Matematik TG3 Bab 9

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BAB 9: Garis Lurus

Straight Lines

PBD 9.1 Garis Lurus Buku Teks: m.s. 226 – 230


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1. Graf bagi fungsi linear y = mx + c ialah satu garis lurus.
The graph of a linear function y = mx + c is a straight line.
2. Graf bagi fungsi y = h ialah satu garis lurus yang selari dengan paksi-x.
The graph of function y = h is a straight line parallel to the x-axis.
3. Graf bagi fungsi x = h ialah satu garis lurus yang selari dengan paksi-y.
The graph of function x = h is a straight line parallel to the y-axis.

A. Nyatakan kecerunan, m, dan pintasan-y, c, bagi setiap garis lurus berikut.

State the gradient, m, and the y-intercept, c, of each of the following straight lines. SP9.1.1 TP1 TP2

1. y = 2x – 7 2. y = – 5x + 6
2y = –3x + 8
Bahagi dengan 2 supaya pekali y bernilai +1 m = 2, c = – 7 m = – 5, c = 6
Divide by 2 so that the coefficient of y is +1.

2y 3x 8
÷ 2: =– +
2 2 2
y=– x+4
∴m=– ,c=4

3. 5y = 3x + 15 4. 2y = – x – 5 5. – 3y = – 2x + 4

5y 3x 15 2y – x 5 – 3y – 2x 4
÷ 5:= + ÷ 2:= – ÷ (– 3): = +
5 5 5 2 2 2 (–3) (–3) (–3)
3 1 5 2 4
y= x+3 y=– x– y= x–
5 2 2 3 3
3 1 5 2 4
∴m= ,c=3 ∴m=– ,c=– ∴m= ,c=–
5 2 2 3 3

B. Nyatakan nilai h dan nilai k bagi setiap graf garis lurus berikut.
State the values of h and k for each of the following graphs of straight lines. SP9.1.1 TP1 TP2

y 1. y 2. y
y=k x=h x=k
2 y=h
x x
–3 O
y=k x
–4 –6 O 2

h = –3, k = 5 h = 2, k = – 4 h = – 6, k = 2

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BAB 9: Garis Lurus

Straight Lines

PBD 9.1 Garis Lurus Buku Teks: m.s. 231 – 233

Persamaan suatu garis lurus boleh ditulis dalam bentuk:
The equation of a straight line can be written in the form of:
ax + by = c x y
a + =1 y = mx + c
Kecerunan/Gradient = – a b
Pintasan-x/x-intercept = a Kecerunan/Gradient = m
Pintasan-y/y-intercept = c Pintasan-y/y-intercept = b Pintasan-y/y-intercept = c

x y
Tulis persamaan garis lurus berikut dalam bentuk + = 1 dan y = mx + c.
a b
x y
Write the equation of the following straight lines in the form of + = 1 and y = mx + c. SP9.1.2 TP3
a b
x y
ax + by = c + =1 y = mx + c
a b
2x + 5y = 10 Bahagi dengan 10 supaya
2x + 5y = 10
2x 5y 10 mendapat nilai 1. 5y = – 2x + 10
2x + 5y = 10 + = Divide by 10 to get a
10 10 10 5y – 2x 10
value of 1. ÷ 5: = +
x y 5 5 5
+ =1
5 2 2
y=– x+2
1. 3x + 2y = 6 3x 2y 6 2y = – 3x + 6
+ =
6 6 6 2y 3x 6
=– +
x y 2 2 2
+ =1
2 3 3
y=– x+3

2. 4x – 3y = 12 4x 3y 12 – 3y = – 4x + 12
– =
12 12 12 – 3y – 4x 12
= +
x y (– 3) (– 3) (– 3)
– =1
3 4 4
y= x–4

3. – 3x + 5y = 15 3x 5y 15 5y = 3x + 15
– + =
15 15 15 5y 3x 15
= +
x y 5 5 5
– + =1
5 3 3
y= x+3

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BAB 9: Garis Lurus

Straight Lines

PBD 9.1 Garis Lurus Buku Teks: m.s. 231 – 233

A. Tulis persamaan garis lurus berikut dalam bentuk ax + by = c dan y = mx + c.

Write the equation of the following straight lines in the form of ax + by = c and y = mx + c. SP9.1.2 TP3

x y
+ =1 ax + by = c y = mx + c
a b
x y 3x – y y x
1. – =1 =1 –=– +1
2 6 6 6 2
3x – y = 6
(– 6) – 冢 冣
= (– 6) –
2 冢 冣
+ (– 6)(1)
y = 3x – 6

