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How Can I Become An Effective Communicator in the Local & Global Settings?


In a diverse society or the social diversity, different race culture ethnicity, socio-economics
status, and other differences between individual that each other lives as one with a healthy and strong
connection towards their opposite group or other group with different beliefs. Becoming an effective
communicator in a local and global setting is a necessary component on creating a diverse cultural
connection as it serves as the steppingstone on understanding different culture. Cross-cultural
communication is the connection between individual of different culture, that should be practice in and
effective communication. The 7 C’s of communication is also part of the way of becoming an effective
communicator in a local and global setting; the first C which the Clearness or Clarity of what you are
trying to convey to your listener or to the receiver of your message; second C is about the Conciseness
of your message is the way of encoding your message or idea in a few words or sentences; third C is the
Concreteness of the message you’re trying to imply, means it is the way of making your listener or the
recipient of your message know the whole idea or they are already making a clear picture of the idea
you are trying to imply to them; Correctness is the fourth C in communicating that is the using of the
right words or making less grammatical error so it is much easier for your audience to comprehend the
ideas you are implying; Fifth C is the Coherent of the communication, it is the arrangement of ideas and
linking them so that all parts of the idea you are conveying is understandable; The sixth C is about the
Completeness of the message or the ideas, it is all about giving the audience the overall ideas of your
message so that all the information is set that your audiences needed to understand the message you
are trying to say; And the last and seventh C is Courteousness that is all about being polite, respectful,
and sincere, as it implies that you’re considering your audience or listeners feelings, as well as your own.
And by all the 7 C’s in communication, creating an effective communication with someone makes it
easier for you to convey and share your thoughts and ideas.

Culture shaped our perspective about other individual who have a different beliefs and
background. Creating a strong and healthy connection between different background is not just as easy
as we think because there are also barriers to be consider in communicating other individual from
different culture or background. There are 6 barriers according to Thais Compoint to consider in making
cross-cultural communication or communicating someone from different background, first is
Ethnocentrism where it is the mindset where you only believe that your cultural practices is the only
right and the only way things should be, and your perception towards other culture’s practices and
behavior is wrong or unacceptable; Next barrier is the Stereotyping, that is the generalizing the whole
culture, for an instance from the perspective of some foreigners their idea about Filipinos are they are
all Catholic even though there are also Islam who lived in the Philippines; Third barrier is the
Psychological barrier where you only set your own standard or idea of what should things will work;
Language barrier is for me the common one, for the reason that when communicating using a verbal
process of communicating which involve the use of language and when language become the barrier
where in between both individuals uses different language or they are only using their native language
and cannot understand other language; Second to the last barrier is the Geographical barrier, it is about
where are the individuals are from or from whet geographical environment there are in, and this kind of
barrier affects their communication by making the other individual feeling excluded or having
uncomfortable feeling throughout communicating; and lastly the Conflicting values, it is the unaligned or
not having the same cultural norms, or beliefs between different cultures, it’s just like ethnocentrism
but in this barrier the only thing that is focused on is the conflicting values where when you disagree
other behavior. And to achieve on becoming an effective communicator in local and global settings
barriers must be consider for it is important on creating a diverse society and a healthy and strong bond
between differences.

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