Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

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Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

Directions of Test

Test Name Actual IIFT 2020 Paper Total Questions 110 Total Time 120 Mins

No. of Marks per Negative

Section Name
Questions Question Marking
Quantitative Ability 25 3 1/3
Verbal Usage & Reading
35 3 1/3
DI & Reasoning 30 3 1/3
GK 20 3 1/3

Section : Quantitative Ability

QNo:-  1  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Let they work jointly in ‘x’ hours.

by putting option  x+21/5 =15 nearly satisfies

QNo:-  2  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Total no. of paths = 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 = 256 (from A to O1; O1 to CD and so on)
But answer would be less than 256, because this 256 is without any restriction (Option B eliminates)
Now if he first take 4 then second will be at least 2and if he takes third path as 4 and fourth will be at least
2so4x2x4x2 = 64 at least means more than 64 . So only 128 suits the answer.
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  3  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Pipe A can fill the tank in 16 min
Pipe B can fill the tank in 32 min
Pipe C can empty the tank in 1 hr 04 min or 64 min.
Let the total capacity of the tank will be the L.C.M. (16, 32, 64) = 64 liters
Efficiency of Pipe A = 64/16 = 4 liters
Efficiency of Pipe B = 64/32 = 2 liters
Efficiency of Pipe C = 64/64 = - 1 liters (Negative means Pipe C is empty the tank)
In first 9 minutes the tank filled = 9 × (4 + 2 – 1) = 45 liters
Now only pipe C worked with an efficiency of (- 1).
Now, the tanker then went to Mohan's house, 6 km away to deliver water, if the tanker moved at a constant speed of
36 km/hr. So, time taken will be 6/36 × 60 = 10 min.
So, in next 10 minutes the tank will be emptied by 10 × (-1) = - 10 liters.
So, the capacity of tank left = 45 – 10 = 35 liters.
Required % = 35/64 × 100 = 55%. Option A

QNo:-  4  ,Correct Answer:-  D


Cubing both sides, we get

Again cubing both sides, we get

Thus, product of roots = -33. Option D

QNo:-  5  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Since, we know that mutually exclusive events are those events in which intersections in zero.
So, the sum of the probabilities ≤ 1
0.25 – 0.25x + 0.5 – x + 0.25 + x ≤ 1
On solving, we get x ≥ 0. So, option B

QNo:-  6  ,Correct Answer:-  B


On solving, we get M = 240/11 ≈ 22 minutes.

So, at 10:22 a.m. the angle will be 180○. Option B
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  7  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Since, (x- a)(x- b) = 0 and a = b
So, (x - a)(x - b) = c
x2 – ax – bx + ab – c = 0
x2 – x(a + b) + (ab – c) = 0
Now, D > 0 ⇒ (a + b)2 – 4(ab – c) > 0
⇒a2 + b2 + 2ab – 4ab + 4c > 0
⇒ (a – b)2 + 4c > 0
Since, a = b
So, 4c > 0 or c > 0
Option A

QNo:-  8  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Since, the diagonals are 2y - x- 5 = 0 and y + 2x - 7 = 0.
The slope of the diagonals are 1/2 and -2
Since, the product of slopes = - 1. That means the diagonals are perpendicular to each other.
So, the parallelogram must be rhombus. Option D

QNo:-  9  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Given, Labour : Machine = 2:1
Also, the cost of one unit of labour (think it as wage per hour) is 500 rupees and the cost of one unit of capital
(machine running cost per hour) is 1500 rupees.
So, the total cost will be (2 × 500) + (1 × 1500) = 2500
Now, A.T.Q, the labour cost has decreased by 20% and the capital cost has gone up by 20%.
So, labour cost will be = 1000 – 20% of 1000 = 800
Capital/machine cost will be = 1500 + 20% of 1500 = 1800
Now, the total cost will be (800) + (1800) = 2600
Now, the total labour and capital cost for the monthly production is 5 crore rupees and due to economic slowdown,
the company has decided to reduce monthly production to half i.e. they want to make it 2.5 crore.
But, due to decrease and increase in labour and machine cost 2500 will become 2600.
So, 2.5 crore will be come 2.6 crore. Hence, option B is the answer.
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  10  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Since, BE = EG = GI = IC = 1 m

Drop a perpendicular from A to BC, such that BG = 2 and since angle ABC = 30○ .
By 30○ – 60○ – 90○ we can say that AB = 2/√3 and AG = 4/√3.
Area of ∆ABC = ½ × 4 × 4/√3 = 8/√3
Since, ∠B = ∠C = 30○, so that ∠A = 120○.
 Similarly, ∠B = ∠E = 30○, so that ∠D = 120○. So, we can say that ∆BDE ∼ ∆BAC. and BE/BC = 1/4
So, base area of ∆BDE = 1/16 (area of ∆BAC)
So, area of 4 smaller ∆’s = 4 × 1/16 × (8/√3) = 2/√3.
Now, since ∠B = ∠E = ∠G = 30○, so that ∠DEF = 120○.
Similarly, ∠DEF = ∠FGH = ∠HIJ =120○, which makes one complete circle with radius = length DE.
Since, AB = AC = 2/√3
So, DE = ¼ × AB = ¼ × (2/√3) = (1/2√3)
Area of circle so formed from the arcs = П (1/2√3)2
Area of shaded portion = 8/√3 – 2/√3 - П (1/2√3)2 . Option C

