
limitations of how and how long, and think only of the what. For example, I
may want to work really hard so I can take a month long vacation in Italy,
so that I can have complete peace and quiet to finish writing my book.
Well, what’s the end result of the above desire? The hard work? The month
in Italy? The peace & quiet? No, the end result is getting the book finished.
So, that’s what I want to focus on, the end result of finishing the book.
All the other parts of that desire are unnecessary fluff, and may even
represent an obstacle I create for myself, if I’m telling myself that without
those things I can’t finish the book. Does that make sense?
So, to create the end result, I start daydreaming about the book being
finished and what will happen after that. I picture it being successfully
published, and then hooking up with a PR firm to plan my year-long trip
around the world, spending a month in each of twelve countries, and doing
one or two speaking engagements in each country.
I imagine getting whole stadiums of people naked, and learning the
language of each country while I am there. Each time I daydream the idea
grows bigger and brighter in my mind. In fact, to increase the effectiveness
using NLP techniques, I want to make it bigger, brighter, louder, and more
vivid in every way.
Notice here I am not daydreaming even about the work of finishing the
book (doing the actual writing) but about what that writing will lead to.
Ultimately my goal is to recruit enough people to put Satoria Nation into
practice (see Appendix B).
I have trouble visualizing living in Satoria Nation itself at this time, so I
visualize one of the ‘how’s’ of its creation. This is something I am working
on changing for myself. Of course I will have to change it by the time I
write Appendix B!
In grade school we learned that daydreaming was bad, because it took our
attention away from what others wanted us to focus on. It’s time to add
daydreaming back into your life as one of the most helpful tools available to
aid you in creating the reality you truly desire.
Sometimes it’s not always easy to figure out what the end result is. When
we’re completely honest with ourselves, we often find that what we really
want is an abstract, what we’re after is a state of being rather than actual
material possessions.
For example, we may say we want a house, but ultimately, we want to
provide a home for ourselves, and the reason we want a home for ourselves
is to feel secure. This is somewhat of an oversimplification, but part of
getting clear about what we really do want is to chase down all the surface
desires and figure out what we want to BE.
~ BE-ing First ~

So, what is it that you want to BE?

All of the Above?
What else?
As I pointed out earlier in the Paradigm Shift story, most of us have the BE,
DO, HAVE paradigm backwards. We think we have to do what we have to
do, in order to get what we want to have, in order to be what we want to be.
The truth is, if we shift our paradigm, if we start BEING first, then from
that state of being all the actions of doing, getting and having that we desire
will naturally flow.
How do we access a different state of being? There are many helpful tools
of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) which we can use to consciously
change our state.
We’ll examine a few of those here, and in the recommended reading section
(Appendix C) there are a couple books I highly recommend for those
interested in pursuing more knowledge of NLP.
To begin with, what state of being do you really want? Of course we all
want to be happy, successful, secure, loved, etc. But what state do you feel
that you don’t have, that you have to do and get in order to have?
For example, you may decide the state you want is to be loved. And you’re
single, you feel like you have to somehow attract a mate in order to feel
Having a mate may work to help you feel loved for a time, but it’s really not
the best way to experience that state of being. After all, you are then putting
the state of being loved outside of yourself, subject to the whims of fate and
other’s actions. Sometimes people will find the mate, and then when they
realize they still don’t feel loved, they will have children, thinking that that
action will make them feel loved.
Realize that nothing outside of yourself can make you feel or be anything.
We often assign that power and say others make us feel ‘angry, happy, sad’,
or whatever emotion we’re feeling, but going back to the principles of
having complete honesty and full responsibility, the only one who can make
us feel anything is ourselves. We can only do or give to others and/or
receive from others what we ourselves already possess.
So, you will DO better attracting, keeping, and being happy with a mate if
you first can enter the state of BEING loved, feeling loved, on your own,
and realize that you, and only you, can really make yourself feel those
So let’s go over some quick ways to change our state of BEING. These are
tools you can use to change your state instantly no matter where you are or
how you are feeling. The only thing necessary is a desire to change.
The body and mind are intricately connected. Most of this book so far has
been about consciously taking charge of your mind, and changing your
beliefs to create the reality you desire. But let’s get physical for a second.
The mind can change the body, but were you aware that the body can also
change the mind? Try it…
Exercise: First, think of how you normally stand or sit, the posture you
take with your head and limbs, the way you breathe, and what direction
you look with your eyes when you are experiencing a state of sadness or
depression. Put yourself in that posture now for a moment. Do you start
feeling unexplainably sad or depressed?
Now, do the opposite. Think of how you stand or sit, the way you
breathe, and what direction you look with your eyes when you are
happy and excited. Put yourself in that posture for a moment. Are you
now beginning to feel excited and happy?
Put your body into the posture of any state you wish to be, and you will
quickly start feeling the emotions and change your internal state to the
BEING mode. If you don’t know how a state feels or how you would hold
your body in that state, take a cue from numerous movies.
Don’t know how being loved feels? Try wrapping your arms around
yourself while smiling secretly and jumping up and down. Hold your breath
with happiness, and then let it out with a squeal of joy. There, now you
know how being loved feels.
The best part is that you can have that feeling anytime you want.
How about success? Model a successful business person whom you admire.
See how he/she holds their body, the directness of their discerning gaze, and
their calm yet powerful breathing.
Want to experience happiness? Hold your head high, and simply smile for a
few moments. The facial expression actually triggers your mind to release
the chemicals of happiness; serotonin, dopamine and endorphins, creating a
natural ‘high’ that will keep you in the state of happiness. Just keep
Any state you wish to achieve you can model instantly with your body and
create the feelings that go along with that state.
If you have never experienced that state in the past, use as a model someone
you admire who has the traits you want to evoke, or imagine how you
would be if you were in that state. Your body knows intrinsically what to
do, so just put yourself into that daydream, and then notice how your body
has changed itself to suit that state.
Understand I am not saying that you should not pursue material goals, what
I am saying is that when you are already in the state which you wish to
attain through those goals, then the material goals come more easily and
To make sense of this, think of the common saying ‘Fake it til you make it’.
I’m not talking about faking, in the sense of pretending, but actually getting
in the mindset, feeling the feelings you would have if your goal is success.
BE successful in your inner life and you will be successful in the external
world as well.
It is similar for any desire. If your goal is love, feel and act as if you are
loved and you will soon become loved by others.
No matter what state you wish to achieve, achieve the state first and the
external results will appear with very little actual effort on your part.
Remember, the universe says YES! to whatever we are being. So be in a
happy, fulfilled, loving state and the universe says YES! and keeps on
delivering more of what adds to those feelings.
Exercise: Make a list of your true desires, including what you want to
be, do and have.
To summarize, we must let go of our fears and figure out what we truly
want, and most especially what state of being we want to have. Then we
can use daydreams and body posturing to enter those states in order to learn
the new patterns.
Next, we’ll talk about constructive ways to start restructuring our reality by
writing new codes for our subconscious to act on.
6: Write Your New Codes
All our life we’ve been taught that we learn slowly. That limiting belief
creates its own problems. In actuality we learn extremely quickly, it is often
the rationalization of what we’ve learned that takes time.
For example, we don’t develop phobias over long periods of time; we
develop them in an instant! And often, what we learn becomes a
subconscious pattern that then creates our reality. As we expect, we create,
so change your expectations and change your reality.
Expectations are learned, and we can learn to have different expectations.
As our expectations create our reality, they get reinforced over and over
again, and we start believing that whatever we experience is actual factual
reality. The truth is there is no such thing.
All our reality experience is based on what are usually subconscious learned
patterns. Our subconscious is a simple recording device. It doesn’t have any
standard of right and wrong, good or bad. It simply records whatever goes
in unchallenged and creates a code by which we operate. It is a tool that
aids us greatly in many ways!
For example, at some point when you were very young, you learned how to
walk. As an adult you probably don’t remember how you learned, and when
you think of learning to walk you probably include all the crawling and
hanging on to things that are the attempts at the actual learning.
The time that you actually learned how to walk was the first time you ever
did it successfully! From that point on you knew how to walk. And, unless
something has happened in your life to affect that ability, you never think
about walking anymore, when you want to walk you just get up and walk.
When you learned to drive you had to focus your full attention on all the
details of driving. You were conscious of how hard you pressed on the gas,
of how often you looked in the mirrors, and so on. Then, gradually you
stopped being aware of all these parts of the driving process, and now you
just drive. How often have you suddenly became aware that you had not
been conscious of the trip? Your subconscious was driving! All it needs is
for you to keep your eyes on the road, and it handles the rest.
Similarly we learn patterns for all the parts of our lives. We learn a
relationship pattern, we learn a pattern that controls how we think about
money and what we can do with our lives, we learn a pattern that affects
how we think of others, we learn patterns of sleep, of how often we use the
restroom, of what foods or environments are good for us, even how we
express ourselves!
In short, every element of our lives is formed through these learned
patterns. When you can recognize what your patterns are, you can then find
ways to effectively change them to create a different and better reality for
yourself. Let’s take a look at some common codes.
~ What Codes? ~

Think through the elements of your life. Here are some helpful ways to start
to recognize your individual patterns.
Exercise: Get out your journal or some pieces of paper and start making a
list of your current patterns.
1. What do you say always about? For example:
a. I always…
b. They always…
c. This always…
2. What do you say never about? For example:
a. I never…
b. They never…
c. It never…
3. What do you make defining statements about? These are statements
such as:
a. I like…
b. I hate…
c. I am…
d. I can…
e. I can’t…
f. He/she/they are…
During the next week, keep this list handy so that you can add to it. Start
paying attention to what you say to others and yourself in your daily
interactions with the world.
Start paying attention to what your patterns are in all areas. Become curious
about yourself! If you are comfortable, ask a person you know well to help
you make this list. It can be really eye-opening, when you’re ready to see it.
Sometimes when we’re inside our filters of perception, it can be difficult to
recognize our own patterns.
Here are some more examples of patterns:
In my own life, I had a relationship with a man I truly loved deeply.
Whenever we had a fight, he was really great about trying to end it. He
would pick me up, and cuddle me, and tell me he loved me and point out all
the things he was doing to show he cared.
In return, I would react defensively and fight him on those things! He asked
me over and over why I reacted that way, but since I was inside the pattern;
I really honestly didn’t even know what he meant. I was blind to what my
reaction was and what it was based on because it was the only pattern I
After out last big bad fight I finally recognized my own pattern. This
pattern developed because of how my parents fought. Growing up I think I
saw my parents actually fight just once. However, they separated when I
was nine years old, and from that point on they fought through us kids.
Their fights were always over whom the better parent was and who was the
‘bad’ parent. So, when my love would point out all the good things he was
doing, I was reacting as if he was saying he was the better partner and so
unconsciously I reacted defensively and tried to show how I was the better
Once I recognized that pattern I could look back and laugh at how silly it
was! And of course, I told him about it as well and he could understand
why I was reacting so weirdly.
He in turn had a pattern of avoiding punishment, and trying really hard to
be ultimately pleasing because of that. So any perceived criticism of him
was taken as a sign of failure, possibly leading to punishment. Now, since
he is aware of that pattern, he can successfully change it and eliminate that
fear from his life.
Another way to understand what patterns are is to realize that in order to
experience anything we first must learn a pattern in order to experience it.
Take vision for example: in order to experience seeing a tree, we first learn
that a tree is what we are seeing.
With hearing, we learn patterns of what we are hearing. Ever listen to a
song of a type of music you don’t normally listen to for the first time? Say
all your life you’ve listened to classical music and then someone takes you
to a heavy metal show. Your first experience of heavy metal music would
probably just seem like really loud noise! Until you learn the new pattern
you really cannot appreciate the experience of heavy metal.
We all have patterns of expectations that shape our behavior, and the way to
change our patterns is to first recognize what they are.
It is helpful if we can understand where our patterns come from, but it is not
necessary to know that information as long as we can recognize what our
current patterns are, and have a desire to create a new pattern for a new
~ New Settings ~

