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I. The 1987 Constitution Article: XIV – Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture
and Sports

In article XIV, which deals with education, science and technology, arts, culture, and sports, it is
stated that the state shall provide free public elementary and secondary education, as well as
scholarships, student loan programs, subsidies, and other incentives to meritorious and
disadvantaged students. It is also required to include the study of the Constitution in school
curricula in order to instill values of patriotism and nationalism, foster love for humanity, promote
respect for human rights and appreciation of the role of national heroes in the country's historical
development, teach citizenship rights and responsibilities, and encourage critical and creative
thinking in young minds of the students.

Moreover, the State should also give priority to research and development and innovation and
protect the rights of scientists, inventors, artists and other gifted citizens to their intellectual
property rights and the State should promote physical education and sports programs in order to
instill self-discipline and foster teamwork and excellence for the development of a healthy and
alert citizenry.

Every Filipino person has the right to be educated and to get the free education that they are
entitled to under the 1987 Constitution. The constitution also promotes Philippine values and
culture by imparting in every student the importance of learning to appreciate what the country
has to offer. In addition, the constitution protects the rights of all Filipino instructors. This is to
ensure that teachers' privileges are protected and strengthened.

II. Republic Act No. 4670: The Magna Carta for Public School Teacher

There are policies that should be followed in every profession. Republic Act 4670 establishes a
professional teacher's qualification to teach in accordance with certain criteria and norms. It's
not just that teachers know how to teach; there are particular requirements for being a teacher
and being referred to as a professional educator. Because of the government's promotion of
quality education, there are also suitable instructional methods that should be followed. The
administration is also responsible for understanding the laws that govern their jobs. Otherwise,
they have enabled themselves to enjoy the privileges to which they are entitled. This is for the
teachers' and school's organization in carrying out their duties.

III. Batas Pambansang Blg. 232: An Act Providing for the Establishment and Maintenance of
an Integrated of Education

Education is such an important aspect of national development that it would not be possible to
make progress unless education is visible. Parents, students, school officials, and especially the
school are all part of our educational community. These members of the educational community
should meet to discuss pertinent topics, offer support, and aid the school in promoting their
shared interests. As a member of educational community, they have the rights that they should
know as their privilege of being associated with education. Being conscious of their
responsibilities and obligations will go a long way toward assisting them in acting as a positive
agent of social, economic, moral, intellectual, cultural, and political change in the context of
national policy.

IV. Republic Act No. 9155: An Act Instituting a Framework of Governance for Basic
Education, Establishing Authority and Accountability, Renaming the Department of
Education, Culture and Sport as the Department of Education and for other Purposes.
V. Organizational Structure of the Department of Education Field Offices
VI. Excerpts from the Family Code of the Philippines
VII. Excerpts from Republic Act No. 7610: Special Protection of Children against Child Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination Act
VIII. Excerpts from Republic Act No. 7877: An Act Declaring Sexual Harassment Unlawful in
the Employment, Education or Training Environment, and for Other Purposes
IX. Excerpts from Republic Act No. 8980: An Act Promulgating a Comprehensive Policy and
a National System for Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD), Providing Funds
therefor and for Other Purposes
X. Republic Act No. 10157: An act institutionalizing the Kindergarten Education into the
basic Educational System and Appropriate Funds therefor
XII. First Call for Children: Convention on the Right of the Child

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