MGMT-6138 Case 9B - Student Case Preparation Form

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Student Case Preparation

Module #11:
Transformational Leadership
TVO: Leading Transformational Change

Please review the videos/readings for Module 11 and read the case for Module 11 (which is called 'TVO:
Leading Transformational Change'). The content for Module 11 is now available for you to view in FOL.

Module 11 – Transformational Leadership

What is ‘transformational’ versus ‘transactional’ leadership? And…Why is transformational

leadership important? These two key questions form the basis of this module.

Transactional and transformational leadership are two distinctly different styles of inspiring
and motivating teams for success.  A manager can use each of these leadership styles
depending on the situation, and so it is important to understand the difference between the

In general, ‘transactional’ leadership concentrates on achieving results for today, while

‘transformational’ leadership focusses on making tomorrow better. 

 Transformational leaders focus on success for tomorrow by:

 Creating a vision that inspires others on the team.

 Acting with authenticity about their leadership style and wanting the mission to

 Adopting a mindset of growth and development for each team member (personally
and professionally).

 Promoting new ideas and creativity.

 So, teams with transformational leaders are constantly transforming for the better!

Adapted from Learning with Cases, 4th ed., Richard Ivey School of Business, 2007, p.36
Summary of Videos and Reading:

In this module, we have 3 videos and 1 reading:

1. In the video titled ‘What is Transformational Leadership’, what are the 4 ways leaders create
transformation? How are these shown by Sandra Bullock’s character in the video clip from
the movie ‘The Blind Side’?
2. In the TED Talk video titled ‘5 Ways to Lead in an Era of Constant Change’, what are the 5
things Jim Hemerling lists as being important to create successful change at a company?
3. Read the article about Harvard Professor John Kotter’s 8-step change model. Take some notes
on these 8 steps. They will be helpful in your case analysis.

Case Summary:

This Module's case is called 'TVO: Leading Transformational Change. It discusses how CEO Lisa de
Wilde is faced with needing to make major transformational changes at TVO, and the importance of
her strong leadership in a ‘disruptive’ environment. Although this case deals specifically with public
broadcasting, it is still definitely relevant to all managers dealing with disruption and how to respond
to it.

1. Compare and contrast the difference between the strategy of TVO in 2013 and the new strategy
being proposed by the consultants? How is this new strategy ‘transformational’?
2. In this case, is TVO planning to make ‘proactive’ changes (making changes in anticipation of
changes happening around it), ‘crisis’ changes (fighting for survival), or reactive changes
(responding to changes that have emerged around them)? Explain.
3. Do you think Lisa de Wilde’s plan to transform TVO is a good idea? Why or why not?
4. Explain CEO Lisa de Wilde’s role as a transformational leader in this challenging time at TVO?
5. In the video titled ‘What is Transformational Leadership’, there are 4 ways leaders create
transformation (through vision, authenticity, growth mindset, and creativity). Did Lisa de Wilde
exhibit any of these 4 ways? Explain.
6. Based on John Kotter’s article titled the ‘8-Step Change Model’, explain how Lisa de Wilde can use
at least four of these steps in order to help lead change at TVO?

Adapted from Learning with Cases, 4th ed., Richard Ivey School of Business, 2007, p.36

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