11.IVCC Brochure

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ee sae) LID, State of the art engineering Indus Valley Construction Company (private) Limited (popularly kuown as I¥CC) is the leading Geotechnical and Speciatist Civil Engineering Contractor in Pukistan. Whether you are an owner, contractor, architect or consulting engineer, IVCC provides you wiih @ unique advantage in your projects: State of the art knowledge; the meticulous skills of the specialist; invaluable assets we have nuriured, developed and optimised through over thirty years of experience. We rake pride in what we do, and when the contract is completed, you will know chat our skills have given fall value for your money. We firmly believe that it is more rewanling to be excellent in specific areas than 10 be just mediocre in many. Our expertise, know-how and resources are therefore geared cowands the fields of sub-soil, geotechnical and ground mechanics. We specialise and are leaders in drilling, Gor everything except oil!) grouting, piling, dewatering, guniting, shorereiing, tunnelling, mining, slipforming, vibrofieatation, diaphragm walls, steel fabrication and erection, concrete demolition and other related specialist works We also believe that it is dedicated team work that produces an environment of creativity and excellent engineering. Coupled with superior technology our team of professionals can overcome the most challenging of construction problems with solutions which are innovative, elegant and simple, The true test of our endeavours is reflected in our performance and results over many years on hundreds of contracts and an ever expanding roster of saisfied clients. From the largest project involving complex problems, to the simplest assignment, our commitment fo excellence distinguishes us from the rest To successfully accomplish a project requires a team effort ard a healthy parmership with the client. IVCC provides the partnership with a solid foundation that is built on technical excellence, financial stabitity and @ supreme recont of success workshop & logistics turnkey projects Over a period of thirty years, vec has transtormed itself from a drilling company to a specialist civil engineering company. Heavy investments in equipment and logistic resources coupled with computerisation and adoption of modern management concepts has placed IVC in the ranks of international specialist companies of repute. IVCC operates in four major divisions.The contracting division provides a broad range of specialised services. The workshop and logistics division works in intimate association with the contracting division. The turnkey projects and consultancy division works in collaboration with associates. The trading division advises and procures tor clients, equipment and material required for their special needs and for the in-house requirements of the company. contracting rotary & percussion drilling geohydrological investigations subsoil investigations mineral exploration "tubewells piling dewatering grouting guniting & shotcreting vibrofloatation & diaphragm walls tunnelling, mining & shaft sinking demolition, blasting & quarrying silos & slipforming soils & materials testing other specialist works research and development F Doki Dat Supt sptinay 2 Tavbeta ban Sonia Manele Dan Spi Over the last three decades IVCC's contracting division has executed a wide range of contracts for numerous clients. (see Summary of Works Executed). A detailed computerised database is maintained on the geological and geotechnical aspects of cach job. Be ita small farmer in the out-back of Balochistan 9f a gigantic government organisation like the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA). all IVGG clients get the same professional attention to detail 1 Explor ‘ding. Dota geotechnical services & consulting ‘@ test pits shell & auger boring @ wash boring @ piston sampling standard penetration tests © permeability tests @ standpipes & piezoreters © pump out tests dutch cone penetrometer tests ® vane tests iowa borehole shear tests plate loading tests @ in-situ density & cbr tests ® geophysical surveys @ rock mechanics tests ® foundation & earthworks @ pavements & slope stability @ feasibility studies @ soil mechanics laboratory Site investigation 's an essential oro. requisite for all modern civil engineering work. Properly pianned and executed site Investigations ensure sound structures and affect savings which are, many times greater than what is spent on the investigation. IVC has carried out over a million meters of specialised core, non-core and percussion driling, with related in-situ and laboratory tests, for numerous civil engineering projects. VCC has buitt up a team of dedicated professionals using sophisticated modem equipment and a wealh of experience unequalled in Pakistan. From the mighty Tarbela Dam to the majestic Mangla, from Gilgit, on the fabled Karakoram Highway, to the rugged Mekran coastline, trom other remote sites in the Himalayas to Innospitable locations in the desert, there is no structure of importance with which IVCC was not associated in the investigation phase. While large projects are challenging, no job is too small fer us. We nave investigates sites for factory anc residential builcings, shopping centres, office complexes, roads, bridges, marine and hydraulic structures, dams, transmission lines, tunnels, mineral deposits, quarries and borrow pits. While the bulk of jobs are onshore we have executed some challenging jobs offshore to the surprise but complete satisfaction of gratified ctients. 