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Child Abuse and Maltreatment (Preschool)

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Types of abuse most commonly seen among preschool children are physical abuse,

sexual abuse, and neglect. Physical abuse occurs when the preschool kid's body has been hurt

through being hit, burned or even kicked. Sexual abuse is the activity whereby a kid has no

consensus, and the child cannot know it. Sexual abuse acts include oral-genital contact, genitals,

fondling, and anal intercourse. The sexual abuse for the preschool child can also be voyeurism,

exhibitionism, and exposure to pornography. Child neglect be composed of medical neglect

physical neglect, and emotional neglect (Henschel et al., 2014). Physical neglect includes a child

not being provided with food, shelter, clothing, and other necessary physical needs. Emotional

neglect includes failure for the child to be provided with love, affection, and comfort. Medical

neglect consists of a child not being provided with the medical care that is needed.

The warning signs, physical and emotional assessments a nurse could indicate child

abuse include; failure of a child in gaining weight or sudden dramatic weight gain, sexually

transmitted diseases, extreme passive and aggressive behavior, desperately affectionate behavior,

and social withdrawal.

The cultural variations that can be misidentified as child abuse include the cultural

healing practices such as coining or caogio, which Vietnamese Americans use to treat minor

ailments like headaches, chills, and fever. Cupping is used among Asian, Middle Eastern,

Eastern European, and Latin American to treat ailments such as poor appetite, pain, and fever

(Lanier et al., 2014). Moxibustion is used in Asian cultures to treat fever and abdominal pain by

burning rolled pieces of moxa herb. Caida de mollera by Mexican Americans causes some

symptoms like irritability, diarrhea, and poor feeding. Scarification is used in African cultures for

therapeutic, aesthetic, religious, social, and cultural reasons.


The reporting mechanism in Texas and nurse responsibilities related to the reporting of

suspected child abuse is any persons who suspect child abuse and even child neglect to report the

suspicions to the right authorities which are Texas Department of Family and Protective Services

(DFPS) as well as the local law enforcement agency (Girardet et al., 2018).

Girardet, R., Bolton, K., Hashmi, S., Sedlock, E., Khatri, R., Lahoti, N., & Lukefahr, J. (2018).

Child protective services utilization of child abuse pediatricians: A mixed methods study.

Child Abuse & Neglect, 76, 381-387.

Henschel, S., de Bruin, M., & Möhler, E. (2014). Self-control and child abuse potential in

mothers with an abuse history and their preschool children. Journal of Child and Family

Studies, 23(5), 824-836.

Lanier, P., Maguire-Jack, K., Walsh, T., Drake, B., & Hubel, G. (2014). Race and ethnic

differences in early childhood maltreatment in the United States. Journal of

Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 35(7), 419-426.

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