Here’s the fun part! Now that you know what some of your patterns are,
choose one or two you’d like to change starting now. What we’re going to
do is create a new setting.
I call these ‘settings’ because, rather than an affirmation, which is ‘just
words’ or more of ‘that positive thinking stuff’, making a new setting is like
changing the channel on my reality. It is immediate, and powerful!
Settings are a way to manipulate your reality, and you can use them for
anything you can imagine, large or small. Here are some of my personal
Bugs leave me alone
This setting is so powerful that when I went camping with three friends last
summer, they were bitten all over their bodies by some kind of small bug,
yet I was completely unscathed!
My cars always run great
As I mentioned in chapter 4, over the past seventeen-plus years and
numerous vehicles, the setting that my cars always run great has actually
caused my car to fix problems that it may have had when I purchased it.
My friend David likes to tell the story of how, when I had a friend work on
my alignment, it still wasn’t quite right, and then I ‘accidentally’ ran into a
curb and that fixed the alignment. As my friend Joth likes to point out, it is
a fallacy to expect ‘accidents’ to only be bad. I choose to always have
fortuitous accidents!
I am always safe
From the time I was an infant my mother worried about me getting
molested or raped. So, in rebellion to her fears, I developed the setting that I
am always safe.
I was recently explaining this to a friend and he kept asking me ‘Well, but
what happens when you’re not safe?’ All I could say was, ‘Well, the fact is,
I am always safe. No matter what, I am always safe.’
I am comfortable in any neighborhood, in any situation, because I am
always safe. If two people were pointing guns at each other I would be
willing to step in between them and say ‘Put those down’ because I am
always safe.
Traffic flows smoothly and quickly and vehicles move out of my way.
I developed this setting after watching ‘The Secret’. On the movie, there is
a British guy who says ‘I use it to line up good car parks all the time’.
For years I had said ‘I have good parking luck, I always get a good parking
spot.’ When I saw somebody else doing that, it suddenly struck me that I
could use it for other things, and one thing that bothered me was driving in
‘rush hour’ traffic. So I quickly made up this setting.
Within a month of creating the setting, I was out driving one morning, and
the traffic was very light. In fact, I was the only vehicle within a quarter
mile each way. Suddenly, I saw a bunch of cars in my rearview mirror.
There were maybe 16-20 vehicles, across all four lanes of the freeway, and
they were all doing that little nudge-nudge thing but none of them could get
ahead of the others.
I saw this and the thought struck ‘Why, there are all the people who came
out at this time expecting rush hour traffic. There they are back there,
creating it! And the ones in the front are probably the people who hate it
when other people ‘tailgate’ them!’
I always choose a positive outcome.
Things happen for a reason and a purpose
and that purpose serves me.
This setting has served for a great reminder whenever I start to get anxious
about anything. If my plans just don’t seem to be going the way I thought
they should, and I remind myself of this, rather than getting upset or
frustrated or thinking I’m messing up or missing out, I wait expectantly to
see what good will come of the unexpected shift.
When I got evicted this served me well. I ended up finding a place that was
a lot nicer and a lot more affordable, so really this is just a fact in my
I accept people for who they are
and who they want to be,
and I am accepted for who I am
and who I want to be.
I love everybody and everybody loves me.
We all want to be loved and accepted for who we are, and we all want
people to also see our true potential, and support us in what we want for
ourselves. With this setting, I both give and attract that in my life.
I always get prompt, pleasant and efficient service.
I’ve amazed my friends by going into the bank and instantly being served,
and always having a clear line at the check out. I always get the best waiters
in restaurants, etc. It works!
* * * * *
These are just a few examples of settings I have created in my life. This is
the reality I live constantly. I’ve included a more complete list of the
settings I use in Appendix A.
Let’s examine how to create such settings for your own life.
1. The number one rule of creating an effective setting is to make it a
DO statement. See, most of us are constantly saying the things we
don’t want; ‘I don’t want to be late, I don’t want to get sick,’ etc.
2. Another element to include is the timely factor. For most settings
you will want to include a factor of ‘always’ because you want this
new reality to be the case constantly. Including an element such as
‘always’, or ‘am’ turns the setting into a now and constant reality.
3. And the main element is to only include the concept of what you
want. For example, many people say ‘I want to lose weight’ but that
is an ineffective setting because it includes the element which they are
trying to get rid of, i.e. ‘weight’.
4. The most powerful statement in the universe is any statement
beginning with ‘I am’.
Some effective settings using the two DO examples would be:
I am always on time.
I am always healthy.
An effective setting for the weight loss example would be:
“I am getting slimmer,” or “I am slimmer today than I was yesterday” and
to keep repeating that every day until the desired goal is achieved. This is
an action setting.
Exercise: Review the list of statements you made earlier, and using
these guidelines, make some new settings for your reality.
In Appendix A I have examples of the settings I use, versus some common
ideas of reality that these can be used to change. In addition, you can see
more of mine as well as other’s settings and post your own old and new
settings on:

Have fun crafting your new reality! Whenever you catch yourself
experiencing something that you are not enjoying, use that as an
opportunity to make a new setting and watch your world change, instantly!
~ Choice Points & Reminders ~

After you’ve made a new setting you will start to see, hear, and feel its
effects. It is important to note each effect; this helps establish the new
mental pattern of recognition, and cements it into constant operation.
Eventually the new pattern will become subconscious and automatic.
During the process of reshaping our reality we are presented with what I
call choice points and reminders.
For example, one of my settings is that I always get green lights. However,
sometimes when I am driving I put myself on automatic, and the new
setting that I always get green lights is not yet programmed firmly in my
subconscious, so my auto-pilot driving program sees a red light and
automatically starts slowing down and getting ready to stop. This is a good
reminder that I need to reaffirm the green lights setting until it has become
part of my subconscious. I also pay attention to each green light that I get
and give my subconscious a mental thumbs up.
Also, occasionally when I’ve been driving I’ve seen the lanes full of cars in
front of me suddenly all start to put on their brakes. This is the time to
remind myself that ‘traffic flows smoothly and quickly and vehicles just
move out of my way’. Within seconds of reminding myself of the new
reality, traffic speeds up and flows quickly again. I’ve done this several
times including in front of witnesses.
When I was auditioning for a TV show and my equipment failed was a
good reminder that ‘everything happens for a purpose, and that purpose
serves me’, and sure enough, it did! This leads us into the finalizing stage of
the creative process.
As I mentioned previously, all these ways flow and meld together in the
creative process. Being honest with yourself and others is a keystone,
assuming full responsibility for your reality is a necessity to purposeful
creation, changing your perceptions and letting go of inhibitions are
intertwined, and deciding what you want and changing your patterns are all
part of the flow.
This is especially true of the next three chapters. Being aware of what you
wish for, being thankful in advance and recognizing your creation as it
shows up are all linked together elements of the creative process.
7: Be Constant & Aware of What Your Wishes
Being aware of what you wish for definitely means using complete honesty
within, knowing what filters of perception you are using, and knowing what
it is you want. Once you have that knowledge, it’s time to start being totally
aware of what you are creating.
Remember your tools for having complete honesty, recognizing that what
you base your choices on is made up of a conglomerate of factors, some
conscious and some unconscious.
Many times we create reality on a subconscious and haphazard basis,
meaning we get mixed results. It’s time to find congruency within to
effectively create, and only create, the reality we truly desire.
In our society, we don't pay as much attention to language as we should. In
math, expressions are precise. Language shapes our thoughts, so if we use it
imprecisely it has the same effect on our thoughts as an imprecise statement
would have in mathematics: i.e. Garbage In = Garbage Out.
English is one of the most powerful languages, because we have one of the
largest selections of words, which allows for the greatest precision possible.
However, it is an imperfect language because it still allows for the creation
of untrue statements and illogical thinking.
I like Robert Heinlein's conception of a language he named "Speedtalk" in
the short story "Gulf". He defines a new, completely consciously created
“artificial” language that is structured in such a way that it can only include
statements which are congruent and rational.
~ Increase Self-Awareness ~

Effective reality creation begins with congruency. When your feelings,

thoughts, words, and actions are all congruent you will create a consistent
reality experience.
In the past, you may have had congruency, but it was congruent with
creating a reality you didn’t desire, or you may have had incongruence,
which means you got mixed results. Some times things were going great,
other times not so great.
With greater understanding of reality creation, you can become congruent
and only create the exact results you desire.
First of all, we create what we are feeling. If we are feeling fabulous, the
universe then delivers more things that make us feel fabulous. If we are
feeling horrible, the universe sure enough will deliver more things that
make us feel horrible.
Start paying attention to what you are feeling. Decide to feel great! There
are tools throughout this book which you can use to shift your feelings.
Decide to think and speak only of what you do want.
Take this as a challenge. Make a game of it. Whenever you are thinking or
speaking of what you don’t want, stop yourself in that moment and think of
how you can rephrase that statement.
Using the rules of setting creation: make it a DO statement, include the
always or am factor, and only include the element of what you desire.
Take congruent action. For example; if one of your new settings is ‘I love
everybody and everybody loves me’ you now can only approach others
with that idea in your feelings, thoughts and words.
Whenever you meet someone new, look at them and speak with them from
a loving place within. If you have that setting but you still view others with
fear or suspicion or as offensive, then your new setting will produce mixed
results because you are not being congruent.
Become more aware of all the other messages you may be exposing
yourself to. I challenge you to turn off your television, and stop reading or
listening to any news or commercial programming for at least a month. If
you habitually read magazines or newspapers I recommend stopping that
for a month as well.
Start feeding your mind only positive messages that are congruent with the
reality you want to create. If you receive competing messages from others,
you may wish to limit your exposure to those people for the same amount
of time. If breaking contact is impossible, then practice quietly discarding
any messages that are incongruent.
You don’t need to challenge others, correct their beliefs, or “stand up” for
yourself at this point. Your goal is to increase your awareness and start
making the necessary changes to create congruency within.
In fact, rather than arguing with any person who may be feeding you
“negative” messages, work on simply accepting that they care enough about
you to try to help you with their advice, and thank them for their concern,
while quietly modifying your own reception of their words.
I like to create a mental trash bin, and whatever thoughts come my way that
are not congruent with the reality I want to create, I simply toss them into
the trash. Then a few times a day I empty that trash by mentally
commanding “clear, cancel, delete.”
Imagination is the Memory of Things to Come.
Pay attention to whatever thoughts, wishes, and daydreams you have. If any
of these are not congruent with the reality you desire to create, take a
moment to swiftly replace that thought with a new thought that is congruent
with your true desires.
~ Notice Results ~

Now start paying attention to how your congruency or incongruence effects

what shows up. This is discussed further in chapter 9, but start paying
attention to how reality is actually shaping up around whatever you believe
about the world.
Become conscious of how you actually affect your reality. One way to
become more aware of this is to know about the reality bubble effect. We all
share reality to the degree that we can communicate about ‘material
In other words, we can all agree that a tree is a tree, a table a table, and so
on, but what’s really important to realize is that your and every individual’s
reality experience is unique. The stockbroker on Wall Street and the
homeless person on the streets of New York have completely different
reality experiences.
In fact, the homeless person in New York City and the homeless person in
Key West have completely different realities. The reality of a cashier at a
grocery store is completely different from that of an A-League baseball
player, which differs completely from that of the owner of a McDonald’s
franchise, which differs from that of an editor, which differs from that of a
psychiatrist… you get the idea.
Suffice it to say, there really is no completely objective reality. Since we’re
all one, there’s no real way to get outside of ourselves to ‘measure’ or
define a completely objective reality. What we haven’t realized, until now,
is that we create the shape, sound, texture, and extent of our own reality
bubble. So change your bubble and enjoy your new experiences!
In addition to that, we have the ability to merge our reality bubbles, and
create a larger, shared, group reality. Think of the possibilities inherent in
that idea! The possibilities are truly unlimited!
Remember to focus on the end result, and watch how the universe delivers
the necessary elements to fulfill that end.
~ Accept with Love ~

Accept your reality creation with love. Recognize that the universe was
designed to be like Play-Doh™! We are here to have an experience. Good,
or bad, we made all the choices that led to our current experience.
Whatever you decide to create, accept the love and abundance in the
universe as tools to aid you in having whatever you desire.
Give yourself a hug from the universe! In fact, give yourself whatever
you’d like from the universe. It’s all you, after all. You are the screenwriter,
the set designer, the director, the choreographer, and of course, the leading
role in your reality. Thank yourself!
Are there others? Yes, we’re all here, and we’re all co-creating, and yet
intrinsically we’re all one, and that one thing is love.
I’m writing this book with love, and you brought these words into your life
with love, and now you are crafting a new reality, all powered with the
universal love. In fact, whether you accept or not, love is the one element
that completely permeates the universe.
8: Have an “Attitude of Gratitude”
Isn’t it funny that attitude and gratitude are almost the same word?
Being thankful is an integral part of the creation process. Even people who
are creating a reality that most of us wouldn’t want to experience have the
thankfulness element in their reception of it.
The expression ‘misery loves company’ is a good indicator of this.
Someone who has a completely negative perception of reality is thankful
every time his or her perception is confirmed.
Be thankful in advance that you are the creator of your life, and that you are
free to create anything and any experience you desire.
~ What is Prayer? ~

Our every thought and utterance is a prayer. Remember, we are all one, and
the basis underlying every material object is pure energy. The lower the
vibration of this energy, the more dense the material is.
Our thoughts are electrical impulses, vibrating at a very high level. The next
level is our spoken words, which change the vibration and brings it closer to
material form. When we write our thoughts and/or words down, we are
bringing them into actual material form. All of these vibrations are the basis
of our prayer.
So, when we ‘pray’, pray with the knowledge that what we desire is already
ours. We already have it. Jesus said ‘Ask, believing you have already
For example if you are praying for healing, your prayer would be well-
structured if you prayed ‘Thank you for my healing’ rather than ‘oh, please
heal me’. Think, say and act as if what you desire already exists in your
~ Remember Your Future ~

Day dreaming is the most useful tool we have. When we are daydreaming
what we are actually doing is “remembering” our future. So start using your
daydreams to consciously create what you desire to be, do and have.
We are often told to visualize the results we want, however, for the most
powerful creative force, use all five senses in your creation.
Now, make the day dream more vivid, brighter, more intense, as well as
clearer, louder and more concise. Include what it smells and tastes like.
Keep running the same daydream, and add more details to it, make it realer
each time.
Pay attention to what thoughts creep into your daydreams. These can be
inspiration from the universe that will help you decide the thoughts, words,
and actions that will make your dreams come true. They could also be your
fears making themselves known.
I want to talk a little bit about fear here. We all have some fears. And those
fears often inhibit us from moving forward in our life. Getting completely
honest with yourself about your fears is the first step to getting over those
fears. So, don’t be afraid to recognize your fear, be thankful that now that
you know what you’re afraid of, you can let that fear go and move forward!
Some people also have dark premonitions of the future. No matter what we
“foresee”, reality is infinitely mutable. If you choose to keep bringing up
the same images of the future you will certainly move into that reality
creation at some point. You also have the option of replacing that vision
with something else, some outcome that you would like to move toward
instead. We always have free will, so ultimately all is created as “self-
fulfilling prophecies”.