QNo:-  11  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Since the interest on loan be at 12% p.a. for 2 year = 24% for 2 years(Because interest to be paid at simple interest)
Also, she loaned 50% amount received from M/s Koramattam Finance.
To Vishamber at the rate of 16% per annum compounded half yearly for 2 years i.e. approximately 36% and
To Kalawati at the rate of 12% per annum compounded annually for 2 years i.e. 25.44%
But she loaned only 50% of the amount received. So, the interest that she is getting on the loan paid = 18% +
12.72% = 30.72%
So, required percentage earning of Suhani = (30.72 – 24%)/24% × 100 = 28% (approximately). Option B
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  12  ,Correct Answer:-  A


In right angled ∆ABC

BC = 2 (Given)
Using 30○ – 60○ – 90○, we can say that AB = 2√3 and AC = 4
Also, in right angled ∆EDC
ED = 1.5 (Given)
Using 30○ – 60○ – 90○, we can say that CD = 1.5√3
Also, ED = MB = 1.5m. So, AM = 2√3 – 1.5
Since, we need to find AE according to the diagram.

On solving, we get AE = 5. Option A

QNo:-  13  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Let the rate be R %
According to the question:
R% of 12,00000 + 0.9R% of 900000 ×(2/3) = 139200
On solving, we get R = 8%. Option C
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  14  ,Correct Answer:-  C


Since, M is the mid – point of AB, so K is the mid – point of DC

As, OM ┴ AB & OK ┴ CD. Also, OM = OK

QNo:-  15  ,Correct Answer:-  A


In the figure given, let O be the centre of the bigger circle.

Since the radius of the bigger circle is 2. Its area will be П(2)2 = 4П
Also, the length OA = 2√2 by Pythagoras theorem.
Let O1 be the centre of the smaller circle as shown in figure below.
Again O1A = r√2 by Pythagoras theorem.
Now, OA = 2√2 = 2 + r + √2r

On rationalizing, we get
r = 6 - 4√2.
So, the area of one smaller circle with centre O1 = П(6 - 4√2)2
There are 4 such circles, so the area of 4 smaller circles = 4П(6 - 4√2)2
So, the total area = 4П + 4П(6 - 4√2)2. Option A
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  16  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Since, 300 participants reported possessing both a house and a car. 500 participants reported possessing both a
house and a motorbike. 200 participants reported possessing a house together with a motorbike and a car.
These 200 participants were included in both these.
So, the number of participants who possess both a house and a car, or possess both a house and a motorbike = 300
+ 500 – 200 = 600. Option C

QNo:-  17  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Saudi Aramco : Reliance Industries = 20 : 30
Since, they made a profit of 6 billion that has to be divided in 2:3 only.
So, Saudi Aramco : Reliance Industries = 2.4 : 3.6
Capital of reliance = 30+3.6 = 33.6
Capital of Aramco = 20+2.4 = 22.4
If reliance want 75% share then its new capital = .75(50+6) = 42
So Reliance has to pay = 42-33.6 = 8.4

QNo:-  18  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Let Pradeep started from his office at 10:00 a.m with a speed of 50 km/hr.
After 90 minutes Suresh started i.e. at 11:30 a.m. with a speed of 60 km/hr (If pradeep started at 10:00 a.m. then
after 90 minutes or 1hr 30 minutes time will be 11:30 a.m.)
In these 90 minutes Pradeep travelled for a distance of 75 km (because his speed is 50 km/hr).
Now, since they both are travelling in the same direction so, relative speed = 60 – 50 = 10 km/hr
So, Suresh will catch Pradeep after -

So, if Pradeep started at 10:00 a.m. Suresh will catch Pradeep after 7.5 hrs of 11:30 a.m. i.e. at 7:00 p.m.
Also, in this 7.5 hrs Pradeep will travel another 375 km with a speed of 50 km/hr (50 × 7.5 = 375 km).
Now according to the question Subodh caught Pradeep exactly at the same point where Suresh caught Pradeep.
So, Subodh also caught Pradeep at 7:00 p.m. and he is travelling with a speed of 75 km/hr.
So, subodh will travel 75 + 375 = 450 km with a speed of 75 km/hr in -

So, if Subodh caught Pradeep at 7:00 p.m. and he caught pradeep in 6 hrs that means Pradeep started at 1:00 p.m.
So, the time difference is 3 hrs or 180 minutes. Option C

QNo:-  19  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Total number of persons = 7 (Sumit, Mother, Father, Uncle, Aunt, Sister and Cousin)
In 2013, Sum of the family = 41 × 7 = 287
In 2019, Sum of family = 41 × 9 = 369
Now, after 6 years the sum of the ages of sumit’s family = 287 + 42
Also, a son of 2 years old along with his wife were there.
So, 287 + 42 + 2 + W = 41 × 9 = 369
W = 38 (in 2019)
So, sumit married at the age of 41, and he did MBA in 2013 that means 6 years back. Thus, he did MBA at the age of
35 years. Option B
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  20  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Let the speed og boat = x km/hr
Speed of stream = 6 km/hr (Given).
According to the question:

Going by options, at x = 18 km/hr the time is exactly 6 hrs. So, this would be the minimum speed. Option B

QNo:-  21  ,Correct Answer:-  C


So, 4x + 8y = 6 and 2x + y = 2
On solving, we get x = 5/6 and y = 1/3. Option C

QNo:-  22  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Since, he cheats on weight by 10 percent for every 1 kg weight that means for every 1000 gm he weighs 900 gm.
Also, he pushes up the price of fruit by 15 percent that means for every 100 Rs. Of article he charged Rs.115
Also, gives a discount of 8 percent to the buyers for every kg sold that means for every Rs.100 of article he charged
According to the all three statements:

QNo:-  23  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Let E1 be the event that there is recession
E2 be the event that there is no recession
A be the event that mutual fund increase
Required probability = P(A) = P (E1) × P(A/E1) + P(E2) × P(A/E2)
= 0.3 × 0.2 + 0.7 × 0.75 = 0.06 + 0.525 = 0.585. Option C
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  24  ,Correct Answer:-  B


Since the triangle is right angled isosceles triangle with hypotenuse AB = 7√2 cm. So, AC = CB = 7 cm.
Now, the radius of the circle formed in between the triangle i.e.

