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: FQ4-2006-0vv
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FEA-2107/2807 SONAR
New Software Version V5.21 FNR

– C-MAP ed3 Version –

Available is new software V5.21, capable of using C-MAP ed3 chart materials, FCV
CM-93/3. Other changes on V5.21 will be explained on the attachment.

Use this software;

1) When C-MAP ed3 chart material is used, and
2) When new feature of V5.21 is required.

Notice on using V5.21

(1) Before installing V5.21, use Windows XP cleaning tools; Disk Cleanup and ④
Disk Defragmenter. NAV

(2) CM-93/3 chart is installed in Single mode and with Radar overlay disabled.

(3) CM-93/3 chart is installed on each ECDIS processor unit, EC-1000C. The chart
CANNOT be transferred from one processor unit to another by harmonizing. ⑤

(4) When installing and updating S57 ENC and C-MAP ed2 chart, always make SSB

sure that the SENC conversion is made on all cells, using Chart Catalogue. If
not, carry out the SENC conversion again.

(5) Remember that LAN adapter software must

be updated after ECDIS software update.
(6) To use CM-93/3 chart materials, the USB FAX
dongle, called “eToken” supplied by Furuno SU

is required.

(7) C-MAP ed3 eToken driver is installed to use ⑦

CM-93/3 chart.
Fig.1 USB dongle for C-MAP ed3, eToken

a) Features of FEA-2107/2807 software V5.21 ⑧
b) How to update ECDIS software to V5.21 OTHERS
c) How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material
d) Removing C-MAP ed2 Chart Material
e) Notice on using S57 ENC and C-MAP ed2 with V5.21
Feature of ECDIS V5.21

Features of FEA-2107/2807 Software V5.21

Following changes are made on FEA-2107/2807 software V5.21 in addition to
the capability of using C-MAP ed3 chart material (CM-93/3).

1) DNV Conning display (new)

(a) Following Route windows are added to comply with DNV requirement. These
windows display Present leg and next waypoint information.

(1) (2) (3)

Selectable (1) and (3) or (2) and (4)

(b) Wind/Depth/Destination combined window

The following window is added to display Wind, Depth, and Destination
(Distance, Arrival time, and Arrival data) at a time.

Feature of ECDIS V5.21

(c) Propulsion information

One of four propellers window is chosen through Installation menu.

(d) Receiving of RSA sentence

Rudder sensor angle, or RSA sentence in IEEE61162 is receivable.

Feature of ECDIS V5.21

2) Alarm ACK output

Alarm ACK signal is output to the external system such as Central Alarm system.
Details will be described on another Furuno Information later.

3) Brightness Adjustment – Important –

Brightness can be adjusted through Chart Display menu. Adjust Dsp Dimmer for an
appropriate length. This solves the problem that the brightness is high at nighttime.
To use this function, the connection between EC-1000C and the serial port on the
monitor is required.

4) Active scroll
Active scroll function in S57 ENC and CMAP mode is disabled. This function is
available only in ARCS mode.

5) Echotrail function
Echotrail function is removed.

How to update ECDIS software to V5.21

How to update ECDIS software to V5.21

Time required: about 120 minutes

V5.21 ECDIS software update procedure is the same as other versions except
for C-Map ed3 Settings. To use the C-Map ed3 chart material, C-Map ed3
feature is enabled by checking the box in C-Map ed3 Settings window during
ECDIS setup. The C-Map ed3 Settings window appears next to Select
Components window.

Refer to FEA-2107/2807 service manual for ECDIS software update procedure.


Remember that after updating ECDIS software, update of LAN adapter software
is necessary.

Before updating ECDIS software, not only V5.21, but also Vj5.12, use Disk
Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter to keep the disk in peak working order.
The following pages describe how to use these tools.

How to update ECDIS software to V5.21

Disk Cleanup and Defragging

To keep a system running smoothly, run Disk Cleanup by following the procedure below.