Remember to focus on the end result, and be whatever you want to be

NOW. From that state of being the doing and the having you seek will flow
naturally and easily.
The most powerful force in the universe is gratitude. When you cultivate
this attitude within yourself, you are placing yourself in alignment to use
this force.
Exercise: Make a list of everything in your life that you are grateful for.
Make sure to include the things you normally take for granted, such as
having a place to live, having food to eat every day, and having clothing
to wear.
Keep this list in your journal and review it and add more to it every day.
Exercise: Seek out and record beauty in the world around you. List the
beauty you find in your journal and review and add to this list every day.
Some suggestions for what to look for:
• The smile of a stranger as you pass
• Flowers
• Sunsets and sunrises
• A baby’s laugh
It is easy to cultivate an attitude of gratitude; in essence it is a simple
perceptual shift which will magnificently affect your life!
Personal Anecdote of the Power of Gratitude
Not long ago I found myself stressing out over my financial situation again.
I was also stressing because I have a huge to-do list for my Satoria Nation
project as well as my books and life coaching business.
I had just returned from my cross-country sojourn, first to Austin TX to
speak at the A.L.I.G.N. Conference, then to New York to speak at Occupy
Wall Street. I had $7 in my pocket and a grand total of six cents in my bank
account, and my rent, electric and phone bills were all due within a few
days – a total of $945, plus I owe $114 to a friend and had to send him at
least $40 as soon as possible.
I was tired and trying to take a nap but my mind kept running in circles of
worry! As I lay there, I started to meditate, first saying “relax, peace, relax”
over and over. Gradually the thought came to me to make a gratitude list.
It’s funny, I often assign this task to my clients and group members, but I
rarely do it myself! I decided to make that an exercise for my group
members that night. I mentally started making my own gratitude list.
The thought came that every worry I had could be flipped into gratitude. If I
worry about my rent, the flip side, the gratitude is that I have a beautiful
home to live in. Worry about my electric and phone bills could be flipped to
gratitude that I have electricity and a cell phone. Worry about money is
flipped to gratefulness that I always have more than enough. As I composed
my list my feelings shifted to peace and happiness.
That night, I and my group wrote our lists and shared them with each other.
It was a fantastic and fun exercise! As we shared our lists, our gratitudes
reminded each other of other things we are each grateful for. Warmth and
light seemed to enter the room and the group. All of us concluded that
meeting feeling empowered to create the reality we want!
The next day, I got an email offering a contract teaching job, and I am
meeting with the director this coming Monday. I also got appointments with
2 new clients and have enough to make a $40 payment to my friend, run a
small advertisement ($11), and pay the past due amount of my electric bill
($227) to avoid shutoff. I emailed my landlord and he said he understood if
I would be late, but I am confident that the money I need for rent and phone
bill will be forthcoming in time for me to pay them by the due dates!
In addition to the financial assistance that has come in, I have been filled
with energy and inspiration, and in 48 hours I accomplished a LOT of work
on my to-do list as well!
I also decided to leave my work income up to the universe, so now when
my clients book a session with me, they can pick their own rate and pay me
what my help is really worth to them, and according to what they can
Here is the gratitude list that I wrote in the Group session that night:
· For the beautiful home I live in
· For plenty of food to eat
· For Electricity
· For the Cell Phone I have
· For the Internet
· For all the wonderful people in my life!
· For my intelligence
· For the Inspiration I receive
· For Phenomenal Sex!
· For my perfect physical senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell & touch
· For my perfect spiritual senses: of the one-ness of the universe
· For technology!!! And the many ways it can be used for making life
better and easier.
· That I can Draw and Paint
· That I can Sing
· That my Satoria Nation concept is being spread world-wide and
giving people hope!
· That I have experience speaking before many different audiences in
several states.
· That I am a global Naked Life Coach
· That I am a published author of 2 books and several articles and
· For Charlie Sheen quotes
· That all the great authors I’ve ever read wrote what they wrote.
· For parties!
· For Hot Tubs!
· For Inner Tubing!
· For Picnics
· For Camping!
· For Grass!!! And every growing thing really!
· For Cats
· For my Naked Life Coaching Group participants.
· For my good Conversation skills.
· For my Wisdom at discerning the best answers to any question.
· For my Fantastic Good Health
· For my Enduring Youth and Vitality
· For my Physical and Mental Fitness
· For my Education
· That I’m doing my Dream Career
· That I am good with Technology, Computers, and Website building.
· For beautiful Jewelry and Accessories like Hats, Gloves and Shoes
· For Awesome, Exotic and Erotic Clothing
· That I have More Than Enough to meet my Needs and Wants
· For Being Born/Being Alive!!!
· That WATER exists and Tastes Great!
· For daydreams
· That I can do New Things and Have New Experiences
· For Travel
· For Delicious Food
I hope this list has inspired your own gratitude!
9: Recognize Your Creation When It Appears
Now you have done all the internal work to make your reality the best
experience you want to have. The final step is to recognize your creation
when it shows up and welcome it into your reality.
So often we deny or forget that we had any hand in what happens in our
experience. When you utilize the tools in this book, and are completely
honest with yourself and aware of what thoughts you are having, then you
can easily recognize it when your creation shows up.
In the past year or so, two people that I know both had wanted to move out
of their current living situations and both did not want to be the one who
ended the house-mate relationship. Both of them took actions which caused
their roommates to kick them out.
Both were upset about their roommates attitude towards them, however,
when I pointed out that they were actually getting what they really wanted,
i.e. being able to move out and not have the guilt of being the one to end it,
one was able to accept that she had created her reality and move into love,
and ultimately thank her roommate for helping her to fulfill that desire.
Whenever anything happens in our life, we can choose to perceive it as a
positive or negative.
It is helpful to remember that we always get what we want although
sometimes our patterns of how we think may be incongruent, which can
affect the method of delivery!
As you move into conscious reality creation, you will be well served to be
aware of what you truly want, thus you may more easily recognize it when
it happens.
~ Guess What! ~

One of my favorite quotes from the movie The Secret is John Assaraf
saying “When would NOW be a good time to…?”
The thing is, when we realize that everything is one, and that time is an
illusion, we then know that we already have everything, the only thing we
need to do to change our current experience is to change our perception that
we have or lack anything.
Know NOW that you already have everything, and you’re simply holding
those elements out in the universe until you’re ready to experience them.
~ Take Possession ~

When you create a new setting, it is like taking possession of an object you
just bought. You don’t purchase something and then leave it at the store, or
ask if you can take it home, you simply take it. Whenever you are creating a
new setting, you are taking possession of your new reality.
In effect, you know that you have it. There is no more seeking. There is no
“Plan B” or any type of contingency plans.
You own every facet of your experience. When you know that, it becomes
much easier to perceive and receive every good thing into your life. In order
to recognize your creation it is helpful to be aware of what you’re wishing
For example: I recently have been thinking about creating a documentary to
illustrate the concepts of this book. Then a producer contacted me and
offered to produce some film for my naked life coaching business.
We met and talked about it, and decided to start filming in a few days. I
then started having additional considerations which I wanted to cover
before we started filming. On the day that we were supposed to start, he
called and said he wasn’t feeling well and asked to reschedule.
I could have gotten upset and decided that he was irresponsible, but, since I
practice reality creation on a conscious basis, I had to admit that the delay
was what I wanted to happen, so this actually worked out perfectly for me!
We are all co-creators of each other’s experience. When we recognize that,
then there is no need to judge others or ourselves.
~ Claim Your Desires ~

This goes along with assuming full responsibility and deciding what you
truly want. Every part of your past, current and future reality already belong
completely to you. Claim it and keep it forever.
Of course, without full honesty and being aware of what we are wishing for,
it may be hard to recognize our creation and take possession of it or claim it
for our own.
Usually when we are incongruent, our desires and our fears will manifest
together. In my experience so far, it seems that most of the time when I have
several desires they tend to manifest all together in one tidy package from
the universe. The same can happen with our desires and fears coming in one
For example, I know someone who both desired to be famous for what she
did, and at the same time feared being misperceived for what she did. From
this incongruence, she manifested getting arrested and becoming infamous,
being smeared in the press because of her occupation. As I write this the
story is still playing out. I believe that eventually she will have the triumph
of overcoming the infamy and truly spreading her unique message to the
Everything ultimately works out for the best, but sometimes, if we’re not
honest about what our fears are, and if we do not discard them as the
inhibitions they are, we drag ourselves through horrible circumstances to
reach our goals.
I urge you to re-examine any aspect of your reality, whether it is beliefs you
hold about others, about illness, about your abilities, about what is possible.
Get completely honest about what and why you think those things, and
discard the ideas that do not serve you, no matter how “factual” you believe
something to be. Mind truly does have the power to completely triumph
over matter, if we let it!
As you move forward in this practice, start changing your patterns of
reaction to circumstances. When you have truly acknowledged what your
expectations, thoughts, feelings, fears, and actions are and have been, you
can begin to truly recognize, accept and claim your creations.
10: Expand Your Power (Unlimited)
"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely
energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one
consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing
as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves.
Here's Tom with the weather."
- Bill Hicks “Positive Drug Story”
During the writing of this book I attended a workshop with Panache Desai.
One of the many things he said that I loved was “This Universe is the Las
Vegas of Universes. We come here to play. It is the only place where the
illusion of separation exists so that we can look deep into each other’s eyes
and tell ourselves ‘I love you.’ It is the only place where sex exists, and it is
the only place where chocolate exists.” Internally I was cheering wildly,
“Yes! I KNEW sex and chocolate are the meaning of life!”
So we’re all one here… That means that we, and by we I mean I, are always
co-creating, there is no separation between us. We/I have an infinite grasp
on reality for whatever we/I agree to. That’s what is meant by “Verily I say
unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and
whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”. (Mathew
18:18 KJV Bible)
I like to use the example of a hand to illustrate how co-creation works. I can
use my hand to tickle myself, or caress myself, massage myself, or slap
myself in the face! In the same way, we use the illusion of “others” to give
us pleasurable or miserable experiences. When that experience is
happening, it would be silly if I got mad at my hand for the time it slapped
me in the face, or if I fell in love with my hand for it caressing me.
The truth is, we are all connected. The connection is not as obvious as the
way we are connected to our own hands, but it is there nonetheless. As we
raise our consciousness to this new awareness we begin to see how each of
us is co-creating to manifest whatever experience is thought of next. The
key then is to begin to only think of those experiences we desire to have,
and to think of bigger and better experiences than we’ve ever thought of
Remember, we do not know what others patterns are so we cannot look at
others experiences as a meter for reality. I want to remind you that only you
can judge accurately your own reality creation, and not others’ experiences.
Just as an infant grows its muscles through using them and develops its
mental patterns through learning new information, we too grow our power
of consciously manifesting reality through exercising our creative abilities.
The more we experience, the more we can experience. The only limit is
what our imagination can conceive of. As we already discussed, our
perception of what’s possible is simply that, a perception.
There really are unlimited possibilities. Before the four-minute mile was
run, it was believed to be impossible. After it was proven possible many
people were suddenly able to do it. In fact, most of what we take for granted
in our daily lives would have been thought impossible or incredible even 50
years ago. I challenge you to expand your ideas of what is possible and start
working on creating some “impossible” dreams!
Our only limit is our imagination. A great tool for expanding your
imagination is science fiction. Out of all the fields of literature, science
fiction alone deals exclusively with the future and what might be. I
encourage you to use this and any other tools available to help you grow
your imaginative faculties. Keep consciously exercising your creation
~ What Else? ~

Before we can create anything we must be able to imagine something

different. Throughout history humanity has constantly reformulated the
concepts of reality. We have constantly sought to create better ideas and
objects to use in our experience.
From nomadic hunter-gatherer societies, to city based societies, we have
changed the world around us to suit our current desires. The question is,
now what do we desire to create in our experience next?
Our desires lead us to create, and to keep creating. The genesis of desire is a
wish for that which is not in our experience. We never experience failure of
any kind, we simply learn through each experience more and more clearly
what we truly desire.
The desire for flight led to the creation of hot air balloons and then
airplanes and helicopters, hang gliders and parachutes, and now flight suits.
The continuing desire to experience flight as we see other creatures around
us experiencing it will drive creation of new and better methods for new
and better experiences.
The flight to the moon was inspired by the longing of many to experience
travel through space to a place other than Earth.
The development of telegraphy, radio, and now the internet was spurred by
the desire of more instantaneous communication with others.
All our creations are based first on a desire for something different, then the
seeking out of ways to accomplish that change. Along the way we develop
conventions to describe how we created our development, in order that
others may be able to recreate what we have created.
What else may we choose to turn our thoughts to creating? It is all a matter
of what we choose to focus on. If we put our resources into investigating
and developing the power of mind over matter, who knows what we may be
able to create and teach to others in the future; the possibilities are endless!
~ Remembering the Ultimate Infinite ~

