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“My Course Subject Expectations”

As our world is comprises of diversities, each has different beliefs, culture, and opinions,
and by this differences we still connected by communicating with each other. In this course
subject, we are going to learn how to communicate effectively by understanding the nature,
functions, and elements of verbal and non-verbal that are necessary for communicating. I
expect that by this course subject, I will going to slowly improving my communicating skills for
me to be able to express and share my ideas to everyone without the hesitation that my
message that I want to share to everyone will going to misinterpret by others and might cause
confusions of what I really meant to say to them. I really believe that by learning how to
communicate effectively in this course will going to be one of my ingredients to my success in
the future. Stephen Covey once said that “The biggest communication problem is we do not
listen to understand. We listen to reply” positively influence my understanding about
communicating effectively, because as what Stephen Covey try to convey, as we are just
listening to give a feedback or response to what s/he said we can’t really understand the deeper
meaning of his/her message that s/he wants to imply.

As we are going to learn how to communicate effectively through an interactive learning,

the only thing that I expect to our professor is that our professor can be easily approachable
when some of his/her students miss or didn’t understand the lesson. A teacher or professor that
can be easily approachable is the best characteristic of a good teacher for me, because some
lessons can be difficult to understand or comprehend by the students and they might need the
help of the teacher. There might be some instances that there are instructions that we miss or
we didn’t understand very well, and by that approaching the professor is the first thing that we
are going to do. There are studies that a student engaging to their teacher gives a positive result
in the academic performance of the students. Connection of the student to teacher and teacher
to student is very important for me in a classroom, as it they can easily express and share their
ideas in the class.

In a class, a connection between students is very important, as students can easily

express and share their opinion to the class, and this connection can be strengthen by their
bonds with each other and to avoid issues in the class. I expect many things from my
classmates this year, but there are three special things that I expected from the, first is I hope
we can build a strong connection between each other; second is I hope that as we are going to
work with projects in this year, we are going to collaborate and create a teamwork to finish
projects easily; and lastly, I expect respect from them not just for their fellow students but also to
the professors. This three good characteristics that I expect to my classmate in this course, will
going to be a necessary component for a good class and for a good connection of students and
teachers. I hope after we finished this course the bond and connection in us cannot be easily
forgotten, and will stay the same even after we separate ways.

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