+ =1
3x + 4y
=1 (12) 冢 4x 冣 + (12)冢 3y 冣 = (12)(1)
3x + 4y = 12 3x + 4y = 12
4y = – 3x + 12
y=– x+3
x y – 2x + y y x
3. – + =1 =1 = +1
2 4 4 4 2
– 2x + y = 4
(4) 冢 冣
2 冢 冣
+ (4)(1)
y = 2x + 4

x y
B. Tulis persamaan garis lurus berikut dalam bentuk ax + by = c dan + = 1.
a b
x y
Write the equation of the following straight lines in the form of ax + by = c and + = 1. SP9.1.2 TP3
a b
x y
y = mx + c ax + by = c + =1
a b
1. y = 3x + 9 – 3x + y = 9 3x y 9
– + =
9 9 9
x y
– + =1
3 9

2. y = – 2x + 6 2x + y = 6 2x y 6
+ =
6 6 6
x y
+ =1
3 6

3. y = – x – 6 x + y = –6 x y –6
+ =
(– 6) (– 6) (– 6)
x y
– – =1
6 6
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BAB 9: Garis Lurus

Straight Lines

PBD 9.1 Garis Lurus Buku Teks: m.s. 233 – 235

A. Tentukan sama ada setiap titik berikut terletak pada garis lurus y = 5x − 2 atau tidak.
Determine whether each of the following points lies on the straight line y = 5x − 2. SP9.1.3 TP3

1. (1, 3) 2. (– 2, 8)
(–1, –7)
Kiri/Left: Kanan/Right: Kiri/Left: Kanan/Right:
Kiri/Left: Kanan/Right: =3 5(1) – 2 =8 5(–2) – 2
= –7 5(–1) – 2 =5–2 = –10 – 2
= –5 – 2 Sama =3 Tidak sama = –12
Sama Equal Not equal
Equal = –7

Ya/Yes Ya/Yes Tidak/No

B. Tentukan sama ada setiap titik berikut terletak pada garis lurus 4x − y = 9 atau tidak.
Determine whether each of the following points lies on the straight line 4x − y = 9. SP9.1.3 TP3

1. (– 2, 1) 2. (3, 3)
(1, 5)
Kiri/Left: Kanan/Right: Kiri/Left: Kanan/Right:
Kiri/Left: Kanan/Right: = 4(– 2) – 1 =9 4(3) – 3 =9
4x – y =9 = –8 – 1 = 12 – 3
= 4(1) – 5 = –9 Tidak sama =9 Sama
=4–5 Not equal Equal
Tidak sama
= –1 Not equal

Tidak/No Tidak/No Ya/Yes

x y
C. Tentukan sama ada setiap titik berikut terletak pada garis lurus + = 1 atau tidak.
2 3
x y
Determine whether each of the following points lies on the straight line + = 1. SP9.1.3 TP3
2 3
1. (2, 3) 2. (10, –12)
(– 4, 9)
Kiri/Left: Kanan/Right: Kiri/Left: Kanan/Right:
Kiri/Left: Kanan/Right:
2 3 10 (–12)
(– 4) 9 = + =1 = + =1
+ =1 2 3 2 3
2 3 =1+1 =5–4
= –2 + 3 Tidak sama Sama
=2 =1 Equal
Not equal
=1 Equal

Ya/Yes Tidak/No Ya/Yes

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BAB 9: Garis Lurus

Straight Lines

PBD 9.1 Garis Lurus Buku Teks: m.s. 235

Jawab setiap yang berikut.

Answer each of the following. SP9.1.3 TP3

1. y Rajah di sebelah menunjukkan garis lurus x + 3y = 9. Diberi O

ialah asalan. Tentukan nilai
The diagram shows a straight line x + 3y = 9. Given O is the origin.
k Determine the value of
(6, p)
(a) h,
x (b) k,
h (c) p.

