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Historical Electricity Demand, Supply and Consumption

YELLOW data taken from log sheets

GREEN Automatically Calculated

Year Sep2004 - Aug2005

Month Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 TOTAL
Electricity Consumption
Kiln1 [2700 TPD] (MWh) 1247.631 68.359 51.6 50.329 72.12 687.93 1211.861 1986.584 2282.493 2170.658 2233.147 2436.853 14499.565
Kiln2 [4000 TPD] (MWh) 1143.652 1957.85 1839.276 1911.929 1731.375 1577.898 1787.267 1102.073 1806.392 1728.664 1848.684 1819.64 20254.7
Other Local Loads (MWh) 11755.257 12987.701 10282.084 10244.562 11002.935 10258.272 13209.572 11137.983 15218.275 15109.048 15626.719 15351.307 152183.715
Total Consumption by Kilns (MWh) 2391.283 2026.209 1890.876 1962.258 1803.495 2265.828 2999.128 3088.657 4088.885 3899.322 4081.831 4256.493 34754.265
Total Consumption (MWh) 14146.54 15013.91 12172.96 12206.82 12806.43 12524.1 16208.7 14226.64 19307.16 19008.37 19708.55 19607.8 186937.98

Electricity Supply Sources

Electricity Imported from Grid (MWh) 5400.96 5283.84 6728.64 4930.56 4362.24 6421.44 9364.8 8430.72 10873.92 10537.92 10453.44 10916.16 93704.64
Cost of Grid Electricity (PKR) 22846061 22350643.2 28462147 20856269 18452275 27162691 39613104 35661946 45996682 44575402 43904448 45847872 395729539
Electricity Generated by HFO Captive Power Plant (MWh) 8745.58 9730.07 5444.32 7276.26 8444.19 6102.66 6843.9 5795.92 8433.24 8470.45 9255.11 8691.64 93233.34
Electricity Generated by Natural Gas Captive Power Plant (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Generated by Captive Power Plant (MWh) 8745.58 9730.07 5444.32 7276.26 8444.19 6102.66 6843.9 5795.92 8433.24 8470.45 9255.11 8691.64 93233.34
Total Electricity Available (MWh) 14146.54 15013.91 12172.96 12206.82 12806.43 12524.1 16208.7 14226.64 19307.16 19008.37 19708.55 19607.8 186937.98

Year Sep2005 - Aug2006

Month Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 TOTAL
Electricity Consumption
Kiln1 [2700 TPD] (MWh) 1637.409 2497.667 2435.371 1821.517 2516.426 2150.594 2517.316 2208.86 2209.708 2474.929 1737.143 2577.671 26784.611
Kiln2 [4000 TPD] (MWh) 851.832 1779.306 1827.883 1933.175 1882.194 1241.567 1447.189 1786.238 1766 1707.224 1735.414 1533.898 19491.92
Other Local Loads (MWh) 10317.979 16740.987 15249.026 15324.138 15138.81 13729.299 15986.485 15858.332 15243.902 17129.904 15657.583 15816.112 182192.557
Total Consumption by Kilns (MWh) 2489.241 4276.973 4263.254 3754.692 4398.62 3392.161 3964.505 3995.098 3975.708 4182.153 3472.557 4111.569 46276.531
Total Consumption (MWh) 12807.22 21017.96 19512.28 19078.83 19537.43 17121.46 19950.99 19853.43 19219.61 21312.057 19130.14 19927.681 228469.088

Electricity Supply Sources

Electricity Imported from Grid (MWh) 9273.6 11926.08 11004.48 11492.16 10904.64 10278.72 11766.72 11236.8 8297.28 7838.4 3247.68 4507.2 111773.76
Cost of Grid Electricity (PKR) 38949120 50089536 46218816 48267072 45799488 43170624 49420224 47194560 34848576 32921280 14062454 19516176 470457926
Electricity Generated by HFO Captive Power Plant (MWh) 3533.62 9091.88 8507.8 7586.67 8632.79 6842.74 8184.27 8616.63 10922.33 8443.65 891.07 1714.72 82968.17
Electricity Generated by Natural Gas Captive Power Plant (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5030.007 14991.39 13705.761 33727.158
Total Generated by Captive Power Plant (MWh) 3533.62 9091.88 8507.8 7586.67 8632.79 6842.74 8184.27 8616.63 10922.33 13473.657 15882.46 15420.481 116695.328
Total Electricity Available (MWh) 12807.22 21017.96 19512.28 19078.83 19537.43 17121.46 19950.99 19853.43 19219.61 21312.057 19130.14 19927.681 228469.088

