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1. Why is it important for me to be active especially COVID-19 is very much around?

If the COVID-19 pandemic has brought anything to our lives, that would be staying at
home and sitting down more than what we normally do. Unfortunately, it has also led us to
stressful times. Thus, it is essential to be as active as possible as this can provide benefits for
both body and mind.

Physical activities help relieve muscle tension and enhance blood circulation and muscle
activity. It also develops flexibility and muscle strength. It’s a way for us to have a longer and
healthier life as it lessens risks from acquiring diseases like heart diseases, diabetes, stroke and
even cancers. More importantly, it boosts our feelings of wellbeing, reduces stress, and enhances
sleeping habit. Thus, it is essential to do physical activities than none. Things right now may not
be in our control but we have the ability find new ways to develop our emotional resilience and
protect our health.

2. Can I be active outside with people who aren’t in my household? Support your answer.

During these times, social interactions are limited and everyone are encouraged to stay at
home, wear face masks and face shields when going out, and to not have physical contact to
various people in order to mitigate virus transmissions. Thus, it is much discouraged to be active
outside with people who are not in your household since we don’t know their background and
whereabouts. The virus is mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets during coughing or
sneezing and can stay on surfaces for a long time. Consequently, people who follow social
distancing at home can still be exposed to the virus by just doing essential activities like doing
grocery. This means every close contact risks us from virus transmission and worst cases may
happen when contacting with strangers. Nevertheless, it is best to meet virtually but if it is an
important meet, careful and right precautions should be done.

3. How do I stay connected to others while being active?

Practicing social distancing may limit our physical interactions to people but this does not
conclude that it can disconnect people in our life. One can still stay connected and active while
apart in various ways. An example of such is calling a friend or loved one reminiscing good
memories while walking. It is like hitting two birds with one stone as you interact while moving
your body. Next, one can set-up an at-home workout and do it together with their friends or family
through virtual meet up. Lastly, there are classes that can be attended online such as yoga,
dancing or painting in which everyone can join. These classes are a perfect way to feel
connected with other people without having to worry about pandemic. Indeed, things may be
tough right now but we have the ability find new ways in order to still be connected and active.

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