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FITIS Independent Professional Consultants (IPC) Chapter.

FITIS Independent Professional Consultants (IPC) Chapter, conducted an awareness session on Engaging
in online platforms for revenue generation - An initiative in creating a new stream of national revenue
generating workforce, in Sri Lanka, on the 24th of July 2021. The session went on for just more than one
hour and 45minutes, with an island-wide participation of more than 68 people.

The Chairman of FITIS, Dr Prasad

Samarasinghe, addressed the gathering,
by stating the role of FITIS in the industry,
the intention of creating the IPC Chapter in
the current context, its importance, and
the benefits they are looking forward to
provide to the nation. Dr Prasad said that
IPC is the latest addition to FITIS Chapters,
which was formed just one month ago. He
also stated that this is the 1st session of the
chapter, and FITIS IPC is planning to have
more of these in the near future.

The Chief Digital Economy Officer of ICTA,

Mr Anura De Alwis, addressed the
gathering, by stating that this initiative of
FITIS will boost up the freelancer and
consulting workforce, and it will not create
any bottlenecks to the existing IT industry.
Rather it would complement or boost the
opportunities for the existing industry. He also referred many examples from other countries, which has
encouraged this community in creating national benefits. Mr Anura also highlighted the focus and
commitment of ICTA, towards consultants and freelancers in Sri Lanka.
The President of the IPC Chapter, Mr N
Nirmalan, addressed the gathering, by
stating the intention of creating the IPC
Chapter, and stated it as the country’s
need of the hour. He spoke about the
current pandemic situation and the impact
it has created in the global market, and the
issues it has imposed on Sri Lanka. He also spoke about the existing opportunity in addressing the need
of the country, by bringing the untapped workforce in matching with the existing job opportunities
online, thereby creating a foreign revenue stream for the country, while reducing unemployment. He
also stated that this initiative is boosted up by the remote working culture, which is currently accepted
by many in the country, due to the situation the pandemic has created.

Vice President of IPC chapter, Kalinga

Gunawardhana, in his speech focused on
freelancer community, how to become a
freelancer, benefits and importance of
freelancers to Sri Lankan economy. He also
spoke about existing online platforms,
engaging in online platforms, gig economy,
and how Bangladesh has utilized these freelancers to grow their economy, along with IPC Chapter’s
focus in supporting freelancers etc. During his presentation he used 3 testimonials, who spoke about
their experience in engaging in the online platforms. The testimonials were shared by: Kushan
Wanniarachchi, Freelance social media marketer, Thanuja Malimbada, Freelance digital media
specialist, Charith Weerasooriya, Freelance design specialist. The testimonial speakers shared how they
have benefited from being an active or fulltime freelancers over the years, and how it has transformed
their lives, giving them more autonomy.

Vice President of IPC chapter, Mr Sujit

Christy, concluded the session by stressing
the importance of bringing this freelancer
community together in generating benefits,
along with the importance of the awareness
creation, and the opportunities provided by
the online platforms. In addition, he
emphasized the inclusive growth, that the chapter is trying to bring to the industry at large. He also
spoke regarding the possible inclusion of differentially abled people into this journey.
He ended the session by thanking the participants, the speakers: Dr Prasad Samarasinghe (Chairman
FITIS), Mr Anura De Alwis (Chief Digital Economy Officer - ICTA), Mr N Nirmalan (President FITIS IPC
Chapter), and Kalinga Gunawardhana (Vice President FITIS IPC Chapter), the freelancers: Kushan
Wanniarachchi, Thanuja Malimbada, and Charith Weerasooriya, the host of the session Mr Shehan
Kumar (CEO FITIS), and the executive committee members of FITIS IPC Chapter: Mr Tharshan Sreetharan
(Secretary FITIS IPC Chapter), and Mr Asoka Walpitagama (Treasurer FITIS IPC Chapter), for the support
rendered in making this a success.

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