3 Explorers cavern fn eft ar ponpaced Gemal Zam Darn, Tobe area 4 Insesiganons for proposed Bite Bram om Riser Tabs re Riretonoat 1 Explersion ee ‘onl Letra Sith 2 Faploriom dilime mineral exploration Mineral exploration involves the extensive use of sophisticated modern wireline core Griling equipment capable of dilling to great Gepihs, IVCG holds an unrivatled position in this field, Our wireline core driling rigs are capable of drilling deeper and quicker than conventional rigs and giving higher core recovery percentages. IVCC has dfilled for minerals to depths of 500 meters-and has the capability to aril to 2000 meters. ‘Specialised techniques such as “air flush have been used, in Pakistan VCC has carried out exploration for imestone, shale, gypsum, bauxite, marble, salt, coal, and copper. tubewells IVCC employs the latest methods and modern equipment needed to install an efficient tubewell. Different locations call for different driling techniques. In submountain areas, using heavy percussion rigs, holes are telescoped inside ‘strings’ of steel casings in diameters of upto 96 inches. In alluvial soils, the quickest method is the use of reverse circulation rigs. Other locations may dictate the use of straight rotary, or rotary percussive air drilling techniques. INC also tabricates the required water well fitings. Many hundreds of IVCC installed waterwells can be seen throughout Pakistan. They include muricipal, agricultural and industrial water supply wells upto capacities of 130,000 gallons per hour. NCC has participated in the Salinity Control and Reclamation Projects (SCARP) to combat water logging and satinity in the NWFP and Punjab provinces ot Pakistan. The Katur Dheri SCARP and Bannu SCARP in NWFP were particularly difficult projects where heavy percussion rigs were employed. INCC is the only company in Pakistan to have drilled percussion water wells on SCARP projects Rg | Devetopingand wing tavewelin Heche 2 Rating 2X0. Dining derpastr ‘tell Polcchiton 2 Tibewcll ly Dating 1 Ses pen jor ff ta ee Wooden piles have been used by mankind since the earliest times to support simple bulicings and other structures where ground conditions mace the construction of normal foundations difficult or impossible. But in the last tow decades, sophisticated modern piling equipment and techniques have given an enormous treedom to the engineer to construct the most complex and massive structures in almost any type of ground concition IVCC has constructed piles in almost all 2 parts of Pakistan. Be they for an aerial ropeway in Azad Kashmir, for bridges and buildings in the Punjab and NWFP or for transmission line towers on the mighty indus in Sind, IVCC has made its contribution to the country's progress. IVGG carries out the required site investigations and then recommends or designs the most suitable type of pile, its diameter, depth, matorials, amount of reinforcement ete, Precise pile loading tests rR to the design requirements are carried out (sy before full scale construction gets ice) underway 3 Openhctemut ‘Shei i dameer 46 Eee state Fir RCC pees andor 5 Gio Pilg SOO enna ICC also designs and constructs special piles, for such purposes as underpinning of old structures or for continuous piled retaining walls. IVCC has consiructed bored cast-in-situ piles both onshore and otishore from suitebly designed floating platforms, Offshore large diameter piles are an exclusive speciality | Rare "by unite Water ohana noo © guniting & shotcreting Guniting has many ditterent applications. Some of these are structural repairs to damaged concrete a strengthening of fire damaged concrete = strengthening ot masonry structures 1m marine structures = corrosion protection of concrete = structural support for underground structures = waterproofing of hydraulic structures @ refractory lining of stacks. furnaces, tanks etc, = lining of pipes and steel structures architectural renderings slope protection and ground stability Gunite is 2 proportioned éambination of materials of either sand, light weight aggragate, and cement, or refractory materials, which are mixed and conveyed pneumatically in a dry state, from a gunite ‘gun’ through a ‘material hose to a nozzle where hydration takes place (immediately prior to expulsion) by the introduction of controlled quantities of water under pressure. The resulting ‘gunite’ has physical properties far superior to regular concrete. Modern technology now makes possible the pneumatic application of even large aggregate mixes to praduce what is called spray concrete or 'shotcrete’ Because of the special appiication techniques, gunite has specifications which are far superior to ordinary poured concrete. Some of the important specifications of unite are: Low water coment ratio High compressive strength Excellent bond strength High density, light weight Low coefficient of expansion Fire resistant Corrosion resistant Resistant to abrasion Economical Being extremely