(a) h = pintasan-x/x-intercept (b) k = pintasan-y/y-intercept (c) Titik (6, p) terletak pada

Maka/Thus, y = 0 Maka/Thus, x = 0 x + 3y = 9.
x + 3y = 9 x + 3y = 9 Point (6, p) lies on x + 3y = 9.
h + 3(0) = 9 0 + 3(k) = 9 6 + 3(p) = 9
h=9 3k = 9 3p = 3
k=3 p=1

2. y Rajah di sebelah menunjukkan dua garis lurus, y = x + 3 dan

3x + 4y = 12. Cari nilai bagi setiap yang berikut.
The diagram shows two straight lines, y = x + 3 and 3x + 4y = 12.
Find the value of each of the following.
(0, h)
(a) h
3x + 4y = 12
(b) k
x (c) t
k O t

(a) y = x + 3 (b) y = x + 3 (c) 3x + 4y = 12

h=0+3 0=k+3 3(t) + 4(0) = 12
=3 k = –3 3t = 12
Atau/or t = 4
3x + 4y = 12
3(0) + 4(h) = 12
4h = 12
h = 3

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BAB 9: Garis Lurus

Straight Lines

PBD 9.1 Garis Lurus Buku Teks: m.s. 236 – 238

Tentukan sama ada setiap pasangan garis lurus berikut adalah selari atau tidak.
Determine whether each of the following pairs of straight lines are parallel. SP9.1.4 TP3

• Dua garis lurus adalah selari jika
y = –3x + 5 dan/and 2y = 5 – 6x kedua-duanya mempunyai kecerunan P P
yang sama.
y = –3x + 5 2y = – 6x + 5 Two straight lines are parallel if both
m1 = –3 2 2 2 lines have the same gradient.

y = –3x + 5
2 • Garis lurus yang selari dengan paksi-y y
m2 = –3 mempunyai kecerunan yang tidak
m1 = m2 A straight line that is parallel to the y-axis
has gradient that is undefined. x
Maka, dua garis itu adalah selari. O
Thus, the two lines are parallel.

1. y = 2x dan/and 2y = 4x – 7 2. 2x + y = 9 dan/and 2y = 3 – 6x

y = 2x 2y = 4x – 7 2x + y = 9 2y = 3 – 6x
m1 = 2 2y = 4x – 7 y = –2x + 9 2y = – 6x + 3
2 2 2 m1 = –2 2 2 2
y = 2x – 7 y = –3x + 3
2 2
m2 = 2 m2 = –3

m1 = m2 m1 ≠ m2

Maka, dua garis itu adalah selari. Maka, dua garis itu tidak selari.
Thus, the two lines are parallel. Thus, the two lines are not parallel.

3. 3y = x + 6 dan/and y = x – 4 4. 2x – 6y = 5 dan/and 3y = 9x – 12
3y = x + 6 2x – 6y = 5 3y = 9x – 12
y= x –4
2x – 5 = 6y
3y = x + 6 3 3y = 9 x – 12
3 3 3 1
y= x–4 6y = 2x – 5 3 3 3
3 6 6 6 y = 3x – 4
y= 1x+2
1 m2 =3
3 m2 = y= x– 5
3 3 6
m1 = 1
3 m1 = 1
m1 = m2 m1 ≠ m2

Maka, dua garis itu adalah selari. Maka, dua garis itu tidak selari.
Thus, the two lines are parallel. Thus, the two lines are not parallel.
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BAB 9: Garis Lurus

Straight Lines

PBD 9.1 Garis Lurus Buku Teks: m.s. 239 – 240

A. Tentukan persamaan garis lurus dengan kecerunan, m, dan melalui titik P.

Determine the equation of a straight line with the gradient, m, and passes through point P. SP9.1.5 TP3

1 1. m = – 2, P(2, –1)
m= , P(3, 5) y=5
3 y = mx + c
y = mx + c –1 = –2(2) + c Gantikan/Substitute:
m = –2. x = 2, y = –1
1 Gantikan/Substitute: –1 = –4 + c
5 = (3) + c 1
m = , x = 3, y = 5
3 3 c = 3
1 ∴ y = – 2x + 3
∴y= x+4