Now, since AZ = AX, BX = BY and CZ=CY (They all are tangents to the circle)
Also, CY = CZ= r
Since, AC = 7 and CZ = r. So, AZ = 7 – r = AX
Similarly, BY = 7 – r = BX
So, AZ : BX : CY = 7 – r : 7 – r : r
Substituting the value of r, we get Option B as the answer

QNo:-  25  ,Correct Answer:-  C

An owner of a grocery shop purchases two varieties of grain. The price of first variety is twice the
price of the second one. He mixes both the varieties and sells the mixture at the price of Rs. 28 per kg, making a
profit of 25%. If the ratio of first variety of grain and the second variety of grain in the mixture is 2:3, find the price of
first variety of grain.
Since, Profit% = 25%
S.P = 28
So, C.P = 22.4
Let the price of second grain be ‘a’ so that the price of first grain be ‘2a’.
Now, using allegation, we have

On solving we get a = 16/kg.

So, price of first variety of grain = 32/kg. Option C
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

Section : Verbal Usage & Reading Comprehension

QNo:-  26  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Option1 is narrow as it was given as an example to lead to the main point. Option 2 is also incorrect as this was just
a line mentioned in the initial part of the passage not the main idea. The entire passage talks about the behaviour
aspect not the emotions. The author did not comment about human nature being contagious. Throughout the
passage the author deals with the fact that humans are easily nudged by other humans and they are easily
influenced by the statements and deeds of others. Hence, 4 is the correct option.

QNo:-  27  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Option 1 and 4 are incorrect as per the lines “Obesity is contagious. If your best friends get fat, your risk of gaining
weight goes up.” Option 3 is incorrect as per the lines “Conventional wisdom has it that if two people live together
for a long time, they start to look like each other. This bit of folk wisdom turns out to be true. (For the curious: they
grow to look alike partly because of nutrition—shared diets and eating habits—but much of the effect is simple
imitation of facial expressions.)” The presence of seldom make this option out of context. Option 2 is correct as per
the lines “First, most people learn from others. This is usually good, of course. Learning from others is how
individuals and societies develop.”

QNo:-  28  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Both statements 1 and 2 are correct as per the lines “The typical Republican appointee shows pretty liberal voting
patterns when sitting with two Democratic appointees, and the typical Democratic appointee shows pretty
conservative voting patterns when sitting with two Republican appointees. Both sets of appointees show far more
moderate voting patterns when they are sitting with at least one judge appointed by a president of the opposing
political party.”
Statement 3 is incorrect as it is nowhere mentioned that three judge panels are known for inaccurate decisions.
Rather what is stated is that federal judges on three-judge panels are affected by the votes of their colleagues.
Statement 4 is incorrect as author does not states that dormitory students are better performers in college what he
stated is that it depends upon their peers/ roommates.

QNo:-  29  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Option 1 is incorrect as nothing is mentioned about inappropriate nudging throughout the passage. Option 3 is
incorrect as peer pressure leads to nudging not vice versa.  Option 4 is incorrect as nothing about getting fined is
mentioned in the passage. Option 2 is correct as per the lines “.The first involves information. If many people do
something or think something, their actions and flick thoughts convey information about what might be best for you
to do or think. The second involves peer pressure. If you care about what other people think about you (perhaps in
the mistaken belief that they are paying some attention to what you are doing—see below), then you might go
along with the crowd to avoid their wrath or curry their favour.”
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  30  ,Correct Answer:-  D

This is an easy question. All the options are directly mentioned in the passage. Option 1 and 2 are correct as per the
lines “Joel Mokyr, an economic historian at Northwestern University describes culture as a set of beliefs, values, and
preferences, capable of affecting behaviour, that are socially (not genetically) transmitted and that are shared by
some subset of society". Economists typically treat rational self-interest as the lodestar of human behaviour. But Mr.
Mokyr recognises that acquired social codes also influence individual choices, and thus broader economic activity.”
Option 3 is correct as per the lines “Mr. Mokyr says that factors often credited with kick-starting industrialisation-
such as capital accumulation and the cost and supply of certain kinds of labour- may be necessary but are not

QNo:-  31  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Option 3 is correct as per the lines “Cultural evolution is essential to the thesis of "A Culture of Growth", which
attempts to explain why sustained growth began where and when it did. Mr. Mokyr says that factors often credited
with kick-starting industrialisation- such as capital accumulation and the cost and supply of certain kinds of labour-
may be necessary but are not sufficient. The true catalyst was a continent-wide evolution in beliefs. In Europe
between the 16th and 18th centuries”. Option 1 is incorrect because of the word ‘evade’. Option 2 is out of scope.
Option 4 is talking about today which is clearly not being analysed by Mr. Mokyr.