Year Sep2006 - Aug2007

Month Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 TOTAL
Electricity Consumption
Kiln1 [2700 TPD] (MWh) 2340.509 2700.711 2260.713 2275.914 2096.907 1796.372 2235.578 2338.12 2284.509 2207.556 1789.069 2297.875 26623.833
Kiln2 [4000 TPD] (MWh) 1631.217 1758.66 1758.748 1674.284 1393.289 1587.236 1754.539 1399.976 1809.249 1734.078 1683.169 1569.637 19754.082
Other Local Loads (MWh) 15252.672 17414.71 15648.34 17354.985 16417.304 15757.172 17317.379 15647.393 18068.971 17740.898 15697.636 16589.688 198907.148
Total Consumption by Kilns (MWh) 3971.726 4459.371 4019.461 3950.198 3490.196 3383.608 3990.117 3738.096 4093.758 3941.634 3472.238 3867.512 46377.915
Total Consumption (MWh) 19224.398 21874.081 19667.801 21305.183 19907.5 19140.78 21307.496 19385.489 22162.729 21682.532 19169.874 20457.2 245285.063

Electricity Supply Sources

Electricity Imported from Grid (MWh) 3397.44 3669.12 3229.44 6336.96 5852.16 5184 5014.08 4044.48 5733.12 5618.88 4300.8 4808.64 57189.12
Cost of Grid Electricity (PKR) 14710915 15887289.6 13983475 27439037 25339853 22446720 21710966 17512598 24824410 24329750 21245952 23754682 253185648
Electricity Generated by HFO Captive Power Plant (MWh) 5868.98 4631.07 1797.31 4245.78 3400.07 2720.46 426.12 1075.18 509.2 1552.38 1132.04 920.27 28278.86
Electricity Generated by Natural Gas Captive Power Plant (MWh) 9957.978 13573.891 14641.051 10722.443 10655.27 11236.32 15867.296 14265.829 15920.409 14511.272 13737.034 14728.29 159817.083
Total Generated by Captive Power Plant (MWh) 15826.958 18204.961 16438.361 14968.223 14055.34 13956.78 16293.416 15341.009 16429.609 16063.652 14869.074 15648.56 188095.943
Total Electricity Available (MWh) 19224.398 21874.081 19667.801 21305.183 19907.5 19140.78 21307.496 19385.489 22162.729 21682.532 19169.874 20457.2 245285.063
Electricity Consumption
Kiln1 [2700 TPD] (MWh) 22,636
Kiln2 [4000 TPD] (MWh) 19,834
Other Local Loads (MWh) 177,761
Total Consumption by Kilns (MWh) 42,470
Total Consumption (MWh) 220,231
Electricity Supply Sources
Electricity Imported from Grid (MWh) 87,556
Cost of Grid Electricity (PKR) 373,124,371
Electricity Generated by HFO Captive Power Plant (MWh) 68,160
Electricity Generated by Natural Gas Captive Power Plant (MWh) 64,515
Total Generated by Captive Power Plant (MWh) 132,675
Total Electricity Available (MWh) 220,231
Historical Electricity Demand, Supply and Consumption

YELLOW Data taken from log sheets

GREEN Automatically Calculated

Year Sep2004 - Aug2005

Month Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 TOTAL
Kiln 1 (2700 Tons)
Clinker Production (Tons) 43561 2500 0 0 0 16385 34404 65209 78423 73720 79052 87417 480671

Consumption (Tons) 146 0 0 0 0 180 84 208 200 102.00 23 166 1108.64
Consumption (Tons) 6547 387 0 0 0 2643 5185 9404 9478 10201 11318 12306 67469.3

Kiln 2 (4000 Tons)

Clinker Production (Tons) 51338 109549 106418 108747 93776 97835 106905 57042 107055 104406 110842 102481 1156394

Consumption (Tons) 66 42 6 6 24 40 0 28 231.7 42 0 11 496.7
Consumption (Tons) 6964 14647 14010 14165 12392 12908 14429 7898 11935 13010 14129 13392 149879
Consumption (MMCF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Production & Consumption

Clinker Production (Tons) 94899 112049 106418 108747 93776 114220 141309 122251 185478 178126 189894 189898 1637065