2. m = 2 , P(6, – 4) 3. m = – 1 , P(4, 3)
3 2
y = mx + c y = mx + c
2 Gantikan/Substitute: 1 Gantikan/Substitute:
– 4 = (6) + c 2
3 = – (4) + c 1
3 m = . x = 6, y = –4 2 m = – . x = 4, y = 3
3 2
–4 = 4 + c 3 = –2 + c
x = –8 c=5
2 1
∴y= x–8 ∴y=– x+5
3 2

B. Tentukan persamaan garis lurus yang melalui pasangan titik yang diberi.
Determine the equation of a straight line that passes through the given pair of points. SP9.1.5 TP3

1. J(0, 8), k(4, 0)

A(– 2, 1), B(4, 3)
m = 8 – 0 = 8 = –2
1–3 –2 1 3–1 2 1 0–4 –4
m= = = m= = =
–2 – 4 –6 3 4 – (– 2) 6 3 y = mx + c
y = mx + c y = mx + c 8 = – 2(0) + c
1 1 c=8
1 = (– 2) + 1 3 = (4) + c
3 3 ∴ y = – 2x + 8
5 5
c= c=
3 3
1 5 1 5
∴y= x+ ∴y= x+
3 3 3 3
2. P(– 5, – 6), Q(1, 6) 3. R(10, 2) , 5(– 6, 10)
m = –6 – 6 = – 12 = 2 m = 2 – 10 = – 8 = – 1
–5 – 1 –6 10 – (– 6) 16 2
y = mx + c y = mx + c
6 = 2(1) + c
2 = – 1 (10) + c
c=4 2
∴ y = 2x + 4 2 = –5 + c
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BAB 9: Garis Lurus

Straight Lines

PBD 9.1 Garis Lurus Buku Teks: m.s. 241 – 242

Tentukan persamaan garis lurus yang selari dengan garis lurus yang diberi dan melalui titik P.
Determine the equation of a straight line that is parallel to the given straight line and passes through point P. SP9.1.5 TP3

y – 2x = 3, P(0, 5) y = mx + c
5 = 2(0) + c m = 2, x = 0, y = 5
y – 2x = 3
y = 2x + 3
∴m=2 Persamaan garis lurus: y = 2x + 5
Equuation of the straight line:

1. y = 3x – 1, P(2, –1) 2. 2y + x = 3, P(– 3, 0)

y = mx + c 2y = –x + 3
(–1) = 3(2) + c Gantikan/Substitute:
x = 3, x = 2, y = –1 y = – 1x + 3 ∴ m = –1
c = –7 2 2 2
y = mx + c
Persamaan garis lurus: y = 3x – 7
Equation of the straight line: 冢 冣
0 = – 1 (–3) + c
m = – . x = –3, y = 0
0= +c
c = –3
Persamaan garis lurus: y = –1x – 3
Equation of the straight line: 2 2

3. 2x + y = 1, P(2, –1) 4. x – y = 1, P(– 6, – 4)

3 6
2x + y = 1
x – y =1
y = –2x + 1
3 6
∴ m = –2 6x – 3y = 1
y = mx + c 3(6)
–1 = –2(2) + c Gantikan/Substitute: 6x – 3y = 18
–1 = –4 + c m = –2, x = 2, y = –1 3y = 6x – 18
c=3 y = 2x – 6
Persamaan garis lurus: y = –2x + 3 y = mx + c
Equation of the straight line: Gantikan/Substitute:
–4 = 2(–6) + c
c=8 m = 2, x = –6, y = –4

Persamaan garis lurus: y = 2x + 8

Equation of straight line:

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BAB 9: Garis Lurus

Straight Lines

PBD 9.1 Garis Lurus Buku Teks: m.s. 242

Dengan menggunakan kaedah graf, cari titik persilangan antara garis-garis berikut.
Using the graphical method, find the point of intersection of the following lines. SP9.1.6 TP4

x + 2y = 8
3x + 2y = 12

x + 2y = 8 3x + 2y = 12

x 0 8 x 0 4

y 4 0 y 6 0

❶ Dapatkan dua titik yang terletak pada setiap garis terlebih dahulu.
Find two points that lie on each line first. [
❷ Kemudian, plot dan sambungkan dua titik itu dengan satu garis lurus.
Then, plot and join the two points with a straight line.

Daripada graf, titik persilangan ialah (2, 3).

From the graph, the point of intersection is (2, 3).

