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Gallo, Irish Jane, Campo AUGUST 26 2021



1. Give atleast 5 relevant discoveries and inventions that helped lead to

the emergence of entrepreneurship? Explain your answer
1. Medicines and Antibiotics – The medicine and antibiotics helps the people
to cope up their illness and easily become well. It helps in the entrepreneur
because we sell this products and medicines which people buy on the market.

2. Medical Examinations – Medical treatment of course in our situation now.

We need to comply this examinations to protect and be sure in our health and
safety because of many diseases that spread in our world or community.

3. Internet – Now we all know that internet had a big functions and a big help
of a one entrepreneur individual because it is the fastest way to communicate
and to sell what’s product they sell and buy in the market.

4. Social Media Applications- for example of this is the face book, instagram,
google and everything apps we used to our business.

5. DNA testing – As individual we can’t avail this every day because it is

used in the family members wants to know their biological family members
in the family for their own purposes in life but in the contrary it is the big
help of them to know their connections or if they are real family members in
2. Explain the procedure of barter trade system?

 Individuals and small business owners may prefer one-to-one bartering

practices. Some businesses partner with organized barter trade
exchanges that help them to connect with other members relevant to
their business needs. It is the exchanging their products to products and
change it what they are needs. Bartering is the exchange of goods and
services between two or more parties without the use of money.

3. Why do we say that the "coincidence of wants" limited the barter

The coincidence of wants (often known as double coincidence of wants) is an
economic phenomenon where two parties each hold an item the other
wants, so they exchange these items directly without any monetary medium.
This type of exchange is the foundation of a bartering economy.
Double coincidence of wants occurs when two individuals swap their
goods, in exchange for one another. This is also referred to as the 'perfect
barter exchange'. ... For example, if two individuals want to exchange and
place on a loaf of bread and a bag of apples, then this is known as double
coincidence of wants.

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