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NAME: John Michael M. Lugtu
YEAR & COURSE: 4th year & BS Information Technology
TOPIC: Internet of Things
SPEAKER: Leandro A. Castillo
DATE & TIME: May 4, 2021

I. Introduction

We 4th year BS Information Technology taking up On the Job training subject are

required to have webinar regarding in I.T fields or in Technology. Our professor required to

join a webinar. The topic discussed about Internet of Things.

II. Knowledge / Learning Acquired

First the speaker said that the Internet of Things started when the level of Industry

change and I learned that Internet of Things is an idea that all object can be connected to the

Internet and the speaker share some example like the Windmills, the windmill detect how

much power is required and when to expect strong winds. This Internet of Things is very

helpful to us because there’s a lot of advantage or benefits that we can get and also I learned

from the speaker that the Internet of Things is now called Internet of Everything. I also

learned that Internet of Things is a network of physical object, and I already mentioned the

windmill that have an electronics, sensors, software and network connectivity and I also

learned that Internet of Things allows object to be sensed and controlled remotely. The

speaker showed the 4 stages of the Industrial Revolution and now we have Industry 4.0 that

allows us to have a Cyber physical system, internet of things and networks and I also learned

from the speaker that this year many people are scared because they say that this year is the
year of the machine and the speaker showed the Internet of Things Architecture and he

discuss the process or the flow and I what to share the three layers of Iot Architecture which

are the Application Layer, Network Layer and the Perception Layer. The very interesting that

I heard from the speaker “What if the 50B machines become connected” and also the speaker

said that this is the future of IoT. The speaker share some example of the future IoT like the

speaker said in other countries that some people implanted some microchips in their body to

turn of the light or on. I have a bit of knowledge about this become I see some videos in

Facebook. I also learned that there are some experiment that created using the Internet of

Things like WIFI control, Bluetooth control, ADC Experiment and so much more.

III. Observation

During our webinar, I observed that our speaker have enough knowledge about the

topic he shared and I observed the speaker is well trained and he discuss the topic very well. I

observed that we can learn more about Internet of Things and I also observed that the

participants are interested in the topic discussed and participating with the speaker and listen

enough to learn. I also learned that the speakers give more priority to the participants to have

a better future, they do not prioritize the growth of their institution but they prioritize the

development of the participants in the webinar. They encouraged each participant to join and

apply for their training to have better knowledge and skills about Internet of Things.

IV. Recommendation / Suggestions

I suggest that they provide free learning materials for the participants of the webinar

so that the participants all the students have learning material so that when they want to take

a certification and apply for the training they can easily cope up with the lecturer shortly and

have a basic knowledge of the track we want.

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