1. x + y = 7 2. 2x + y = 10
3x + y = 11 3x – 2y = 1

x+y=7 3x + y = 11 2x + y = 10 3x – 2y = 1
x 0 7 x 1 3 x 2 4 x 1 5
y 7 0 y 8 2 y 6 2 y 1 7

Daripada graf, titik persilangan ialah (2, 5). Daripada graf, titik persilangan ialah (3, 4).
From the graph, the point of intersection is (2, 5). From the graph, the point of intersection is (3, 4).
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BAB 9: Garis Lurus

Straight Lines

PBD 9.1 Garis Lurus Buku Teks: m.s. 243 – 244

Dengan menggunakan kaedah penggantian, cari titik persilangan antara dua garis lurus berikut.
Using the substitution method, find the point of intersection of the following two straight lines. SP9.1.6 TP3

2x + y = 3 …… ① 1. 5x – 2y = 16 …… ①
3x – 2y = 1 …… ② y = 1 – 2x …… ②

Daripada/From ①: y = 3 – 2x …… ③ Gantikan ② dalam ①:

Substitute ② into ①:
Gantikan ③ dalam ②: 5x – 2(1 – 2x) = 16
Substitute ③ into ②: 5x – 2 + 4x = 16
3x – 2(3 – 2x) = 1 9x = 18
3x – 6 + 4x = 1 x = 2
7x = 7
x=1 Gantikan x = 2 dalam ②:
Substitute x = 2 into ②:
Gantikan x = 1 dalam ③: y = 1 – 2(2)
Substitute x = 1 into ③: = –3
y = 3 – 2(1)
=3–2 Maka, titik persilangan ialah (2, –3).
=1 Thus, the point of intersection is (2, –3).

Maka, titik persilangan ialah (1, 1).

Thus, the point of intersection is (1, 1).

2. x + y = 1 …… ① 3. 2x + 3y = 9 …… ①
5x + 4y = 7 …… ② x = 2y + 1 …… ②

Daripada/From ①: x = 1 – y …… ③ Gantikan ② dalam ①:

Substitute ② into ①:
Gantikan ③ dalam ②:
Substitute ③ into ②: 2(2y + 1) + 3y = 9
5(1 – y) + 4y = 7 4y + 2 + 3y = 9
5 – 5y + 4y = 7 7y = 7
–y = 2 y=1
y = –2 Gantikan y = 1 dalam ②:
Substitute y = 1 into ②:
Gantikan y = –2 dalam ③:
Substitute y = –2 into ③: x = 2(1) + 1
x = 1 – (–2) =3
=3 Maka, titik persilangan ialah (3, 1).
Thus, the point of intersection is (3, 1).
Maka, titik persilangan ialah (3, –2).
Thus, the point of intersection is (3, –2).

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BAB 9: Garis Lurus

Straight Lines

PBD 9.1 Garis Lurus Buku Teks: m.s. 243 – 244

Dengan menggunakan kaedah penghapusan, cari titik persilangan antara dua garis lurus yang berikut.

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Using the elimination method, find the point of intersection of the following two straight lines. SP9.1.6 TP3

1. x + 2y = 3 …… ①
x + 2y = 3 …… ① 3x + y = 14 …… ②
3x + 4y = 11 …… ② ② × 2: 6x + 2y = 28 …… ③
①×2 2x + 4y = 6 …… ③ ③ – ①: 5x = 25
②–③ x=5 x=5
Gantikan x = 5 dalam ①: Gantikan x = 5 dalam ①:
Substitute x = 5 into ①: Substitute x = 5 into ①:
5 + 2y = 3 5 + 2y = 3
2y = 3–5 2y = 3–5
2y = –2 2y = –2
y = –1 y = –1

Maka, titik persilangan ialah (5, –1). Maka, titik persilangan ialah (5, –1).
Thus, the point of intersection is (5, –1). Thus, the point of intersection is (5, –1).

