Unit 9 A Firstaid Course

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( Total : 6 periods )
I. Aims :
Helping students:
-With the knowledge of the situations which require first-aid. .
-To make and respond to offers, promises and request dents.
-To write a thank-you note.
II. Language contents:
1. Grammar:
1. In order to, so as to .
2. Making request dents, offers and request dents using modal “ will “
3 Simple future with “ will / shall “ .
2. Vocabulary :
Nouns Adjectives Verbs
Bite burn ambulance conscious bleed
Crutch emergency wheelchair sterile elevate
Eye chat fainting tissue damage minimize
Injection promise ease
Shock stretcher
Victim wound
Treatment sting
III. Skills : Listening , Speaking , Reading and Writing
IV. Unit allocation

Lesson 1 Getting started Reading a dialogue for details about the situation which
Listen and read requires first- aid.
Lesson 2 Speak Practicing in making and responding to offers, request and
Lesson 3 Listen Listening for specific information about what is happening at
a hospital.
Lesson 4 Read Reading for the instructions about the situations which
require first-aid.
Lesson 5 Writing Writing a thank-you note
Lesson 6 Language focus In order to/ so as to, future simple, modal will to make
requests, offers and promises.

Week: 20th Preparing Day: 4/1/2013

Period: 58th Teaching Day: 7/1/2013
I. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students can know what they would do in the situations, which require first –
II./ Language Contents:
1. Grammar: Simple Future tense.
2. Vocabulary: Patient (n), fainting (n), elevate (v), victim (n), minimize (v),
III./ Techniques: Eliciting, Q & A , multiple choice.
IV./ Teaching aids: Hand out. Cassette, picture, …
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Kim's game •
- Ask students to open their books and look at the things on - Play game
page 80 (for 20"). Tell them these things are often used
for first- aid.
- Divide the class into two groups.
- Ask students to close their books and go to the board to
write the names of the things they've just seen from
memory, (either in English or Vietnamese)
- Tell them the group having the most right English words
is the winner.
- Have students open the books again and go through the
words in English. -Work in pairs
Answer Key:
1. emergency room 2. sterile dressing
3. medicated oil 4. ice
5. water pack 6. alcohol
- Ask Ss to discuss and write down what they would do in
these situations which require first-aid.
- Call on some groups to give their answers and correct.
Possible answers:
+ A girl has a burn on her arm  Use cold water / ice to
ease the pain
+ A boy has a bad cut on his leg  Use alcohol medicated
oil / sterile dressing.
+ A girl has a nose bleed  Use a handkerchief to stop
the bleeding / tell her to lie down.
+ A boy has a bee sting  Use medicated oil...
1. Pre teach Vocabulary -Guess
1. (an) ambulance (draw an ambulance) -Copy the new words
2. (an) emergency (T: When do we need an - Listen and repeat.
ambulance?) - Read in class/ individual.
 S: When there is an emergency
3. unconscious (adj)  conscious (What's “baát tænh” in
4. (to) bleed  the bleeding
(When you have a cut, the cut will ...(bleed)...?)
- Have Ss copy the vocabulary in their notebooks.
2. Gap fill Prediction
- Hang the chart with the paragraph on the board. - Predict the words in the gaps
"There was an emergency at Lan's school, A student...
(1)... off her bike and hit her head on the road. She was. ,
(2)., but she cut her head and (he. ...(3)... was ...(4),.. Do the exercise A.1 practice in
badly. Lan telephoned Bach Mai Hospital and asked the pairs read the dialogue again.
nurse to send an.. (5).. to Quang Trung School. Lan was -Role-play
asked to keep the student, .(6). ..while waiting for the
- Ask Ss to predict the words in the gaps.
- Call on some Ss to go to the board and write their words. -Work in pairs and fill in the gaps.
- Have Ss open their books, listen to the tape while reading
the dialogue.
- Check if Ss' predictions are right or not.
Answer Key:
1. fell 2. conscious 3. cut
4. bleeding 5. ambulance 6. awake
3. Comprehension question
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and select the topics - Read the dialogue again and
covered in he dialogue (page 81). select the topics covered in he
- Tell Ss (in groups) to write their answers on a sheet of dialogue
paper and hand in after finishing.
- Collect Ss’ papers and correct.
Answer Key: a , b , c , e , f
4. Role Play
- Have Ss in turns play the roles to demonstrate the
5 .Homework : -Write homework
-Do exercises in Workbook.
-Prepare the part : Speak & language focus 2.3.4

