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Nha Trang University

Faculty of Foreign Languages


Teacher: PhD. Hoàng Công Bình

Presented by:

Class: 60NNA5
LEE HSIEN LOONG................................................................................................................. 4

National Day Rally 2014.........................................................................................................4

National Day Rally 2015.........................................................................................................4

National Day Rally 2016.........................................................................................................5

National Day Rally 2017.........................................................................................................5

National Day Rally 2018.........................................................................................................6

National Day Rally 2019.........................................................................................................7

TED TALK................................................................................................................................. 8

What makes you special? – Mariana Atencio.......................................................................8

Learning a language? Speak it like you’re playing a video game. – Marianna Pascal......8

How to make stress your friend? – Kelly McGonigal..........................................................9

How to gain control of your free time – Laura Vanderkam................................................9

The secrets of learning a new language – Lydia Machová.................................................10

Learning how to learn – Barbara Oakley...........................................................................10

Do schools kill creativity? – Ken Robinson.........................................................................11

Your brain on video games – Daphne Bavelier..................................................................11

Learn to read Chinese … with ease! – ShaoLan.................................................................12

How to spot a liar – Pamela Meyer......................................................................................12


National Day Rally 2014

To be a successful country, Singapore has come a long way thanks to the continuation and
efforts of generations. In the speech of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on the 2014 National
Day, he expressed gratitude to the pioneers' merits. They overcame difficult and dangerous
situations to build a sovereign, independent country. In addition, Mr. Lee stated that Singapore
is at a turning point and the world is in flux. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that conflicts
far away affect Singapore's development. Besides, in his speech, he affirmed that education is a
very important part of the development of the country. Singapore must always give people full
opportunities to achieve their potential. Another very important issue mentioned by Prime
Minister Lee Hsien Loong is home ownership. According to him, home ownership is very
important because it determines the life of Singaporeans when they retire. Finally, Prime
Minister Lee Hsien Loong has come up with solutions to build Singapore into a smart country.

National Day Rally 2015

In Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's speech on National Day 2015, he celebrated Singapore's
resolve to defend themselves and to survive over the last fifty years since Singapore gained
independence. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong admitted that Singapore used to be a country
with no hinterland and a weak economy, Singapore's workers were unskilled and anxious about
their future, people lived in cramped and squalid slums. However, Singapore overcame all
difficulties and challenges to become a developed country and the lives of its people improved
and made Singapore a first world metropolis. According to the Prime Minister, there are three
important factors that have helped Singapore go through the past fifty years. Firstly, they
determined to be a multi-racial society. Secondly, they created a culture – a culture of self-
reliance, and also mutual support. Thirdly, they kept faith between the Government and the
people. Besides, the prime minister also mentioned challenges facing Singapore. Prime Minister
Lee Hsien Loong emphasized that Singapore is just a dull little spot on the map. Therefore,
Singaporeans must stand as one united people and progress together, especially Singapore must
be a shining red dot on the map. Besides, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong affirmed that the
importance of the two neighboring countries, Malaysia and Indonesia in the cooperation
relationship. Finally, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong expressed his pride in the pioneers that
made Singapore a successful country.

National Day Rally 2016
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong started his speech by addressing the Singapore economy and
analyzed the world challenges that impact Singapore. Besides, Prime Minister Lee has also
mentioned an overall strategy to respond to the challenges, especially to keep Singapore's
economy strong. According to the Prime Minister, important factors contributing to the
economic growth at that time were building new capabilities and promoting entrepreneurship.
Singapore is a small country, so it also needs a network of friends. Friends in Singapore's
neighborhoods and friends among the big powers all over the world, even in faraway places.
Therefore, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong expressed interest in cooperation with neighboring
countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia,… and cooperation with other countries around the world
such as China and America. Moreover, one issue that could cause trouble is the South China
Sea. It is a complicated dispute. Singapore has many threats and the three important things for
Singapore are international law, freedom of navigation and a united ASEAN. Another very
important issue is terrorism. This is an urgent issue that Singapore must cooperate with
neighboring countries to fight terrorism. On the other hand, Singapore is a multi-racial society,
so Prime Minister Lee wants every Singaporean to respect each other's religions. Finally, in
Lee's view, Singapore needs good politics to maintain its position in the world and Singapore
first needs good leaders.

National Day Rally 2017

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, in his National Day Rally 2017, highlighted three long-term
issues integral to the future well-being of the nation. They are: building up pre-schools, fighting
diabetes and making Singapore a Smart Nation.
"These are things we can work on now... so that Singaporeans can start right, stay healthy, live
smart," he said.
These are 8 key takeaways from his speech:
1. More pre-school places: about 40,000 pre-school places will be added in the next five years,
bringing the total to 200,000.
2. More MOE kindergartens: MOE will run 50 kindergartens - from the current 15 - to
"influence and uplift" the quality of the whole sector.
3. New institute for pre-school teachers; boosting pre-school spending
4. Four ways to fight diabetes: go for regular medical check-ups; exercise more; watch your
diet; and cut down on soft drinks
5. Sugar - less is more: the best solution is to drink plain water.
6. Every lamp post a smart lamp post
7. Paying for gao lak with your smartphone
8. New parking app by October.