Again, the key element to conscious reality creation is congruency between

thoughts, words, feelings and actions. One of the difficulties faced by those
who are learning to consciously manipulate their reality is how to
experience a feeling if they have never had it before.
We learn patterns of feelings, thoughts, words and actions. How can we
learn new patterns without a teacher? And how can anyone teach us how to
have a certain feeling or an exact thought?
Without the immediate presence of a master to train our minds and bodies,
we are left to our own devices. Neuro-Linguistic Programming gives us
some tools to use to create new thought and feeling patterns.
Another tool is lucid dreaming. When you become conscious that you are
dreaming, you then have the complete ability to control the dream, and
create whatever experience you would like to have in the dream.
I deem that waking life is ultimately of the same nature as the dreaming life,
that our subconscious dreaming mind accesses knowledge that we normally
discard in waking life, and that the study and practice of lucid dreaming can
help you to unlock unknown powers in your waking life.
Again, the only true test we currently have to prove or disprove any of these
theories is our experiential knowledge. In this book I have specified the
protocol you can use to carry out this experiment in your own life, and the
elements and thought patterns necessary to conduct such an experiment.
These are the 10 Ways, which together comprise a whole pattern of thought.
This book is itself a documentation of my experience and the elements and
thought patterns which I think had an affect on my experience. I urge you to
keep a detailed and honest log of your own thought patterns and
experiences and see what works for you.
The ultimate infinite ISness of everything; whether matter or energy, is
here, just waiting for you to play with it in your own special way!
~ Paradox Doctored ~

When infinite possibilities exist, there can be no paradox. What I mean is

that there are an infinite number of ways to both experience and describe
reality. It is doubtful if we can never fully know the answer to anything,
except that reality is infinitely mutable!
Perhaps multiple universes exist. Perhaps alternate universes exist. Perhaps
the Big Bang is the start of creation, perhaps mind and will entered into it.
For centuries the discipline of science has worked tirelessly to discover and
define our material reality. Science defines experiences and occurrences
which cannot be replicated or observed by any other scientist as an
anomaly, and ceases to study it, or assigns a value of trickery or fraud as a
“factual” conclusion.
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in
your philosophy” is a quote worthy of remembering. The old mechanistic
theories of how the universe works still do not account for consciousness
nor the volition of consciousness on matter.
Well-accepted scientifically “discovered” “facts” are often overturned by
future “discoveries” over time. So be wary of adopting any data as true or
factual if it can impact your life in a way that is not congruent with your
desires, particularly health-related science.
We all have the innate ability of mind over matter, including our dominion
over our physical bodies, should we choose to exercise and develop our
self-mastery. I hope that this combination of ways will be a path into
making still greater discoveries of what reality truly consists of.
With the knowledge you’ve gained from this book, start filtering every idea
that enters your mind, and challenge any limiting patterns that you detect.
Install a delete function in your mind and eliminate mental patterns that do
not serve you in your creation. Start searching for new solutions and new
ways of thinking and creating. And keep growing the capacity of your
“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve”
– Napoleon Hill
When Napoleon Hill sought the secrets of success, he researched over 500
of the wealthiest people of his day. In those interviews, the only two
commonalities he discovered were not, as many believed, the person’s
background, or education, nor their access to resources… the only two
abilities that all 500 had in common were the ability to visualize, and
I have recently begun practicing what I term “mental aikido”. Aikido is an
art, not of conflict but of peace. The Aikido master knows that he can
control any energy that is coming his way and direct it to go where he wants
it to go. Mental Aikido is doing that with thoughts that are coming our way.
For example, I recently asked a friend for advice on a project, and he said
“That’s a great idea, but it’s not actionable”. In the past I might have
attempted to fight that thought with my own thoughts, pointing out all the
ways it IS actionable, and so forth. But with mental aikido I want to redirect
that thought energy and get it working toward my goal of creating a
successful implementation of my project. So now I respond, “Ok, thank
you. What, in your opinion, would make it actionable?”
“Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
And today?
Today is a gift.
That's why we call it the present.”
- Babatunde Olatunji
Often we spend much of our time focused on what has happened in the past
or worries and hopes about the future. I like the idea of the multiverse. This
says that every possible choice you ever have is enacted in every possible
way in parallel universes.
The idea that time is an illusion, and every thing that has ever happened,
ever could happen, ever will happen, IS happening all at the same eternal
moment. Our experience in this moment is whatever we choose it to be.
A great way to center yourself in the present moment is to pause and take a
few deep breaths, in through your nose, out through your mouth. Breathe in
to the count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 4, exhale for a count of 4,
wait for a count of 4, and begin the cycle again. Focus on how your breath
feels as it’s going in and out of you.
During the writing of this book I learned another lesson of manifestation.
Belief is an absolute knowing that something IS SO. When we know that
something IS we don’t spend our energy trying to make it happen. Instead
we are relaxed and let it happen. Sometimes we may not have that much
faith to really feel like we know, but if we act as if we know then that action
also bears fruit. I’ll share a few final stories about my latest experiences to
illustrate this.
In October this year I was invited to speak at the A.L.I.G.N. Conference in
Austin Texas. As I was preparing to go to Austin I first read about the
Occupy Wall Street. movement. I felt strongly drawn to go to New York
City, and I made up my mind to go. I found a ride to Austin, and planned on
finding a way to New York from there, since it is much closer to New York
than is Phoenix. By the time the conference had ended I still had not found
a ride or way to New York.
My ride back to Phoenix was leaving, and I had to decide then if I would go
back to Phoenix or continue on to New York. I chose to act as though a way
would be made and remained in Austin. The next day a friend connected
me to her friend who got me on a standby flight to New York. In this case I
did not have that knowing feeling, but I chose to stay and act as if it would
happen. And sure enough, it did!
When I got back to Phoenix I deeply wanted to attend the Celebrate Your
Life Conference, but I did not have the funds for a ticket. I KNEW that if I
could get to the first keynote address that somehow a way would be made
for me to attend the whole weekend. I asked a friend to take me to the
keynote address.
When we arrived, I did not go around searching for any way to get a
weekend pass. I simply did whatever I would normally do if I knew I
already had a ticket. I was listening to the keynote speaker and realized I
had not brought any materials to take notes. A few minutes later I noticed
that the woman in front of me had a little hotel notepad.
I decided to go and ask if I could have one of those. So I got up and went to
the event reception desk and asked for a notepad, and the woman there left
to find one for me.
Now, on the way to the event I had looked at every speaker’s photo and
made an effort to memorize their names and faces because I wanted to meet
and network with these speakers and authors. So as I’m waiting for her to
return with my notepad, one of them approaches the desk. “You’re Michael
Tamura!” I exclaimed. “I think so” he replied.
I asked him to take my card and if we could network as the woman came
back with the notepad. “We’ll see each other tomorrow” he said. “You are
going to be here for the whole weekend?”
I responded that I would like to attend the whole conference, but I didn’t
have the funds and that my friend had brought me to the keynote event. The
woman behind the desk heard me. “Hold on, I might have something for
you”, she said. She left and returned with another woman, who stood in
front of me, smiled, and said “I have a scholarship for you!”
Later in the conference I saw a contest for another class called “Achieve
Mastery – Level 1 Satori”. The coincidence of the names was too much (my
big goal is the Satoria Nation project) so I entered that contest KNOWING
that I would win those tickets. Sure enough, I did!
In the past few years I have been saying over and over, I KNOW that it is
possible to learn how to levitate, how to teleport, how to use telepathy, even
to manifest anything we desire instantly into lives directly out of the energy
that is everything. For a long time I was stating that I believed it was
possible I just didn’t know how to do those things.
Finally I KNEW that somehow I would discover how. In that very week a
friend told me about a set of books he had, “The Life and Teaching of the
Masters of the Far East” by Baird T. Spalding. In these books the masters
give several meditations and many discussions of how they access these
spiritual gifts.
Opening my experience to these miracles is the next stage of the journey for
me. I will be recording these meditations and listening to them in order to
retrain my heart, mind and body to accept the new unlimited way of being.
All of the ways discussed in this book are simple tools you can use to
redirect your own energy and use it towards creating only that which you
desire to experience. Go forth and enjoy your next moment, and the next,
and the next!
Appendix A: Settings I Use
Most people would call these “affirmations”. I call them settings, because
they are settings for what I want in my life all the time. To me, making a
setting is like turning the knob on the mental radio to a new channel. With a
new setting, I’m tuning in to a new reality.
A setting is any statement that you habitually make about your life or
experience. In Naked Life Coaching we examine the current settings in all
areas of our lives, and create new settings that better describe what we want
to create for ourselves.
Settings can be used for anything, large or small. It can be fun making
settings, and it is easy too! Just think of something that you dislike, and
then make a statement that is the opposite of it, and is something you do
It is important to make the setting statement a positive one, including
whatever the aim of the setting is, and excluding what you are creating the
setting to avoid. To illustrate, I have included my list of settings, and also
the opposite setting which tends to create what I don’t like.
Sometimes you may want to make a grand over-sweeping setting like the
first one on this list, and sometimes you may want to make a very specific
setting such as the bug setting I have.
I had been gradually adding to this list for quite a while, when it suddenly
struck me that although I disliked not having enough money, I had never
created a money setting, so I did and immediately (within days) a new
source of income opened up. Settings really are amazing!
A setting is a statement of truth about your life and the reality you
Powerful settings include these common elements
1. The number one rule of creating an effective setting is to make it a
DO statement. See, most of us are constantly saying the things we
don’t want; ‘I don’t want to be late, I don’t want to get sick,’ etc.
2. Another element to include is the timely factor. For most settings
you will want to include a factor of ‘always’ because you want this
new reality to be the case constantly. Including an element such as
‘always’, or ‘am’ turns the setting into a now and constant reality.
3. And the main element is to only include the concept of what you
want. For example, many people say ‘I want to lose weight’ but that
is an ineffective setting because it includes the element which they are
trying to get rid of, i.e. ‘weight’.
4. The most powerful statement in the universe is any statement
beginning with ‘I am’.
Below is a list of some of my personal setting. The settings I use are in
bold, and underneath each I’ve put some contrary settings so that you can
see the difference when expression for creating a new setting.
I am always prosperous, wise, loving, harmonious and happy.
Vs. “I’m broke, stupid, and hateful, I don’t get along with others, and life is
I always choose a positive outcome. Things happen for a reason and a
purpose and that purpose serves me.
Vs. “I hope things work out. Or Things don’t always work out the way you
Vs. “Life is hard, and things are a struggle.”
Life is fantabulous!
Vs. “Life is what you make of it, or Life sucks and then you die”
Everything always works out for the best, and I benefit from whatever
comes my way.
Vs. “Accidents happen”
I am always young, fit, and healthy.
Vs. “I am getting older and have to work out, or I have to watch my diet to
stay in shape.”
I can eat whatever I want and I stay fit & healthy.
Vs. “I have to watch what I eat.”
My body regenerates every night while I sleep.
Vs. “It sucks getting older.”
I heal very quickly.
Vs. “This will take a while, but it’ll heal eventually.”
Insects leave me alone.
Vs. “If there’s a mosquito within a mile it will smell my blood and come
bite me (I actually heard someone say that!)”
I love everyone and everyone loves me.
Vs. “People are stupid, mean, and/or rotten, and I hate them.”
I always meet great people.
Vs. “You have to be careful who you trust.” Or, “There are a lot of stupid
people out there.”
I accept people for who they are and who they want to be, and I am
accepted for who I am and who I want to be.
Vs. “You can make some people happy some of the time but you can’t
make all the people happy all of the time.”
Traffic flows smoothly and quickly and vehicles just move right out of
my way.
Vs. “I hate getting stuck in rush hour!”
I always get good parking.
Vs. “I hope there’s a good parking spot available…”
I always get green lights.
Vs. “It takes forever to drive across town with all the stoplights on the
My vehicles always run great.
Vs. “I hope this car will last until I can buy another one.”
People leave my stuff alone.
Vs. “Any body might be a thief so I better lock up my stuff.”
I am always safe.
Vs. “There are a lot of bad people out there so I better be careful who I let
in my life. And I better stay in the “right” part of town.” Or, “Accidents
Money flows quickly, easily and abundantly into my life.
Vs. “I’m broke. Or just when I start to get ahead something happens.”
Appendix B: Satoria Nation
I believe that many people want change for the better, and in our own ways
we are always working for that change. However, when we think about
proposed changes we say ‘we have to work within the system’ and ‘we may
not be able to see that in our lifetime’.
Over the past few years, we’ve seen the periodic failure of our current
system. I believe it would be faster and easier to plan out and create a
completely new system. The Satoria Nation project is a plan for such a new
system, a revised global vision as it were.
~ A New Vision for All ~

Envision a society in which we all cooperate rather than compete.