versatile, gunite has variod application possibilities and on some occasions is the only reliable construction method. As a specialist process, guniting is carried out by trained engineers and experienced operators. IVC has been using gunite in Pakistan for many years on contracts ranging from rehabilitation of an aquaduct running under the heart of the historical city of Peshawar, the Lining of chimney stacks of power stations, support for tunnels, structural reinforcement of buildings, and architectural enhancements. | ka 4 Scart telstory ha “mre wth 1 Growing a dial grouting Grouting Is the injection under pressure of suspensions, emulsions and solutions to improve the geotechnical characteristics of soils and rocks and to facilitate the filing of voids ‘or structural purposes. Grouting is used for sealing, strengthening, and stabilising solls and rocks, Grouting services can be for any of the following: ‘* Area or blanket grouting for dams Curtain grouting Consolidation grouting Contact grouting Cavity grouting Fault zone grouting Grouting for leakage reduction in tunnels Grouting for strengthening of tunne's Grouting to prevent groundwater lowering Grouting for rock bolts Grouting of anchors and cables Mud jacking and jet grouting Chemicals and resin grouting “in irrigation nunnel Debut Bam trey Grouting mati Tarbta Darn IVCG provides a comprenensive driling and grouting service - from the most confined tunnels and adits, to the formation of large grout curtains injected from the surface. Grouting is extensively used on dams and IVGC is privileged to have worked on the mighty Tarbela Dam - the world's largest earth filed dam, Apart from numerous other Projects, IVCC has worked internationally to provide complote drilling and grouting services for dams and tunnels at the Duhok Dam project in iraq, Bock boting fend, Dit Dam, trea 2 Diversion tml . Daliak Bur, Fay tunnelling & mining IVCC has been actively engaged in the running and operation of marble and coz mines. advises mine owners on optimum equipment solutions and the economical extraction of minerals. Construction of acits and tunnels on civil engineering projects recuires skill and knowledge of drilling and controlled blasting coupled with the use of modem ground support systems like rock bolting, 2 shotereting, and ground anchors, In problem areas, extensive ground Improvement through grout injection and seepage cutoif may be required. Yel other situations may require control of ground water through dewatering or freozing. These are the specialities that VCC deploys on tunnelling projects. demolition Coneréie technclogy is subject to aging and a stage has arrived where old structures need to be demolished and replaced, IVCC 's equipped to mest any type of demolition problem. We have executed contracts for controled demolition of thousands of cubic meters of extremely hig strength and heavily reinforced concrete in very sensitive locations around the Mangia and Tarbela Dam power houses. Techniques employed include controlled blasting, use of air and hydraulic oreakers, and under water thermic lancing. Versatile hydraulic breakers capable of working in very contined spaces, like cement plant kilns and steel casting ladles are avaiable 4d Bewaiton of 1) Slo Sinforing Saeiar 2 aera M grein 3 Comeyorana Fonte en jor silos & slipforming Slipforming is a construction technique whereby reinforced concrete structures are cast continuously using specially designee moving formwork. The steady movement of the formwork is achieved by the use of special purpose mechanical or hycraulic travelling jacks. This technique is ideally suited for the quick and extremely economical construction of high rise structures such as silos, chimneys, bridge piers and elovator shatts IVEG has executed @ project for a battery of fourteen high rise and large diameter einforced concrete grain silos. It was executed on a turnkey basis for the National Logistic Cell. The 50,000 ton capacity project was completed in a record period of twelve months. The design and construction of the grain storage complex included all infrastructure facilities and the procurement, fabrication, erection and installation of automated grain handing, conveying, cleaning, bagging, weighing, moisture control, and fumigation equipment. The monitoring of the completed complex is accomplished through a specially designed electronic control room. Slipforms were designed and manufactured in INCC's own modern workshop. All the steel fabrication and erection was executed by our skilled technicians at site without the use of any cranes. 