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Name: Diyya Qureshi

Chapter:22 Chapter :23 Chapter:24

theme literary analysis important incidents
Marriage is just a haggling:
In chapter 22 we can see the theme of Haggling as
Mr. Collins has purposed Charlotte and just before 3
days to Elizabeth because he wanted to become a
dine for this purpose he has to marry and charlotte
behavior to Mr. Collin’s purposal also represents
theme of hangling as she wanted a good house and
secure future no matter who she is marrying.

Dinner of Bennet family with Lucases:
The opening of chapter 22 the Bennet’s were engaged to
dine with the Lucases, and again during the chief of the
day, was Miss Lucas so kind as to listen to Mr. Collins
shows that Miss Lucas and Sir William have invited the
bennet’s on a dinner because they wanted to convince
Mr. Collins to marry their daughter Charlotte who is a 27
years old maid, as Mr. Collins is an inheritor of Mr.
bennet’s Property so, Miss Lucas has her eyes on it.
Elizabeth came to know Mr. Collins purposed
At the end of chapter, Charlotte tell Elizabeth about the
Purposel of Mr. Collins and that she accepted him as a
future partner but Elizabeth was shocked because on
Wednesday just before three days he purposed
Elizabeth, now her friend it was totally strange for her.
Chapter 23:
Love need Patience
Jane’s waiting patiently for Mr. Bingley shows
that her true is love and that when someone
truly loves they do not care about the world
and what other says
Important Incidents
Official Announcement of Charlotte Marriage
with Mr. Collins
As the chapter 23 starts with the line that Elizabeth was sitting
with her mother and sisters, reflecting on what she had heard,
and doubting whether she was authorized to mention it. So it
shows that Elizabeth is double mind that she has to tell or not
to her family about the Charlotte and Mr. Colin engagement
then suddenly Sir William Lucas himself appeared, sent by his
daughter to announce her engagement to the family officially.

Reception of charlotte and Mr. Collins

Other Major Incident that took place in this chapter is the
reception of Charlotte and Mr. Collins. All the Bennet’s were
invited but bennet family do not look happy except Jane and
Elizabeth they both congrates charlotte and Mr. Collins on their
new beginning.

Chapter 24:
No general theme
Jane receives Miss Bingley’s Letter
As in the previous chapter Jane was waiting for her love Mr.
Bingley’s Letter in this chapter Jane receives Miss Bingley’s
letter telling her that they are fine and her brother is going to
marry Mr. Darcy’s sister and they are not returning back.

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