Summary of Learning: I. The Teacher in The Classroom and Community

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In studying the topics in module two, I acquired so much information that can be
beneficial in my future career as a teacher. To come up with this summary of content
and learning I used my initiative to message the library of Davao Oriental State
University to have a copy of the Teaching Profession book by the different authors
such as Bilbao et al. (2015), Lim (2014), and Pawilin (2014). But some of my
sources in the summary of content is taken from the book of Bilbao et al. (2015). I
also collaborated with my group meets and do intensive readings and research with
them for us to have a clear comprehension of each topic. Then, we conduct an
interview with our elementary and high school teachers so that we can gain concrete
learning about the topics.

The Module II consists the following topics: The Teacher In The Classroom
and Community; Teacher as A Classroom Manager; The National Competency-
Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS); Teacher In School And Community; Linkages
And Networking With Organizations On Becoming A Global Teacher; Education
Systems Of Selected Countries Of The World; Multicultural Diversity: A Challenge
To Global Teacher; Broadening Teaching Perspectives: Teacher Exchange
Program; And Bringing The World Into The Classroom Through Educational

I. The Teacher in The Classroom and Community

This topic enlightened me that teachers is very essential both classroom and
community. Teachers plays an essential role in education, most especially in the
lives of the students they teach in the classroom. What defines a teacher is his/her
ability to teach students and a positive influence on them. Generally, the role of a
teacher in education goes beyond teaching. In today’s world, teaching has different
faces, and a teacher has to carry out the part of being an external parent, counselor,
mentor, role model, and so on.

As I dig deeper, I found out that there are three primary roles of teachers in the
classroom and it includes sharing knowledge, role modeling, and an external parent.
We all know that the primary duty of a teacher is to impart knowledge, and that
comes from teaching. Teaching usually entails following a specific curriculum and
ensuring that the students understand what is being taught. Teachers is also a role
model, although teachers do not see themselves as one, the truth is they actually
are. The amount of time students spent with teachers each day or week makes it
possible for them to have a certain level of influence on the students. It is now down
to the teacher to make this influence positive or negative. According to the
curriculum Being a teacher goes beyond just teaching, it is about grooming in the
child. Teachers don’t only impart knowledge, but they also help with character
building as well. Teachers is known for being our second parents, the role of a
teacher transcends following a specific lesson plan and work schedule. Because
both students and teachers spend as much time together, the teacher inadvertently
becomes an external parent. Teachers can be a mentor to help set the child on the
right path. In this role, the teacher can encourage the student to be the best they can
be, and also be a source of inspiration and advice to the students.
Moreover, it was also indicated in my summary of content that teacher has two
communities the teaching community and community outside the school and in
order to function well in the classroom and in the community, the teacher must be
equipped with competencies (knowledge, skills, and attitudes). These competencies
are the skills and knowledge that enable a teacher to be successful. Therefore, to
maximize student learning, teachers must have expertise in a wide-ranging array of
competencies in an especially complex environment where hundreds of critical
decisions are required each day.
II. Teacher as A Classroom Manager

To start with, let us first define what is “manager”, according to Oxford Dictionary
“manager” is as a person responsible for controlling or administering an organization
or group of staff. According to Henri Fayol, a French management theorist,
managers must be able to do planning, organizing, leading, coordinating, and
controlling. Therefore, manager is the one who is responsible for overseeing and
leading the work of a group of people in many instances. The manager is also
responsible for planning and maintaining work systems, procedures, and policies
that enable and encourage the optimum performance of its people and other
resources within a business, institutions, and etc.

Now, why teacher is being called classroom manager? Simple, because teacher is
the facilitator of students learning. Teacher utilized a wide variety of skills and
techniques that use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task,
and academically productive during a class. That is why teachers play various roles
in a classroom, but surely one of the most important is that of classroom manager.
Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom. If
students are disorderly and disrespectful, and no apparent rules and procedures
guide behavior, chaos becomes the norm. In these situations, both teachers and
students suffer. Teachers struggle to teach, and students most likely learn much
less than they should. In contrast, well-managed classrooms provide an
environment in which teaching and learning can flourish. But a well-managed
classroom doesn't just appear out of nowhere. It takes a good deal of effort to create
and the person who is most responsible for creating it is the teacher.

