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21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Quarter 1 Module 1: Lesson 3

Literary Works in the Regions

II. Pre-Test

Activity 1.

1. b
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. b
6. a
7. b
8. b
9. a
10. b

Activity 2.

1. b
2. c
3. a
4. e
5. a
Activity 3.

1. b
2. c
3. d
4. a
5. e

Activity 4. Warm-Up

What’s your most vivid memory of typhoon devastation in your place? Can
you still recall some of the events that you have witnessed? Write a short
personal experience or narrative about it.

One of the most memorable and destructive typhoons that every

Camnortenos would never forget was typhoon Ulysses, the recent typhoon.
Ulysses is a typhoon that is underestimated by many Filipinos due to its
weak characteristics when it enters PAR. But when the storm near and
enter the landmasses of the Philippine archipelago, its destruction and
damages had been never expected by many of us. I remember before
when the typhoon is almost near in our province, you could almost feel its
presence because of it strong to moderated wind and rain. Even some of
the branches of the trees beside our house is almost falling. But this is the
only start of the catastrophe when the typhoon reaches its nearest point in
our province and things change much worse. The rains and wind that the
typhoon produces become stronger. You could almost hear the whistles
produce by the strong wind and banging on the roof of our house because
of heavy rains. Almost all trees near our house have no leaves or broken
stems. Also, the electricity has been cut off and the communication signal
got weaker. I also expect that some low lying areas are now experiencing
floods because of heavy rains. When the typhoon leaves our area, you
could see the destruction of the said typhoon. The aftermath of the typhoon
causes infrastructure damages, landslides, floods, and loss of crops and
lives. Typhoon Ulysses teaches us one thing, we shouldn't ever
underestimate a typhoon cause every disaster can cause harm and

Activity 5. Check Your Understanding

1. The author is the speaker of the poem

2. The writer use graphic description/details of what is happening specially

in stanza two, three and four.

3. The father is ill and is longing for his wife who may have already passed

4. The English translation really helps me in understanding the poem. I can

speak and understand Bicolano dialect but not so fluent so I still refer to the
English translation.


1. This phrase means that his father forgot what he was about to say and
that he is disappointed to himself because he lost his job and he can’t
react with the complaints of his wife
2. The little girl did not understand what her father was trying to say
3. She translated the phrase “The devil ate my words” literary and thought
that his father sold his tongue to his employer and that the employer will
be using his tongue as an ingredient and cook it in traditional way.
4. In the Philippines, the father is considered as the pinnacle that supports
his family and if it so happens that he loses his job, it would lessen their
income or losses his voice to speak, the children will be damaged badly.
5. I think that the issue that is being tackled in the excerpt is poverty. This
is because when he was fired by his employer, he was downed to the
point that he cannot speak properly when his wife nags at him since he
was too ashamed. Since he is the only one supporting his family, he
become unemployed, this means that they will not have enough money
to even buy their necessities therefore leading the poverty.
6. We can see a family with problematic parents having a father who had
lost his ability to speak because he is unemployed and a mother who
nags all the time since his husband doesn’t have work. This shows that
some women are dependent on their husband income while they just
relax and do household chores not finding a proper job which can help
to ease the burden of their husbands.
7. The tongue symbolizes words as well as communication

Activity 6. Draw me!

This time, you can have a short break from the usual writing activity. What
you need is a pencil and a clean bond paper.. You have to read and
understand the Filipino poem written by Merlinda Bobis. Then, draw
something that best represents the meaning of the poem. Briefly explain
the object that you have drawn. Do this in a separate sheet of paper.
Activity 7. Theme Collage

Create a collage of text and images found in the poem. Use a separate
sheet of paper for your output
Activity 8. Visualize Poetry

Here is one of the English rawitdawits written by Gil L. Gregorio. Identify

the situation being described in the poem. Pay attention to the words and
images used by the writer to help you out with the task. Explain your
answer in a short paragraph. Use a separate sheet of paper for your

 The windowless shop for me is about appreciating beauty despite the

darkness. We all know that the place mention in the poem is a public
market, a place where not so beautiful to see. It is a little bit dirty,
crowded, a lot of snatchers and a lot more. The public market in the
Philippines has a bad reputation if you're going to compare to other
places. But despite that, even the place is not so pleasing to our
eyes, there's a lot of beautiful things we could see. One of the
beautiful things that we could saw in the typical public market in the
Philippines was its undying culture. Filipino resiliency was so
admirable even in the harsh environment of the market. You could
see the hard work and patience of every store owner and consumer
in this place. There's a lot of fresh and bounty products that could be
seen in every angle of the market. The poem is also from the
perspective of an artist which making his/her artwork dedicated in the
said place. In terms of art, there are no beautiful and ugly things. Art
is about appreciation and finding beauty in the dark just like the
message of the poem.
Activity 9. Wrap it Up!

Let’s us find out what you have fully grasped from the previous parts of the

1. Why do you think it is important to know and be familiar with the authors
and their literary works?

 We need to know different authors and their literary works so that we

are aware of our culture and heritage. I believe that our literary works
or other different art forms are the souls of our culture and history.
The different fiction genres each demonstrate a unique facet of the
writer’s society. Literary works also give us a deeper understanding of
issues and situations. Different authors help also the reader to think
deeply and gain more knowledge.

2. How does literary texts affect the readers?

 Literature helps people understand other walks of life. Narratives, in

particular, inspire empathy and give people a new perspective on
their lives and the lives of others. Having empathy for others leads
people to socialize more effectively, solve conflicts peacefully,
collaborate better in the workplace, behave morally, and possibly
even become involved in making their community a better place.
Also, students who study literature and read for pleasure have a
higher vocabulary, better reading comprehension, and better
communication skills, such as writing ability.

Activity 10. Agree or Disagree

Read and understand the poem below. Choose a stanza and tell whether
you agree or disagree with it. Explain your answer very well.

“the journey was generous one:

full of wonders, hardships, and pain”


 The stanza tells us that life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships,
heartaches, joys, celebrations, and special moments that will
ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. The road will
not always be smooth; throughout our travels, we will encounter
many challenges. Along our journey, we will be confronted with many
situations, some will be filled with joy, and some will be filled with
heartache. But at the end of the day, when we're able to surpass
problems and challenges, we can achieve the success that is
undeniably fulfilling. The stanza also contends the purpose of life is to
experience the extent of your being. This means life will not always
go according to plan and there will be times you will experience
heartache, pain, and disappointment.

Activity 11. A glimpse from the Literary Piece

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. E
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. F

Activity 12. Appreciate, Demonstrate

Directions: This time you will be asked to show your respect and
appreciation to your local writers/ authors by making a creative tribute
through any of the following: Use a separate sheet for your output.

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