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Scripture Reading: Luke 1:35; Matthew 1:21; Luke 2:49; Matthew 9:13; John
5:43; John 6:38; John 7:29; John 12:46; Luke 19:10; John 10:10; Matthew
5:17; Matthew 20:28; and John 17:8

Mary knew that the angel had told her, "Here at my breast is the Son of God"
(Luke 1:35). She knew that the child she held was set apart from any other
that had ever been born and that would ever be born. The angel was very
clear by given the words: "Son of God."

The angel had even told Joseph, "You are to name him Jesus, for he will save his
people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). The words of angels are not likely to be
forgotten. Mary and Joseph both had a visit from an angel who told Mary who
the baby was and told Joseph what to do.

There is no doubt that his parents shared the angels' words over and over: "You
are the Son of God. You will save your people from their sins."

In the Gospel of Luke in Luke 2:49, Luke tells us that his parents did not
understand his words. Can you imagine the questions that Joseph and Mary had?
Why had Jesus come? Where will he go? What would he do?

We know that the day of fulfillment would come some three decades later after
his birth. Jesus had been given many years to wrestle with the identity told to
Mary and the mission told to Joseph. I am sure Jesus proclaimed, "I am the
one Isaiah described long ago."

We read on 13 different occasions in the Gospels where Jesus used the phrase, "I
have come..." (Examples: Matthew 9:13; John 5:43; John 6:38; John 7:29;
John 12:46).

Jesus tells us over and over why he did come to this earth. In Luke 19:10 Jesus
said, "I the Son of Man, have come to seek and save those like him who are lost."
We are clearly told that He came "To seek and save the lost." We see the focus
"the lost: and the two actions "seek and save" in that great statement.

Jesus also proclaimed in John 10:10 that He had another goal while on earth and
that is where He said, "My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life."
He was implying in that statement that a false shepherd uses the sheep and
that a true shepherd loves them enough to give his life for them.

The Bible clearly identifies the purpose of why Jesus came to earth and we see
that through Mary and Joseph. Mary was told that the child would be the Son of
God. Joseph was told that this child would save his people from their sins.

We are so fortunate to have His words. We have available to us the testament of

Jesus' life. The good news is that we have the experience of knowing what life can
be in all its fullness and we know that it is as wonderful as Jesus promised it
would be.

Devotion Questions:

• Have you gone on a mission trip? What was your motivation?

• Based on what you read in this devotional, what was Jesus' prime motivation
for coming to earth?

• Read Matthew 5:17; Matthew 20:28; and John 17:8 to learn more about
why Jesus came.

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