QNo:-  32  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Option 1 is correct as per the lines “Rather, he identifies a specific cultural change - the rise of an
evidence-based, humanistic approach to scientific inquiry- which led to a shift in behaviour that enabled
industrialisation.”  Option 2 is not mentioned in the passage. Option 3  and 4 are incorrect as per the lines “, China,
where rationalistic schools of philosophy such as Mohism were eclipsed in intellectual circles by tradition-venerating
Confucianism. China's fate is not down to something inherent in Chinese culture”

QNo:-  33  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Option 2 and 3 are incorrect as these are just facts given in the last part of the passage but not the main idea. Out of
option 1 and 4, 4 is better as the passage talks about broadly that how cultural change can unlock the economic
potential of people and ideas. Culture can be stated as the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular
people or society. Hence 4 is the correct option.

QNo:-  34  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Option 1 is incorrect as the author is not quite positive about Obama and liberals. Option 2 and
option 4 are narrow as only part of the passage highlights them. Option 3 is the correct answer as the passage deals
with the roles and duties of government. The concluding part of the passage supports it.
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  35  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Option 2 is correct as per the line “Beyond infrastructure, the conservative sees the proper role of government as
providing not European-style universal entitlements but a firm safety net, meaning Julia-like treatment for those
who really cannot make it on their own—those too young or too old, too mentally or physically impaired, to provide
for themselves.” Option 3 is incorrect as per the lines “. Moreover, the greatest threat to a robust, autonomous civil
society is the ever-growing Leviathan state and those like Obama who see it as the ultimate expression of the
collective”. Option 4 is incorrect as per the line “What's variable is the energy enterprise, risk-taking hard work and
genius of the individual.” Option 1 is incorrect as per the lines “The ultimate Obama fallacy, however, is the conceit
that belief in the value of infrastructure—and willingness to invest in its creation and maintenance is what divides
liberals from conservatives. More nonsense. Infrastructure is not a liberal idea, nor is it particularly new.”

QNo:-  36  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Option 3 is correct as per the lines “Moreover, the greatest threat to a robust, autonomous civil society is the ever-
growing Leviathan state and those like Obama who see it as the ultimate expression of the collective. Obama
compounds the fallacy by declaring the state to be the font of entrepreneurial success.”

QNo:-  37  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Option1 is incorrect as per the line “ Moreover, the greatest threat to a robust, autonomous civil society is the ever-
growing Leviathan state” . Option 2 is incorrect as per the line “More nonsense. Infrastructure is not a liberal idea,
nor is it particularly new.” Option 3 is correct as per the line “Beyond infrastructure, the conservative sees the proper
role of government as providing not European-style universal entitlements”. Option 4 is incorrect as per the lines
“She's married to the provider state. Or to put it slightly differently, the "Life of Julia" represents the paradigmatic
Obama political philosophy: citizen as orphan child.”

QNo:-  38  ,Correct Answer:-  B

As per the line “Politicians everywhere are responding to voters' demands by banning straws, stirrers and other
single-use plastics.” Since politicians are banning single use plastics so it can be inferred that they are encouraging
recycled plastics in packaging.

QNo:-  39  ,Correct Answer:-  A

As per the lines “Many companies in the $375bn plastic-packaging value chain-which comprises
producers of oil and gas (the main feedstock), petrochemical giants, packaging firms and consumer brands-look ill-
prepared. “

QNo:-  40  ,Correct Answer:-  A

As per the line “In the past two years plastic litter in the ocean seems to have eclipsed other
environmental anxieties among rich-world consumers.”
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  41  ,Correct Answer:-  C

As per the lines “Given the environmental footprint of substitutes like cotton bags, aluminium cans
or paper boxes-which often require more energy and water to make and transport than plastic equivalents- new
regulations could in fact end up doing harm to the planet.”

QNo:-  42  ,Correct Answer:-  C

ACROSS: Grotesque: strange or ugly in a way that is not natural. Hence, a:VIII.  Parochial is only concerned with
small issues that happen in your local area and not interested in more important things. Hence b: v. DOWN: 
Veritable is being in fact the thing named and not false, unreal, or imaginary —often used to stress the aptness of a
metaphor. Hence, a:ii.  Facetious is meant to be humorous or funny : not serious. Hence, b:xi. Panegyric is a
eulogistic oration or writing. Hence, c:xiv.

QNo:-  43  ,Correct Answer:-  A

The correct sequence is DACB. D is an introductory sentence as it introduces to the theme of the passage that
different Scottish tartans served in ancient times to distinguish not only the different clans but also the ranks of the
clansmen. This is statement A refers to the claim made in statement D. Then statement C along with B will come as
it explains why it is doubtful. C will precede B because of the chronological order.

QNo:-  44  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Guess what does not require a question mark but exclamatory sign as it conveys strong emotion or

QNo:-  45  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Must is incorrect in statement 1. Statement IV is incorrect because of the usage of the word should.
Would" is the past tense of the modal verb "will." Used as an auxiliary, "would" expresses a possibility, an intention, a
desire, a custom, or a request. Use "should" to express an obligation, a necessity, or a prediction; use "would" to
express a wish or a customary action.

QNo:-  46  ,Correct Answer:-  B

The correct sequence is CFBAED. C introduces the topic. These in F refer to beliefs in C. CF are pairs
as perception of world can be connected to subjective realities.  AE are pairs because both illustrate the passive
aspect of belief. D is a concluding sentence because of the concluding trigger word, consequently it is summarizing
the entire passage.

