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Many years after the 9/11 attacks in the United States, the threat from religiously motivated terrorist

groups has not subsided. In the Philippines, several organizations are tagged as terrorist wherein some
are known to be connected with the Al-Qaeda group. They do various activities such as murder, kidnap
for ransom, and bombings as effective strategy to achieve political and economic aims, generate
sufficient media attention, and gain sympathy from followers. In my growing up years, I saw news from
TV about such activities and my parents have always warned me about these organizations and their
pursuit. Thus, the info and warnings that I received made me anxious and more careful in my
surroundings. I always asked my parents the background of the places I’d go to and the possible areas
where terrorists would live or roam. In short, I’ve been vigilant growing up to my surrounding. Being
scared and anxious about when and where would these terrorist would do their activities are the
feelings I cannot be avoided however it also taught me to be more protective of myself when something
dangerous might happen by means of learning self-defense. Moreover, it also taught me to value life
even more because we cannot know if their dangerous activities would cost my life or not. Indeed, a
history from the past can be an instrument for growth and a lesson for all of us.

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