Week: 20th Preparing Day: 4/1/2013

Period: 59 Teaching Day: 9/1/2013
Lesson 2 SPEAK
I. Objectives :
Students know how to make and respond request, offers and promises.
-By the end of the lesson, students can make and respond, offers and promises.
II. Language contents :
1. Vocabulary: bandage, sting
2. Grammar:
- Making requests
-Offers and promises using modal “ will “
III. Teaching aids: picture, posters
IV. Techniques: Brainstorming, eliciting.
V. Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1. Speaking
a. Pre-Speaking :
-Set the scene Answer:
-Ask students questions to elicit the models
-Have students repeat 2 or 3 times before writing them on the
board .
-Model sentences :
-Will you + bare infinitive?
-Would -Work in groups
-Could -Individuals
-Respond :
-Sure/ ok / alright
-I’m sorry .I can’t ./ I’m afraid not
b. While -Speaking:
-Ask students to look at the phrases and pictures to make -Look at the phrases and pictures
request , offers and promises to make request , offers and
-Have students practice in pairs promises
a. A: Could you give me a bandage, please?
B: Sure. Here you are
b. Sister: Shall I get you some medicine?
Boy: Yes, please./ That would be nice./ No, I’m fine.
c. A: Can you get me some bandage? -Work in pairs.
B: Sure.

b. Boy: I promise I won’t play soccer in the house again.

Mother: I hope so. / Don’t forget
-Check the mistakes and correct the answers.
c. Post – Speaking:
- Ask Ss make similar situations then practice with your -Work in pairs.
Check the mistakes and correct the answers.

VI. Comments


Week: 20th Preparing Day: 5/1/2013
Period: 60 Teaching Day: 11/1/2013
Lesson 3 LISTEN
I. Objectives :
Students listen to the dialogue then match the letters to the correct words in te box.
-By the end of the lesson, students can know how to help their friends when their friends had accidents.
II. Language contents :
1. Vocabulary: bandage, sting
2. Grammar:
- Making requests
-Offers and promises using modal “ will “
III. Teaching aids: picture, posters
IV. Techniques: Brainstorming, eliciting.
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Warm up:
-Ask students to look at the phrases and pictures to make
request , offers and promises
-Have students practice in pairs -work in pairs
a. A: Could you give me a bandage, please?
B: Sure. Here you are
2. Listening.
a. Pre-Listening :
- Use an accident picture to eliciting the situation. - Listen
“What is the matter with him?/ How do we take him to the - Answer.
hospital ? / Who will take care of him at the hospital?”
Present “paramedic”
- Have students look at the picture in the textbook and match -Listen and repeat new words
the words with the correct picture.
-Introduce new word and help Ss read new words:
ambulance, stretcher, wheelchair -Read the new words
b. While-Listening :
Set up the task:
-Have Ss guess the order of the pictures. -Guess
- play the tape.
- Have Student listen to the tape again -> Teacher correction.
* Have students listen and fill in the blank with suitable
words. - Work in pairs
a. A paramedic is wheeling a patient on a ………………in to
the emergency room. -Look at the handout and listen
b. A doctor is trying to weight a carrying baby on the ……… then fill in the gaps
c. a nurse is talking to the wheelchair to carry the patient in -Compare in groups.
the …………………… -Listen and check. Then write the
c. Post-Listening : answer on the board.
-Have students fill in the gaps -> flashcard.
Fainting : a. leave the patient.
b.…………………….the patient’s feet. -Listen to the tape and stick
Shock: a. the victim drugs.
Burns: b. cover the burned area.
*Content of Listening:
This is the emergency room in a large hospital. A
paramedic is wheeling a patient
on a stretcher into the emergency room where a doctor is
waiting to treat the patient. The patient doesn’t look well.
His head is bandaged and his eyes are closed.
Anurse is pushing an empty wheelchair towards the
exit. She is probably taking it to a patient in the
The eye chart on the wall is used to check people’s eyesight.
The chart consists of about 28 letters ranging in size from
about 5 centimeters in height at the top of the chart to
about 1 centimeter at the bottom.
A doctor is trying to weigh a crying baby on the scale. The
baby’s mother is standing nearby.She’s trying to stop her
child from crying.The crutches, which are for someone
with a broken leg, are leaning against the wall.
3. Homework :
Do exercises in Workbook
Prepare: Unit 9 –Read
VI. Comments


