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 nivel B2 
Write your answer in 140—190 words in an appropriate style.
You have 40 minutes to complete this task.
 nivel C1 
Write your answer in 220—260 words in an appropriate style.
You have 45 minutes to complete this task.
The school where you attend English classes has decided to
buy new books in English. You have been asked to write a
report for the Principal, suggesting what kind of books your
school should buy. In your report, you should also state why
students may find these books useful to improve their English.
Write your report.

 nivel B2 
Write your answer in 140—190 words in an appropiate style.
You have 40 minutes to complete this task.
 nivel C1 
Write your answer in 220—260 words in an appropiate style.
You have 45 minutes to complete this task.
The company where you work offers a lunch service for its
employees. Recently, there have been many complaints about
the canteen, especially regarding long queues, limited choices
and too much unhealthy food.

You have decided to write a report for your manager,

suggesting how the canteen service may be improved. In your
report you should address the main complaints.
Write your report.

 nivel B2 
Write your answer in 140—190 words in an appropiate style.
You have 40 minutes to complete this task.
 nivel C1 
Write your answer in 220—260 words in an appropiate style.
You have 45 minutes to complete this task.
You have recently completed a master’s degree in a local
university. The master’s organiser has asked you to write a
report about your experience.

In your report, you should evaluate the master, asses which

part or parts were more educational and suggest changes for
those parts that were not as informative as you had expected.
Write your report.

 nivel B2 
Write your answer in 140—190 words in an appropiate style.
You have 40 minutes to complete this task.
 nivel C1 
Write your answer in 220—260 words in an appropiate style.
You have 45 minutes to complete this task.
Your city is among the final candidates for hosting a national
conference on climate change. You have been asked to write a
report aimed at attracting the event to your city.

In your report, you should evaluate your city’s accommodation

facilites and transport, explaining why your city would be
suitable for hosting the event. You must also suggest how to
increase your city’s possibilities of success.
Write your report.

 nivel B2 
Write your answer in 140—190 words in an appropiate style.
You have 40 minutes to complete this task.

 nivel C1 
Write your answer in 220—260 words in an appropiate style.
You have 45 minutes to complete this task.
Your company is experiencing a labour shortage and it is
becoming quite difficult to attract new employees. You have
been asked to write a report on how to entice new talent.
In your report, you should asses the current situation, explaining
why potential employees are not choosing your company, and
suggest changes that may help to revert this situation.
Write your report.

 nivel B2 
Write your answer in 140—190 words in an appropiate style. You have 40 minutes to
complete this task.

 nivel C1 
Write your answer in 220—260 words in an appropiate style. You have 45 minutes to
complete this task.
You belong to a local youth club whose main goal is to help local young people lead a
healthy lifestyle and practice sports. You have been asked by the club’s leader to write a
report for the mayor.

In your report, you should evaluate the current situation of the club, stating and
clarifying which programmes are more useful. You should also suggest some changes
for those programmes which are not so successful.
Write your report.

 nivel B2 
Write your answer in 140—190 words in an appropiate style. You have 40 minutes to
complete this task.

 nivel C1 
Write your answer in 220—260 words in an appropriate style. You have 45 minutes to
complete this task.
You work at the local tourist board. Your manager has asked you to write a report
aimed at luring more visitors.

In your report, you should evaluate the current status of tourism in your area, explaining
which measures or programmes have been undertaken. You also should suggest how to
increase the number of tourists and their spending.
Write your report.

 nivel B2 
Write your answer in 140—190 words in an appropiate style.
You have 40 minutes to complete this task.
 nivel C1 
Write your answer in 220—260 words in an appropriate style.
You have 45 minutes to complete this task.
The college where you study wants to make some
improvements to the facilities available to students. You have
been requested to write a report on the library.

Your report should asses the current state of the library building
as well as its catalogue, explaining whether it as adequate or
not. In your report, you should also include some suggestions
on how to improve the library.
Write your report.

 nivel B2 
Write your answer in 140—190 words in an appropriate style.
You have 40 minutes to complete this task.

 nivel C1 
Write your answer in 220—260 words in an appropiate style.
You have 45 minutes to complete this task.
You belong to a social club that organises study abroad
programmes for young students. A group of them is planning to
stay with host families in your country during the summer. Their
teacher has asked you to write a report on your country’s eating

In your report, you should comment on mealtimes, explaining

how they are organised throughout the day and suggest which
dishes could be potentially liked by the students.
Write your report.

nivel B2 
Write your answer in 140—190 words in an appropriate style.
You have 40 minutes to complete this task.

 nivel C1 
Write your answer in 220—260 words in an appropiate style.
You have 45 minutes to complete this task.
Your local library has experienced a decrease in the number of
readers in recent months. They have hired you to write a report
on how to make the library more appealing for locals.

In your report, you should evaluate the current situation,

explaining the main reasons for said decrease and suggest how
the library can entice locals to visit the library and read more
Write your report.

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