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Possible Research Questions:

1. How did you come up with the study?

- We came up with the study through identifying the most common problem in our
community which is waste management and we also identified what are the wastes
that we can use to help the environment and at the same time help our community and
economy regarding some of the issues during this pandemic.
2. What is the purpose of the study?
- The purpose of our study is to greatly help the environment by reducing wastes and
minimize the usage of trees in papermaking, at the same time help the economy and
give ideas to the paper factories about the alternatives that can also solve the issues of
paper demand during this pandemic.
3. Why did you only focus on banana peels and fallen leaves in your study?
- We only focused on banana peels and fallen leaves because these are the wastes that
is common in our community and also has the potential to be used as a constituent in
making recycled products.
4. Who are the respondents of the study?
- The respondents of our study are high school students specifically in barangay
Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan.
5. Who will benefit from the study?
- The people that will benefit from our study are students and teachers and future
researchers but it will also benefit our environment and our economy at the same
6. Specifically, what are the benefits to them?
- The benefits of our study to students and teachers is that they can use the recycled
paper and also make their own recycled paper with banana peels and fallen leaves,
our study can also benefit the environment and economy by giving the papermaking
factories alternatives in producing papers to reduce the usage of trees used in
papermaking, this study will also benefit future researchers to give them ideas and a
base for making another type of research about papermaking and papers.
7. What is the sampling technique used?
- The sampling technique used in our study are non-probability sampling and
probability sampling.
8. What is your research design?
- The research design of our study is experimental research design and scientific
approach which is used to trace cause and effect relationship between variables and to
test a hypothesis in a logical and systematic way by requiring object evidences.
9. What will be used as an instrument for data collection?
- The instrument that we will use for data collection are observation guide, face to face
interview and likert scale.
10. How are you going to conduct the study? /what process will you use to make recycled
- The process that we are going to use in making recycled paper is by drying the
banana peels until its color turns black and cutting it into bits, as for the fallen leaves
it is good to be used as a component if it is dry, after all of that we are going to blend
these two materials with the used paper until it turns into a mush and pouring it into
the container where we are going to let it dry and make it thin just like the normal
11. What are the statistical treatments that are used? And why?
- The statistical treatments that were used in our study are likert scales, average
weighted mean, percentage frequency distribution and ANOVA Test. Likert scales to
quantify the data, average weighted mean to get overall answers of the respondents,
percentage frequency distribution to identify what percent of the respondents selected
specific answers and ANOVA Test to identify the differences between groups.
12. What are the variables of your study?
- Banana Peels and Fallen Leaves are the dependent variable while the recycled paper
is the independent variable.

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