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ENG209N-Composition II

ROLL# 201360263

Q: Paraphrase ANY ONE of the following paragraphs in your own words?

Khipil was a royal function Object. Shahpesh, the Persian King, once requested that he
construct a palace for him. Khipil was sluggish and chatty. He completely ignored his
duties in favor of telling anecdotes to his coworkers. He put off the project for four
years. The king once paid a surprise visit and discovered the palace to be unfinished.
The king determined that he would teach him a lesson.

The monarch gave him orders to show him around the palace. He pretended he hadn't
noticed his carelessness. The king feigned to be quite delighted with Khipil the entire
time. After that, he told him to go to the royal gardens. They were overgrown with
weeds and nettles, and the fountains were completely dry. Khipil was told to put his
nose on a bunch of nettles and smell them as if they were flowers. His nose had become
flushed. He was not allowed to chafe. He got himself into a lot of problems as a result of
that. The monarch then gave him three days and nights to drink water from those dry
fountains. Finally, the monarch ordered him stand for seven days and nights with his
arms extended out and a pomegranate in each hand. The king assembled his court to
witness him standing like a tree. They praised the king's foresight. They also recognized
how the king may retaliate against individuals who failed to perform their duties.

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