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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)- Legal

concerned HOPs, as the case may be from the list of DVC empanelled advocates.

(iii) Attorney General/Solicitor General/Additional Solicitor General, Govt. of India, Advocate

General of States, Standing Counsel of States, Sr. Advocates and other reputed Sr.
Advocates ( non –empanelled ) shall be engaged by the respective Legal Wing on case
to case basis on the recommendation of concerned user section and as per provisions
contained in Delegation of Administrative Power and Delegation of Financial Power of the
Corporation / Delegation of Administrative Power for Commercial Deptt., as the case may

In respect of court cases relating to project/ station, the consent of concerned HODs shall
be obtained by the HOPs before seeking approval forsuch engagement as per provisions
contained in Delegation of Administrative Power and Delegation of Financial Power.

(iv) Reputed and Sr. Advocates (non- empanelled) for defending the cases before the High
Courts, Calcutta/Jharkhand and other High Courts, Electricity Regulatory Commission,
Ombudsman and Appellate Tribunal of Electricity etc. including Arbitration cases/ shall
be engaged, depending upon the merit of the case and stake of the Corporation including
financial impact etc. on the recommendation of concerned user section and as per
provisions contained in Delegation of Administrative Power and Delegation of Financial
Power of the Corporation / Delegation of Administrative Power for Commercial Deptt., as
the case may be.

In respect of court cases relating to project/ station, the consent of concerned HODs shall
be obtained by the HOPs before seeking approval for such engagement as per provisions
contained in Delegation of Administrative Power and Delegation of Financial Power.

(v) In respect of Court cases before various Distt. Courts, Commercial Courts in the State of
Jharkhand and West Bengal and other States, Advocates shall preferably be engaged
from the DVC empanelled list and in some cases, where it is felt necessary for
engagement of Sr. Advocates, the same shall be made on case to case basis by the
respective Legal wing of Sectt./ HR / Commercial and other concerned offices of Project/
Station , depending upon of the merit of the case and on the recommendation of the user
section and as per provisions contained in Delegation of Administrative Power and
Delegation of Financial Power/ Delegation of Administrative Power for Commercial
Deptt., as the case may be.

3.0 Procedure for contesting the Court Cases filed against the Corporation:

(i) Court summons along with the copy of the plaint received at the office of Sectt. Deptt./ HR
Deptt./ and Commercial Deptt at Headquarter, DVC and offices at Project/ Station, shall
be endorsed to the concerned Legal wing by the respective Head of the Deptt/ HOPs
for further necessary action.


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