QNo:-  47  ,Correct Answer:-  D

The correct sequence is BDEFCA. B is the probable opening sentence as it introduces to the theme of importance of
today. DE will follow B as they explain why today is important by telling us the issues with past and future.  EF is pair
because of reference to tomorrow which indicates future. CA concludes the sentence by again reinforcing the concept
of importance of today.
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  48  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Aggrandize: increase the power, status, or wealth of. Hence, a-ii.
Foolhardy: recklessly bold or rash. Hence, b-v
Obsequious: obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree. Hence, c-iv
Nonplus: so surprised and confused that one is unsure how to react. Hence, d-iii.
Propitious: giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable. Hence, e-i

QNo:-  49  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Xyl- comes from the Greek xýlon, meaning “wood.

QNo:-  50  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Statement 1 and 3 are incorrect because between is used to refer to two things which are clearly
separated. However, among is used for more than two. Statement 4 is incorrect because of the usage of the word

QNo:-  51  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Statement 3 does not require a question mark because it is the reported speech format.

QNo:-  52  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Burlesque: a literary or dramatic work that seeks to ridicule by means of grotesque exaggeration or
comic imitation. It is mockery usually by caricature. So, [a-vii].
Coagulate: to cause to become viscous or thickened into a coherent mass. Hence, [b-i].

QNo:-  53  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Schlock refers to cheap or inferior goods or material; trash.

QNo:-  54  ,Correct Answer:-  A

PUT is a root word which comes from the Latin putare, meaning to THINK.

QNo:-  55  ,Correct Answer:-  C

At last: in the end; after much delay
In the end: eventually or on reflection. One say in the end when one is saying what is the final result of a series of
events, or what is the final conclusion after considering all the relevant facts.
Finally: after a long time, typically when there has been difficulty or delay. It is also used as the last in a series of
related events or items.
Statement I and III are incorrect because of the usage of word at last because there is nothing to convey that it
happens after a long time of waiting or delay.
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  56  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Trit is a Latin root word which stands for : to rub; to thresh, to grind; to wear away

QNo:-  57  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Spasmodic: happening suddenly for short periods of time and not in a regular way. Hence[ a-xv]
Charlatan: a person who pretends to have skills or knowledge that they do not have, especially in medicine. Hence, [

QNo:-  58  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Somn is a Latin root word that stands for sleep, sleeping; dreams, dreaming.

QNo:-  59  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Psephology is the statistical study of elections and trends in voting.
Campanology: the art or practice of bell-ringing.
Paleology: the study or knowledge of antiquities and especially prehistoric antiquities.
Ecclesiology: the study of churches, especially church building and decoration.

QNo:-  60  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Ferroequinology: The study of railways in general, but especially locomotives.
Teratology: the scientific study of congenital abnormalities and abnormal formations.       
Locology: The study, the knowledge, the growth of Locs, it's culture, lifestyle and it's diversity in the hair and natural
hair community.         
Locomology: There is no such word that exists in the dictionary.

Section : DI & Reasoning

QNo:-  61  ,Correct Answer:-  D


For 2013, Total (A+ B + C) = 766.67 × 3 = 2300.01 ≈ 2300

Out of which A = 800 and B = 700 => A + B = 1500
Thus, C = 2300 – 1500 = 800
Similarly, For 2014, C = 500
For 2015 = 700
For 2016 = 600
For 2017 = 400
For 2018 = 300
Now, going by options
% age change for 2014 = 3/8 × 100 = 37.5%
For 2015 = 2/5 × 100 = 40%
For 2017 = 2/6 × 100 = 33.33%
For 2018 = ¼ × 100 = 25% which is the lowest among all the options. Hence, Option D
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  62  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Lets draw a table for A, B and C
Year A B C
2010 400 300 400
2011 700 300 500
2012 500 400 400
2013 800 700 800
2014 700 300 500
2015 600 500 700
2016 500 500 600
2017 600 400 400
2018 400 300 300
2019 300 400 700
Now, we need to find that in how many cases the value of C = A or B which happens in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2017 and
2018 i.e. 5 times. Option B

QNo:-  63  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Lets draw a table for A, B and C

Year A B C
2010 400 300 400
2011 700 300 500
2012 500 400 400
2013 800 700 800
2014 700 300 500
2015 600 500 700
2016 500 500 600
2017 600 400 400
2018 400 300 300
2019 300 400 700
None of the case have same percentage change for two consecutive years. Option A
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  64  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Lets draw a table for A, B and C
Year A B C
2010 400 300 400
2011 700 300 500
2012 500 400 400
2013 800 700 800
2014 700 300 500
2015 600 500 700
2016 500 500 600
2017 600 400 400
2018 400 300 300
2019 300 400 700
Now, we need to find that in how many cases average of A and B < C which happens in 2010, 2013, 2015, 2016 and
2019 i.e. 5 times. Option C

QNo:-  65  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Res_Index for 2012 = |10% of 1600 - 20% of 1000|/|75-70| = 8 ( We will take the difference and
ignore -ve sign)
Res_Index for 2013 = | 10% of 1500 -20% of 1000|/|75-70| = 10
Res_Index for 2014 = | 10% of 900 -10% of 1500|/|80-75| = 12
Res_Index for 2017 = | 30% of 1000 -10% of 2000|/|70-60| = 10
It is highest in 2014

QNo:-  66  ,Correct Answer:-  B

increase in 2016 = (60-50)/50 * 100 = 20%
Increase in 2017 = (70-60)/60 * 100 = 16.67%, In 2015 and 2018 Rex price decrease.
It is highest in 2016 i.e. 20 percent