Envision a society in which everyone has equal access to the needs of
survival; food, clothing, shelter, and equal access to the desires of pleasure;
education, transportation, technology, communication, entertainment, and
equal access to the necessities of freedom; a fair and just legal system, and
medical care that cures illness rather than treating symptoms.
Envision a cultural shift; from ‘getting ahead’ at the expense of others
toward helping everyone make better and better ideas come to fruition.
Envision a culture wherein the mass majority of production of goods has
been automated and are made to order on demand.
Envision a land where we grow our food in self-sustaining and automated
skyscraper farms, where the vagaries of weather and climate no longer
mean starvation, and there is plenty for everyone.
Envision our society having a primary educational system that focuses on
teaching our young to think for themselves using research, questions, and
logic, to understand what it means to be human, and how to relate to
themselves and other humans and creatures.
Envision an educational system that teaches current knowledge rather than
accepted dogma; that is willing to confess when we don’t know something,
or that actions taken in the past may not be what we would choose to do
Envision an educational system that teaches our youth how to care for and
maintain themselves, how to be creative, and how to continually learn
throughout their lives.
Envision a society where transportation is as simple as getting into a vehicle
and selecting a destination, a society where the transportation of goods is
Envision a society of smaller inter-connected communities where we live
more in harmony with the natural world.
Envision a society in which we have ceased destroying the natural world in
the name of profit.
Envision a society in which we have the leisure to contemplate the nature of
life, the universe and everything.
Envision a society which has forsaken the tyranny of money and warfare
for the serenity of living in abundance, peace, and prosperity.
Envision a society where each individual can get as much education as they
desire, their whole life long.
Envision a culture where, rather than working long hours at doing
something we don’t enjoy just to survive, we volunteer to spend a minimal
amount of time doing what we love in volunteer service of society.
Envision global peace, with true freedom for all individuals, insofar as that
freedom does not infringe upon the same freedom of another.
Envision a society in which we are all honest, loving, harmonious and
Envision Satoria Nation.
As quantum physics has shown, the observer’s expectations actually change
the reality which is being perceived. So, now let us shift our expectations to
expect to create a better world. Begin now to expect cooperation and
~ Leaders of the Past ~

Throughout history our great poets and leaders have envisioned such a
society. Jesus, Buddha, John F. Kennedy, John Lennon, Martin Luther King,
Ghandi, Nikola Tesla, Buckminster Fuller, and many more…
Now, as never before in history, it is possible to create it!
The tools to create such a society already exist.
The resources to create such a society are already in hand.
The knowledge necessary to create such a society has already been
All that is needed is a shift in perspective, and a willingness to participate in
effecting the change.
Many have dreamed of creating such a society, so why hasn’t it happened
yet? Well, for one the concepts were either not understood, or not
communicated to enough people. But mostly we haven’t yet created this
utopia for ourselves because we don’t have the belief that we can! In the
rest of this appendix I’ll share my thoughts on what we can do to create a
functional utopia.
~ The Satoria Nation Project ~

This is a brief overview of a concept that has a lot of moving and

interdependent parts. Describing each of the parts in detail will fill another
You can help start the new world by reading and distributing the conceptual
overview document you’ll find at: (*note:
capitalization required for download)
Please also sign up and volunteer at:
The word Satori is a Zen Buddhist term for sudden enlightenment.
The basic philosophy of the Satoria Nation Project is that, while we are
living in the 21st Century, and have accumulated an astonishing store of
knowledge, for the most part our society, its laws and its customs, are
founded on knowledge and traditions that are thousands of years old.
We are used to upgrading our equipment periodically. When our cars wear
out we usually purchase the latest model we can afford. When a better cell
phone comes out, we get a new one. When our DVD player wears out we
throw it away. But when our society periodically breaks down, often we
slap a new part onto the thing without considering the thing itself as a
whole and how that new part will fit in or how it will affect the other parts.
Our culture and society are made up of many such “fixes”. The last major
upgrade was perhaps the Constitution of the United States. But even that
document, while attempting to provide a fair and equitable way for people
to govern themselves, didn’t really question the rest of the underlying ideas
of society.
For example, although the Declaration of Independence stated that “Every
man is created equal” the Constitution did not address the idea of slavery,
because at the time it was written, the people who wrote it did not consider
their slaves to be “men”. The Declaration and Constitution kept all the old
traditions of the current society (dress codes, moral values, rules of law,
monetary systems), while changing the rules about how government was to
be handled.
One of the underlying ideas of our current society (in the United States and
in many other parts of the world) is an idea that only the fit do (and perhaps
even should) survive. While this concept seemed to have validity in the
theory of evolution, applying it to human society is absurd!
Additionally, we somehow collectively decided that the test of fitness in our
society is the ability to make money. Think about that. The ability to make
money is the sole indicator of who should be fit to survive in our country.
Yes, we do provide some charity for those who are obviously unfit to care
for themselves (such as handicapped or otherwise disabled people). But we
don’t recognize other capabilities (creativity, artistry, virtuosity) as being
worthy of survival. Those other capabilities are only validated by the ability
to capitalize on them in a monetary fashion.
A more recent component of the industrial age has created a commonality
of a forty-hour work week to be the standard for making money. We also
have developed the untrue belief that, in order to keep functioning, our
society needs every able-bodied person to work. There is yet a third false
belief that without monetary gain or survival impetus, humanity would
collectively sit on its ass and stop producing anything of value.
The Satoria Nation Project wishes to re-examine every aspect of our society
in light of our 21st Century knowledge, and to ask what parts of our society
can be changed to better serve humanity.
We feel that a better test of ‘fitness’, if one is required, would be humanity’s
ability to cooperate. While we, as a society, have shown the ability to
cooperate in some ways, as evidenced by our material goods and comforts,
in the spiritual aspect we still have this to do, as evidenced by the constant
warfare ongoing around the world since time immemorial.
The Satoria Nation Project seeks to analyze and re-design society from the
ground up, in order to serve the Basic Needs and Desires of a Civilized
Society, including:
Living Standards
To eliminate the current societal standard of ‘money’ as the basis for how
each person can live, we propose to completely replace the current
monetary standard with a volunteer society. The exact specifications for this
will require some research. What we need to ascertain is the actual number
of human-hours and skills necessary to maintain our society at or above its
current standard of living.
We must take into account the basic factors of the Standard of Living which
we want to maintain and/or improve:
• Food
• Clothing
• Shelter
• Transportation
• Education
• Medicine
• Technology
• Organization
• Just and Fair Law
• Increase Personal Freedom
• Information Sharing
• Communication
• Entertainment
Currently, although the majority of our able adult population works 40
hours (or more!) per week, our contention is that this standard is not
necessary to maintain our society; instead it is just a (bad) habit we have
gotten into.
Consider what effect just one simple change, the elimination of any type of
monetary system, would have on our labor needs. All the labor currently
employed in banking, tax collection, insurance, stock markets, accounting,
collections, sales, even clerking and cashiering, no longer necessary! Not to
mention the buildings and resources used by and for these occupations. Just
think of the trees we’d save by not having all that paper money and
paperwork anymore!
What does our workforce actually do? In the United States today, there are
approximately 310 million people. Of those, approximately 128 million are
employed, either full or part time. The single occupation that employs the
largest number of people is Clerks/Cashiers. The next largest occupation is
Sales. With the elimination of money, both of the largest occupations in the
United States would become obsolete.
The idea that everybody has to work in order for society to function is
obsolete. We have the knowledge to automate the majority of production,
but currently, because people depend on money as the source of survival
ability, automation is a catch-22 proposition because it fuels unemployment
and thus actually threatens survival.
Also, consider how many businesses exist solely because someone needs to
make money, not because anyone wants or needs the product! What
happens to those products that make it to the market but don’t get sold?
There is so much waste in our current manner of production and
Now let’s ask, how much of the remaining production can be automated?
Much of production currently has become automated, but whenever it is,
there is an outcry because it deprives workers of jobs and thereby threatens
survival. The goal of Satoria Nation would be to create and install facilities
which provide production on demand of any good desired, thereby
eliminating the need for mass production and distribution, and saving
Then (and thereby eliminating the 40-hour work-week habit), how many
human-hours are now necessary to maintain and/or improve the current
standards of the above list?
Satoria Nation stands for making our planet green again. We have the
existing knowledge to create housing, transportation, production facilities,
and more that are completely automated and eco-friendly.
Currently the capitalist monetary system under which we labor stifles such
advances because they don’t benefit those who profit from the old ways,
however, we desire to move forward and do what is best for humanity, and
keeping our planet ‘green’ is a top priority. We ALL live here.
In societies such as the Netherlands, where personal freedom is much
greater than the United States and they have more honest education on such
subjects as human sexuality and drugs the crime rate is almost non-existent!
If we also, by eliminating money and making resources freely available to
all, remove the economic impetus for crime, and the stress of bare-survival-
level existence, most crime will disappear completely. With tools such as
NLP, we can successfully treat personality-driven law-breakers
(psychopathic, schizophrenic, etc.)
In addition, as we restructure and redesign our educational, medical and
legal systems, society as a whole will benefit from the increase in personal
freedom and greater knowledge.
Currently there are over 1 million laws in the federal code alone, another 2
million in the IRS code, and then each state has its own laws as well! Our
goal is to re-examine every code of law, and simplify our nation’s laws into
a very small code that is easily learned, remembered, and followed, while
respecting each human, as well as other creatures and the environment.
While eliminating laws that create ‘victim-less’ crime and repealing laws
that provide a stumbling block to personal freedoms, we also seek to
provide redress under the law, with the understanding that we cannot know
what justice is.
Criminal acts would be actions that harm others, in a measurable way.
Rather than punishment or incarceration, we would seek to provide
treatment and re-education.
We seek to provide more equal access to resources and opportunity for all,
which would serve to make many crimes (which are currently driven by an
unfair societal standard of fitness) obsolete.
Whereas our current educational system teaches our children to become
employable workers, the Satoria Nation Project wants to re-align the
educational system to teach our children to think for themselves using
research, questions, and logic, to understand what it means to be human,
and how to relate to themselves and other humans and creatures.
We want to teach current knowledge rather than accepted dogma. We
should be willing to confess when we don’t know something, or that actions
taken in the past may not be what we would choose to do today.
We want to create an educational system that teaches our youth how to care
for and maintain themselves and their bodies, how to be creative beings,
and how to continually learn throughout their lives. The basis of our
educational system should teach love and respect for the entire universe.
In our current society, we have a one-size fits all approach to education, and
if a student does not learn in that way, we judge them the failure rather than
the system.
With our current knowledge of how people learn most effectively, as well as
the current tools provided by such resources as software, film and the
internet, we could logically design more personalized education system that
evolves with student feedback.
Lastly, the education resources of all types and levels, including degree
programs, could be utilized freely by all persons in the nation.
Medical Systems
Our current conventional medical system is at least 50 years behind the
latest knowledge. In addition, the profit motive in the field of medicine
stifles actual cures being produced, as that would eliminate the income
With an understanding of quantum biology we currently do have the
knowledge to cure and/or prevent the majority of illnesses (yes, even
cancer). Satoria Nation seeks to apply those cures, focus on curing rather
than treating illness, and re-educate society about health.
We also have computer guided surgery (MRI machines for example, robotic
surgery (LASIK) and computer assisted surgery (combining robotic and
human operations) and no doubt many more surgical machines can be
invented for that aspect of medical care.
As for the final aspect of medical care, that of trauma treatment, many
trauma-caused injuries will be eliminated with the reduction in crime and
the automation of transportation systems.
The Case for a Volunteer Society
The Satoria Nation Project believes that we can eliminate money, and
restructure society on a volunteer level, where the basic factors listed above
are provided to everyone on a demand basis, and the human-hours
necessary to maintain those factors are met on a volunteer basis.
It is our theory that perhaps 5-10 hours per week would be needed from
each able and willing adult, perhaps even less. Volunteers would be free to
choose what they did in that time frame, as long as it contributed to the
basic factors listed above in some way. It would be better to call this new
society a volunteerism society, rather than socialist or communist or any
other type of system, as it would be managed on the local level and by
individual choice.
Think about it… If you could have what you want, when you want it, and
do what you love to do, and the only thing society asked of you is that you
donate (if you want to) a small portion of your knowledge, skills and
passion to it, what would you want to spend your time doing? What do you
We really do have the knowledge now to implement a working volunteer
society. We have the technological know-how to automate many tasks,
further reducing the demand for human labor. We have the technology to
efficiently manage such an endeavor, to match skills to needs and desires, to
let people have as much freedom as possible. The only thing stopping us
currently is adherence to the old habits, and the lack of a cohesive plan of
action. The Satoria Nation Project seeks to research and provide such a
Once a plan has been developed (the design phase), volunteers will be
sought to help build the necessary elements of the new society.
When we come together as a group, this building and restructuring project
could be completed in two years or less.
In our current society, we plan on working until we have accumulated
enough money, assets or years to retire. Many seek to gain enough money
to retire before the minimum age requirement, but not many succeed. So
people are used to planning to work for 20, 30, 40 years or more before they
can retire.
Of course, most people who retire don’t want to be idle. Retirement is
another way of saying that we don’t “have” to work in order to survive
Would you be willing to apply your existing skills to develop a new nation,
when your retirement ability would be assured at the end of that period?
~ A Seven-Stage Plan ~