National Day Rally 2018

In his 2018 National Day Rally speech in English on Sunday (Aug 19), Prime Minister Lee
Hsien Loong announced plans to make healthcare more affordable and accessible for
Singaporeans, and to redevelop Singapore's public housing.
He elaborated on how the Government will provide support for Singaporeans in areas like
healthcare and public housing, and how Singaporeans can work with the Government to
anticipate the country's needs and opportunities in the long-term future.
There are 8 key takeaways from his speech:
1. New scheme to address worries about ageing flats
2. More home owners get help to upgrade flats
3. Merdeka Generation Package
4. Healthcare subsidies for all Singaporeans with chronic conditions
5. Overcoming global challenges
6. Relations with Malaysia
7. Singaporeans are feeling cost of living pressures.
8. Singapore will nominate its hawker culture to be inscribed on the Unesco Representative List
of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This will help to safeguard and promote this
unique culture for future generations, said PM Lee.

National Day Rally 2019
On National Day 2019, Prime Minister Ly Hien Long discussed the challenges Singapore faces
and the steps the Government will take to reform the city in the next century.
In Singapore's bicentennial year, he appealed to Singaporeans to exercise the courage and
determination of their predecessors in dealing with immediate problems, such as slowing
economic growth, trade ties between the United States and China, and climate change.
To make the education system as accessible as possible, he announced changes to preschool and
university tuition fees.
To help Singaporeans work longer if they want to, the retirement and re-working age will be
Prime Minister Lee also outlined bold plans to remake Singapore, including the future Greater
Southern Waterfront, which will be twice the size of Punggol and will feature public and private
housing with riverside promenades.


What makes you special? – Mariana Atencio

A journalist said her job is to talk to people from all walks of life all over the world. From a
very young age, her parents wanted her to have a wider view of the world. When she was
around seven years old, her dad sent her and her sister to a very far away place. There, one of
the first thing she noticed was that the other kids' hair was several shades of blonde and most of
them had blue eyes. She and her sister didn't look like them and didn't speak their language.
That was the difference between her and the kids there. She had to embrace everything she
could about the American way of life. She says that when we are different, we have to work
hard, we have to be either very helpful, smart or funny. Being able to speak many different
languages and to travel has helped her understand the importance of putting herself in other
people's shoes. The single thing one of us has in common is being human. Finally, she said that
nobody has a claim on the word "normal", we are all different, quirky and unique.

Learning a language? Speak it like you’re playing a video game. – Marianna Pascal
For many past years, Marianna Pascal have been helping Malaysian and other Southeast Asians
to speak better English. Through training thousands of Southeast Asians, she have discovered a
very surprising truth that how well somebody communicates in English actually has very little
to do with their English level. It has a lot to do with their attitude towards English. She said that
there are many people with very low English proficiency but they can understand and
communicate very well. She said that Malaysians have many difficulties communicating in
English because they were afraid of making mistakes when speaking English, they were afraid
of being judged by how many mistakes they were going to make. According to her, today's
English is just a tool to play around with to get a result, like a computer game. In the end, she
said that if she wanted to speak English confidently, when we speak, we should focus on
yourself the other person and the result we want to achieve.

How to make stress your friend? – Kelly McGonigal
Kelly McGonigal is a health psychologist, Her mission is to help people be happier and
healthier. She confessed that something she have been teaching for the last ten years is doing
more harm than good and it is has to do with stress. Stress increases the risk of everything from
the common cold to cardiovascular. She said that she have turned stress into the enemy, but she
have changed her mind about stress. A study tracked 30000 adults in the United States for eight
years with the question " How much stress have you experienced in the last year?". From the
result, people who experience a lot of stress but do not view stress harmful will not die more
easily than people who believe stress is harmful. She said that if our heart is pounding from
stress, we should think to yourself that our body helping us rise to challenge. Finally, according
to her, how we think and how we act can transform our experience of stress. If we think of
stress in a positive way, it will make life a better place.

How to gain control of your free time – Laura Vanderkam

Laura Vanderkam says that when people know she writes books about time management, they
assume two things: she is always on time and she has lots of tips and tricks for saving bits of
time. However, she shared that she was once late to her own speech on time management.
According to her, we do not build the lives we want by saving time, we build the lives we want
and then time saves itself. The timing can be easily adjusted and arranged. We can not make
more time, but time will stretch to accommodate what we choose to put into it, so the key to
time management is to devote your time to tasks that you think are necessary and truly
important. She recommends making a three-category priority list: career, relationships, and self
for next week. It is just a short list with two to three items in each. Finally, she says, she
believes we all have time, even if we are busy, we have time for what matters, and when we
focus on what matters, we can build the lives we want in the time we have got it.

