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The country is alarmed by the recent spread of the novel

Coronavirus. In its earliest stage where only one Filipino was
confirmed positive. To kill such a patient could save many Filipino
lives. Once the patient is protected at all costs, it is likely that more
Filipinos would get infected (as it is now, apparently), and this third-
world country with a poor healthcare system would suffer in epic
proportions, resulting in far greater loss of life. One can easily
compare the number of lives that will be lost (only one, that of the
patient’s), versus the number of lives that could be spared if the
contagion is stopped in its earliest stage. In the light of Bentham
and Mill’s Utilitarianism, what must you do?

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Bentham and Mill’s Utilitarianism theory proposed that acts are correct in proportion as
they aim to foster pleasure, incorrect as they tend to generate the opposite of

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happiness. As long as it produces benefits and pleasure to everyone. As Bentham
believes in order to be evaluated as good, the outcome of our behavior should yield

more pleasures than pains.
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Following their principle about Utilitarianism, I think it would be best to kill the only one
positive Filipino patient to save everyone from the contagious disease. If we would not
sacrifice the one person we will struggle in massive proportions given that we are in a

third world nation with inadequate health care services. And that it is possible that more
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Filipinos will get infected once we won’t sacrifice that person. So, it would be best to get
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the patient exterminated so that we could save many lives. Against by the law of
Humanitarian doctrine but for the sake of the human race, sacrificing one’s life to the
lives of many will save us to prevent the spreading of contagious disease.
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The theory of utilitarianism must be followed on a case-by-case basis to do which would

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yield the best overall outcomes. We should also look at situations that would bring about
the goodness and that it would benefits us in the ends. We should think that it would
benefits to many not for the ourselves but for the survival of human race.

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