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1. This is a continuation of Module I Assignment 02

2. Answer the following guide questions. Elaborate your answers by giving detailed descriptions.
3. You may add pages if necessary. Submit as PDF.

Guide Questions:

1. What is the opinion (comments and reactions) of your parents/grandparents/guardians to the events or
issues described in your chosen article or photo?

The article I’ve chosen was about the economic impact of the terrorist attacks made by the Islamic
extremist group Al-Qaeda to the United States (US) on September 11, 2001. This attack has affected
particularly the proposed wage hike that will happen in October 2001 in our country. According to
my mother, she has remembered the 9/11 attacks in the US as a global shock as no one expected
that one of the most powerful country would go into great recession which has affected other
countries as well. The Philippines was one of those however not severely affected as it was only for
a short time. She said it was true that the tourism in the country had been affected as one of the
major incomes of travel and hotel businesses is from American foreigners. A decreased in tourist
arrivals was a big loss for them and means a reduced GDP had happened in the country during that
time. The terrorist attacks had alerted the country as well since it has been known that a militant
group in the Philippines is connected with the Al-Qaeda. My mother at that time was alerted and
got nervous that maybe same attacks might happen in our country. Regarding with the wage hike,
she had not felt an increase in her salary during that time thus she thought that the proposed wage
hike was not really implemented due to the economic impact of the event in our country. Indeed,
she thinks that this event has been a great reminder of how influential the US is in our country. It’s a
cue for the country to be economically ready when there is a global recession so that proposed
benefits/law for the Filipino people will not be disrupted.

2. How the events and issues described in your chosen article or photo affected the lives of your
parents/grandparents/guardians; and the society in general?

The undermined wage hike due to the terrorist attacks that has happened in US has not severely
affected the lives of my parents/grandparents but maybe to the other people in the society. Some
people, especially the minimum wage workers, work so much yet the salary they get is not
substantial. With the wage hike proposal, a just living wage would be very beneficial for them. It
would be a great help to increase their budget in buying their basic necessities, have a productive
workforce resulting to higher levels of customer satisfaction and more chance for a worker to less
likely leave. Yet, due to the event that has happened in the US, it has put on halt as well as the
benefits it costs. Focusing on the terrorist attacks issue, it has affected local businesses to the point
that they may not be able to grant higher wages to their workers. The aftereffects of the attacks
were felt mostly by the local export firms and travel and hotel industries. These effects are the
following: a decrease of American tourist arrivals, instability of Philippine peso, sluggishness in
business climate and uncertainty in peace conditions . In general, the issue had not really affected
the lives of my parents/grandparents but to the selected sector in the society particularly the
minimum wage workers and the local businesses.

3. Did these events and issues described in your chosen article or photo in any way or another affect or
influence your growing up years? You may ask your parents/grandparents/guardians for more information
and insights. Elaborate your answer.

Many years after the 9/11 attacks in the United States, the threat from religiously motivated terrorist groups
has not subsided. In the Philippines, several organizations are tagged as terrorist wherein some are known
to be connected with the Al-Qaeda group. They do various activities such as murder, kidnap for ransom, and
bombings as effective strategy to achieve political and economic aims, generate sufficient media attention,
and gain sympathy from followers. In my growing up years, I saw news from TV about such activities and my
parents have always warned me about these organizations and their pursuit. Thus, the info and warnings
that I received made me anxious and more careful in my surroundings. I always asked my parents the
background of the places I’d go to and the possible areas where terrorists would live or roam. In short, I’ve
been vigilant growing up to my surrounding. Being scared and anxious about when and where would these
terrorist would do their activities are the feelings I cannot be avoided however it also taught me to be more
protective of myself when something dangerous might happen by means of learning self-defense.
Moreover, it also taught me to value life even more because we cannot know if their dangerous activities
would cost my life or not. Indeed, a history from the past can be an instrument for growth and a lesson for
all of us.

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