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Instruction: Solve for the difficulty index and discrimination index of the following.

Identify and
interpret the computed difficulty index and discrimination index of the item. Submit your answers
in your instructors email.

1.       A 30 – item test was administered to 40 students in English class. Compute the difficulty and
discrimination index of the following test results. Interpret your answers and determine what actions you
should take. Complete the table below.


No. G
5 10 8 0.82 Very Easy Item NA 0.18 VLDP NA Poor Reject/Discard

9 6 1 0.32 Difficulty Item NA 0.45 MDP A Fair Revise/ Improve

13 11 6 0.77 Easy Item NA 0.45 MDP A Fair Revise/ Improve

0.59 Average/ Moderate A 0.45 MDP A Good Retain
18 9 4
Difficulty Item
25 8 6 0.64 Easy Item NA 0.18 VLDP NA Poor Reject/Discard

2.       A 40 – item multiple choice in English with four options was recorded below. Listed were the
number of students in the lower and upper groups who answered, A, B, C, and D. the letter with an
asterisk is the correct answer.

Item 13 A B C D*
Upper Group (27%) 4 6 5 4
Lower Group (27%) 2 5 9 5

Based from the given table, answer the following:

a. Give the difficulty index - ans. 0.41  

b. What is the level of difficulty? – ans. Average/Moderate Difficulty Item  

c. Is the difficulty index acceptable? – ans. Yes, it is acceptable since the level is in the  
average/ moderate acceptable

d.  Indicate the discrimination index. – ans. -0.09  

e. What is the discrimination level? – ans. Questionable Item  

f.  Is the discrimination index acceptable? – ans. No, because it’s a questionable item.

g.  Which group got more correct answer? – ans. Lower Group  

h. Is item 13 has a positive discrimination or negative discrimination? – ans. Item 13  

has positive discrimination.

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