1 Dewatering sistem ting deep abel ft Paksenn Seed Wille Kerach 2 laying of press dipetne aking weit pans dewatering Dewatering involves the lowering of groundwater level to a predetermined depth and the maintenance of that depth to facilitate the construction of underground structures below the subsoil water table, Usually temporary or long term dewatering is involved in the construction of buildings, iunnels, sewers, pipelines. marine and other hydraulic structures. For IVC, dewatering is a natural by: produet of our othar specialisations, Our wealth of knowledge has enabled us to execute intricate dewatering projects. We have designed systems using both well points and deep wells and have depressed the water table by 20 moters and maintained it at that level continuously for eighteen months to the satistaction of foreign consultants. Be it buiiding foundations, marine docks, pipelines, sewers or power houses, [VCC can design, construct and operate a suitable and economical dewatering system for you. workshop & logistics fabrication erection machining equipment maintenance "plant overhauling foundry & production spare parts inventory control agricultural implements steel pipes & casing steel fabrication & erection industrial plants technical training personnel administration transportation improvisation research & development Primarily set up for the efficient maintenance of IVCC equipment, it has now grown into a full fledged division and is, subdivided into the following sections: 1 Fabrication, Erection and Machining Engine Repair and Overhaul Foundry and Production Stores and Administration In view of the sophisticated equipment used, itis necessary to maintain a comprehensive inventory of fast moving spares and accessories, The inventory runs into tens of thousands o items and is, computer controlled for optimum utilisation, We have arrangements with suppliers for airfreighting breakdown spare parts. This enables us to reduce costly dewntime on job sites and meet tme deadlines, From our central depot at Lahore we can despatch material all over the country, usually overnight. Constant inhouse training programmes are un to keep technicians abreast of modem cevelopments. Production is geared to meet the requirements of the contracting division However works for numerous clients aro executed concurrent with stringent delivery schedules. Constant research and development is carried out on company equipment to update components and adapt to local conditions. Ris mamtenaroe turnkey projects design planning procurement fabrication erection construction commissioning operation maintenance 1 stot aarp Apart trom providing consultancy services in its specialist fields, IVCC, with the collaboration ofits associates in other fields, offers a full range of consultancy services for any type of civivindustrial engineering project. Its teasibility studies section can investigate and submit detailed feasibility reports for the consideration of clients Projects are also undertaken on design- ‘cum-construst'tuinkey basis. Enquiries on various specialist potential | works are always welcome and detailed proposa's on any specialist problems are glacly submitted. Discussions/visits are arranged by ICC's specialist'stait on request trading imports agencies 33 With its intimate knowledge of modern ‘onstruction equipment and its sources of supply, IVCC has sought to bring International manutacturars of engineering ‘and construction equipment and buyers together through the trading division. Ithas representative arangeenis with varied manufacturers and is in a unique position to advise users on the equipment requirements for their projects. Individual items, or comprehensive packages can be procured and supplied. With its upto-date knowledge of government import/export rules and customs procedures, |VCC can help buyors obtain value for money. The trading division has many salislied and happy customers in both public and private sector organisations in Pakistan, g 1 VCC Head Ofice land Werke: Lahore 2 Compeersedtare faremanagement angle Dam background IVCC was incorporated as a private limited company in August 1958 and is now in its fourth decade of service to Pakistan. As a pioneer of the drilling industry in Pakistan, IVCC soon became the only company regularised by the Government of Pakistan as an industrial unit. It was the first Pakistani drilling company to succeed in ‘open intemational competition against foraign firms with greater financial and technical resources. Starting from its first modest drilling contract, IVCC within a span of five years had established an enviable reputation in the drilling industry of Pakistan. The early sixties saw the execution of the indus 8asin Replacement Projects in Pakistan. it had drilling assignments in every one of its major components. At Mangla and Tarbela Dams, IVCC carried out large volumes of Grilling, site investigation, soil mechanics tests, grouting and ottier specialist works. ‘The seventies were years of consolidation and saw the induction of a new generation of the founding family into the business. The first international contract was obtained. At home the company was firmly established a> an innovative organisation committed to providing the very latest in equipment and know howto its continuously expanding list of clients. The eightles have seen IVCC moving into other specialised fields and iransforming its~ self from a drilling company into a specialist civil engineoring company. Heavy investments in equipment and logistic resources coupled with computerisation and adoption of modern management conceps has placed IVC in the ranks of international specialist companies of repute. The family's third generation, educated and trained in the USA, is with |VCC and the ‘company looks forward to the future with enthusiasm and configence. technical association To acquire a firm technical base and technology, INCC