Week: 21th Preparing Day: 12/1/2013
Period: 61 Teaching Day: 14/1/2013
Lesson 4 READ
I .Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, students should know the way to do first aid course.
Developing reading skill and end of the lesson can give instructions. (True or False, answer the
II. Language contents :
1 – Grammar:
2 – Vocabulary:
Fainting (n), patient (n), force (n), elevate (v), lower (v), revise (v), victim (n), so as to, in order to,
minimize (v), tissue damage
III./ Techniques: Eliciting, Q & A , multiple choice.
IV./ Teaching aids: Hand out.
V. Procedures :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1. Warm up : Revision: Bingo
- Ask students to give nouns for emergencies which Answer the question.
require first-aid and write them on the board.
* Suggested words:
Burn, cut, bee sting, snake bike, fainting, shock, …
2. Pre-reading:
T has Ps pick out the new words Groups work.
T presents some new words Picture / minimizing
T teaches vocabularies by using Ps’ background -Read silently.
knowledge and contextual guess words -Give out the new words.
Fainting (n) ngaát xæu
Patient (n) beänh nhaân
Force (v) eùp buoäc
Elevate (v) naâng leân
Revise (v) tænh laïi
Victim (n) naïn nhaân
so as to = in order to : ñeå maø
minimize (v) laøm giaûm toái thieåu
tissue damage (n) söï phaù huyû moâ
Let’s read to find out how to do in these three cases. Read the text and notice how to
3. While- reading: pronunciation new words.
- Asking students to read the text individually in 4’ to
choose the correct case for each treatment
- Getting feedback
- Asking students to tell the sentences containing the

Task 2:
- Asking students to read the text individually in 4’ to
answer T / F -Work in groups
- Getting feedback: answer and correct the false
- T remarks and gives marks.
* Key answers
a -A
b -B
c -A
d -C
e -A
4. Post-reading:
- Draw the grid on the board. - Work in groups.
- Ask students read the instructions again and fill in the
Cases Do Don’t

5. Homework :
-Do exercises : (Workbook)
-Lean new words by heart.
-prepare the next lesson. (Writing)

IV. Comments

Week: 21st Preparing Day: 12/1/2013

Period: 62nd Teaching Day: 16/1/2013
Lesson 5 WRITE
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, Students should be grateful for what others help them
Developing writing skill and by the end of the lesson, Students know how to write a thank-you letter
(write a paragraph)
II./ Language Contents:
1 – Grammar: Review Simple Future tense and simple past tense.
2 – Vocabulary:
Contact (v), come over.
III./ Techniques:
Replying to letters, gap fill, eliciting.
IV./ Teaching aids: Chart
V. Procedures :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1. Warm up: -Answers
- Ask students some questions - (Individual)
-“When do you write a thank you letter ? Or Have you - Work in groups.
ever got that letter?” - Share and compare with other group
b. Pre-Writing:
- Review the tenses “Simple past and simple future” -Work in pairs
Ask students the form of the letter. Guide the students to
tell “How to write a thank you letter”
Have students read the letter silently to get details and fill
in the gaps with correct tense forms. -Read
-Have students fill in the gaps then correct the answers
Ask students to write a thank you to a friends. Have -Write (Individual)
students exchange their letter and correct the mistakes.
Check and correct. - Read the notice.
1. was 2. were 3. helped 4. came 5. am -Give feedback (self-correct / teacher
6. will telephone corrects)
3. While-Writing
- Tell them to write the a thank you letter to a friend -write the letter
- Give the handout for the students write the similar
format to write a thank you letter.
- Put the poster with the questions on the board. - Answer the questions.
What did your friend give/ send you?
On what occasion?
How did you feel when you received the present?
How do you feel now?
Do you want to invite your friend to somewhere?
If so, then when?
How you contact your friend?
-Give the model
I’d like to say thank you for the interesting book you -Read the model letter
give me on my birthday last week. It is a wonderful
book about Vietnamese traditions. It helped
to make my day much more meaningful.
This week I have more free time, and my family has to
decided to go on a picnic to my home village on
Saturday. Why don’t you join us? We will be very
happy to have you along.
I will telephone you tonight for details.
I love to see you then.
Your friend
4 .Post-Writing :
- Exhibition

Divide the class into 4 groups and choose a letter - Compare the letter.
randomly in each group
-Ask 4 groups to copy 4 chosen letters on the posters
then put them on the board.
- Compare the poster and correct. - Correction.
- Give feedback.
4. Homework :
-Do exercise : in work book - Write homework
-Prepare: language focus.

