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Market Bulletin
This weekly Briefing Note aims to pick out some of the key Financial Times data, the S&P500 has doubled from its
financial and economic issues touched on in the press over March 2009 nadir and now trades on a multiple of about 24-
recent days and from time to time includes the views of times average earnings for the last decade – its long-term
some of our independent fund managers. average is 16. Rising

Markets Spring into Action confidence has seen US companies return to strategic deal
making which in turn has boosted global mergers and
Global equity markets enjoyed one of their best weeks acquisitions and with it, share prices. M&A activity grew by
since last month‟s horrendous earthquake in Japan, 26% in the first quarter of this year and the US accounts for
enabling key indices to close near or at two-year highs and half of all deals, suggesting confidence among US chief
meant overall markets had one of their best quarters‟ executives and boards, has bounced back faster than elsewhere.
performance for more than a decade. Boosting sentiment
was news of better US employment data, coupled with Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, Fidelity fund manager
receding geopolitical fears. “Fading concerns over potential Tom Stevenson pointed out that the American index has
global growth risks from turmoil in the Middle East outperformed the FTSE100 (by about 16%) since last
spreading into major oil producers as well as reduced fears September despite both economies facing similar difficulties.
of a more serious fall-out from the nuclear crisis in Japan Are prices justified? Well, he noted that all will be revealed in
led to a pick-up in global risk appetite last week” was the just a few short weeks as America‟s companies release their
view of RBC Capital markets. Whilst investors may have a much-awaited first quarter earnings figures. Mr Stevenson
spring in their step, the week was not without a few noted that the US economy has benefitted from the huge boost
niggling worries – the eurozone sovereign debt crisis of cheap money and lower taxes – policies pursued by
remained in focus and oil prices continued their seemingly President Obama. Despite higher oil prices it is likely that US
inexorable climb with Brent crude rising three dollars to companies will once again be healthily positive and he
end the week at almost $120 per barrel – a new twelve concluded that investors‟ sanguine response to March‟s
month high. upheavals looks rational.

But first the good news. Wall Street took heart from the More Money Please
latest US Department of Labor data which found that the
jobless rate fell to 8.8% in March (its peak was 10% a few There are those though who think the US economy is heading
months ago) while non-farm payrolls jumped by 216,000; for trouble. Economist Liam Halligan, also writing in The
the largest monthly gain since last May. The employment Telegraph, thinks that America‟s economic „sugar rush‟ will
figures were stronger than expected, with growth recorded end in a serious financial headache. His view is predicated on
in the healthcare, hospital and mining sectors – the fact that euphoria on Wall Street is being fuelled by the
manufacturing saw a more muted increase and government spectre of more quantitative easing (QE) and tax cuts the
payrolls fell 14,000. Economists believe the figures add country can‟t afford. The US Federal Reserve is currently in
further credibility to the view that America‟s economic the middle of a second round of QE - $600bn – due to expire
rebound is gaining momentum and is sustainable. The at the end of June, adding to the original $1,700bn programme
employment numbers were one reason that oil prices already completed. This huge flow of cheap money has boosted
climbed – a belief that industry will need to consume more asset prices but also antagonised the likes of China who have
energy. Against this back-drop equity prices advanced seen the value of their dollar-based investments (they own a
steadily with the Dow Jones index coming within a whisker huge slice of America‟s treasury bonds) devalued. Xia Bin,
of a two-year high and the broader-based S&P500 index not long-standing adviser to China‟s Central Bank, recently wrote
far behind. that “As long as the world exercises no restraint in issuing
dollars, then the occurrence of another crisis is inevitable”. For
However there are some who are worried that stocks may now though, investors are giving Fed Chairman the benefit of
have got ahead of themselves, despite the undeniably better the doubt, taking the view that there will be an orderly exit
economic data over recent months. According to The once QE2 has expired.
helped support share prices: the Nikkei 225 index advanced
And talking of pumping more money into things – the Irish almost 2% on the week.
