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St Augustine’s Primary School Bulletin: Tuesday 26th April

• Progress Review Meetings: Teachers should bring their up to date whole class assessment data,
English and Numeracy books from a below average, average and above average child, a list of
interventions that have been put in place. I will also expect teachers to be aware of the progress of our
vulnerable groups, i.e. LAC, FSM, NOR, summer borns and EAL. Please also bring your evidence to
support your assessments.
• Fire Evacuations: These were carried out this week. They highlighted a couple of problems:
o Not all staff are signing in and out - In the event of a real emergency this could cause the
emergency staff to put themselves at risk looking for you or worse not knowing that you require
o External Fire Doors – These need to be closed by the last person exiting the door.
o Rehearsal – In between termly fire drills, we recommend that you practise fire drills with your
class, especially Early Years and KS1.
• Sky Rainforest Rescue Schools Challenge: A free interactive cross-curricular learning opportunity
for 8 – 11 year olds. The new online resource for pupils with curriculum links to Citizenship, Science,
Geography, Social Studies, Maths, PSHE, PSH. The challenge explores how students can take action
to reduce their impact on the rainforest through the food they eat, the energy they use etc. Sign up at
• Overtime Claim Sheets: The next cut off date for completed claim forms is 15th May

Tuesday 26th April

No PPA cover this week this week

Miss Heath away all week

Mrs Anthony to cover 1b

Mr Roca Mas away all week - Miss Bush to cover

New pupils to join class Rb, 4a and 5b

Mrs Burditt to cover Nursery

Am Mrs Kirwan to cover Mrs Gallagher’s class

9.05 – 10.05 Mrs Doyle and Mrs Monk progress meeting – Mrs Gallagher to cover

10.10 – 11.10 Mrs Doyle and Mrs Frew progress meeting – Mrs Gallagher to cover

10.30am KS1 Hymn Practice – Mrs Holden to lead and remind children about the events
of Easter Sunday

1.20pm Mr Firman, Guitar teacher in school

1.20pm Mr Tim Eaton (Woodwind Teacher) in school

3pm Headteacher Assembly

3.20pm Choir – Junior Hall

3.20pm Hockey Club

Wednesday 27th April

Mrs Alex away – Mrs Fenech to cover Year 3 pupil all day
Mrs Inayat to cover Nursery

Mrs Gallagher to cover 1b all day

9.00 – 3.45pm Violin Teacher in school.

9.05 – 10.05 Miss Bergin and Mrs Doyle Progress meeting – Mrs Kirwan to cover

10.15 – 11.15 Mr Hatzar and Mrs Doyle Progress meeting – Mrs Kirwan to cover

1.00 – 3.30pm Cello Teacher in Youth Hall.

1 – 2pm Mrs Kirwan and Mrs Daniel to discuss French Week

2 – 3pm Mrs Holden and Mrs Doyle Progress meeting (LSA’s to cover Mrs Holden)

2.45pm KS2 Hymn Practice

2 – 3pm Mrs Kirwan to met with MFL Advanced Skills Teacher, Andrea Nichols, to
discuss French Week

3.30pm Netball – Year 5 & 6

3:30 – 4:30 Instrumental Ensemble KS2 Hall

3.30 – 4.30 Film Club (Year 5 & 6 pupils) in Class 6a

Thursday 28th April

Mrs Gallagher in Nursery

Mrs Anthony in 1b

Educational Psychologist in school

Mrs Inayat to cover Nursery

Am Mrs Doyle interviewing for NQT pool at TC

10am Mrs Ranjan to visit Beal CLD Unit with parents

10.30am KS1 Assistant Headteacher Assembly

12noon – 3.30pm Family Learning Course – Infant ICT Suite

pm School council to feedback to classes

3.15 – 4.15pm Dance Club, Years 1 & 2, Junior Hall

3.30pm Spanish Classes – Mrs Neale

3.30 – 4.30pm Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Football Training – KS2 Playground

3.30 – 5pm Staff Meeting – Focus Groups.

IPC group to meet in 2a
UNICEF group to meet in 6b

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