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The Lion King is one of the most famous and successful animated movies that

the Disney company feature through the years. It has captivated the hearts of the
viewer in all ages everywhere around the globe. The story of the films is following the
life and journey of Simba, in pursuit of understanding his life purpose and identity. But
the Lion King movie is much more than that, if we watch closer, we can notice that the
movie also showcases how nature and systems interact to the development of the
characters and the story.

In the clip, we can see how nature and its system interact in the story progress,
from Simba’s hair winging in the wind, then it pick up by the birds who are making nest,
next to the ants who are doing their normal routine finding food, and ended up in the
hand of Rafiki the monkey. It only shows how important nature and its system is.
According to the author of LightHouse page, nature serves us in many ways, from
providing our needs to survive to developing our character.

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The clip emphasizes what role is the nature acting not only for us human but also

for all the things occupying the earth. Waldman (2020) stated that “we are all part of

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nature and nature is part of us. We are all interrelated. We are one and you are part of

us, too.” Means anything we do affect nature and its system, and anything happens to
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nature affect us. Because we human is the reflection of nature itself (Rajput).
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In conclusion, the clip is a best representation of how nature and systems
interact that resulted a magnificent scene and outcome. And shows that nature is an

undistinguishable component of our world. Everything that exist is nature, including us

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human. It is just we treat ourselves superior, above everything disregarding the fact that
we just part of it.
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Waldman, N. (2020). What role does nature play in your life?


Rajput, M.A. (2020). What role does nature play in your life?

ImportanceIndia. (June 1, 2018). Nature and its Importance.

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