2. 5x + 3y = 2 …… ① 3. 3x – 2y = 8 …… ①
3x – 2y = –14 …… ② 2x + 3y = 1 …… ②
① × 2: 10x + 6y = 4 …… ③ ① × 2: 6x – 4y = 16 …… ③
② × 3: 9x – 6y = –42 …… ④ ② × 3: 6x + 9y = 3 …… ④
③ + ④: 19x = –38 ③ – ④: –13y = 13
x = –2 y = –1
Gantikan x = –2 dalam ①: Gantikan y = –1 dalam ①:
Substitute x = –2 into ①: Substitute y = –1 into ①:
5(–2) + 3y = 2 3x – 2(–1) = 8
–10 + 3y = 2 3x + 2 = 8
3y = 12 3x = 6
y = 4 x=2

Maka, titik persilangan ialah (–2, 4). Maka, titik persilangan ialah (2, –1).
Thus, the point of intersection is (–2, 4). Thus, the point of intersection is (2, –1).

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BAB 9: Garis Lurus

Straight Lines

PBD 9.1 Garis Lurus Buku Teks: m.s. 245 – 249

Selesaikan masalah berikut.

Solve the following problems. SP9.1.7 TP5
1. Rajah di sebelah menunjukkan segi empat selari OABC. Cari
B(12, 10)
persamaan garis lurus BC dan koordinat titik C.
The diagram shows a parallelogram OABC. Find the equation of the straight
line BC and the coordinates of point C.
A(12, 6)
C 6–0 1 1 1
mOA = = mBC = y=x+c
12 – 0 2 2 2
x 1
O 10 = (12) + c
Persamaan garis lurus BC/The equation of the straight line BC: y = x+4
Koordinat titik C ialah (0, 4).
The coordinates of point C are (0, 4).

2. y Dalam rajah di sebelah, AB adalah selari dengan PQ. Diberi

Q(0, 8)
kecerunan AB = , cari
2 1
In the diagram, AB is parallel to PQ. Given the gradient of AB = , find
B(6, k) 2
P (a) nilai k,
the value of k,
A(0, 2)
(b) persamaan garis lurus PQ.
x the equation of the straight line PQ.

k–2 1 1 Persamaan garis lurus PQ:

(a) = (b) y = x+c
6–0 2 2 The equation of the straight line PQ:
2k – 4 =6 1 1
8 = (0) + c y= x+8
2k = 10 2 2
k =5 c=8

3. y Dalam rajah di sebelah, garis lurus y = mx bersilang dengan garis

lurus PQ di H. Cari
In the diagram, the straight line y = mx intersects with the straight line
PQ at H. Find
y = mx (a) nilai m,
the value of m,
H(6, 3)
(b) persamaan garis lurus PQ.
O the equation of the straight line PQ.
P(8, 0)
3–0 y = mx + c Persamaan garis lurus PQ:
(a) y = mx (b) mHP =
6–8 3 The equation of the straight line PQ:
3 = m(6) y=– x+c
3 2 3
1 =– y = – x + 12
m= 2 3 2
2 0 = – (8) + c
c = 12
130 1

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Nama: ........................................................................................... Kelas: ..................................... Tarikh: .....................................


PT3 Bahagian A PT3 Bahagian B

1. P ialah titik (–2, 3) dan Q ialah titik (4, 15). Cari 6. (a) Lengkapkan jadual di bawah.
kecerunan bagi garis lurus PQ. Complete the table. [2 markah/2 marks]
P is the point (–2, 3) and Q is the point (4, 15). Find Persamaan Kecerunan Pintasan-y
the gradient of the straight line PQ. Equation Gradient y-intercept
A –2 B –1
2 (i) y = 5x + 1 5 1
C 1 D 2
2 (ii) 2y = –x – 10 –1 –5
2. Cari pintasan-y bagi suatu garis lurus yang
melalui titik (2, 3) dan mempunyai kecerunan y