QNo:-  67  ,Correct Answer:-  C

 By observation we get that for A it is twice (2013-2014) and (2014-2015), for B it is once , for C it is
3 times and for D once . hence total 7
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  68  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  69  ,Correct Answer:-  B

 Going by observation and using approximation we get that for the code 108 in the year 2012
Required % = 219/420 × 100 = 52%. Option B

QNo:-  70  ,Correct Answer:-  B

For 105:
Average Production = (650 + 580 + 450)/3 = 560
Average Consumption = (700 + 500 + 300)/3 = 500
Required difference = 60
For 106:
Average Production = (450 + 400 + 700)/3 = 517 (approx.)
Average Consumption = (400 + 500 + 600)/3 = 500
Required difference = 17
For 107:
Average Production = (750 + 400 + 300)/3 = 483 (approx.)
Average Consumption = (610 + 773 + 150)/3 = 511
Required difference = 28
For 109:
Average Production = (401 + 199 + 480)/3 = 360
Average Consumption = (200 + 517 + 280)/3 = 332 (aaprox.)
Required difference = 28.
So, difference is least in 106. Option B

QNo:-  71  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Production + Imports = Exports + Consumption
I = E + C - P , By checking each year we get
It is for 103, 107 and 109

QNo:-  72  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Since, we can say that Production (P) + Import (I) = Export (E) + Consumption (C).
Or, P + I = E + C
Or I = E + C – P
Now, for no imports, we can say that E + C < P or E + C = P
so it is 103 in 2010, 107 in 2012 and 108  in 2012. Hence three products
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  73  ,Correct Answer:-  C

According to the information, we can draw the following table firstly for varius cities:
Since, Total of 500ml and 1000ml = 7250 + 2130 = 9380.
Wastage + Samples = 13380 – 9380 = 4000 which is to be distributed in 5:3.
Wastages = 2500 and Sample = 1500
Cities 500ml 1000ml Wastage Samples
20% of 15 % of
Mumbai 800 400 2500 = 1500 =
500 225
10% of 12 % of
Chennai 1250 500 2500 = 1500 =
250 180
15% of 20 % of
Kolkata 1040 400 2500 = 1500 =
375 300
10% of 14 % of
Jaipur 620 200 2500 = 1500 =
250 210
10% of 12 % of
Delhi 1050 250 2500 = 1500 =
250 180
20% of 16 % of
Lucknow 2010 300 2500 = 1500 =
500 240
15% of 11 % of
Others 480 80 2500 = 1500 =
375 165
Total 7250 2130 2500 1500

Since, Total of 500ml and 1000ml = 7250 + 2130 = 9380.

Wastage + Samples = 13380 – 9380 = 4000 which is to be distributed in 5:3.
Wastages = 2500 and Sample = 1500
Number of 1000 ml packs sold in Lucknow = 300.
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  74  ,Correct Answer:-  B

According to the information, we can draw the following table firstly for varius cities:
Since, Total of 500ml and 1000ml = 7250 + 2130 = 9380.
Wastage + Samples = 13380 – 9380 = 4000 which is to be distributed in 5:3.
Wastages = 2500 and Sample = 1500
Cities 500ml 1000ml Wastage Samples
20% of 15 % of
Mumbai 800 400 2500 = 1500 =
500 225
10% of 12 % of
Chennai 1250 500 2500 = 1500 =
250 180
15% of 20 % of
Kolkata 1040 400 2500 = 1500 =
375 300
10% of 14 % of
Jaipur 620 200 2500 = 1500 =
250 210
10% of 12 % of
Delhi 1050 250 2500 = 1500 =
250 180
20% of 16 % of
Lucknow 2010 300 2500 = 1500 =
500 240
15% of 11 % of
Others 480 80 2500 = 1500 =
375 165
Total 7250 2130 2500 1500
Since, Total of 500ml and 1000ml = 7250 + 2130 = 9380.
Wastage + Samples = 13380 – 9380 = 4000 which is to be distributed in 5:3.
Wastages = 2500 and Sample = 1500
Required number of samples of Jaipur in 2018 = 210.
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  75  ,Correct Answer:-  B

According to the information, we can draw the following table firstly for varius cities:
Since, Total of 500ml and 1000ml = 7250 + 2130 = 9380.
Wastage + Samples = 13380 – 9380 = 4000 which is to be distributed in 5:3.
Wastages = 2500 and Sample = 1500
Cities 500ml 1000ml Wastage Samples
20% of 15 % of
Mumbai 800 400 2500 = 1500 =
500 225
10% of 12 % of
Chennai 1250 500 2500 = 1500 =
250 180
15% of 20 % of
Kolkata 1040 400 2500 = 1500 =
375 300
10% of 14 % of
Jaipur 620 200 2500 = 1500 =
250 210
10% of 12 % of
Delhi 1050 250 2500 = 1500 =
250 180
20% of 16 % of
Lucknow 2010 300 2500 = 1500 =
500 240
15% of 11 % of
Others 480 80 2500 = 1500 =
375 165
Total 7250 2130 2500 1500
Since, Total of 500ml and 1000ml = 7250 + 2130 = 9380.
Wastage + Samples = 13380 – 9380 = 4000 which is to be distributed in 5:3.
Wastages = 2500 and Sample = 1500
Required % = 250/180 × 100 ≈ 139%.
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  76  ,Correct Answer:-  A