In order to create Satoria Nation, we do need a plan and stated goals. We

have a Seven-Stage Plan:
Stage 1: Research
Preliminary Research the scope of the plan; identify necessary human
resources and materials. Recruit Human Resources to complete Stage 2.
Stage 2: Design Phase
Design the new projects Satoria Nation will be completing, including
blueprints for; food production complex, goods production complex,
exchange center, knowledge pool, educational systems, legal systems,
medical systems, resource management, transportation systems, and
communications systems. Identify human and material resources needed to
effect transition and complete re-design.
Stage 3: Recruiting Phase
Recruiting the labor needed both to build the new systems, and to remain in
current necessary jobs (such as food production, power generation,
communications, medicine, etc.) as volunteers during the building phase.
Stage 4: Canvassing/Networking Phase
Spreading the word of this community effort and project to every citizen, in
every way possible including: internet, video, marketing, surveying, and
even door-to-door evangelizing. The goal of this task is to ask for a critical
mass to stand with us and withdraw their support from the old systems on a
specific date: which will be day one of Phase 5.
Stage 5: Standing Up & Resigning from our Current Society
Stage 5 will take place on a coordinated hour across the nation. We will
announce our intentions as a group. We will burn our money, our credit
cards, and our financial instruments. We will resign from our current jobs
(except for those who are volunteering to remain in their jobs to keep
necessary services and production going. We will have a day of celebration,
and then we will begin…
Stage 6: Building Phase
Volunteers in every area begin building the new systems. This phase will
last a maximum of 2 years to establish the main systems for living,
cooperation, transportation and education. Developing some additional
systems, such as medical automation or road maintenance systems may take
slightly longer.
Stage 7: Retirement!
Congratulations! Pat ourselves on the back! We have completely redesigned
our society. Now is the time to relax and start to enjoy the fruits of our
labors. Projects of all sorts will still be going on, but on a strictly personal
volunteer basis. Yay!
The Conceptual Overview Download

Here is the conceptual overview which is also available to download at

~ The Satoria Nation Project Conceptual Overview ~

For Intelligent Societal Re-Design
The main goal of the Satoria Nation project is to provide for the maximum
amount of individual freedom, in all areas of our lives. Through
collaboration and cooperation toward a common goal of creating a new
commonly owned collection of societal systems, we can ALL live
completely freely within 3 years. The following is an overview of how we
could accomplish such a thing. If you agree, please forward this
information. If you want to see it happen, volunteer and let’s begin to build
it together! It will not happen overnight, but it can happen much quicker
than we ever thought possible! Teamwork is the key to freedom.
Satori is a Zen Buddhist term for sudden enlightenment.
The premise of the Satoria Nation Project is to create a consciously directed
paradigm shift. We are living in the 21st Century. We have a great amount
of knowledge; we know how to do SO much! But in our current societal
paradigm we are not applying that knowledge as effectively as we could.
Why not?
Civilizations consist of many interdependent systems. These are ways that
we have established to organize ourselves and to get things done as groups.
In our current society there is a basic pattern of thought which underlies all
of our current societal systems. This pattern is loosely based on Social
Darwinism, which is based on the idea that only the strong survive. In our
society, although we may not be conscious of it, we have inadvertently
designated the ability to make money as the test of strength.
In this society, we have made competition into a moral requirement. The
next great evolutionary leap we need to make as a species is to stop
competing and start cooperating. It would be good for us to do this before
we wipe ourselves out of existence, perhaps through our competition of
who can build the best nuclear weapons!
Many people, including the wealthy, are striving to make the world a better
place, to eliminate hunger, poverty, etc. and to create new and better
methods of building, create better technology and so forth. Currently, all of
these separate efforts are being made but they work very slowly within the
existing systems. At this point in our journey perhaps it would be helpful to
take a look at our existing systems, and, rather than trying to repair them
with politics or compensate for them through charity, use our 21st Century
knowledge to completely redesign our systems.
Globally, one of the most pervasive systems is the capitalist economic
system. In order to faster and more efficiently implement as sweeping a
change as this paper promotes, it would help if we were to eliminate money
entirely. How we can do that is discussed on the second to last page, after
we look at the new systems we could build using our existing knowledge
and technology.
If we were to re-design our society, how could we use our existing
knowledge and resources to better serve humanity?
Let’s start with a blank mental slate.
First, we must realize that civilization is a set of systems that work together
to provide for societal needs and desires. What systems would we want to
maintain or re-design for our new society?
Secondly, what resources currently exist that can be used in our systems?
Third, what resources would be necessary to actually create such a society,
how could it be done, and how long would it take?
Finally, we also want to compare the proposed systems to our existing
systems in order to determine if they better serve us as a species.
The systems re-design proposed in the Satoria Nation project include:
Living Food
Systems Clothing
Support Energy
Systems Production of Goods
Collecting Resources

Growth Education
Systems Transportation
Technology & Science
Labor Co-ordination

Maintenance Medical Care

Systems Legal System
Recycling Systems
Waste Management
All the systems in this proposal can be built using current knowledge and
technology. Actually designing and implementing such a societal paradigm
shift will not happen overnight, however, if we all came together as a team
we could do it in 2 years or less!

In proceeding with this societal re-design, in order to facilitate change in the

shortest time and develop the new systems in the most efficient manner, we
propose the elimination of money just prior to undertaking Phase 6 of
implementation (the building phase). With that in mind, here are brief
descriptions of the proposed new systems, along with comparisons to
existing systems. All the knowledge and technology needed already exists,
we propose applying it in a new manner.
Decentralize and automate food production. We have the knowledge and
technology to build skyscraper farm complexes. These could be built in
large city centers in each state. Aeroponics, hydroponics, aquaponics and
even soil farming. Such a complex could be fully automated through the
growing, harvesting, processing and even distribution points (such as the
automated convenience store in Japan). In addition, we could shift to bulk
storage, and deliver the amounts desired in re-usable heavy plastic
containers. This would eliminate a great deal of waste we currently have in
our Food production systems, not only in packaging wastes but in
transportation wastes as well.
The majority of clothing production already is automated, excepting
tailoring. With existing technology, we could include a clothing system as
part of our production system (see Production of Goods). This system
would produce customized garments to each person’s exact measurements,
and it would produce on-demand. This eliminates the waste of mass-
production. As part of our recycling system we could have automated
storage and sorting facilities where citizens could drop off clothing which is
no longer wanted, and from which anyone could re-use.
In our current society, we have a surplus of available housing. Today, in the
US alone, there are over 18 million homes that are unoccupied, whether due
to foreclosure or people’s lack of resources to purchase them. In addition,
when we eliminate money we will be freeing up a large number of
buildings that can be re-purposed as homes; buildings formerly used for
banks, insurance companies, tax agencies, sales offices, marketing firms,
etc. With the elimination of money, such businesses will no longer exist nor
have reason to use those buildings. Over-all, we have an over-supply of
buildings which will suffice for at least a generation. In addition, many
alternatives exist to traditional home-building, such as kit homes and pre-
fab construction of different types. The production of such can also be
Having access to clean and potable water is a basis of civilization. There are
many existing technologies to purify water, including sea-water, for human
consumption. In Satoria Nation we should focus on actually purifying the
water we recycle rather than adding chemicals to it such as chlorine and
Decentralizing energy is eminently possible. Over 100 years ago Nikola
Tesla developed a power generator which simply plugs into the ground and
uses geo-thermal differences to generate power. There are also heat pumps,
solar and magnet powered generators. One of the goals of the project is to
produce individual power generators for each home and facility. This will
eliminate the labor necessary to develop and maintain grid-based energy
generation systems, as well as allowing even the most rural communities to
have electricity. It will also conserve our natural resources and allow us to
keep our environment clean. Also see: Transportation systems energy
Production of Goods
The production of goods is already largely automated today. Our goal is to
develop a production facility complex design which can be built in each
region next to the food production complex. Using a knowledge pool (see
Communications) and cooperation rather than competition, and, producing
goods on demand rather than mass-production, we can eliminate planned
obsolescence and develop long-lasting products, as well as now choosing to
only produce the best product of it’s kind.
One of the most important elements of community and cooperation are well
designed community communications networks. Part of this network would
include a knowledge pool, in which resides the design specification of
products developed to date, and to which anyone wishing to use the
community production facility would contribute their designs. In addition,
the communications network would facilitate Education, Recycling, and
Labor Co-Ordination.
Collecting Resources
The natural resources we commonly collect are timber, oil, metals and earth
(minerals, stone, sand, gravel, etc.). We also collect animal resources, such
as various ocean creatures. With modern technology, as well as the
elimination of money and all its attendant paperwork, as well as our
housing surplus, after the building phase we can largely scale down our
timber collection and allow our natural forests to replenish themselves. We
can also use a grow-able, renewable resource, hemp, to produce our paper
goods needs as well as other products.
For the collection of oil, when we reduce our energy needs both by
implementing the devices described in the Energy section and in the
Transportation section, as well as the elimination of waste packaging in
both our food and goods production, we will find that our current oil
collection facilities and reserves are more than enough for the next
generation, which will give us time to develop other methods when needed.
There currently exists an automated mining device, which we can use to
collect metals, and which could be re-tooled to collect other earth-based
resources. We could also use such a device to mine our landfills and reclaim
previously wasted resources. As for animal resources, we can farm some of
them. For the rest, perhaps we could allow our oceans time to replenish
themselves? See also: Transportation.
Our transportation systems consist of road, rail, water and air transportation
systems, which we currently use for the distribution of goods and co-
ordination of labor as well as pleasure travel.
The first element to be addressed in our transportation system is an energy
source for our vehicles. Usable designs already exist which will allow us to
convert all existing vehicles to run on water. In the United States today,
while there are 310 million people, there are almost 255 million registered
(running) road vehicles. That is at approximately 1 vehicle per person,
excluding children. Converting these vehicles to run on water would be
wiser than re-designing and building substitute vehicles.
In addition to converting our vehicles to a natural non-polluting energy, we
can easily automate our road transportation system using 5 existing
technologies: RFID chips, the automobile’s own computer components,
computer consoles, GPS navigation systems, and computer networking.
Automating our vehicles would also allow us to automate distribution and
to share vehicles for personal transportation among our community. As the
manufacture of vehicles is largely automated today, we could also convert
some of those technologies to allow automated diagnostics and repair of
Another element of a transportation system is our existing road system. In
the United States there are currently approximately 4 million miles of
existing roadway, about 1/3 of which are unpaved. We spend more each
year maintaining existing roadways than building new ones. In the short
term, developing roadways is not of concern. In the long term, we seek to
develop better road surfaces and automate the maintenance of our
Rail transportation is currently largely automated, as are our air
transportation systems. The parts that are not automated are for the most
part automatable, for instance, baggage check and steward/ess functions. In
a more free and decentralized society perhaps we could go back to trusting
each other more and eliminate so much security protocols, or automate that
as well.
Technology & Science
We currently have a lot of technological knowledge. One of the main
questions often raised about this project is: “If we eliminate money, what
will motivate people to continue making advances in science and
technology?” I believe that if we eliminate the burden of unnecessary labor
and the struggle to assure our survival in turn our creative urges will
actually increase, and we will develop more and better things than ever
before when we are cooperating rather than competing. When we share all
our knowledge with each other freely, rather than having to withhold it
because it is a “trade secret” or our livelihood depends on it, perhaps we
will be able to advance quite faster than ever before!
One of the most important elements to any civilization is the education of
its citizens. The goal of the Satoria Nation project is to develop better
educational systems that incorporate our current knowledge of how people
actually learn as well as teaching better life skills, such as communication,
logical and rational thinking, and how to learn. An additional goal is to
develop web-based teaching programs that are designed in a way that the
teaching program actually learns from the student and adapts itself to teach
each student in the way the student learns best. We can develop such a
system using existing survey technology, as well as mind-science
knowledge. Life-long educational resources on all current knowledge and
specialties would be available freely to anyone who wishes to use them.
Labor Co-Ordination
While the elimination of a monetary system and the installation of
automated systems will remove the great burden of labor from the mass
majority (see also Medical care), thereby freeing us to pursue our own
interests, many may still wish to work, or want others to help them in their
goals. Without money, how can such projects take place? That is where our
community communications come in to play. In such a society, any labor
must be done by volunteers. If it is not worthy of being volunteered for,
then it would not be worthy of being developed. We each have our own
interests and passions. In SatoriaNation, each would be given the option to
volunteer their talents in any way they would like to their society.
Medical Care
In our current society, when medicine is for profit it certainly doesn’t “pay”
to cure disease. There are many natural cures and alternative modalities that
are very effective. In addition, we can apply the latest science, the lessons
of quantum physics, as well as energetic healing techniques. As for
automation, many surgeries are already automated or computer assisted.
Automated health diagnostic systems exist as well. The goal of
SatoriaNation is to create systems which foster a healthy, vital society. One
of the leading causes of illness and disease is stress. Through our new
society, we will be removing many of the causes of stress. We will also
strive to create automation and seek natural cures to heal the rest. In such a
society, the main need of medical doctors would ultimately be emergency
care, which can also eventually be automated.
Legal System
In the United States currently there are over 1 million laws in the federal
code, 2 million in the tax code, and then each state and even cities have
their own laws. A goal of the Satoria Nation project is to create a new,
simplified code of law which everyone can understand without need of a
lawyer, and which creates the most personal freedom for all, while
providing for restrictions when that freedom infringes upon another’s same
While our new societal paradigm will eliminate many of the causes of
crime, if crime does occur our focus will be on education and treatment
rather than punishment, and incarceration as a last resort. In general, as long
as an activity is a ‘first-person’ event, or consensual between adults, that
behavior will be legalized. A government’s main function is to protect its
citizens from the ill-intent of others, not to be our mommy and daddy and
tell us what we can and can’t do in our personal lives. We must protect the
environment as well. An illegal action would be one that causes measurable
harm to another or to our community or environment, which harms all of
Property rights are an important concept to address here. When free-market
capitalism was first started, it was a way to provide inventors with a way to
keep ownership and profit of their inventions. This new society would
largely do away with capitalism, but would be providing every person in the
community with the resources to achieve their ideals. If you are living
freely, and able to take what you want from the community pool, what need
have you for profit?
As for personal property, each would be in control of their home and goods.
We would probably develop a vehicle sharing system, and make the use of a
vehicle freely available to any who need one. With the elimination of
money, there would be no need of a landlord/tenant relationship. The tenant
would become the new ‘owner’ of the home they occupy. People are
allowed to move, trade, or build freely, or as allowed by their local
communities. It is up to us all to build in harmony with one another.
Recycling Systems & Waste Management
As we will be eliminating much of the waste packaging from our
production of food and goods, we will not have nearly as much to recycle.
Each community would have two recycle systems; one for broken/unusable
goods, and one for re-usable goods. Perhaps we could also set up a system
to collect food waste to develop into compost material for our food
production facility.
Waste management involves two functions, the processing of waste water to
recycle and re-use water, and the pickup and placing of all other waste. In
our new systems, we seek to replace the current water processing methods
with other systems that do not load our water with toxic chemicals. The
pickup and disposition of waste goods will also be facilitated by our
automated transportation system and the recycling facilities.
This is a conceptual overview of all the societal systems. There is not a lot
of technical detail here, but all these ideas are based on existing knowledge
and technology which is already being used in bits and pieces throughout
our existing society. The idea is to gather all these bits and pieces and
assemble new, consistent and complete systems out of them.
If we all pulled together as a team, we can change our society for good!
Still a skeptic? Here’s a question: what do we have to lose by trying this? If
you could work on something like this, where the project has a short and
finite timeline, and at the end of it, you could retire for life, would it be
worth working hard for a few years?
You may be thinking, sure, it all sounds good, but HOW can we do such a
thing? Yes, it is a giant project. That’s why we need to eliminate money
prior to the building phase, and it will require a lot of teamwork. Would it
be worth it to live in such a society?
First understand that we don’t need the entire world to be on board at this
phase of the project. Right now we are looking for a design team to develop
the blueprints and technical specifications of each of the systems. At most
this design team will consist of less than 200 people. From the blueprints
and technical specs we will know how much labor is necessary to build the
new systems.
We will focus on recruiting the necessary labor in each community to build
the new systems. Some of the new systems, like the educational or legal
systems, are made to be built once, and distributed widely. Some have to be
physically built in each area. In every area there are more than enough
skilled people to build a factory, or a skyscraper. So we will recruit just the
labor to build the new systems. We will also recruit people to maintain the
necessary current systems during the building phase, such as food
production, energy production, communications networks, medical care and
so forth.
Once the factors are in place of the completed blueprints and technical
specifications, and the people who will build them have signed on, as well
as those who will keep things going during the building phase, then it will
be time to get the cooperation of the majority.
Envision a global door to door campaign. Imagine someone coming to your
door, showing you that we have everything necessary to build the new
systems, and asking you “If you agree with us, we would like your support.
The only thing we need you to do in order to support us is simply this: stop
using money. In fact, quit your job! Withdraw your support from the old
system. We have more than enough people to build the new, but if you want
to you can help in any other way you’d like. If you don’t want to physically
help that’s ok. Will you just agree to stop using money on X-Date? All we
want from you is to support us by withdrawing your support from the old
What would your answer be?
Here’s a breakdown of each of the 7 Implementation Phases.
Moving Forward Today!
Satoria Nation can be accomplished in 7 stages, through completely
volunteer labor.
Stage 1: Overall Conceptual Design.
This phase has produced the document you are reading, as well as other
materials you can find on Stages 1-4 may overlap
in some regards, and can be done simultaneously to conserve time.
Stage 2: Technical Design Phase
Recruiting and bringing a volunteer team of specialists in many fields
together to design the blueprints, technical, resource and labor
specifications. This team will consist of every one needed to design these
systems, including; project coordinators, engineers of all sorts, botanists,
biologists, doctors, educators, automation specialists, software engineers
and architects, the list goes on… If you have skills in developing any type
of system specs, please contact us today!
Stage 3: Recruiting Phase
Recruiting the labor needed both to build the new systems, and to remain in
current necessary jobs (such as food production, power generation,
communications, medicine, etc.) as volunteers during the building phase.
Recruiting a canvassing teams in each area.
Stage 4: Canvassing/Networking Phase
Spreading the word of this community effort and project to every citizen, in
every way possible including: internet, video, marketing, surveying, and
even door-to-door evangelizing. The goal of this task is to ask for a critical
mass to stand with us and withdraw their support from the old systems on a
specific date: which will be day one of Phase 5.
Stage 5: Standing Up & Resigning from our Current Society
Stage 5 will take place on a coordinated hour across the nation. We will
announce our intentions as a group. We will burn our money, our credit
cards, and our financial instruments. We will resign from our current jobs
(except for those who are volunteering to remain in their jobs to keep
necessary services and production going. We will have a day of celebration,
and then we will begin…
Stage 6: Building Phase
Volunteers in every area begin building the new systems. This phase will
last a maximum of 2 years to establish the main systems for living,
cooperation, transportation and education. Developing some additional
systems, such as medical automation or road maintenance systems may take
slightly longer.
Stage 7: Retirement!
Congratulations! Pat ourselves on the back! We have completely redesigned
our society. Now is the time to relax and start to enjoy the fruits of our
labors. Projects of all sorts will still be going on, but on a strictly personal
volunteer basis. Yay!
Sound good? Go to to sign up today!
The latest project news, as of 12/20/11