To acquire more knowledge in this topic, I interviewed my former teacher in

elementary. I asked him about his techniques and methods on how he managed his
classroom and he eventually respond to my question. According to him “Classroom
management is one of the most important area of concerns in the teaching-learning
process in which the teacher should be fully aware of being the facilitator of
instruction. In order to attain the expected outcome based on the standards and
norms of classroom management, it's my practice being a learner-centered one
wherein positive discipline is being observed at all times. Having a good classroom
management practice is a key leading to learners' maximum learning. In view of this,
learners are motivated to comply the assigned learning tasks on time, it also fosters
harmonious relationship between and among the learners guided with the virtue of
acceptance and sense of belongingness. Every learner could express freely their
ideas, thoughts and feelings by providing them an opportunity to be engaged in
different activities thereby helping them to utilize their potentials and interests toward
a holistic learning and strong personality development”.
I couldn’t agree more, the answer of my former teacher is a supplementary learning
on how I can manage my own classroom when I’m already in the field of teaching.
But in my case, to have a well-managed classroom I need to have my classroom
routine where I can start my day or class period and the transitions between
activities for passing out materials, and group work. In my journey as a student, I
can say that classroom management is crucial for every teacher to have in a
successful learning environment. I believe that students need to be controlled and
disciplined; students at this age need to be guided in the right path. They are
capable of self-discipline but need to be shown what the rules of the classroom are
and what is the expectation of the teacher. I believe that students are basically good
but that the environment around them influences them tremendously. If they
maintain busy with instruction then they will not have time to be disruptive and they
need to be guided to behave appropriately. Students should feel that they are in a
safe, nurturing and supporting environment where they can learn. I also need to
have a connection with my students to build rapport in the classroom and
foster student engagement in the learning process. Then, I need to establish
classroom rules to gain foundation for a functional and successful classroom in any
setting. In addition, I will set consequences because the students need to learn an
alternative behavior to replace the one that’s disrupting the classroom routines. If
their go-to behavior for coping with a disagreement is fighting, teach them calming
techniques and help them learn discussion and problem-solving skills. In this way, I
can ensure that I can manage my classroom someday and I know that in the
process of learning the teaching profession my ideas in having a well-managed
classroom will be upgraded.

III.The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS)

The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) is an integrated

theoretical framework that defines the different dimensions of effective teaching, where
effective teaching means being able to help all types of students learn the different
learning goals in the curriculum. The NCBTS framework consists of 7 domains, 21
strands, and 80 performance indicators. To understand more about this topic, I
searched for more information through compiling teachers’ reflections and
experiences in the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards.

According to Mrs. Pedrita Rañoa Jordan an elementary teacher, in order to

continuously assess their competencies to effectively respond to the demands and
call of their profession, the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
(NCBTS) is very useful because it is their assessment tool that evaluates the
performance of every teachers in a school year. Each competency indicators help
them determine their strengths and weaknesses and for them to be aware of their
needs and it is an opportunity to grow professionally. The use of those performance
appraisals gives them an ample time to look back the outstanding performance. Mrs.
Jordan achieved within the school year which measures her commitment and
dedication to the service. The NCBTS is her guiding light towards a worthwhile

On the other side, Mrs. Judaline D. Monte a high school teacher, also stated that
NCBTS is a helpful tool to all teachers who desire to become effective facilitators of
student learning. Through NCBTS, teachers can reflect on their current teaching
practices or create new teaching practices. It serves as a common language to
discuss teaching practices with other teachers. Further, NCBTS is a guidepost for
planning and developing personal and professional goals. She also shares that back
on her teaching days, there was no NCBTS. She relies on what she learned in her
pre-service teacher education curricula. The teaching experiences also contributed
to her analysis of strengths and weaknesses as a teacher. She did readings and
attended seminars to learn new approaches in teaching to be effective. The good
thing is Teacher Education Institutions (TEI), PRC, organizations and agencies that
implement in-service (INSET) education for teachers refer their interventions in
developing their interventions. Award giving bodies refer NCBTS in defining their
criteria for outstanding teacher. The Department of Education uses NCBTS in
formulating its hiring, promoting, supervising and other policies related to the
teaching profession and in conducting INSET for teachers. On her part as a school
head, she influenced NCBTS for their professional development activities. She uses
NCBTS in providing instructional supervision for the teachers so that they can work
to help different types of learners learn better.

