GE2 (831) - Globalization - COMORA, LEAN MIGUEL

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Lean Miguel R.


GE2 (831)

INSTRUCTIONS: After watching & listening to the three (3) Video Clip Lessons for WEEKs 4-5,
you are going to write 10 Takeaways/Insights in Sentence form based on what you've learned on those

I. Globalization

1. Communication

-A process which involves two or more individuals that expresses their feelings and emotion,
share or exchanges information, knowledge, ideas, or messages.

2. Globalization

-Cross-border trading in commodities and services, technologies, plus movements of money,

people, with information are all leading to the world's economies, civilizations, and populations
to become more interdependent.

3. Ecology

-The study of the interactions among living organisms, such as humans, as well as their physical
setting; it aims to comprehend the capacity and potential that exist between animals and plants
and their surroundings.

4. Economy

- All activities in a given area connected to the production, use, as well as trade of commodities
and services are included.

5. Opportunities

-a series of events that enables something to be done.

6. Culture

-The word refers to the social behavior as well as standards present in human communities, and
also the persons' understanding, beliefs, arts, rules, traditions, capacities, as well as practices.

7. Nature

-The physical realm, particularly as it surrounds people and exists independently of human
actions, is referred to as nature.
8. Social

-friendly relationship or ties connected to, devoted to, or marked by

9. Language

-A framework of customary spoken, sometimes graphic text by which humanity represent

themselves as members of a particular system as well as contributors in its civilization.

10. Technology

-the set of methods, skills, procedures, as well as activities utilized in the development of
services or goods, or in achieving goals such as scientific research.

II. Language Registers

1. Written Language

-A written language is a set of symbols that represents a spoken or gestural communication.

2. Grammar

-is a system of contextual conditions on the formation of sentences, phrases, and words by
speakers or authors.

3. Neutral

-The neutral register is objective and non-emotional type of register.

4. Language

-A language is a formalized communication system used with people that is founded on

speaking as well as movements, body language, even, in some contexts, writing.

5. Vocabulary

-it’s all of person's words that he or she knows and uses

6. Conjunction

-a term that is used to link clauses as well as phrases together, or even to synchronize words
within the same clause
7. Informal

-Whenever communicating to friends and others you know well, then it is an informal register
that is conversational and suitable conversation.

8. Spoken Language

-Spoken language, that is differ from written languages because of how it is produced through
articulate sounds.

9. Language Register

-A register is a language variety that is employed for a specific purpose or in a certain

communication setting.

10. Communication

-a system of exchanging information between individuals using a standard set of symbols, signs,
as well as behavior

III. Multimodal Texts

1. Illustration

-It is a type of Visual Mode that uses an illustration, or an image to give, share, communicate, or
express messages.

2. Gestural Mode

-A mode that delivers or express the message through the use of actions, body language, or
hand movement.

3. Visual Mode

- A mode that uses images, illustrations, or videos to deliver or give what message are going to

4. Vocabulary

-It is a set of familiar or known words of an individual. This is included in the Linguistic Mode
that uses words to convey message.
5. Multimodal Texts

- It is the uses of more than one mode in an exchanging of informations or knowledge, like the
use of the linguistic mode, visual mode, and aural mode at the same time.

6. Linguistic Mode

- the uses of spoken or written words, it also includes the paragraphs, how the message was
organize in terms of the words used, and even the choices of the words to convey the message.

7. Rhythm

-A pattern or the flow of the sounds that is used to deliver message. It includes in the aural
mode that is more on the delivery of the message through sounds.

8. Spatial Mode

- It involves the distance of the communicators; it is the arrangements of the elements in space,
or the physical distance of the objects or the individuals in the communication process.

9. Comprehension

-It is how the message is understand that depends on the capability of the understanding of the
recipient of the message.

10. Aural Mode

-It is the use of sounds or other audible elements to convey and deliver message to the

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