The secrets of learning a new language – Lydia Machová
Lydia Machová shares that she is a person who loves learning foreign languages and knows
many different languages. There are a lot of people who want to know her secrets to learning
new languages, so that is the reason she decided to go out to meet multilingual people to find
out. After listening to multilingual people talking about their methods, she suddenly realized
that they always have one thing in common: they simply find a way to love learning, how to
turn language learning from a subject. Acorroding to her, if you want to master a foreign
language, you will also need to apply three more principles. Firstly, you need effective methods,
use system apps like Anki or Memrise, or you can write words into the notebook using the
golden list method. Secondly, you can also watch Youtube channels and websites of
multilingual people and get inspired by them. The last one to follow is to create a learning
system. To the end, Lydia Machová said that we are all busy with different jobs and no one
really has a lot of time to learn the language, and, if you want to master a language, you also
need to have patience.

Learning how to learn – Barbara Oakley

Barbara is now an engineering professor, but when she was younger, she was terrible at math
and preferred languages instead. One student asked her how she rewinds her brain: after years
of working as a Russian translator, how did she learn engineering when she had trouble before.
The brain has two different 'modes': concentration mode or diffusion mode. In the first mode,
you can think deeply about familiar problems that you have solved before. However, it takes
pervasive thinking to search for new ideas - you may not be able to solve the problem because
you haven't seen it before, but you need to find the answer. You need to activate this diffusion
mode to think creatively about the problem so that you can find a solution.
A common problem in learning is procrastination, but we can overcome it if we try to force
ourselves to do it. The 'Pomodoro method' is to set a timer and really focus on your task, then
rest for 5 minutes. It is used to train the brain to focus on a task and regularly reward itself.
Besides, a few things need to be done before you can claim proficiency. Learning is a great skill
and Barbara advises all of us not to just follow our passions, but to expand on them.

Do schools kill creativity? – Ken Robinson
Ken thinks that creativity is as important in education as Literacy. However, children are being
taught "don't be wrong". Ken argues that being creative means you have to be willing to make
mistakes, while the education system sees mistakes as the worst possible.
All education systems globally have a "hierarchy," with math and language at the top, social
science in the middle, and art at the bottom. But times have changed, and simply having a
degree is not a guarantee of a job.
There are 3 things to know about intelligence: diverse, dynamic and distinct.
We need to redefine our education system, use our imagination and creativity wisely, to face an
uncertain and questionable future. Now we may not see this future, but we need to equip the
next generations to conquer it.

Your brain on video games – Daphne Bavelier

Daphne is a brain scientist, so has studied the impact of video games on the brain. She notes
that excessive gaming is hazardous to the health, but in reasonable levels is generally beneficial.
With the amount of time people can play games, she is looking at ways to leverage this power
to solve health problems.
Her main focus for these studies were violent action games. Her findings were that gamers have
better vision, better attention focus and better multitaskers. Most of these findings fly
conventional wisdom away, and show that scientific experimentation is needed to test common
Daphne used this to try and improve the brains of non-gamers. These people showed significant
improvement after playing the game and maintained that improvement 5 months after the study.
She is currently working with game publishers to better integrate game elements that improve
our brain while keeping the game interesting. This is not an easy or quick thing to do - people
are wary of past attempts at educational software.

Learn to read Chinese … with ease! – ShaoLan
ShaoLan is an entrepreneur, investor, writer. She presents her ideas in an easy to understand
way through which one can understand the meaning of a letter and its meaning - from simple to
complex, and call it "Chineasy".
Chinese characters are part of a beautiful language, but to outsiders can be difficult to learn. A
Chinese person would know 20,000 characters, but only 1,000 are used frequently. Knowing
200 will let a traveller get by, to work out road signs, menus, timetables. Shaolan goes through
8 basic characters and explains how to chain them together to form more complicated
Put 2 people next to each other and it represents follow. Put 3 people in the same character and
they are a crowd. You can continue to chain images together to get more complicated
By using this method, from the first 8 radicals (parts of a character), we have formed 30
characters. The next group of 8 characters wil build an extra 32. After knowing that, we can
chain 2 characters together to form phrases.

How to spot a liar – Pamela Meyer

Pamela Meyer is author of “Liespotting”, which pulls together research on deception from a
number of sources.
Everyone is a liar, but the goal to spotting liars isn’t to trick them or play ‘gotcha’, but to
understand the truth. The first one is that lying is a cooperative act – it needs the hearer to
believe. The other one is that we are against lying… and covertly for it.
In many cases lying defines our social interations – to protect ourselves, to protect others... The
thought of this makes people recoil in horror.
She also looks separately at body language symbols of liars: not always fidget, completely
freeze their upper bodies, look you in the eyes a little too much. They often smile to show
sincerity, but it is a fake smile and are not smiling in the eyes,… When dealing with a suspected
liar, be curious and friendly, treat them with dignity, and don’t be too aggressive.
The world is getting more interconnected, people are sharing a lot. By learning to spot lies, you
are telling the world that you will not be part of the lie – that your world is a truthful one.

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