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Falsgrave Avenue, BRADFORD BD2 3PU

Co-Headteachers: Mrs K Burnsall and Mrs V Rutherford

School Telephone: 01274 771124


17th September 2021

Dear Parent/Carer

We hope you have all had a restful and enjoyable summer. We are now into our second week
of the new academic year and it feels like we are getting back to what is normal, after a very
difficult year.

Please let the office staff know if you have changed your contact number or email address so
you can be kept informed of things happening in school. We also have our school Facebook
page, Twitter page and website.

Every week we will send a text to parents with a ‘question of the week’ included. This is a
good conversation starter to have with your child(ren). The questions could be about
anything and sometimes they are just for fun. If you would like to text back with an answer
we do like to read your responses and comments. We also send out our weekly safety theme
that you can talk to your children about at home.

New staff
We are very pleased to welcome Mr Lee, our Health and Well-Being Coach, to Fagley Primary
School. As well as teaching PE lessons, Mr Lee will be supporting sporting activities at
lunchtimes, offering one to one support for children and will also be running a range of after
school sports clubs.

If your child has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 they no
longer need to isolate. They only need to stay off school if they have any COVID-19
symptoms, in which case, they will need a PCR test and can return to school if the result is

School Photographs
The photographer will be coming to school on Monday 18th October. Children will have their
individual school photograph taken as normal, but there will be a change to the sibling

We have noticed over the years that the number of parents ordering sibling photographs has
dropped, therefore, rather than taking the sibling photographs during the school day, we will
be offering parents that want them, the opportunity to come to school between 3:00 and
4:30pm and have their children’s photograph taken together.

We will give out more information nearer the time.

Holiday dates
We would like to draw your attention to a mistake on the holiday term cards that were sent
out at the end of last year. Under the ‘training day’ section it says we are off on 25th
November, this is a printing mistake and should actually be 25th February 2021.

For the safety of our children please could parents not park on the yellow lines outside school
at drop off and pick up times. Could we also ask that you do not block people’s driveways as
some residents have been unable to leave their property due to vehicles being in the way.

Future Dates
• Friday 24th September – MacMillan Coffee Morning – non uniform
• Wednesday 6th October – Parents Consultation Day
• Monday 18th October – school photographs
• Friday 22nd October – break up for half term
• Monday 1st November – school reopens
• Thursday 11th November – Remembrance Gallery
• Friday 12th November – Children in Need – non uniform
• Friday 26th November – school closed for Queens Jubilee
• Friday 3rd December – Explorers exhibition
• Wednesday 15th December – Christmas dinner
• Thursday 16th December – Christmas nativity

Yours sincerely

Mrs K Burnsall Mrs V Rutherford

Co-Headteacher Co-Headteacher

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