Mrs. Eldenne Rae German a high school teacher, also share her thoughts about the
NCBT. Mrs. German believes that teachers are the catalysts for change. Teachers
are equipped with competencies, skills, and discipline. The learners are their
responsibility and they are obliged to provide them with the best of education. The
seven domains of National Competency Based Teacher Standards remind her not
just to teach, but apparently to educate. She says that teachers should be a role
model. That’s the underlying theme of the first domain which is social regard for
learning. Children are great imitators, so give them something great to imitate.
Teachers are the most influential people to the eyes of the pupils so they must act
as positive role models, as worthy of emulation. As teachers, it is their prime duty to
make conducive, non- threatening and connective (connects with learners and
teachers) environment. They must understand that learners have different levels of
intelligence. Teachers should provide them learning activities that shoulders all
those learning styles. They should always consider intelligible ideas provide realistic
assessment and reciprocate to the needs of the learners. They have to integrate
assessment procedures on the plan and implementation of teaching- learning
activities. Teacher must also maintain good relation with the community. Community
linkages play a vital component in the relationship of school and community. As
teachers, especially assigned in hinterland areas, the help of the community is really
indispensable. We can’t deny that through the effort of school and community, the
learners will be able to realize the value of learning, of education. And lastly, as
model teachers, they should engage themselves in various training and seminars to
equip them more with the causes and issues regarding education.

As a future educator, the reflections and experiences of the three teachers gives me
realization that presenting yourself in front of the class and having a good aura is
one thing. But presenting yourself carrying a deeper meaning of education is
another thing. It is always wise to have a support system- a back bone- which could
serve as a guide for us to walk on a right pathway.

The NCBTS became their assessment tool to evaluate their performances and for
them to know what are their strength and weakness, so that they can come up with
an idea on how they can improve their selves to be a better educator. NCBTS
inspires many teachers not just to teach, but apparently to educate in a way that the
domains are being applied.
In my case, I will make use of NCBTS as my guide for me to be effective in
delivering my lessons and my benchmark in planning, creating and putting into
actions activities and strategies that promotes equality among my diverse learners. It
will also my checklist of the things I need to do for me to develop and grow as a
teacher. It will remind me of my duties and responsibilities as a future educator and
my improvement/ development meter as I venture the world of teaching.

Furthermore, using and knowing the NCBTS as a basis for our higher order
intellectual quality task we future teachers are not only making our students to be
aware of societal problems but also developing the values of becoming concern for
the greater good of the community. NCBTS will help me to be an effective and
efficient teacher. These will help me to teach how to learn, problem solve, and
synthesize the old with the new. These will serve as my guide and my basis.

IV. School and Community Relations

This topic taught me that school and community should have a good relationship
and partnership so that they can work each other to meet their mutual goals. School
can provide more support for students, families and staff when they are an integral
part of the community. Good relationship and partnership in school and community
can interconnect many resources and strategies to enhance community that support
the youth and their families. They could improve schools, strengthen neighborhoods
and lead to noticeable reduction in young people’s problems.

I also realized that community would help also with the learners not only with the
parents and the teachers. We should help hand in hand to have a conducive
environment for the learners to learn effectively. Students feel excited seeing those
parents, teachers and those private companies who help taking care of the school.
Especially when the school has an activity that involves parents such as Brigada
Eskwela, Nutrition Month and other programs. Having a strong relationship of the
Teacher, parents and the community will establish teamwork in improving the
learning environment.