1. Close ECDIS software (ECAWATCH).

2. Double-click My Computer icon.


3. Right-click with the cursor over Drive C icon and select Properties from the menu.


4. Click Disk Cleanup in General tag on Local Disk (C) Properties.


How to update ECDIS software to V5.21

5. Wait until the Disk Cleanup window disappears.


6. Select all files to delete, and click OK.


7. Click Yes in the confirmation window to continue, and the cleanup tool starts. It takes
more than 30 minutes in some cases - the exact amount of time depends on how
much data is on your hard drive.



How to update ECDIS software to V5.21

8. Click Tools tab and then Defragment Now…


9. Click Defragment and wait until Defragment is complete. It takes more than 30
minutes in some cases.


Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter can be opened in a number of different ways.
Another method is;
Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Disk Cleanup
Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Disk Defragmenter

How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

How to Install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

Time required: 60 minutes

The following describes the installation flow of C-MAP ed3, CM-93/3 chart materials.

Step 1. Get an eToken and a CMAP Upgrade kit from Furuno.

Step 2. Contact the C-MAP with following information to get chart materials and the

(a) Ship’s name

(b) IMO number
(c) eToken number
(d) Zone(s) you want to purchase.
(Access for Global Chart
Database catalogue.)
(e) Agreement type; One-year lease or Purchase (Update service not
included, extra price)
(f) CD ROM as “Media type”
(g) Address to send CD ROM
(h) Address to send license
(i) Email address
(j) Address to send Chart CD ROM
(k) Address to send invoice
(l) Address to send update chart data

After Chart CD ROM(s) and the license are received, take steps 3 to 5.
Step 3. Install eToken driver.

Step 4. Load CM-93/3 chart.

Step 5. Install the license.

How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

Installing CM-93/3 eToken Driver

Connect the USB Interface box supplied in the CMAP upgrade kit to USB ports on
the backside of the ECDIS processor unit, EC-1000C. (Either cable is connected to
the upper port.) The box is mounted in a convenient position easily accessible to the
USB port with double-faced adhesive tapes. The one port on the box is used for
CM-93/3 dongle, or eToken and the other for the USB memory stick to update
CM-93/3 chart. DO NOT as yet connect the eToken to the port in the box.

To install eToken driver;

1. Make sure that eToken is not inserted.
2. Set the system to SINGLE mode (NOT multi mode) and turn off Radar Overlay function.
3. Set the ECDIS chart mode to S57 ENC.

Fig.1 CM-93/3 eToken

4. Insert the Key disk into the slot.

5. Select C-Map Ed3 installation menu in Installation Settings/Menu.
(Menu > Installation Settings > C-Map Ed3 installation) ECDIS software is terminated

Main Menu > Initial Settings >

C-MAP Ed3 installation


How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

6. Click Install. Fig.3

7. With the message “… please insert it now….”, insert the eToken in the USB port on the
box, and then click Yes. Fig.4

Fig.3 Fig.4

8. Click Cancel in Found New Hardware Wizard window. Fig.5

(Figs. 5 to 8 do not appear if the driver is already installed.)


9. Click Yes.


10. Remove eToken with the following message from the socket, and click OK.


How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

11. Insert eToken into the socket again with the following message, and click OK.


12. Click Yes.


13. Click Yes, and the Product Catalogue window appears.


14. Click Next in Product Catalogue window.


How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

15. Click Next.


16. Click Next and the Product Catalogue start being installed. Wait until the installation is



How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

17. Click Close when the installation is complete.


18. Close C-Map v3 Installation dialog by clicking X in the upper right hand corner, and the
system automatically reboots.

CAUTION: DO NOT click Uninstall. If pressed by mistake, select “Remove ….” in the
dialogue appeared for reinstallation of the driver.


19. Remove the Key disk after the system reboots.

How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

Installing CM-93/3 Chart

The CM-93/3 chart is installed on each ECDIS processor, EC-1000C by using the following
procedure. The chart data is not transferred in harmonization, unlike C-MAP ed2, or
CM-93/2 chart.

1. Set the system to Single mode and turn off Radar Overlay function.
2. Select Main Menu > Chart Menu > C-MAP Ed3 > Load and register for use.
3. The ECDIS software is automatically terminated and the window Fig.17 appears.
4. Insert the CM-93/3 CD ROM into the CD drive.
5. Click Copy Database to HD.