Consumption (Tons) 212 42 6 6 24 219.5 84 236.14 431.7 144 23 177 1605.34
Consumption (Tons) 13511 15034 14010 14165 12392 15551 19614 17302.3 21413 23211 25447 25698 217348.3
Consumption (MMCF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Year Sep2005 - Aug2006

Month Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 TOTAL
Kiln 1 (2700 Tons)
Clinker Production (Tons) 58120 91840 88317 62572 86539 74271 89012 81045 68443 81214 52678 82120 916171

Consumption (Tons) 1216 0 0 52.5 116 14 4 21 162 48 103.00 0.00 1736.5
Consumption (Tons) 6486 13440 13037 9346 12728 10747 12938 11867 9881 11341 7,455 11,885 131151

Kiln 2 (4000 Tons)

Clinker Production (Tons) 42,331 111,850 118,348 123,033 115,685 71,767 89,684 120,692 120,648 118,483 120,608 100,003 1,253,132

Consumption (Tons) 72 43 0 0 59 55 54 4 183 38 3.65 0 511.65
Consumption (Tons) 5385 14273 15166 16353 15370 9400 11813 15726 15441 14626 15619 12869 162041
Consumption (MMCF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Production & Consumption

Clinker Production (Tons) 100451 203690 206665 185605 202224 146038 178696 201737 189091 199697 173286 182123 2169303

Consumption (Tons) 1288 43 0 52.5 175 69 58 25 345 86 106.65 0 2248.15
Consumption (Tons) 11871 27713 28203 25699 28098 20147 24751 27593 25322 25967 23074 24754 293192
Consumption (MMCF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Year Sep2006 - Aug2007

Month Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 TOTAL
Kiln 1 (2700 Tons)
Clinker Production (Tons) 75962 89203 71200 91105 81471 69039 82074 85820 86205 81412 66270 83960 963721

HFO 0.00046075669 0.00188334 0.000491573034 0.001635476 0.000822379 0.00146294 0.001035651 0.00020974 0 0.000798408 0 0.001405431 0.0008504751
Consumption (Tons) 35.00 168.00 35.00 149.00 67.00 101 85 18 0 65 0 118 841
Coal 0.14420368079 0.13728238 0.143848314607 0.141375336 0.1437444 0.14541057 0.149036236 0.1487299 0.147392843 0.146544858 0.147608269 0.147415436 0.145216018
Consumption (Tons) 10,954 12,246 10,242 12,880 11,711 10039 12232 12764 12706 11930.51 9782 12377 139863.51

Kiln 2 (4000 Tons)

Clinker Production (Tons) 100,542 121,576 121,148 113,314 88,294 113,195 120,563 93,072 124,965 121,064 121,300 111,620 1,350,653

HFO 0.00047741242 0.00060867 0 0.001685582 0.001019322 0.00219091 0 0.00034382 0.000160045 0.000636027 9.892828E-05 0.000537538 0.0006465214
Consumption (Tons) 48 74 0 191 90 248 0 32 20 77 12 60 852
Coal 0.12581806608 0.11899553 0.128784627068 0.126877526 0.12797019 0.13178144 0.13641001 0.13623861 0.129700316 0.127168357 0.125136026 0.078597026 0.1244564767
Consumption (Tons) 12,650 14,467 15,602 14,377 11,299 14,917 16,446 12,680 16,208 15,396 15,179 8,773 167,994
Gas 0.001344598
Consumption (MMCF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150.084 150.084

Total Production & Consumption

Clinker Production (Tons) 176,504 210,779 192,348 204,419 169,765 182,234 202,637 178,892 211,170 202,476 187,570 195,580 2,314,374

Consumption (Tons) 83 242 35 340 157 349 85 50 20 142 12 178 1693
Consumption (Tons) 23,604 26,713 25,844 27,257 23,010 24,956 28,678 25,444 28,914 27,326 24,961 21,150 307,857
Consumption (MMCF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150.084 150.084
Kiln 1 (2700 Tons)
Clinker Production (Tons) 786,854

Consumption (Tons) 1,229
Coal 0
Consumption (Tons) 112,828

Kiln 2 (4000 Tons)

Clinker Production (Tons) 1,253,393

Consumption (Tons) 620
Consumption (Tons) 159,971
Consumption (MMCF) 50

Total Production & Consumption

Clinker Production (Tons) 2,040,247

Consumption (Tons) 1,849
Consumption (Tons) 272,799
Consumption (MMCF) 50
Comparison of Baseline & Project Situations
Steam Turbine Operational Hours hrs 7,488