As a future teacher, I should be knowledgeable enough to know what is best for my

future students as well as participate in community projects and maintain
harmonious relationship towards the learners’ parents and the community I serve. I
will ensure that the School and its community, in collaboration with public and
private institutions and organizations, will create an impact on the lives of the
students and members of the community. As the saying goes, “we cannot live for
ourselves alone." Yes, it is really true we need our school and of course our
community to survive life. It serves as our laboratories in facing our future. It is our
guide and in the same times our steps to build a life in the near future.

V. Linkages and Networking with Organizations

As Herman Melville wrote: “We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are
connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our
actions run as causes and return to us as results.” This quote reminds us that we
are connected by the things that according to our needs, interests, and objectives. I
learned that we cannot live alone. We, sometimes, feel like we can do everything
alone, but asking for help is actually not bad. We are independent in our own ways
and choices, but it feels great if we have someone whom we can turn to in times of
trouble and happiness. We need connections. And these connections that bond us
give each other’s assistance and support that made us productive.

In this lesson I found out that there are various linkages and networking with
organization such as: International Linkages and it has Pi Lambda Theta,
INNOTECH, World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (WCCI), and Association
for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). Also, we have the National
and Local Linkages and it composed of various institutions such as Networking with
Professional Organizations, Foundations, Government Offices and Media.
Establishing these linkages help the schools to be able to stand and give their full
service and the different organization make education reachable to everyone.

I now realized that without this linkages and networking with organization our life
seems nothing, especially in our studies. This linkage is a big help to us. It is our
advantages. Also, it wills a great help to some foundation. As a future teacher , I
learned that a teacher should not just knowledgeable but also know how to be inhuman.
Establishing a good relationship with the community members around the school where
he/she belongs make a ground for effective strategies to enhance the communities that
support their community members including the school. As a future teacher, I should be
more competent and skillful in order to be more productive and more innovative so that I
can follow the ever-changing world. Collaborating with the other teachers and
organizations to share each idea will also be a great help for me because it will addend
my knowledge of new ideas and practices that will help me to become more effective in
VI. On Becoming A Global Teacher
This topic is all about Global teachers who think both locally and globally. They are
competent, armed enough with different skills, aware of modern technologies, having
universal values and have wide range of perspectives. Millions of global teachers are
needed now in the spread of global education. Sharing the knowledge and teaching
techniques are not limited to be use inside the country because we can also teach the
world with what we know. Teachers with global preparedness can be qualified to teach
anywhere in the world or teach his/her students the difference between our curriculum
and in other countries.

Teaching is considered as the noblest profession and it was acclaimed around the
world. The linkages and networking of teachers become their bridge or medium of
access and exchange of communication and ideas towards the massive and huge
development of the world. Global teachers strongly believed that education is the key
for the progress of the world. They were oriented for research based and action
research in able supply the demands and needs of the society. Furthermore, global
teachers are developed holistically just to adjust and cope up to the changing modes of

This chapter becomes my overview guide towards my journey in the teaching

profession. It really educates me on how to act and to become a globally competitive
teacher someday. As a global teacher’s, I am obliged to care about education as a
whole, as well as the school and the classroom.  I just want to iterate that if I only looks
at sharing and learning globally, but cannot connect with those in their classroom or
school, I would not consider myself as a “global teacher”.  Being A global teacher, I will
recognize that the world has a variety rich of life, that I must understand and respect the
diversity of learners and I must be creative and innovative in teaching.

VII. Education Systems of Selected Countries of The World

Education involves the acquisition of knowledge and the learning of skills. The word
education has two etymological sources, namely "educare" and "educere" (Wronka,
2007). These two Latin origins are sometimes used interchangeably
(Teeroovengadum et al., 2010), while some authors do make a difference between
them. "Educare" means "to mould" or "to train" (Teeroovengadum et al., 2010), while
"educere" means "leading out" or "leading forth" or "to bring out and bring forth what
is within" (Rosado, 2010). Education is worldwide recognized to benefit individuals
and promote national development. Educating children’s produces equal increases
in their subsequent earnings and expands future opportunities (USAID, 2008).

