Organizational Behavior: Leadership

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Leadership can be defined as the ability of the management to make sound decisions and

inspire others to perform well. It is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a
vision or set of goals.
There has been always some leadership strategy that may be used for re-energize workforce
and they are:
 Participative Theory has been the idle leadership style, which takes in consideration
input of their associates.
 Situational Theories also propose that the leaders must choose the best course of an
action depending on the situational variables.
 Contingency Theory is focused on the environment variables & it may determine which
type of leadership has been suitable for the specific situation
 Transformational theories also focus on connections, which have been formed between
the followers and the leader.

Leadership strategies, which we advise the parkway for using is situational theory.
The leader should combine the autocratic, bureaucratic, participative and transformational
leadership. A successful leader should have the quality of taking or changing decisions
according to the demand of the situation. This is called ‘situational leadership’.
In the parkway nursing homes, we need such a leader who can choose different styles
according to the competency of their followers. Because, there are different kinds of nurses.
There are nurses who lack competence but are enthusiastic and committed. They need direction
and supervision to get started.

A smart leader is always sensitive to the willingness of their followers, he/she may assign the
task according to the will, and skill set of the followers.
Leader behaviour towards Nursing home director
 Motivation: Nurses are coming from various places with different backgrounds. They
are having their own experience, behaviour and attitude. The main problem in the
parkway is that most of nurses are coming from different generation. To solve that
problem leader has to be a very good motivator. Mostly senior nurses are from old
generation and they are comfortable with traditional methods. They may feel threatened
by new young nurses because they are handy with new system. The responsibility of
young nurses to show there respect to senior nurses and try to motivate them to share
their knowledge and experience to others. In addition, young nurses those who are
doing well they should motivate by leaders by giving constant feedback on their
 Communication: Communication is best way of being touch with Nurses. Because
instant response is very important after every changes in organization. When someone
communicating with nurses, they should feel assured that they hear from their nursing
leadership. The communication has to be made in both direction so that it’s open
yourself to listening suggestion of your nursing staff. Leader also can express his
thoughts in writing form.
 Encouragement: While leading a team or organization, giving encouragement to
subordinates is very important because encouragement give psychological effect. Those
who are really working very hard tell them nursing leadership is looking at their efforts
so that they can have confidence to approach you with any problem. Try to give some
special things those who are really dedicated and giving very good out puts.

Leader behaviour towards nursing supervisors

As a nurse’s supervisor manager, you need to manage working shifts of all nursing staff
working in your team. That time many difficulties are coming to front of you that leader has to
be calm and motivate your staff to perform better under the situation. Always help junior to
understand how to handle conflict options in hard situation and following discipline in nursing
homes. When any new nurse is coming in then it is responsibility of supervisor to ask seniors
to give training to junior nurses in that fashion so they can relate theory to practical
Motivate new nurses to apply their knowledge and skills under the supervision of experience
staff. Provide all kind of leadership training to senior nurses for providing support and teaching
skills to juniors. If experience staff is co-operative then it will reduced pressure from the new
nurses. Continuous feedback to juniors or seniors about their job whether it should be positive
or negative will keep them updating their knowledge.
Try to solve all kinds of misunderstanding between your staffs and try to minimize distance
between seniors and juniors. Ask juniors to keep observing your seniors carefully, and analyse
whatever decisions your seniors take, so that when you reach their position, you are ready to
take over the responsibility. Use advocacy skills to motivate or reinforce the administrator and
staff in favour to change.

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