The Period From 1958

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The period from 1958(prior to space age) to 2021(present age) has experienced major changes in the

case of remote sensing. The first satellite: Spuntik-1 of Russia was launched in 1957 AD. The
advancement in modern technologies has created a vast difference between the prior to space age and
the present period. We can tour the whole world by looking at the various satellite images by sitting in a
single room at present. The major events of prior to space age and present age are as follow

Prior to space age Present age

Aerial Photo graph used to be taken from Aerial photograph can be taken in the present
balloon, kites , pigeon in this period. world through various drones.
Photographs taken through the aircraft were Various satellite images are used for the military
used for the military purpose. purpose.
First photograph was taken from ballon in 1858 First satellite was sputnik-1 of Russia launched in
AD through balloon in paris. 1957 AD.
Pigeon was used for aerial photograph in 1903 US launched explorer 1 in 1958 AD.
Use of aerial image was done during the first Various military satellites are being launched till
world war. date.

Thus the age prior to space and the present age in the history of remote sensing has created a vast

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