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Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs

Weekly Newsletter / September 17th 2021


Venezuela accelerates massive vaccination
to immunize 70% of the population
The massive vaccination plan against Covid-19 program to more sectors of the population. from 3 to 18 years in the vaccination scheme. I think
is marching successfully in Venezuela. President The massive plan entered a new phase by the end that un Venezuela, despite all we have suffered, we
Nicolás Maduro informed that in spite of the siege of August that went from 100 thousand persons lead an important and pronounced pace,” President
and the Unilateral Coercive Measures, by mid Sep- vaccinated each day to 300 thousand, by opening Nicolás Maduro expressed.
tember 30% of the population has been immu- 179 more vaccination centers added to the 452 Thanks to the 7+7 prevention scheme, that alter-
nized. He added that it’s expected to reach 50% that were already operative and by the extension nates one week of radical quarantine, and a week
by the end of the month and 70% in October, this of opening hours at the centers. of flexibility to facilitate economic activity, and the
means 22 million people. This process will continue to expand as the first 693 massive immunization plan coordinated by the
Vaccination in Venezuela began in February with the thousand doses arrived from the 12,068,000 units that “Patria” digital platform, Venezuela is amongst the
application of Sputnik V (Russia), initially targeted for Venezuela bought through the Covax Mechanism, of South American nations with the lowest number of
health personnel - who are at the first line of struggle the World Health Organization, and the new batch of infections per million citizens, with 12,267, a figure
against the disease - and seniors. Later on the na- the second doses of the Russian antidote Sputnik V which contrasts with its neighbors Brazil (97,991)
tional immunization plan incorporated Shinopharm that arrived in the country in early September. and Colombia (95,697).
(China) and Abdala (Cuba) vaccines to expand the “In October we plan to include children and teens Photo: Courtesy

Return to classrooms under biosafety conditions under way

The Venezuelan educational sector plans to In the second half of September, teachers and around the school,” said President Maduro.
resume face-to-face activities next October, parents will be trained on the protocols that will The program also includes social care for
with the “Victory Bicentennial Plan. Safe and be applied for face-to-face classes, which will be teachers and the rehabilitation plans for
Progressive Beginning of Classes 2021-2022,” resumed gradually. the structures of education centers, among
which establishes the necessary conditions At the same time, the immunization of teaching other aspects that guarantee adequate
to start the new school year, subject to the staff is expanding. “We must complete the conditions for school activities without risk
7+7 method. vaccination of teachers, workers of all personnel of contagion.

• Comprehensive oil policy • New agro-productive structure • Sports heroes


• Cooperation with the United Nations • Call to end the UCM • Necessary is to win


• “... more united, stronger ...” • Cultivating the love for theater • False positives
September 17th 2021 / Page 2


with the United
Nations System
DIPLOMACY The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro,

Venezuela proposes a met in Caracas with Gianluca Rampolla Del

Tindaro, new resident coordinator of the

comprehensive oil policy to OPEC United Nations System in Venezuela, in order to

strengthen diplomatic, political and economic
In a visit to Caracas, on the 61st anniversary of the Rodríguez, the People’s Power Minister for Foreign alliances. “We ratify the will to strengthen
bloc, the Secretary General of the Organization Relations, Félix Plasencia, and the Vice-President for cooperation mechanisms with the United
of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the Economic Area, Tareck El Aissami, who presented Nations System, for the social protection of our
Mohammad Barkindo, met with the President of the proposal of an integral policy for the oil market, people,” said the head of state.
the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, who informed that based on coherence, cohesion and consensus, in favor Photo: Presidential Press

they talked “about the prospects of the oil market, of producers, investors and consumers. Honor and glory to
the development in the years to come and the El Aissami denounced that Venezuela “continues to be
strategy for strengthening of OPEC+.” subjected to an illegal and implacable siege regime” Fermín Toro Jiménez
During his working day, Barkindo thanked President by the US and its allies, through Unilateral Coercive International Relations authorities and
Maduro for his performance “typical of the great world Measures against its oil industry. Therefore, he makes professionals expressed their regret for the
leaders” in stabilizing the market. He added that he an “imperative and urgent” call to OPEC to adopt physical departure of Fermín Toro Jiménez,
hopes to continue counting on the leadership of “mechanisms that allow us to confront the aggressions” expert in International Law and co-editor of the
Venezuela, the largest oil reserve on the planet. against Venezuela and its partners in the world. international chapter of the 1999 Constitution.
He also met with the Executive Vice-President, Delcy Photo: Presidential Press Foreign Minister Félix Plasencia lamented the
loss of “dear professor, exceptional diplomat,”
High Commissioner for Human Rights recognizes who exercised high responsibilities on behalf
impact of the Unilateral Coercive Measures of Venezuela.
In the update of her report, the United Nations He highlighted the cooperation between the Relationships marked by
High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Venezuelan State and the members of the office,
Bachelet, recognizes the negative impact of present in the country after the signing of an
respect and cooperation
the Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCM) on the agreement in 2019, extended for one year, which The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Félix Plasencia,
Venezuelan people and calls for their lifting, some- demonstrates the commitment of Venezuela to met with the new Charge d’Affaires of the
thing that Venezuela appreciates. the protection of Human Rights. European Union in Venezuela, Rafael Dochao
Since the previous report, “the US government However, he regretted that “politicized ele- Moreno, with whom he discussed the need to
has continued its siege against Venezuela with ments that negatively impact its objectivity and advance in relations “marked by respect for In-
the imposition of illegal coercive measures,” said credibility” persist in the report and insist “on un- ternational Law and mutual cooperation.” In
the representative to the UN-Geneva, Héctor founded questions that feed the agenda of multi- addition, he thanked him for supporting the
Constant, at the 48th regular session of the form aggression” against the country, despite the dialogue process between the government and
Human Rights Council. ease of access to verified information. the opposition that is taking place in Mexico.

