Enjoy !: From The Magic Man

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Smullyan Kiss

This is a splendid (and useful) example from Professor Raymond Smullyan’s repertoire.
Let's assume you are a man who desires to kiss a woman. (By the way, this proposition works in
whatever way your inclinations lead.)
Propose the following to the person who has attracted your affection. “I bet you I can kiss you
without getting any nearer than twenty inches from you.
Actually, I'm not allowed to touch you in any way with my hands or any part of my body, let
alone my lips.”
Set a small stake, such as a dime or a piece of chocolate (Swiss or Belgian chocolate preferred),
or just make it a bet of honor.
When she agrees, tell her she must close her eyes. As soon as she does, kiss her and say, “Okay,
I've lost. You win.” Pay up.
(Neither the author nor his publisher accept any responsibility for what might happen next.)

Table Magic Opener

This is an excellent opener when you perform for people at a table or when you approach a
group to perform for them at a party. After briefly introducing yourself, ask who believes in
If necessary, explain the meaning of the word: the ability to gain unknown information by
means of extra-sensory perception.
Ask for a show of hands from the believers. Assume that four individuals raise their hand.
Unfold a billet you've had in your hand and show what is written on it: “4”. You may, if you
prefer, call this precognition—the ability to see the future—but it’s really a thumb writer.
A less direct approach is to have the Threes, Fours and Fives set on top of the deck, operating
on the likelihood that three, four or five hands will be raised. You can then do a quick Cutting
the Aces type routine, revealing the appropriate set of matching values on top of each pile. You
could also use a Himber Wallet, with an envelope on each side; or a simple two-way envelope
with two cards in each compartment; or any device you prefer that delivers multiple outs.

Enjoy !From The Magic Man

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