VI. Comments:

Week: 21st Preparing Day: 14/01/2013

Period: 63 Teaching Day: 18/01/2013
I. Objectives:
1 – Educational aims:
2 – Teaching aims: students can know how to use: in order to; so as to; simple future; modal to make
request, offers and promises.
II./ Language Contents:
1. Grammar:
Simple Future, in order to, so as to; request, offers, promises.
2. Vocabulary:
III.Techniques: Ordering, matching, eliciting, Q & A.
IV.Teaching aids: Picture and flash card
V. Procedures :
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Warm -up
Play a game: “Complete the sentences” -play a game.
Eg: Group 1: I go to Dalat
Group 2: to visit Xuan Huong lake
2. Language focus 1:
- Give the sentence: I always keep the window open - Do the exercise.
…………….to let fresh air in.
- Ask them to complete.
-Give the answer: in order to/ so as to
- Give usage: in order to/ so as to: để, để mà (chỉ mục đích)
- Ask them to match one part of the sentence in column A Do the exercises.
with another part in column B.
1+f 2+d 3+b 4+e 5+a 6+d
- Give the more exercise
Combine the sentences using in order to/ so as to
1. He went to Ha Noi. He wanted to meet his friends.
2. My sister studied English. She wanted to work for a
foreign company.
3. We are saving money. We plan to travel around Europe
next year.
4. She gets up early. She wants to go to class early.
3. Language focus 2:
- Review the simple future tense.
S + will/ shall + V –inf
I/we + shall Complete the dialogue.
-ask them to complete the dialogue.
-give the answer:
2/ Complete the dialogue
(1) will (4) shall
(2) will (5) will
(3) won’t (6) ‘ll
4. Language focus 3: Ps work in pairs to complete the
T reminds Ps of the structures sentences
Ex: Will you help me ?
Get feedback.
T reminds Ps of the structures
Getting feedback. -Complete the sentences
-Complete the sentences a) Will you open the window?
a) Will you open the window? b) Will you give it to me?
b) Will you give it to me? c) Will you answer the telephone?
c) Will you answer the telephone? d) Will you turn on the TV?
d) Will you turn on the TV? e) Will you pour a glass of water?
e) Will you pour a glass of water? f) Will you get the cushions?
f) Will you get the cushions? 4/ Make requests, offers or promises
5. Language focus 4: Possible answers:
b) Will you paint the door please?
T reminds Ps of the structures c) I promise I will learn harder.
d) Will you help me carry the
Ps work in pairs to complete the sentences vegetables?
Getting feedback e) Shall I hang the clothes?
f) Will you cut the grass
6. Homework
-Do the exercise again.
-Prepare: Unit 10 getting stared
Listen and read.

VI. Comments:

Week 19th Preparing Day: 15/12/ 2010
Teaching Day: 20/12/2010
I. Objectives :
Correct some mistakes which students have done, explaining what most students didn’t do well such as
rewrite the sentences, finding out words learned . . .
II/ Language contents:
1. Vocabulary:
2. Structure:
III/ Techniques: eliciting, pair work
IV/ Teaching aids : Answer Key and some extra exercises
V. Procedures:
1. Give back the test for students.
2. Ask some good students to read their answer.
3. Explain some structures

I. 0,25 x 12 = 13 pts
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. B
7. B 8. B 9. B 10. D 11. D 12. B
II. (0,5 x 4 = 2 pts)
1. There are more than ten million people live here.
2. Yes, he/ she does.
3. Because it is big and exciting.
4. She used to live in the countryside..
III. (0,25 x 4 = 1 pts)

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F
IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first. Used the words in
brackets. (0,5 x 4 = 2 pts)
1. The last time I saw him was in 1985.
I haven’t seen him since 1985.
2. Are you and Jane the same age?
Are you as old as Jane?
3. “Don’t walk on the grass” The gardener said to us.
The gardener asked me not to walk on the grass.
4. The living room isn’t as big as the kitchen.
The kitchen is bigger than the living room
V. Listen and fill in the blanks with the words you hear: (0,5 x 4 = 2 pts)
1. Na has been neighborhood since last week.
2. Nam has lived there for about ten years , so he knows he area very well.
3. There is a restaurant in the area. It serves food from Hue.
4. Nam thinks the pancakes are delicious.

Lôù Tổng Soá đĐiểm >=5 đĐiểm từ 8 đĐến 10 Điểm 0 - 3

p HS SL % SL % SL %
8A 25 13 52,0 3 12,0 4 16,0
8B 25 19 76,0 0 0,0 1 4,0
K8 50 32 64,0 3 6,0 5 10,0


Khoá 8,0 trôû leân 6,5 -7,9 5,0 - 6,4 2 - 4,9 Döôùi 2,0
i SL % SL % SL % SL % SL %
8A 25 3 12,0 5 20,0 10 40,0 7 28,0 0 0
8B 25 2 8,0 9 36,0 10 40,0 4 16,0 0 0
K8 50 5 10,0 14 30,0 20 40,0 11 22,0 0


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