Electricity Generation & Utilization

Baseline Project
Electricity Consumption of Kiln 1 MWh/yr 22,636.00 22,636.00
Electricity Consumption of Kiln 2 MWh/yr 19,833.57 19,833.57
Other Local Loads MWh/yr 177,761.14 177,761.14

Total Electricity Consumption MWh/yr 220,230.71 220,230.71

Electricity Imported from Grid MWh/yr 87,555.84 17,468.16

Electricity Generated bt Steam Turbine MWh/yr - 70,087.68
Electricity Generated by Captive Power Plant on HFO MWh/yr 68,160.12 68,160.12
Electricity Generated by Captive Power Plant on Natural Gas MWh/yr 64,514.75 64,514.75
Total Electricity Generated by Captive Power Plant MWh/yr 132,674.87 132,674.87

Total Electricity Available MWh/yr 220,230.71 220,230.71

Generation on HFO % 51.37%

Generation on Natural Gas % 48.63%

Clinker Production

Baseline Project
Kiln 1 Clinker Production tons/yr 786,854.33 786,854.33
Kiln 1 HFO Consumption tons/yr 1,228.71 1,228.71
Kiln 1 Coal Consumption tons/yr 112,827.94 112,827.94

Kiln 2 Clinker Production tons/yr 1,253,393.00 1,253,393.00

Kiln 2 HFO Consumption tons/yr 620.12 620.12
Kiln 2 Coal Consumption tons/yr 159,971.17 159,971.17

Energy Consumption for Clinker Production

Kiln 1 Kiln 2
HFO Energy for Clinker Production TJ/yr 50.03 25.25
Coal Energy for Clinker Production TJ/yr 2,692.61 3,817.67
Total Energy Consumption for Clinker Production TJ/yr 2,742.64 3,842.92

Kiln 1 Kiln 2
Production on HFO % 1.82% 0.66%
Production on Coal % 98.18% 99.34%
Kiln 1 Kiln 2
50.03 25.25
2,692.61 3,817.67
2,742.64 3,842.92
Emissions Reduction Calculations
Project Emissions PEy tCO2/yr -
Baseline Emissions BEy tCO2/yr 33,845

Emissions Reduction ERy tCO2/yr 33,845

Project Emissions

Total Project Emissions PEy tCO2/yr -

Baseline Emissions

Grid Electricity Avoided EGGrid MWh/yr 70,087.68

Grid Emission Factor EFGrid tCO2/MWh 0.483
ER by Displacement of Grid EBGrid tCO2/yr 33,845

Total Baseline Emissions EBy tCO2/yr 33,845

Fuel Characteristics
GCV of Natural Gas Reported by Fuel Supplier BTU/ft3 1,021
NCV of Natural Gas Based on Analysis BTU/ft3 922
Density of Natural Gas kg/m3 0.658
GCV of HFO Reported by Fuel Supplier BTU/lb 18,340
NCV of HFO Based on Analysis BTU/lb 17,505
GCV of Coal Reported by Fuel Supplier BTU/lb 11,619
NCV of Coal Based on Analysis BTU/lb 10,260

NCV of Natural Gas TJ/ton 0.05220782 Conversion in TJ/ton

NCV of HFO TJ/ton 0.04071663 Conversion in TJ/ton
NCV of Coal TJ/ton 0.02386476 Conversion in TJ/ton

Emission Coefficient for Natural Gas tCO2/TJ 56.1 2006 IPCC Value
Emission Coefficient for HFO tCO2/TJ 77.4 2006 IPCC Value
Emission Coefficient for Coal tCO2/TJ 96.1 2006 IPCC Value
Grid Emission Factors for Pakistani Grids VERSION 2.0 DATE

GENERATION DATA (GWh) 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
GROSS GENERATION 80,826 85,628 93,629 98,213
GROSS GENERATION (w/o low-cost/must-run) 52,122 57,162 60,283 63,972
NET GENERATION (w/o low-cost/must-run) 49,338 54,194 57,128 60,666
NET GENERATION (w/o low-cost/must-run) + NET IMPORT 49,411 54,303 57,274 60,837

Emission factors (t CO2 / MWh) 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07

Operating margin (simple) 0.702 0.718 0.707 0.745
Operating margin (3 year generation-weighted average) 0.709 0.724
Build margin 0.282 0.210 0.215 0.242
Combined margin 0.462 0.483

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