Part - A: (Choose Any 5)

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Part – A

1 Transistors were the major component used in II Generation computers.

2 Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
3 Radix refers to the number of unique digits of a number system.
4 Software is a collection of instructions and data that tells a computer how to work.
5 Object Oriented Programming is a programming paradigm based on ‘objects’, where the data is given
more importance as compared to the procedure.
6 Bjarne Stroustrup
7 Token is the smallest part of a program. A program consists of different types of tokens: Keywords,
Identifiers, Numeric, Boolean and Pointer Literals
8 ‘>>’ is the stream extraction operator
9 When an object calls an operator function by passing an argument and the returned value of the
operator function calls the next operator function in the same expression, it is called as cascading of
10 Integer
Part – B
(Choose any 5)
11 The types of software are:
- System Software
- Application Software
12 Hardcopy refers to a physical copy of a consumable file. Softcopy refers to a digital version of the file.
13 The methods of representing negative numbers using binary are:
- Using the most significant bit
- Using 2’s compliment method

15 Benefits of OOP are:

- Gives importance of data over procedure
- Easy to debug
16 (data type) (variable name) = (value);
int a = 10;
17 Manipulators are operators used in C++ to format outputs. Example: ‘\n’ - New Line
18 strcmp() - Compare the value of two strings
strcmpi()- Compares the value of two strings but is not case sensitive

Part – C
(Choose any 5)
19 Characteristics of Non-Impact printers are:
- They are much quieter and faster than Impact Printers
- They can print images and in colour
- They are much higher quality as compared to Impact Printers
21 Interpreter processes the code line by line. That means that the Interpreter translates one statement at
a time. It also analyzes the code faster as compared to a compiler. The compiler processes the entire code
at once. Although the time the compiler takes to analyze the code is lower, in general it executes the
process significantly faster.
22 The characteristics of a good program are:
- Versatility
- Efficiency
- Modification
23 A flowchart is an easy pictorial depiction of the logic behind a program. During debugging, it is easy to
find the point of failure. It is easy for anyone to understand the logic behind a program for a third person
observer who did not write the program.
24 Rules for naming Identifiers:
- It can contain alphanumeric characters and underscores
- The first letter can be an alphabet or an underscore
- It cannot be a reserved keyword
- Cannot contain special characters
- No constraint of the length of an identifier
25 If statements:
If the condition is satisfied, the code in the ‘if block’ will be executed, if the condition is not satisfied, then
the ‘if block’ will be ignored.
int a = 10;
int b = 15;
std::cout<< b << “ is greater than “ << a;
Here there will not be any output as the condition was not satisfied, if the values were to be exchanged
then the output would be: 15 is greater than 10


int main(void){
int inp;
std::cout << "Enter number of elements: ";
std::cin >> inp;
int ar[inp];

int i = 0;
while(i < inp){
std::cin >> ar[i];

Part – D
(Choose any 7)
27 The basic use of computers are:
- Finance: Real Time Stock Prices, ATMs,
- E-Commerce: Order groceries, electronics, essentials online
- Entertainment: Using online platforms such as Youtube, Netflix, Hotstar for entertainment
- Healthcare: Advanced medical tests such as X-Rays, MRI, CT Scans, Blood Tests
- Education: Use of Online meeting platforms such as Zoom, Webex for online tutoring
28 A keyboard is a type of input device. Most English keyboards use ASCII or American Standard Code for
Information Interchange. But for non-English keyboards, local standards are used. Example of such is ISCII
which is the Indian Standard for Indian languages. There are several types of keyboards, those are:
- Wired
- Wireless
- Ergonomic
- Bluetooth
- Numeric
A mouse is another input device. It contains 4 main components: Left and right button, Scroll wheel, cursor
tracker. Some older generation mice used a ball as a tracker, but recent updates have made that an optical
sensor. The scroll wheel also acts as another button. Ergonomic and Gaming mice are also there in the
market which may contain programmable macro buttons.
30 An operating system is a system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and
provides common services for computer programs. The function of an operating system is:
- Booting the computer
- Management of RAM
- Management of I/O Resources
- Management of Processor Load
- Execution of Applications
- File Management
31 The steps of problem solving are:
- Defining the problem
- Analysing the problem
- Algorithm Development
- Coding
- Testing and Debugging
- Doumentation
- Integration in data process flow
32 Debugging is the process of finding and resolving bugs within a computer program. The types of errors
- Syntax Errors: Mistake in the syntax
- Logic Errors: Mistake in the algorithm
- Compilation Errors: When the compiler is unable to convert high level code to low level code
- Runtime Errors: Error which occurs during execution
- Arithmetic Errors: Mistake where an arithmetic statement is unfavourable
- Resource Errors: Mistake when complier is unable to find header file
- Interface Errors: When there is a difference between the utility and usage of a program
33 The features of C++ are:
- It follows OOPs principles
- It is platform independent or Portable
- It is considered an easy language to learn
- It is a high-level programming language
- It is widely used
- It is case sensitive
- It is compiler based
- It uses Dynamic Memory Allocation
- It has a large variety of libraries, including those native to C
- It is compiler based, therefore executes faster than other interpreter based languages
34 The structure of a C++ program is:
int main(){
int a = 1;
int b = 5;
int avg = (a + b)/2;
std::cout << avg;

The above program consists of:

- Header File - #include<iostream.h>
- Main Method - int main()
- Body of Main Method - {}
- Initialisation Statements - int x = y;
- Arithmetic Statements - x = y + z;
- Output Statements - std::cout<< “”;


int main(void){
float m1, m2, m3, m4, avg;
std::cout << "Enter marks:\n";
std::cin >> m1 >> m2 >> m3 >> m4;

avg = (m1+m2+m3+m4)/4;
if(avg >=60){
std::cout << "First Class";
} else if(avg >= 50){
std::cout << "Second Class";
} else if(avg >=40){
std::cout << "Pass Class";
} else{
std::cout << "Fail";

In the above program, the marks of 4 subjects is taken in, the average is found, and the grade based on the
average is found. The Grade is found using an if else if statement. Here if the first condition was not
satisfied, then it went to the second condition, if that wasn’t satisfied, it went to the next condition, if the
last condition was not satisfied, then the code will enter the else block, where none of the previous
conditions were met. If any of the conditions were to be satisfied, then the code within its block would run
and leave the entire if else if block entirely.
37 An array data structure, or simply an array, is a data structure consisting of a collection of elements,
each identified by at least one array index or key.

int main(void){
int row, col;
std::cout << "Enter number of rows and columns of Matrix:\n";
std::cin >> row >> col;
int ar[row][col], i, j, sum;

i = 0;
j = 0;
std::cout << "Enter Numbers Matrix 1:\n";
std::cin >> ar[i][j];
std::cout << "\n";
j = 0;

i = 0;
j = 0;
std::cout >> ar[i][j] >> “ “;
std::cout << "\n";
j = 0;

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