was associated in its, formative years with Messors Geostrazivanja of Yugoslavia and Messers Cralieus A.B. 0! Sweden. Later, it entered into @ long association of about ten years with the Cementation Company Ltd, of UK. In 1974 Cementation Company wound up business in Pakistan and transferred most of its equipment and staif to VCC. ‘Over the years, the company has executed many contracts in technical and/or financial collaboration/suib-cantractor with renowned international companies. It has standing arrangements for collaboration or joint ventures whenever required and is the spacialist sub-contractor of choice with many general contractors. IVOC's experience of working with American, British, Bulgarian, Canadian, Chinese, Czechoslovakian, French, German, talian, Iranian, Japanese, Korean, Russian , Yugoslavian, and Pakistani consultants and contractors has given it professional insight into the latest lernational technology and familiarity with the various international standards, codes of practice and specifications, In Pakistan IVC is registered as a Class “At (No Limit) contractor with all the important government agencies and others for all types of civi engineering works: It is also on the approved panel of consultants maintained by the Engineer-in-Chie's branch of the Pakistan Army and is registered with the Pakistan Engineering Council for engineering works Internationally, IVCC has executed contracts in Nigeria and Iraq. It maintains representative offices through associates in the UK and Dubai. (United Ara Emrates) management & personnel The management team at IVOC consists of top flight engineers and managers with vasi technical and administrative experience. lis senior staft is well versed in modern business management techniques, nolding diplomas in advanced management. IVCC is an institutional member of the Pakistan Institute of Management and over the years nominated managers have attended courses at the institute to improve their management skills Due to the specialised nature ot its work, IVCG runs inhouse training programmes for its lower and micdie level technicians. On- the- job training is imparted to apprentices who on successful completion of training are absorbod in the regular cadre. Rarely do trained apprentices leave the company's service and the vast majority of technicians have been with IVCC for ten years or more Veclndea eference leary os Head Ome col.mohammad ata-ullah (1905-1977) The late Colonel Mohammad Ata-ulian, S.K. O.B.€. founded Incus Valley Construction Co. (Put). Ltd., in 1958 and was its first Managing Director til 1975. Graduating as a doctor in 1928, he joined the British Indian Army in 1930. He had 2 remarkable career travelling all over the world and serving in a number of capacities. The year 1993 found him in the middle of the North west frontier. As a doctor and administrator he served In Central india Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon and Muscat. On the creation of Pakistan in 1947, Col Ata-ullah Decame the tirst Director Health Services of Azad Kashmir. After a distinguished career, he retired from the Pakistan Army, However his irrepressible desire for making the mest of his life new opened new and challenging avenues tor him. He became a censullant in logistios and Resident Manager, Pakistan, for the Hunt international Petroleum Company which was prospecting for oil in Pakistan in the early files, His ardent love for mountaineering led him to join the 1953 American Expedition to K-2, the socond highest mountain in the world. A year tater he accompanied tre successful alien expedition to K-2, He took to flying alter the age of 50 and successlully obtained a commercial pilot licence. When the Lowell ‘Thomas Ginerama Production came to Pakistan to film "Search for Paradise”, Col Ata-ullah was appointed its co-manager in Pakistan, With vast experience of administrative affairs he quickly became an indispensable trouble shooter ‘or the unit. In a continuous search ‘or new experience, Col. Ata-ullat’s next project was a very readable and well compiled autabiog-aphy. Called ‘Citizen of Two Worlds’ the book was published by Harper & Brothers, New York in 1960. twas only natural that having achioved almost everything that ne ever wanted to do, Col, Aca-ullan next tured 10 the field of engineering. Indus Valley Construction Company (IVCC) was accordingly bom in 1958, Today, as the company expands into more and more diversitied tields, its founder's fundamental policy of seeking challonges and doing a job well continue to be the cornerstone of IVCC's philosophy. PRINCIPAL OFFICE & WORKS: Location Km-17/18, Ferozepur Road, Lahore-54760, Pakistan Telephones: +492 (42) 5811571 - 74, Fax: ++92(42) 5820223, 5810164 Email: ivecihr@iveethr.com iveclhr@brain.net.pk Website: http://www.ivecihr.com hitp:/www.ivecengineering.com POSTAL ADDRESS 18-G, Gulberg-IIl, Lahore-54680, Pakistan REGISTERED OFFICE Sunny Side Villa No. 5, 15/8 Bleak House Road, Civil Lines, Karachi-75530, Pakistan Telephones: +492 (21) 5661333, ##82 (21) 5218633 Fax: ++92 (021) 5661334 OVERSEAS 4 A West Road Ealing London w520L, United Kingdom (U.K.) Telephone:+44 208998 Specialised Civil Engineering Lo na

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