According to the information, we can draw the following table firstly for varius cities:
Since, Total of 500ml and 1000ml = 7250 + 2130 = 9380.
Wastage + Samples = 13380 – 9380 = 4000 which is to be distributed in 5:3.
Wastages = 2500 and Sample = 1500
Cities 500ml 1000ml Wastage Samples
20% of 15 % of
Mumbai 800 400 2500 = 1500 =
500 225
10% of 12 % of
Chennai 1250 500 2500 = 1500 =
250 180
15% of 20 % of
Kolkata 1040 400 2500 = 1500 =
375 300
10% of 14 % of
Jaipur 620 200 2500 = 1500 =
250 210
10% of 12 % of
Delhi 1050 250 2500 = 1500 =
250 180
20% of 16 % of
Lucknow 2010 300 2500 = 1500 =
500 240
15% of 11 % of
Others 480 80 2500 = 1500 =
375 165
Total 7250 2130 2500 1500
Since, Total of 500ml and 1000ml = 7250 + 2130 = 9380.
Wastage + Samples = 13380 – 9380 = 4000 which is to be distributed in 5:3.
Wastages = 2500 and Sample = 1500
For Delhi:
Wastage = 250
Total units sold = 1300
So, 250/1300 less than 20%
For Jaipur = 250/820
For Kolkata = 375/1440
For Lucknow = 500/2310  , All three are more than 20%. So answer is option A

QNo:-  77  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Write all the 64 teams in the first round with their tosses. Then for the second round, then third and
so on. Family 51 cannot have a toss with family 24 in the finals. Both the families if keep winning tosses will have a
toss between them in the pre final round.

QNo:-  78  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  79  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Write all the 64 teams in the first round with their tosses. Then for the second round, then third and
so on. Family 51 cannot have a toss with family 24 in the finals. From that it can be guaged that it can be between
32 and 5.

QNo:-  80  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Write all the 64 teams in the first round with their tosses. Then for the second round, then third and
so on. Family 51 cannot have a toss with family 24 in the finals. Only the family number 47 can meet family 57 in
the finals. Hence that becomes the answer.

QNo:-  81  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Since, 2020 is a leap year so total number of days = 29.
Now, it is being given that Sahil worked on 14th February that means he worked on 2nd February also. So, the
sequence according to the date s are as follows.
Amir Sahil Vaibhav Gaurav

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

5th 6th 7th 8th

9th 10th 11th 12th

13th 14th 15th 16th

17th 18th 19th 20th
21th 22nd 23rd 24th

25th 26th 27th 28th

Total = 8 Total = 7 Total = 7 Total = 7

Hence, Amir will do maximum number of duties. Option a

QNo:-  82  ,Correct Answer:-  B

The sequence in which they are working is Amir, Sahil, Vaibhav and Gaurav .
The number of days between 10th July and 26th September = 21 + 31 + 26 = 78 days.
So, if Gaurav started on 10th July then after 76 days he will again work and on 77th day Amir will work and on 78th
day Sahil will work. So, option B

QNo:-  83  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Since, A, D, E and F are males and the rest are females i.e. B, C, G and H.
According to the condition (4 i.e. A, who was prescribed 30 ml/kg was opposite C while E who was prescribed 28
ml/kg was opposite G and E's spouse was prescribed 25 ml/kg.
Also, A, D, E and F are males and B, C, G and H are females. F is married to H. Also, D is not married to G. A cannot
be the spouse of C, so we have 2 cases either D is the spouse or E is the spouse.
Two cases arises:
Case I:
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

In this case, the possible par of spouses will be


Case II: Also, G is opposite to E

In this case, the possible pair of spouses will be

n Case I, since we know that couples do not sit adjacent to each other so E will be on the immediate right of A and G
sits opposite to E. After this, we have only 2 places left in which both H and F are adjacent to each other, so the case I
gets eliminated.
So, in Case II: E who was prescribed 28 ml/kg and E's spouse was prescribed 25 ml/kg that means C’s dose will be 25.
Also, A's spouse receives a replacement of 28 ml/kg i.e. G same as that of F's spouse i.e. H, who are next to each
other. Also, there is one male patient between B and their spouse. As D is B’s spouse. So, D sits to the immediate
right of A. Also, None of the 4 males receive IV replacement lower than 28 ml/kg so D will receive 30 ml/kg.
So, F and H are on either side of the G. F will have 30 and H will have 28.
So, the final arrangement is:

D weighs 80 kg = 80kg × 30 ml/kg = 2400 ml. Option B

QNo:-  84  ,Correct Answer:-  A
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

Since, A, D, E and F are males and the rest are females i.e. B, C, G and H.
According to the condition (4 i.e. A, who was prescribed 30 ml/kg was opposite C while E who was prescribed 28
ml/kg was opposite G and E's spouse was prescribed 25 ml/kg.
Also, A, D, E and F are males and B, C, G and H are females. F is married to H. Also, D is married to G. A cannot be
the spouse of C, so we have 2 cases either D is the spouse or E is the spouse.
Two cases arises:
Case I:

In this case, the possible par of spouses will be


Case II: Also, G is opposite to E

In this case, the possible pair of spouses will be

n Case I, since we know that couples do not sit adjacent to each other so E will be on the immediate right of A and G
sits opposite to E. After this, we have only 2 places left in which both H and F are adjacent to each other, so the case I
gets eliminated.
So, in Case II: E who was prescribed 28 ml/kg and E's spouse was prescribed 25 ml/kg that means C’s dose will be 25.
Also, A's spouse receives a replacement of 28 ml/kg i.e. G same as that of F's spouse i.e. H, who are next to each
other. Also, there is one male patient between B and their spouse. As D is B’s spouse. So, D sits to the immediate
right of A. Also, None of the 4 males receive IV replacement lower than 28 ml/kg so D will receive 30 ml/kg.
So, F and H are on either side of the G. F will have 30 and H will have 28.
So, the final arrangement is:
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

C is having dose of 25 ml/kg, who is a spouse of E.