The world is accompanied by education but the difference is the educational system
of each countries. This topic is all about the educational system of selected
countries of the world. The various educational systems give the baseline
information on what kind of education prevails in the selected countries. Those
selected countries are: Australia, United Kingdom, China, Japan, South Africa, New
Zealand, United States of America and Philippines. As I’ve read the information of
the educational system of each country, I observed that in order for one country to
facilitate good education it should be based on how other countries provide quality of
education. I see that through benchmarking, each country has been moving upward
to achieve the best education for their learners. When reading about basic education
from different countries, I realize that in higher education they are almost the same.
The standards, requirements, and qualification must be achieved by the students.
The certificate is one of the requirements for higher or tertiary education which is
available in almost all countries. With the implementation of the K to 12 in the
Philippines, the number of the years in basic education is now equal to those of
other countries in the world.

As a Filipino citizen, I can say that 21st century learning has gone global. Our
curriculum standards need to stand up to other emerging countries on a global
platform. So, that the Department of Education implemented the K-12 curriculum in
which according to them it will benefit the Filipino youth and the unemployment will
be resolved.

I am one of the first product of K-12 curriculum and accepting this curriculum is not
easy because we expected that we will graduate within four years in high school
then suddenly the Department of Education announced the said changes. We are
mad at first, because we feel like we are being experimented but as the time goes
by, we can already adjust and we accept the new curriculum.

The best advantage of K-12 is we are exposed to the field we truly want to pursue.
This is very helpful because the knowledge we obtain can help us when we work or
continue to college. K-12 education also serves to socialize young people. It pulls
them out of their comfort zone and introduces them to new people and beliefs. K-12
will provide holistic education for all students. This means that students will improve
communication and social skills. Moreover, students will gain more knowledge and
experience before they go to college. K-12 advantages is that, students can get the
opportunity to find the career that they really love. It also gives students the access
to all these great opportunities and have a fulfillment during this learning experience.
Afterall education has no limit. Education is the most outstanding resource all
citizens should have in order to improve and strengthen their lives and humanity as
a whole. The purpose of education is to prepare for both present and future
generations. Education is one the key to a successful and fulfilling life.

VIII. Multicultural Diversity: A Challenge to Global Teacher

In this lesson, I learned about the concepts of the multicultural education and the
challenges encountered in a multicultural classroom and its accommodation in
teaching and learning diversity of learners. The Multicultural” is defined as relating to or
made up of several cultural or ethnic groups within a society. “Diverse” on the other side,
means to show a great deal of variety. Being poised to embrace that variety, various
cultures, different beliefs and attitudes, and so much more is a sign of a truly “inclusive”

The diversity of learners has now become a local and global concern among
learners. Even in our classrooms, diversity has been recognized as an element that
needs attention. Each learner differs to one another. We differ in race, ethnic, and
religious groups, languages, economic status, and family background are some of
the factors that require multiple approaches in teaching. I learned that in order to
address these differences, the teacher should avoid stereotyping as well as biases.
And to achieve harmonious relationship within the classroom, the teacher should
ensure all students have an equal opportunity to participate in class discussion and
supply activities that can foster collaboration and develop intercultural relationships.
Teacher can also use different activities to foster inclusivity and encourage students to
share their heritage. It’s also a beneficial way for teachers to involve students in different
styles of study to immerse them in their learning. Sharing about oneself within the
confines of an activity is often much easier than being asked open-ended questions and
put “on the spot.” These activities can then provide a safe space for dialogue and serve
as an entryway into more in-depth interactions. The following section outlines some
examples of activities and games appropriate for different age groups.