In defense of the Essequibo

CAPSULES OF IDEAS The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
celebrates the signing of the partial agree-
“Latin America is a federation of identities; hopefully that, ment between the Government delegation
the more nuanced then more united, and when more united then and the so-called Unitary Platform of the
opposition for the defense of Venezuela’s
the stronger and more creative it is. The promising future of our sovereignty over the Essequibo. An official
America does not lie in its false homogeneity, but rather in the real communiqué states that it is the will of the
entire people “not to abdicate their territo-
and accepted proximity of its heterogeneities.” rial claim or their will to reach a mutually
Mario Benedetti, A Federation of Identities, 4 January 1993. acceptable agreement with Guyana.”

Year 1 / Number 26
September 17th 2021 / Page 3


Special rapporteur
for UN urges to
lift Unilateral
Coercive Measures
The Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCM) im-
posed by the US and the European Union on
Venezuela have a “devastating effect” and
should be “reviewed and lifted.” This is what
the final report of the Special Rapporteur
Alena Douhan indicates about the negative
impact of the UCM on the enjoyment of
human rights.
The text, presented at the 48th Session of
the United Nations Human Rights Council, A new agro-productive structure is born
is the result of work that included meetings
held by Douhan during her visit to the
in the Venezuelan countryside
country in February 2021. It details that last Venezuela is working on the construction of an eco- Maduro, to the Cacique Yare Unit, on September 8.
June, 14 children died waiting to be assisted nomic structure to overcome the attacks of imperialism The Head of State instructed: “AgroFANB must
by the Citgo health program, a Venezuelan and guarantee food security from the countryside. think big in terms of three vital years (...) it must
asset kidnapped abroad under the pretext This model already has expression in spaces such as be like a machine that advances consolidating
of the Unilateral Coercive Measures. the Gran Cacique Yare Agricultural Production Unit, in production, with more and more hectares and it
The rapporteur urges the US “to review Aragua state, Central North of Venezuela. must achieve the virtuous circle of producing all
and lift the sector sanctions against the In this production space, 370 hectares of corn are cul- the seeds we need.”
public and private sector of Venezuela” and tivated, one of the agricultural items most consumed He exhorted his Cabinet to consolidate a new
the secondary ones against other States, by the Venezuelan people. This crop is produced with economy not dependent on imports, so that the
while reaffirming that their extraterritorial the guidance of the Agriculture of the Bolivarian country imposes itself “over threats, blockades
application is inadmissible. National Armed Forces (AgroFanb), a company and sanctions,” which caused the dramatic de-
It urges all States to lift “selective sanctions in created in 2013, key in agricultural production, with crease in food imports.
accordance with the principles of international 31 units throughout the country which produces Some advances to break the old model are already
law and the rule of law” so that senior offi- 210,000 hectares of various items, of those 2,830 are palpable: 95% of the rice consumed by Venezuelan
cials can represent Venezuela, respecting the dedicated to yellow and white corn. families is produced in the country, thanks to the
“principle of sovereign equality of States.” “We are going to grow, month by month, year by effort made by entities such as Guárico state, in the
The report denounces that in 2020 the year, to reach a complete production,” the President Venezuelan plain lands, where 232,540 hectares of
purchase of blood reagents was blocked of AgroFanb, Luis Valbuena Ferrer, declared during cereals are cultivated.
for 2,586,106 patients. The acquisition of a visit by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Photo: Courtesy
vaccines for 2,600,000 children was also
prevented, and they were finally attended
thanks to the efforts of Venezuela with the
UN and the support of friendly countries.
The so-called sanctions also affect public
services. For example, as a consequence of
international persecution of suppliers of in-
puts needed to refine oil and diesel, trans-
portation has become difficult.
In the report, the“governments of the United
States, the United Kingdom, Portugal and
the banks are urged to unfreeze the assets
of the Central Bank of Venezuela to buy hu-
manitarian goods.”
In this regard, the Minister of Foreign Affairs
of Venezuela, Félix Plasencia, denounced that Eight years cultivating the love of theater
the Unilateral Coercive Measures “constitute
Fostering knowledge and love for the paying tribute to the playwright, poet, painter
crimes against humanity.” He stressed that
performing arts is the main goal of the National and journalist César Rengifo, who vindicated
despite the more than 430 “sanctions” against
Movement of Theater for Girls, Boys and Youth in his works the causes of the humble people
the country, social care, even in the midst of
“César Rengifo”, born on September 16, 2013. with his deep sensitivity.
the pandemic, has been preserved.
This group, reaches its eighth anniversary, Photo: Courtesy