– 3.
2 2
Find the y-intercept of a straight line which passes
through the point (2, 3) and has the gradient of – 3 .
–2 O 2 4
2 P Q
A –6 B –3
C 6 D 12 Berdasarkan rajah di atas, tulis persamaan
bagi garis lurus berikut.
3. Titik-titik (–1, –2), (2, h) dan (3, 6) berada pada Based on the diagram, write the equation of the
satu garis lurus. Cari nilai h. following straight lines.
The points (–1, –2), (2, h) and (3, 6) lie on a straight (i) PQ (ii) QR
line. Find the value of h. [2 markah/2 marks]
A 4 B 5
C 6 D 8 (i) y = –1 (ii) x = 3
4. Garis lurus dengan persamaan x – y = 1
4 3 7. (a) Tentukan sama ada setiap pasangan garis
memotong paksi-x di P dan paksi-y di Q. Antara lurus berikut adalah selari atau tidak.
berikut, yang manakah ialah koordinat bagi Bulatkan jawapan yang betul.
titik P dan titik Q? Determine whether each of the following pairs
A straight line with an equation x – y = 1 cuts the of straight lines are parallel. Circle the correct
4 3 answer.
x-axis at P and the y-axis at Q. Which of the following
[2 markah/2 marks]
are the coordinates of points P and Q?
(i) x + y = 5
A P(0, –4), Q(3, 0) B P(4, 0), Q(0, –3) Ya/Yes Tidak/No
2x + y = 7
C P(–3, 0), Q(0, –4) D P(–4, 0), Q(0, –3)
(ii) y = x – 4
5. Antara garis lurus berikut, manakah yang selari 2 Ya/Yes Tidak/No
dengan 2x + 3y = 5? 2y = x + 6
Which of the following straight lines is parallel to x y
(b) Ungkapkan + = 1 dalam bentuk
2x + 3y = 5? 3 2
y = mx + c. Cari nilai m dan nilai c.
A y = 2x – 3 B y = –1x + 1
3 x y
Express + = 1 in the form y = mx + c. Find
C y = –2x + 2 D y = –3x – 1 3 2
3 2 the values of m and c.
0 131 [2 markah/2 marks]

09 MAMD MATEMATIK TG3 (NM)-BAB 9-Azie F.indd 131 11/25/20 9:28 AM

Nama: ........................................................................................... Kelas: ..................................... Tarikh: .....................................

x y Gantikan ① dalam ②:/Substitute ① into ②:

+ =1
3 2 x + (x + 5) = 11
x y 2x = 6
(6) + (6) = 1(6)
3 2 x=3
2x + 3y =6 Gantikan x = 3 dalam ①:
3y = –2x + 6 Substitute x = 3 into ①:
2 y=3+5=8
y=– x+2
3 Maka, koordinat titik P ialah (3, 8).
2 Thus, the coordinates of point P are (3, 8).
m=– ,c=2
(c) Dalam rajah di bawah, ABCD ialah segi
PT3 Bahagian C KBAT
empat selari.
In the diagram, ABCD is a parallelogram.
8. (a) Satu garis lurus melalui titik (0, 3) dan y
(2, 7). Cari
A(0, 10)
A straight line passes through the points (0, 3)
and (2, 7). Find D
(i) kecerunan garis lurus itu, B(3, 5)
the gradient of the straight line, C(12, 2)
(ii) persamaan garis lurus itu. O
the equation of the straight line.
[3 markah/3 marks] Diberi persamaan garis lurus AD ialah
(i) m =
=2 y = – 1 x + 10. Cari koordinat bagi titik D.
2–0 3
(ii) y = mx + c Given the equation of the straight line AD is
y = 2x + c y = – 1 x + 10. Find the coordinates of point D.
3 = 2(0) + c 3
c=3 [4 markah/4 marks]
Persamaan garis lurus: 5
The equation of the straight line: MAB = 10 – 5 = –
0–3 3
y = 2x + 3 5
(b) Dalam rajah di bawah, garis lurus y = x + k MDC = –
bersilang dengan garis lurus x + y = 11 di P. Persamaan garis lurus DC:
In the diagram, the straight line y = x + k The equation of the straight line DC:
intersects with the straight line x + y = 11 at P. 5x + c
y 3
y=x+k 2 = – 5 (12) + c
P 3
x + y = 11 c = 22
Q(–5, 0) R ∴ y = – 5 x + 22 ……①
x 3
y = – x + 10 ……②
Cari/Find 3
(i) nilai k,
① = ②: – 5 x + 22 = – 1 x + 10
the value of k, 3 3
(ii) koordinat titik P. 4 x = 12
the coordinates of point P. 3
[3 markah/3 marks] x=9
(i) y = x + k melalui (–5, 0) Gantikan x = 9 dalam ②:
0 = (–5) + k Substitute x = 9 into ②:
k=5 1 (9) + 10 = 7
(ii) y = x + 5 …… ① 3
x + y = 11 …… ② ∴ D(9, 7) 132

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