We have 8 people on the design team: 2 in overall conceptual design, 2 in

food systems design, and 2 in energy systems design. We are putting
together a list of all the experts needed to complete the design team.
We are putting together a team to produce a video documentary. Our first
Crew Call is December 10th. Check our website calendar for upcoming
What can you do today?
Volunteer on
Sign up for our newletter on
Download the PDF at
Email the PDF to your network and seed the new world!
Contact any other ‘change the world organization’ or charity and seed

Together, with love, we CAN change the world!

It is only a choice. It is the only choice ;-)
Appendix C: Suggested Study
~ Awakening to the Possibilities ~

“Celestine Prophecy” series by James Redfield

The Celestine Prophecy was one of the first metaphysical stories I ever
read. Its adventure story format and conversational quality leads to easy
absorption of the lessons. There are some great insights into synchronicity
as well as human behavior motivations. The 2nd and 3rd books in this
series deliver an even more exciting look at humanity's evolution and
potential for growth. On the path to accessing full creative control in our
lives, this epic saga offers us a glimpse of how the world will be when we
fully awaken our creative powers. In the final book, James Redfield utilizes
what he calls the "parable effect," and based on his own sources, explores
the similarities and differences that exist among the world religions,
revealing the essential messages contained within them that can energize
our experience of spirituality-- and produce a new wave of integrity and
reform that can transform our lives and our world.
“Conversations with God Volumes 1-3” by Neale Donald Walsh
This trilogy really opened my eyes, mind and heart to my inner potential
and that of all of us. Book 3 absolutely blew me away! It completely erased
my sense of 'impossibilities'.
“Communion with God” by Neale Donald Walsch
This is a well-written exposé of the illusions that keep us locked in fear, and
the truths that will set us free. I keep a list of the 10 illusions and corollary
truths in the notepad on my phone to remind myself.
“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrnes
How to use the ‘Law of Attraction’ in each major life area. Good book, and
the documentary was even better (FYI: I almost never say the movie's better
than the book!) Get all 3, the book, the video, and the audio. Each has some
different information to offer.
“Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah” by Richard Bach
This is a well written story, told in the Master/disciple tradition; it describes
very well how to ‘remember’ that you are in control of your reality at all
“Messiah's Handbook: Reminders for the Advanced Soul” by Richard
This is a handy little reference manual for Masters and disciples. It’s full of
koans and quick answers that will help remind you why you’re here.
“The Master Key System” by Charles Haanel
Here is a proven system of a half-hour daily practice ritual that gradually
increases in difficulty which will improve your self-mastery over your body
and mind in 28 weeks.
“Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement” by
Anthony Robbins
This is a great step-by-step guide to changing yourself with NLP techniques
and the power of belief. Be aware, as you know, I trust that whatever our
mind believes will affect our body, I disagree with this author’s section on
diet and exercise, it installs needless food phobias.
“The Magic of Believing” by Claude M. Bristol
Originally published over 20 years before Think and Grow Rich, this
manual for shifting your beliefs goes even further into the metaphysics of
reality transformation.
“The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way”
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
This is an inquiry into what makes the universe tick, and a very insightful
guide on creating powerful positive intentions to shape your reality.
~ Health ~

“Quantum Biology” by Professor Bill Nelson

Absolutely fascinating and written in an easy to read style, yet also
including the math and research describing how our current scientific
knowledge can be applied to health.
“Frogs Into Princes: Neuro-Linguistic Programming” and “Using Your
Brain for a Change” by Richard Bandler, co-inventor of NLP
These two books are great introductions to NLP, and show you how to
literally transform your life through understanding and taking control of
how your mind actually works.
“The Power of Alpha Thinking: Miracle of the Mind” by Jess Stearn
Great book on using the mind to heal, to be creative, and to help others.
Delves into awakening your extrasensory powers as well. Written by an
investigative reporter, it includes first-person experience as well as
interviews with others, and the content of a 4 day class on accessing and
using your alpha state.
“The Optimistic Child: A Proven Program to Safeguard Children Against
Depression and Build Lifelong Resilience” by Martin E. P. Seligman,
If you're raising or teaching children, this is a must-read! Learn to develop
your own optimism again!
~ Love ~

“The Bridge Across Forever: A True Love Story” by Richard Bach

This is an absolutely wonderful story illustrating true love, lucid dreaming,
and time travel as well as inter-dimensional communications possibilities.
“Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus: The Classic Guide to
Understanding the Opposite Sex” by John Gray, Ph.D.
A manual for greater understanding: of yourself, your own sex, and the
opposite gender. I always recommend this book to my relationship coaching
clients. Use it as a third-party to talk objectively with each other. Remember
that whenever what you said or did is being misunderstood, it helps to know
why and how we speak different languages. I recommend combining this
with The 5 Love Languages.
“The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary
This book defines what love is, both the chemical reaction of ‘being in
love’ and love as a choice. The author points out that each person has their
own individual ‘love language’ and speaks their own ‘dialects’ in that
language. The author debunks the myth that ‘if s/he loved me, s/he would
just do that automatically’, and shows us how we can consciously choose to
show our love to another in the way(s) that are most meaningful to him or
~ Wealth ~

“The 4 Hour Work Week: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New
Rich” by Timothy Ferriss
A wonderful and easy read that will help you shift your ideas of what
wealth actually is, and what it takes to have it in your life. This book is
power-packed with tips, tricks and resources.
“The 12 Amazing Secrets of Millionaire Inventors” by Harvey Reese
If you're always coming up with amazing new or improved product ideas,
here's a very concise and conclusive guide to getting them to market,
including patenting procedures and licensing agreements.
“Think & Grow Rich: The Secret to Wealth” by Napoleon Hill
This book includes quite a few useful tools for shifting your beliefs and
self-mastery. I use his 6 items every day.
“Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids about Money –
That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!” by Robert Kiyosaki
While much of this book is structured around successfully beating ‘the
game’ by getting out of the ‘rat race’ and becoming wealthy, this book
contains some useful tidbits to help you change your perceptions, especially
the parts about the different types of learning and intelligence.
~ Expand Your Imagination ~

“Assignment in Eternity”, “Stranger in a Strange Land”, “Number of the

Beast” and “Revolt in 2100” by Robert Anson Heinlein
R. A. Heinlein is my all-time favorite Sci-Fi author! His stories Lost
Legacy, Gulf, and Elsewhen (included in Assignment in Eternity), as well
as Stranger in a Strange Land, all address the ideas of what it means to be
human and our untapped human potential; while Number of the Beast
focuses on probabilities, the multi-verse and ‘world-as-myth’ theories. Also
brilliantly covered are polyamoury and natural repercussions of the removal
of the nudity taboo. Revolt in 2100 is a paradigm shift from dogmatic
religious fanaticism to a utopian society where the attainable goal is true
freedom for all.
Some of my other favorite authors include:
Isaac Asimov
Theodore Sturgeon
Robert Jordan (his Wheel of Time series is the most masterful exhibit of
world building I’ve ever read!)
Spider Robinson
And short stories:
“Making Light” by James P. Hogan
“The Egg” by Andy Weir
~ Video ~

