S Scchhooooll Ffoooodd D Diiaarryy: Example: Snack Food

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Starting with the column headed “Morning break” tick all the items of food
and drink that the child eats and drinks until lunch time.

School In the next column, tick everything the child eats or drinks at 'lunchtime'.

In the afternoon break, tick all the items of food and drink the child has eaten at school in
the “afternoon break” column.

If they do not have anything to eat or drink at a mealtime, please tick “nothing

F ood
to eat” and/or “nothing to drink” on page 8.

If the child attends a breakfast club, this information needs to be completed

in the Home Food Diary.

If you cannot find the exact food or drink listed. Please tick the item you think
is the closest match e.g.

D i ary Spaghetti Bolognese is: pasta with meat, fish (and sauce)
Popadom is: crisps/savoury snack

Here are some EXAMPLES of how to fill in the School Food Diary

Tommy had a cereal bar and 2 chocolate

biscuits for morning break therefore ticked
Name these foods in the column "Morning

Year Group

Morning Afternoon
Lunch time
B EXAMPLE: Snack Food break break

1 Crisps, savoury snacks (cheddars)

2 Crackers, crispbread etc

3 Cereal bar muesli bar, flapjack

4 Chocolate biscuit

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Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals
© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2014. This work was produced by Christian et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for

DOI: 10.3310/phr02040
Morning Afternoon
3 Garlic bread, naan, paratha Lunch time
A Drinks break break

4 Chapatti, pitta bread, wrap, roti etc

1 Milk, milky drink, lassi
5 Cracker, crispbread etc
2 Tea, coffee

Morning Afternoon
Lunch time 3 Drinking chocolate etc
D Spreads, Sauces, Soup break break

4 Fizzy drink (pop/cola), squash, fruit drink (e.g. Ribena)

1 Margarine, butter
5 Diet, low calorie drink (including fizzy low calorie)
2 Tomato Ketchup, brown sauce
6 Fruit juice (pure)/smoothies

3 Mayonnaise, salad cream

7 Water

4 Sweet spread e.g. jams, honey

5 Savoury spread e.g. marmite, pate Morning Afternoon

Lunch time
B Snack Food break break
6 Gravy

1 Crisps, savoury snacks (mini cheddars)

7 Soup

2 Crackers, crispbread etc

Morning Afternoon
Lunch time
E Cheese, Eggs break break 3 Cereal bar, muesli bar, flapjack

4 Chocolate biscuit


1 Hard cheese, e.g. Cheddar, Red Leicester

5 Other biscuit
2 Cheese spread, triangle, string

6 Croissant, waffles, pop tarts

3 Cottage cheese
7 Yoghurt, fromage frais
4 Quiche - meat, fish or vegetable
8 Nuts
5 Scrambled egg, omelette, fried egg

Morning Afternoon
6 Poached, boiled egg Lunch time
break break
C Sandwich, bread
Morning Afternoon
Lunch time 1 Sandwich (tick filling separately). Bread, roll, toast
F Chicken, Turkey break break
2 Croissant, sweet waffles, pop tarts
1 ……sliced or plain

3 2
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2 ……nuggets, dippers, kiev, etc 2 Samosa, pakora bhajee

3 ……in a creamy sauce, curry e.g. korma or tikka masala 3 Quorn, veggie mince, sausages etc

4 Mixed vegetable curry

Morning Afternoon
Lunch time
G Other Meats e.g. break break
5 Paneer (cheese curry)

1 ……sliced roast, steak, chops Morning Afternoon

Lunch time
J Pizza, Pasta, Rice etc break break
2 ……stew casserole, mince, curry lamb or keema
1 Pizza
3 ……beef burger, hamburger, doner kebab
2 Boiled rice
4 Bacon
3 Fried rice
5 Ham
4 Noodles
6 Sausages
5 Pasta-plain, cous cous
7 Sausage roll, meat pie, pasty, fried dumplings
6 Pasta with tomato sauce (no meat)
8 Corned beef, luncheon meats, salami, pepperoni
7 Pasta with cheese sauce
9 Offal e.g. liver, kidney
8 Pasta with meat, fish (and sauce)

Morning Afternoon
Lunch time 9 Yorkshire pudding, pancake
H Fish break break

Morning Afternoon
1 Fish fingers Lunch time
break break
K Vegetables & Beans
2 Fried fish in batter (as in fish and chips)
1 Mixed vegetables

3 White fish (not fried) e.g. cod, haddock, plaice

2 Tomatoes

4 Tuna or other oily fish (including canned or fresh)

3 Cucumber

5 Shellfish e.g. prawns, mussels

4 Coleslaw

Morning Afternoon 5 Other salad vegetables e.g. lettuce

Lunch time
break break
I Vegetarian 6 Stir-fried vegetables

1 Vegetable pie, pasty 7 Broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage

4 5
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provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be
Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals
© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2014. This work was produced by Christian et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for

DOI: 10.3310/phr02040
2 Apple
8 Courgettes
3 Pear
9 Spinach

4 Banana
10 Parsnips

5 Orange, satsuma etc

11 Radish

12 Leeks 6 Grapes

13 Carrots 7 Melon, watermelon

14 Cauliflower 8 Pineapple

15 Peas, sweetcorn 9 Strawberry, raspberry etc

16 Celery 10 Peach, nectarine, plum, apricot, mango

17 Peppers, red, green, yellow etc

11 Kiwi

18 Other vegetable
12 Other fresh fruit

19 Baked beans
13 Dried fruit
20 Lentils, dahl
Morning Afternoon
21 Other beans Lunch time
break break
N Desserts, Puddings Cakes etc


22 Seeds e.g. sunflower, sesame

1 Jelly, ice lolly

Morning Afternoon
Lunch time
break break 2 Ice cream, frozen dessert (e.g. Vienetta)
L Potato
3 Cream, custard
1 Boiled, mashed, jacket

2 Chips, roast, potato faces etc 4 Mousse, milk puddings, e.g. rice pudding

5 Cakes, buns, sponge pudding

Morning Afternoon
Lunch time
break break
M Fruit 6 Sweet pies, tarts, crumbles

1 Fruit salad (tinned or fresh)

6 7
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Morning Afternoon
Lunch time
break break
O Sweets

1 Sweets, toffees, mints

2 Chocolate bars, e.g. Mars, Galaxy

Morning Afternoon
Lunch time
break break
P Cereals

1 Sugar-coated e.g. Frosties, Sugar Puffs

2 Hi-fibre e.g. Branflakes, Weetabix, Shreddies, muesli

3 Other e.g. Cornflakes, Rice Krispies etc

4 Prridge, Ready Brek

5 Milk on cereal

6 Sugar on cereal



S OTHER FOOD NOT ON THE LIST (please list below)

School Fruit and vegetable Scheme

Packed Lunch School meal

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