QNo:-  85  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Since, A, D, E and F are males and the rest are females i.e. B, C, G and H.
According to the condition (4 i.e. A, who was prescribed 30 ml/kg was opposite C while E who was prescribed 28
ml/kg was opposite G and E's spouse was prescribed 25 ml/kg.
Also, A, D, E and F are males and B, C, G and H are females. F is married to H. Also, D is married to G. A cannot be
the spouse of C, so we have 2 cases either D is the spouse or E is the spouse.
Two cases arises:
Case I:

In this case, the possible par of spouses will be


Case II: Also, G is opposite to E

In this case, the possible pair of spouses will be

n Case I, since we know that couples do not sit adjacent to each other so E will be on the immediate right of A and G
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)
sits opposite to E. After this, we have only 2 places left in which both H and F are adjacent to each other, so the case I
gets eliminated.
So, in Case II: E who was prescribed 28 ml/kg and E's spouse was prescribed 25 ml/kg that means C’s dose will be 25.
Also, A's spouse receives a replacement of 28 ml/kg i.e. G same as that of F's spouse i.e. H, who are next to each
other. Also, there is one male patient between B and their spouse. As D is B’s spouse. So, D sits to the immediate
right of A. Also, None of the 4 males receive IV replacement lower than 28 ml/kg so D will receive 30 ml/kg.
So, F and H are on either side of the G. F will have 30 and H will have 28.
So, the final arrangement is:

D is adjacent to A. Option A

QNo:-  86  ,Correct Answer:-  D

Since, A, D, E and F are males and the rest are females i.e. B, C, G and H.
According to the condition (4 i.e. A, who was prescribed 30 ml/kg was opposite C while E who was prescribed 28
ml/kg was opposite G and E's spouse was prescribed 25 ml/kg.
Also, A, D, E and F are males and B, C, G and H are females. F is married to H. Also, D is married to G. A cannot be
the spouse of C, so we have 2 cases either D is the spouse or E is the spouse.
Two cases arises:
Case I:

In this case, the possible par of spouses will be


Case II: Also, G is opposite to E

Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

In this case, the possible pair of spouses will be

n Case I, since we know that couples do not sit adjacent to each other so E will be on the immediate right of A and G
sits opposite to E. After this, we have only 2 places left in which both H and F are adjacent to each other, so the case I
gets eliminated.
So, in Case II: E who was prescribed 28 ml/kg and E's spouse was prescribed 25 ml/kg that means C’s dose will be 25.
Also, A's spouse receives a replacement of 28 ml/kg i.e. G same as that of F's spouse i.e. H, who are next to each
other. Also, there is one male patient between B and their spouse. As D is B’s spouse. So, D sits to the immediate
right of A. Also, None of the 4 males receive IV replacement lower than 28 ml/kg so D will receive 30 ml/kg.
So, F and H are on either side of the G. F will have 30 and H will have 28.
So, the final arrangement is:

Going by options, we can say that option D is the right answer.

QNo:-  87  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Total graduates = 24 out of which 12 are male and 12 are female
Married graduates = 19 out of which 7 male are there so 12 female married graduates are there , so unmarried
graduate females = 12-12 =0
Option C

QNo:-  88  ,Correct Answer:-  A

If 'Ola bae mare' means Girl is pretty,
'sou ola may' means Raj is handsome.
'Sab rib may means All are handsome,
'To joy bae' means Mom was pretty.
Comparing (1) & (4), we get pretty = bae
Comparing (1) & (2), we get is = ola
So, code for girl = mare. Option A
Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  89  ,Correct Answer:-  A

The arrangement so formed according to the information given is :
Carrot    Cucumber    Onion    Capsicum    Tomato.
Hence, Carrot and Tomato are the extreme ends.

QNo:-  90  ,Correct Answer:-  A

Since, Abeer has 14 novels. Abeer's friend Sanjay takes 3 of them and gives 2 novels to Abeer. Abeer donates 7
novels but buys 4. Joy takes 4 novels from Abeer and gives him 5. Abeer takes one novel from Sanjay and gives to
Joy in exchange for 3 more. Abeer gives those 3 novels to Sanjay and he gives Abeer a novel and a magazine.
Till here Abeer does not have any text book.
Now, Rahul takes the magazine which Sanjay gave to Abeer and gives Abeer a textbook. So, here he is having 1
textbook, but now Abeer gives the text book to Joy in exchange for a novel. Now, again Abeer does not have any text
book. Rahul takes the novel from Sanjay, gives it to Joy for a magazine and gives Abeer the magazine for a novel.
So, finally Abeer does not have any text book. Option A

Section : GK

QNo:-  91  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  92  ,Correct Answer:-  D


QNo:-  93  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  94  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  95  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  96  ,Correct Answer:-  C


QNo:-  97  ,Correct Answer:-  B

Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  98  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  99  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  100  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  101  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  102  ,Correct Answer:-  C


QNo:-  103  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  104  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  105  ,Correct Answer:-  D


QNo:-  106  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  107  ,Correct Answer:-  B


QNo:-  108  ,Correct Answer:-  C

Actual IIFT 2020 Paper (Answer Keys)

QNo:-  109  ,Correct Answer:-  A


QNo:-  110  ,Correct Answer:-  B


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