As a future teacher, I must understand each individual student and ensure that
cultural awareness is promoted in the classroom. I will take the time to learn about
each student’s cultural background, hobbies, learning styles, and what makes them
unique. Aside from getting to know my students, I should also continue to maintain
ongoing communication and respect their own diverse backgrounds, as well as each
other’s. While it’s important to keep an open dialogue amongst students, it’s equally
as important to make sure I am being sensitive to everyone’s culture, beliefs, and
language concerns. Most importantly, I will ensure diversity is represented in my
actual lesson plan. Furthermore, I see that the information shared from this lesson
should be kept in mind and the guidelines offered from this discussion must be

IX. Broadening Teaching Perspectives: Teacher Exchange Program

This lesson taught me that to become a global teacher, you need to broaden your
teaching perspectives. Since educational technologies and innovative teaching are
imperative in today's time. There are various activities of the Global Teacher
Exchange Program have provided learning experiences to the participating teachers
in the development of their personal and professional lives. The qualified teacher
may avail this program and can teach to other countries.

The following organizations that offer this program are: Visiting International Faculty
Program; Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program; Inter-African Teacher Program;
Canadian Educators Exchange; and Global Teacher Millennium Awards. Teacher
exchange programs serve as a cultural learning experience for teachers and as a
means for expanding and enriching an educator's pedagogical expertise.  Through
various organizations and their content-rich websites, educators and administrators
can easily find an exchange program that suits their background in the sector of the
globe of their choice.

As a future teacher, this topic literally broadens my knowledge towards the teaching
exchange program. This is a big opportunity for every teacher especially to those
interested and qualified in the program. If I am given a chance in the future, I will
wholeheartedly grab the opportunity. Because this kind of experience will develop
my new pedagogy ideas and it enhance my language skills. Also, I can bring the
international perspective to classroom and schools. Furthermore, I can gain a better
understanding of other cultures and I can positively impact the quality of classroom

X. Bringing the World into The Classroom Through Educational Technology.

This lesson enlightened me that technology is a new link to new knowledge,

resources and high order thinking skills in classrooms and schools worldwide. With a
global perspective, educational technologies and innovative teaching are imperative
in today’s time. Nowadays, technology is very essential in every classroom because
students now a days are often bombarded with information in a classroom which
they must quickly attempt to process and make sense of. However, this can leave
them feeling overwhelmed and confused by concepts. Technology provides students
with access to countless online resources, encouraging them to carry out research
and therefore become more independent. It also simplifies learning by making
concepts more digestible, for example through an instructional video. It is important
to recognize that there are various learning styles and traditional education may not
be catering to them all.

Technology became more essential in learning especially in today’s situation where

schools is under closure due to COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of higher
education's COVID-19 adaptations is on remote learning and working. The COVID-
19 pandemic is prompting many colleges and universities to abruptly and
comprehensively adopt online learning, remote work, and other activities to help
contain the spread of the virus. Advising systems, degree progress tracking, and
other technologies to support student success will be equally critical to help
students’ complete courses and attain credentials. The technology provides support
to the solution of meaningful problems. It acts as a cognitive support to learners. It
promotes collaboration as well as independent learning amidst pandemic. Students
can find it difficult to remain engaged in the things that they are being taught,
therefore the use of technology is crucial in holding their attention to allow them to
absorb information better. Technology can help to provide them with a higher quality
of education.

I have come to realization that the advantages of using technology in the classroom
are many both inside and outside the basic classroom. In the class, on the other
hand, I have experienced that the use of technology, when efficiently applied, can
bring variety rising motivation and attention in the students and may change
attitudes towards learning. The use of presentation tools such as PowerPoint or
helps to fulfill this goal. Besides, technology also helps in a good extent to bring
information to the students. The use of a teaching platform using technology in
educational environments provide chat rooms, emails, message boards or voice
recording which facilitate the communication between the student and the instructor.
Since communication is the primary goal inside and outside the classroom, these
tools are very useful to maintain contact with the students when developing
communication skills.

My personal observation has showed me that technology is a positive tool in the

classroom. It brings advantages in the teaching process both for educators and for
learners. Motivation and changes of attitude arise when efficiently employed.
However, to reach a good understanding on the use of technology, it is necessary to
receive instruction. Furthermore, it is necessary to rethink its use, apply accurate
methods, and design new possibilities that better reach the goal of the class, inside
and outside the educational room.

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