government announced that following another round of
stress-tests for its beleaguered banking system, it would Here in the UK, economic recovery momentum is mixed. The
inject another €24bn of capital into the sector. This is the manufacturing sector slowed last month with new orders rising
fifth attempt to draw a line under the Irish banking crisis, at their weakest pace since last October according to the
according to The Times, and will take the total amount Markit/CIPS Manufacturing index. With 19 months of
pumped into lenders to €70bn. The plan will see the sector consecutive input price rises manufacturers are trying to pass
restructured into two major players. Following the news, these on to buyers, accounting for the fact that selling prices
Bank of Ireland looked to be the winner – its shares surged surged to new highs. However, notwithstanding the latest
40% - whilst traders dumped shares in other banks heading data, the overall reading for industry was well above its long-
for nationalisation, such as Irish Life & Permanent. run average and showed that manufacturing, with a reading of
57.1, was still firmly in growth territory. In the service sector
Rate Rises for Euroland? there was welcome news that output recovered from
December‟s weather-induced setback. The largest part of the
There is also the ongoing view that it is only a matter of economy grew 1.3% in January according to the Office for
time before the eurozone sovereign debt crisis claims National Statistics (ONS) and the pick-up in services activity
another victim – this time Portugal is expected to step up raise the possibility that first-quarter growth will be back on
and ask for more money to be pumped into its ailing track. Not that it will be plain sailing – UK households suffered
government finances. “There is no doubt that the debt their first drop in income for 30 years last year, as rising
situation in Portugal is rapidly getting worse. With inflation bit deeply into finances, according to the ONS.
Portugal facing bond redemptions of about €9bn in April
and June this year, the need for a bail-out seems more and Buy British
more certain” said Swiss & Global Asset Management.
However, expectations that the European Central Bank According to one of the UK‟s most successful fund managers,
(ECB) is poised to raise interest rates helped support the Neil Woodford of Invesco Perpetual, British companies are
euro, despite Portugal‟s woes, as investors‟ attention was offering some of the best investment opportunities in 10 years.
diverted. After two years with rates at a record low of 1%, Talking to the financial press over the weekend, Neil
the ECB is expected to announce a quarter-point rise this Woodford explained why he felt now was the time to buy
Thursday – despite fears that this could tip some countries British, even though he is gloomy on the outlook for Britain‟s
back into recession. economy. Having resolutely eschewed owning technology
stocks during the late nineties, Mr Woodford also avoided
Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the ECB, has taken a banking stocks in the run-up to the financial crisis and he is still
hawkish stance, saying last month that the bank would negative on the banking sector because of continued worries
show a “posture of strong vigilance” against rising inflation. over their balance sheets.
Inflation has risen to 2.6% across the region because of
rising commodity prices. But with Europe experiencing a Today he is also avoiding mining stocks, preferring to own
two-speed recovery the move could tip the likes of Spain pharmaceutical companies. “The biggest negative contributor
back into recession think some economists. News that to my performance has been holding pharmaceuticals and the
unemployment fell for the fourth straight month in biggest attributor has been not holding mining shares. I‟m not
February, falling below 10% for the first time since 2009, going to compound that error by moving to mining shares.
whilst welcome, masks what has been an uneven recovery These companies are generating supernormal returns on the
with core countries such as Germany racing ahead of the back of supernormal commodity prices and I don‟t believe
struggling peripheral ones such as Greece. those prices are sustainable” he said. Mr Woodford believes
that pharmaceutical stocks offer extraordinary value. “I‟m
Mixed Momentum actually looking to increase my exposure to this sector
[currently 25%] because this reflects the degree of conviction I
Elsewhere there are mixed messages emerging from global have in it . . . there have only been a few occasions in my 25-
economic activity. It came as no surprise that the first year career where I have seen the opportunities that I now see
release of Japanese economic data since the March 11 in the pharmaceuticals sector. Valuations are depressed even if
earthquake devastated the country‟s north-eastern seaboard you discount no further innovation or new drugs coming to the
offered markets an unsettling glimpse of a mighty market” he said.
manufacturing sector in terrible distress. Activity as
measured by the purchasing managers‟ index plunged 6.5% Neil Woodford is not alone in liking British shares it seems.
- its worst fall since surveys conducted by data company, According to recent data from Capita Registrars, private
Markit, began a decade ago. There are also worries that the investors have upped their holdings of shares to a three-year
figures could be worse, as the survey was based on far high – it means that the share of UK plc held in retail hands
fewer responses than usual, implying that the very stands at 11.8%, its highest level since summer 2009.
companies worst affected failed to respond. Equity
investors appeared to take a sanguine view though, focusing Neil Woodford manages funds for St. James‟s Place Wealth
on the longer-term benefits of reconstruction which Management.
Members of the St. James’s Place Wealth Management Group are authorised and regulated by the
Financial Services Authority.
The St. James’s Place Partnership and the title ‘Partner’ are the marketing terms used to describe
St. James’s Place representatives.
St. James’s Place UK plc: Registered Office: St. James’s Place House, 1 Tetbury Road,
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