Year 1 / Number 26
September 17th 2021 / Page 4



The people welcome
José Félix Ribas
their sports heroes
always chose In less than a week, the Venezuelan people the delegation that shone at the Paralympic

to win celebrated the arrival of the World and Olympic

Champion Yulimar Rojas and the delegation that
Games in Tokyo, led by sprinter Lisbeli Vera,
triple medalist, with two gold (100 and 200
He hailed from the privileged class and had achieved the best performance of the country in meters, T47) and one silver (400 meters), the
religious inclinations, but the execution of the Paralympic Games, adding three gold medals, first Venezuelan to achieve such a feat; the
his friend José María España, who together two silver medals in Tokyo 2020+1 and two bronze, twins Linda Pérez (gold in 100 meters, T11) and
with Manuel Gual led a pro-independence as well as 17 diplomas. Alejandra Pérez (bronze in 400 meters, T12); Luis
movement in 1797, took him down another The triple jumper, gold in the Tokyo Olympics and Rodríguez Bolívar (silver in 400 meters, T20) and
path. José Félix Ribas, born in Caracas on 19 owner of the world record for the specialty (15.67 Clara Fuentes (bronze in parapower).
September 1775, committed himself to the meters) arrived on September 14th after also Medalists, winners of Olympic diplomas and guides
libertarian cause through ideas and action. triumphing in the Diamond League. were decorated with the Francisco de Miranda
His commitment to agitation actions implicates “This is the beginning of good things to come (...) Order by the President of the Republic, Nicolás
him to acts that took place on April 19st 1810, Many diamonds will come, many medals for this Maduro, who thanked them for their display of
considered the first step for the independence beautiful country,” said the athlete, who celebrated humanism: “We are moved by your ability to
of Venezuela. That same year he assumed his with hundreds of people in a welcoming caravan. overcome difficulties and tell the world: Here I am!”
military career, with courage and vehemence. Five days earlier, the same jubilation enveloped Photo: Courtesy
In 1812, upon the fall of the First Republic in
Venezuela, he went to Curacao, and the following UNCOVERING FAKE NEWS
year he travelled to Nueva Granada (today
Colombia), to be a key figure in the Admirable False positives are used from Colombia
Campaign, a military operation commanded by
Simón Bolívar which led to the conquest of the
against the Mexico Dialogue
Second Republic. Given the progress of the dialogue between the be missing” in his attempt to “torpedo the dialogue
On February 12, 1814, with an army made up Venezuelan Government and the extremist oppo- table.” He warned that in the face of agreements
mostly of young students and seminarians, Ribas sition in Mexico, the administration of Iván Duque between the government and the opposition on
defeated the royalist Francisco Tomás Morales fabricates false positives to try to hinder that process sovereignty issues such as Venezuela’s rights over the
in the town of La Victoria, in the centre of the and hide the Colombian crisis. This time, he false- Esequibo, “anguish grows” among the Colombian
Country, leading the troops with a harangue that ly accused Caracas of an attack on the military in oligarchy, for “it claims to violate our sovereignty.”
became immortal: “We cannot choose between Arauca, on the Colombian-Venezuelan border. The lie is inherent of the Duque government be-
winning nor dying, it is necessary to win.” The accusation “is irresponsible and demonstrates cause it works “in one direction: exporting the
In 2003, inspired by that principle, Commander the greatest cynicism,” warned the Minister for war and expanding drug trafficking networks
Hugo Chávez inaugurated the Ribas Mission, Foreign Affairs, Félix Plasencia, who recalled that throughout the continent,” said the Minister for
a program that has enabled more than one it was from Colombia where the plans for the Communication and Information, Freddy Ñáñez.
million Venezuelans to complete high school. assassination with mercenaries of the President Warlike eagerness, false positives and media ma-
They confirmed that the hero, even after his of Haiti, Jovenel Moïse, last July, and the frus- nipulation have been recurrent on the part of the
vile assassination on January 31st 1815, has trated 2018 assassination attempts against the Colombian government to divert attention from the
been, as the writer Juan Vicente González said, Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, took place. internal problems of their own country and threaten
“the sublime energy, the life of the revolution, The Minister for Defence, Vladimir Padrino, ascribed the peace of Venezuela. Given this, the Executive Vice
the soul of the Republic.” this as predictable to “Duque’s game plan” be- President, Delcy Rodríguez, is emphatic: “Bolívar’s
Image: Courtesy cause” the scenario of the false positive could not Venezuela will always remain victorious.”

Year 1 / Number 26

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