6. Select Local Disk (M) to make a folder where the copy of the database is saved.


7. Click OK.
8. Click Yes to continue.


How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

9. Wait for about 10 minutes until the copy is complete.


10. Click OK.


11. Make sure that the chart version number is correct.


12. Close the window by clicking X in the upper right hand corner. The system
automatically reboots ECDIS software.

Note that the chart is NOT displayed until the Chart License is loaded.

How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

Installing CM-93/3 Chart License

The CM-93/3 license is issued in either File or String data by C-MAP. The installation
procedure differs with the available data format.

When the system is used in Multi mode, both ECDIS processors should have the license
for the same zone.

Using File Data

1. Copy the license onto the 3.5-inch floppy disk and set the write protect tab.
2. Choose Main Menu > Chart Menu > C-Map Ed3 > License. ECDIS software is
automatically terminated and License Adm window appears.
3. Make sure that the eToken number is correct.

System ID is identical
with that on eToken.

Fig.23 eToken Fig. 24 License Adm window

4. Click Add Licenses from file.


How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

5. Insert the 3.5-inch floppy disk into the drive.

6. Select password.usr file in 31/2 Floppy (A:).
7. Click OK.



8. Click Yes. The system starts loading the license.



9. Click Close.


How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

10. Click License list and make sure that the license is displayed as shown in Fig.30.


11. Close the window by clicking X in the upper right hand corner.

How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

Using String Data

Ask the user to have the License String and follow steps below.

1. Choose Main Menu > Chart Menu > C-MAP Ed3 > License. ECDIS software is
automatically terminated and License Adm window appears.

2. Click Add License manually, enter the License string in the box, License string, and
then click Add License.

License string


3. Click OK. The license is displayed in the dialog.


4. Make sure the license is loaded correctly.

License loaded


How to install C-MAP ed3 Chart Material

Checking Chart Indication

After installing chart license, make sure that the chart is displayed correctly, using the
following procedure.

1. Select Menu > Chart Menu > Chart Catalogue.

2. Click C-MAP in Source of Chart Catalogue box.
3. Make sure that the cells in chart catalogue become green.
4. Select a desired cell; move the cursor onto the lower line and then click the mouse.
5. Make sure that the cell name and Green-Permit and SENC OK appear in Selected
Chart box.

Step 2 “C-MAP”

Step 5 Selected
Chart box, Step 6


6. Click Open, and the chart in the selected cell appears correctly.

Note that the C-MAP chart is not displayed when S57 ENC chart and
C-MAP are installed in the selected area. The S57 ENC has the higher


7. Make sure that the chart information is correct in Chart Legend. To toggle on and off
the chart legend, place the cursor in the side bar, right click, choose Chart Legend in
the menu, and then press the wheel.
8. Remove C-MAP ed2 charts, if it is no longer used.

How to Remove C-MAP Ed2 Chart Material

To remove C-MAP ed2 from the system;

1. Terminate ECDIS software.

2. Run Windows Explorer.
3. Open “charts” folder (C:¥ants_system¥S57_system).
4. Delete all folder and files in NON_HO folder.
5. Restart the system.
6. After the system boots up, select Main Menu > Chart Menu > System > Refresh Chart
after backup.


Notice on Using S57 ENC and C-MAP ed2
with V5.21
With S57 ENC and C-MAP ed2, all chart data is sometimes not SENC-converted at a time
on V5.21 software. When CD History window appears after conversion, the conversion is
successful. If not, the conversion is made again by following steps below.

1. Select Menu > Chart Menu > Catalogue.

2. Check CD in Source of Catalogue box.

3. Click Edit Group. Inside/Outside dialogue appears.

4. Click NEW.

5. Enter a group name and then click OK.

6. Select all cells in the Outside box by clicking and holding the left mouse button and
moving cursor.

7. Click << to transfer selected cells to the Inside box.

8. Close Catalogue window by clicking X in the upper right hand corner.

9. Select Menu > Chart Menu > SENC Convert.

10. Check Group and select the group created in above steps.

11. Click Convert.

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