“The Secret (Extended Edition)”

Documentary: Rhonda Byrne, Paul Harrington, Rev. Dr. Michael
Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, and more.
Each person on this documentary adds their own unique take on using the
Law of Attraction. The cast includes some household names and well-
known authors, several gurus, even a quantum physicist or two! This is one
the best-produced films I’ve ever seen, it is elegantly put together and it
gets its message across in a way that is understandable for beginners and re-
affirming for experts.
“The Living Matrix: Film on the New Science of Healing”
Documentary: Greg Becker, Harry Massey, Lynne McTaggart, Bruce
This is a great film on the latest science of how our bodies actually
function. I’ll give you a clue… it’s all based on information. Unlock your
healing power!
“What the Bleep!? - Down the Rabbit Hole”
Documentary: Marlee Matlin, Elaine Hendrix, John Ross Bowie,
Robert Bailey Jr. (DVD)
This is an all-out effort to teach the subjects of; self-mastery, how your
body works, quantum physics, and the power of our perceptions and
intentions to actually affect matter.
“The Shadow Effect, Interactive Edition”
Documentary: Debbie Ford, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson,
Mark Victor Hansen, James Van Praagh and others.
To leave the viewer inspired and compelled to take an evolutionary leap,
Ford has integrated some of her most successful and proven processes into
a cutting-edge Special Interactive Edition of The Shadow Effect.
Throughout the movie, Ford guides the viewer through eight exercises
designed to reveal the shadow effect in their own lives and presents them
with opportunities to transcend personal limitations.
“Positive Drug Story” – Bill Hicks (on YouTube)
~ Life and After-Life ~

“What Dreams May Come” by Richard Matheson

I recommend the book, NOT the movie. The book has a carefully thought
out plot, dealing with the nature of dreams and the afterlife. The movie was
really pretty but the plot was totally rearranged and the outcome or
conclusion was different from the book.
“Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth” by R. Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983) was an architect, engineer, geometrician,
cartographer, philosopher, futurist, inventor of the famous geodesic dome,
and one of the most brilliant thinkers of his time. For more than five
decades, he set forth his comprehensive perspective on the world’s
problems in numerous essays, which offer an illuminating insight into the
intellectual universe of this renaissance man. These texts remain
surprisingly topical even today, decades after their initial publication. In
creating the Satoria Nation project I am strongly influenced by ‘Bucky’.
“Tesla: Man Out of Time” by Margaret Cheney
Tesla not only discovered the rotating magnetic field -- the basis of most
alternating-current machinery -- but also introduced us to the fundamentals
of robotics, computers, and missile science. He envisioned a world-wide
telecommunications network and a device such as the smart phone over 110
years ago. He also invented a way to harness the earth’s power directly, as
well as a way to transmit power wirelessly. We utilize his concepts in
creating Satoria Nation.
“Mental Telegraphy: A Manuscript with a History” by Mark Twain
Tomorrow: Quarterly Review of Psychical Research. (Vol. 10, No. 2,
Spring 1962)
I haven’t actually read this yet; I just found it after searching for it for a
long time due to a reference to the manuscript made in Robert Heinlein’s
Lost Legacy.
“Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East” by Baird T. Spalding
A 5 book series documenting the journey of 11 scientists during a three and
a half year sojourn among the masters of the far east, who shared their
secrets of mind over matter and demonstrated their amazing abilities. I’ve
found some accounts on the internet which state that Baird never made such
a journey. Regardless of the veracity of his account, these are an amazing
mind opening series of books.
I love reading Science Fiction and about the latest advances in science, as
well as about inventors who perhaps never realized their visions in their
lifetime, but whose ideas are now a reality. I recently learned that Robert
Heinlein invented the waterbed (not formally, but when someone applied
for a patent they found they couldn’t get it because Heinlein had already
described the art so well in his “Stranger in a Strange Land”). Tesla
envisioned exactly a device and its capabilities, and only in the last 5 years
we have completely developed it. It is what we call a “smart phone”.
All that exists started first in someone’s dream of the possibilities. Keep
learning and expanding your imagination!
The list of materials included here is limited, and I keep adding new items,
so check my recommended reading list for more!
Appendix D: Super-Hero Quest Game
The Super-Hero Quest Game is a concept developed by my friend Jonathan
(Joth) Livingston Andrews, and I describe it here with his permission.
The idea is to treat yourself as a character and your actual life and
experience as a role-playing game, and play through it, “Leveling Up” your
character as you “Gain Points” in various “Skills”. The fun is, you define
the Skills and what actions constitute earning a “Point” of experience to
Level Up in each of your Skills and Attributes!
Create a character sheet that lists the following information: (use your
real name, and current facts about yourself, i.e. if you dye your hair list the
color you have at the moment, if you wear colored contacts, list the color
choices you have, etc.)
· Character
· Name
· Date of Birth
· Age
· Height
· Weight
· Hair Color
· Eye Color
· Ethnicity
· Body Type
· Identifying Marks (distinctive moles, tattoos, piercings, scars, etc.)
· Income
· Education
Mark your attributes on a scale as follows:
+ Average
++ Above Average
+++ High
++++ Superb
+++++ Super Power
Be honest about how much of each these attributes you currently possess.
As you level up you will be increasing them based upon how your Skills
fuel each attribute.
· Strength
· Dexterity
· Constitution
· Wisdom
· Intelligence
· Charisma
· Integrity
If desired, you can add other attributes as well.
List your Assets and your Gear.
Assets are possessions of value, such as houses, cars, bank or investment
accounts, valuable collections, furniture, etc.
Gear is your portable possessions, especially as they facilitate your game or
using your skills.
Here’s an example of my Gear list.
· Laptop and Case
· Cell Phone
· Tent
· Solar Shower
· Camp Stove
· Camp Light
· Luggage
· Make-up
· Costumes
· Fire Staff
· Standard Toolkit (screwdrivers, hammer, etc)
· Electronic Cigarette
· Stationary (business cards)
· Eyeglasses/Contact Lenses
· Purse
List your Skills, starting with your Magic. (Magic is optional, and is for
people who are interested in developing ‘Psi’ or ‘paranormal’ abilities).
You can include here not only powers that you currently have, but also any
that you are interested in developing.
Here’s an example of my Magic List.
· Clairvoyance (seeing what is currently happening at a distance)
· Empathy
· Find (the ability to find lost objects)
· Mis- or Re-Direction
· Teleportation
· Precognition (to know part or all of some event in the future)
· Protection (of others or self)
· Healing (of others or self)
· Confusion (to confuse someone intentionally)
· Charm
· Invisibility (to be unseen by everyone or a specific person)
· Telepathy (Outgoing)
· Telepathy (Incoming)
· Summon (manifesting objects instantaneously)
· Illusion (project a visual image)
· Telekinesis (moving objects at a distance)
· Invictus (to be unharmed by potential injury-causing circumstances)
· Answer (to be able to answer any question)
· Read Energy (to understand others true character, intent, etc.)
· Tarot (use tarot cards as a visual aid to other magic)
· Manifest
· Device Control (a form of Telekinesis applying specifically to
electronic devices)
List all other Skills that you currently have or are interested in
developing. You can also list sub-sets of skills that add to a main skill.
Some Skills may also be sub-sets of other skills.
Here’s an example of my Skill List
· Travel (sub: Driving, Map Reading)
· Survival (sub: Camping, Gardening, Cooking, First Aid)
· Shopping (sub: Find Bargains, Good Taste, Sense of Style)
· Acting (sub: Cold Reading, Take Direction)
· Public Speaking
· Singing (sub: Harmonizing)
· Debate
· Humor
· Patience (sub: Empathy (also in Magic)
· Child Rearing (sub: Patience, Teaching)
· Teaching
· Business (sub: Planning, Advertising, Graphic Design, Website
Design, Writing, Public Speaking, Law, Technology)
· Creativity (sub: Inventing, Interior Design, Writing, Directing,
Production, Video Editing, Photography, Drawing, Carpentry, Fashion
or Costume/Clothing Design)
· Logic (sub: Situation Control, Survival, Debate, Learning)
· Technology
· Philosophy (sub: Symbol Recognition, Debate)
· Psychology (sub: Communication, Empathy)
· Reading Comprehension
· Math

For Magic and other Skills there are 5 Levels of Ability for each skill. Each
instance of exercising or using that particular skill gives you one point.
When you have gained 100 points in a specific skill, you level up one level.
Thinking back on your level of experience to date in each of the skills, if
you have used that skill successfully at least 100 times, go ahead and mark
yourself as level one. For each additional 100 times you have successfully
used a skill, mark an additional level. If you have successfully used the skill
only a few times in the past, then mark your first set of hash marks for the
number of times you have used it.
Something that you have done 113 times in the past would look like this:
■ ‫׀׀׀ ׀׀׀׀ ׀׀׀׀‬
Write your hash marks in pencil, so you can erase and start over each time
you Level Up.
Next to each Skill, list it’s Uses/Advantages. This may be a practical
usage as well as showing how increasing this skill aids in Leveling Up your
Attributes and/or other Skills.
For example, next to my Writing skill (a sub-set of Creativity) I list
Communication, Teaching, + to Intelligence, + to Wisdom, + to Charisma)
Now every time I write, depending on the type of writing I am doing, I will
remember to add my hash marks to those other Skills and Attributes.
List any Languages you speak or want to learn. Languages can be any
specialized subset of communication.
Here’s an example of my Languages List:
· American English
· Insurance
· Law
· Technology
· Persuasion (NLP, Sales, Public Speaking dialects)
· Body Language
· Tonality
· Micro-Expressions
· Spanish
· Italian
· Latin
· Romanian
Now you have completely defined your character, both in the current sense
and your future desires.
The final step is to list your Quests, both Minor, Major, and Epic (or Life-
Long). Minor Quests may or may not serve the fulfillment of Major Quests,
and Major Quests may or may not serve the fulfillment of Epic Quests.
Each Quest may also have sub-Quests
Here’s an example of my Quests:
Minor Quests
· Develop my Naked Life Coaching business
· Learn Aikido
· Develop some new Painting and Drawing styles
· Learn Tango
Major Quests
· Write and Publish my books
o Living the Naked Life
o Use It Wisely! Series
§ Time Management
§ The Love Diet
§ Settings
§ Sexual Communication
§ Sex Ed
§ Child-Raising
· Master Manifestation
· Learn about and Synthesize World Religions
· Find or Develop SpeedTalk
Epic/Life Long Quests
· Travel the World
· Create Satoria Nation
Add Quests whenever you develop a new Goal. Assign the quest to a
category as you feel it fits. Sometimes Major or Epic Quests will suggest
Minor Quests to add, or vice versa.
On the journey of fulfilling your quests, treat life somewhat like a Zelda
game. Talk to each ‘villager’ you find, and as you develop more
knowledge, or if you promise to help someone, add those tasks to your
quest list.
Have fun with this. Develop some character moves to signify your Level
Up for instance. Ask your friends to join you in the Game.
“Super Hero Quest Game”
– Developed by Jonathan Livingston Andrews, described here with
permission. Any errors are mine.
Thank You
for Reading
Living the Naked Life
10 Ways to Expose Your Unlimited
Creation Abilities
In addition to this book, I’m creating a series called Use It Wisely! Each
book in the Use it Wisely! series explains how to apply the principles of
Living the Naked Life to specific areas of your life.

Now Available:
Use It Wisely! Volume 1
Time Management
7 Steps for a Creative Mind

Coming Soon….
Use It Wisely! Volume 2
The True Love Diet Do-It
How You Can Create the Body You Want
About The Author
Nadine Sabulsky is The Naked Life Coach™ for Individuals, Couples,
Families, Polyamoury Bonds, Businesses and Groups.
A student of metaphysics since 1985, she has studied Energy, Faith,
Quantum Physics, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and the Law of
Attraction. As a Naked Life Coach she helps her clients change their
patterns to create the reality they want to enjoy in their lives. She offers
coaching in person in the Greater Phoenix Metro Area, as well as
worldwide through video conferencing, phone, instant messaging & email.
As a writer, she is the Phoenix Metaphysics Columnist for,
as well as the author of Living the Naked Life: 10 Ways to Expose Your
Unlimited Creation Abilities, as well as a series of companion volumes
titled Use It Wisely!
She is the developer of the conceptual basis for Satoria Nation, a rationally
comprehensive plan to create a new societal paradigm through eliminating
money and using 21st century knowledge and technology to create a logical
and sustainable utopia, including the redesign of educational, medical and
legal systems, and fully automating the production and delivery of food and
She has been an entrepreneur since 1989, building a variety of businesses
including jewelry design, cleaning, graphic design, entertainment, party
planning, electronic cigarettes, financial services, software design and
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Show your support! Find and “Like” our fan pages on Facebook™:
· Nadine Sabulsky – The Naked Life Coach
· Living The Naked Life: 10 Ways to Expose Your Unlimited
Creation Abilities
· Satoria Nation
· Use It Wisely! Volume I: Time Management, 7 Steps for a
Creative Mind
[i] A summary of 25 studies with links to each can be found here:
[ii] Rosenthal, Robert; Jacobson, Lenore (1992). Pygmalion in the classroom (Expanded ed.). New
York: Irvington
[iii] For a list of published studies on the Maharishi Effect visit:

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