Expt 6 Block Diagram Reduction

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Block Diagram Reduction

Laboratory Experiment No.__

To perform a block diagram reduction using MATLAB

Here G1(s) and G2(s) represents the transfer function of the individual elements of a control
system. The system given is a feedback system or can also be called a closed loop system. The
output signal C(s)is fed back to be compared with the input R(s). the difference E(s)=[R(s)- C(S)]
is actuating signal or error signal.

Problem: To reduce the given block diagram using sumblk and find impulse, step and ramp
Materials and Equipment

Matlab Software
Personal Computer


% Experiment 2 – Block Diagram Reduction
% Reduce the givem Block Diagram using sumblk function.
% [see the image attached]
% Given -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
s = tf(‘s’);
G1 = 1/(s+1);
G2 = 2/((s^2) + (5*s) +100);
G3 = 10/((2*s) +1);
G4 = 100/(s+1);
% Now we are required to define allthe blocks input and output. As shown
% below. Using these defines input output we will be using sumblk -------------------------------------
G1.InputName = ‘r’;
G1.OutputName = ‘ug1’;
G2,InputName = ‘e’;
G2.OutputName = ‘ug2’;
G3.InputName = ‘ym’;
G3.OutputName = ‘y’;
G4.InputName = ‘u’;
G4.OutputName = ‘ym’;
% Note: Now we are required to relate all these inputs and outputs. Why?
% Because there are two summing points in our block diagram. This way matlalb will be able to
% the transfer function with each other. You can notice ym is our output and its not attached
to any
% summing point hence it is not included in the summing.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sum1 = sumblk(‘e’,’r’,’y’,’+-‘); % e = r – y
sum2 = sumblk(‘u’,’ug1’,’ug2’); % u = ug1 +ug2
% Rest is pretty simple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% we have to find the relationship between r and ym for our output transfer
% function.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OutputTF = connect(G1,G2,G3,sum1.sum2,’r’,’ym’);
% Calculating responses. Responses taken into account are step and ramp. Others can also be
% A generalised form has been given below.
% First Impulse ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inputTime = [0:.1:10];
[outputResp, time] = impulse(OutputTF, inputTime);
Plot(time, outputResp);
Title(‘Impulse Response’);
Xlabel(‘Time -->’);
Ylabel(‘Magnitude -->’);
% Step Response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inputTime = [0:.1:10];
inputSignal = ones(size(inputTime));
[outputResp, time] = step(OutputTF);%, inputSignal, inputTime);
Title(‘Step Response’);
xlabel(‘Time -->’);
ylabel(‘Magnitude -->’);
% End of Program. Created by Siddharth Kaul

Analysis and Conclusion

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